Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.
Keep it! Changes should be in Government and Public Service retirement agreements. All American citizens should have minimum SS and MC at 65 including city workers, government employees ect... Early retirement, sure, but no SS and MC collection until age 65.
Keep it! Changes should be in Government and Public Service retirement agreements. All American citizens should have minimum SS and MC at 65 including city workers, government employees ect... Early retirement, sure, but no SS and MC collection until age 65.


Medicare starts at 65 already for all.

SS can be started as early as 62 at a permenantly reduced benefit for anyone. Government and Public Service EEs don't need to be treated any different. Delaying until full retirement age instead of taking a reduced benefit can actually results in the individual receiving MORE from social security. Research "social security breakeven calculator". For the first 15 years or so early retirement is actually saves SS money because of reduced payout. Over 15-20 years SS pays out MORE money for those that retire at 65.

You're a liar, they didn't do that. Government does not allow you to decline social security
Oh, yes you can decline social security benefits by filling out a one page form. You never have to take it but can revoke the form down the road if you wish.
Oh, yes you can decline social security benefits by filling out a one page form. You never have to take it but can revoke the form down the road if you wish.

Then do it.

I'm curious why you sit there and make up a lie like that. You're wrong, so you don't know that. But you jump in with your prissy little attitude as if you have any idea what you're talking about. So why would you do that? Just make it up? You do it all the time, I don't mean this is special. I just don't care what you said, so I'm asking a more relevant question
So do it then since you're making more shit up. So do it

Oh, so now you are claiming the gov't forces you to take your social security? And yet, at the beginning of the thread you were ranting about me being a thief for drawing my SS.

If never heard of someone being forced to accept a check and then being called a thief for doing so. You really are "special" aren't you?
Then do it.

I'm curious why you sit there and make up a lie like that. You're wrong, so you don't know that. But you jump in with your prissy little attitude as if you have any idea what you're talking about. So why would you do that? Just make it up? You do it all the time, I don't mean this is special. I just don't care what you said, so I'm asking a more relevant question
I've been drawing for 8 years and not about to give it up. It's no lie and it's no lie you're one of the dumbest fucks I've come across in a while.
I think most voters today are very well informed compared 10 or 20 years ago, particularly on issues that directly effect them. 80% of adults have cellphones and that means 24 hour a day news feeds. The constant barrage of political news is unprecedented. And with social media, we live in a partisan echo chamber. The problem is not the quantity of information voters receive but rather the quality.
Smarter than 10 to 20 years ago ?? ROTFLMBO... And voted for Biden ??? ROTFLMBO...
Because you RWI's stopped ranting about abortion, (Her body her choice, I still support that up to like 10 weeks or death to the mother)
Now your focus is on MASKS and you have taken over the phrase "my body my choice"
Taken over the phrase in the sense of saying why does it work for you all, but when someone else uses it then it's bad ?? My body my choice is universal in a lot of ways, but the problem with a pregnant woman using it, is that it's not her body only. She is now two bodies, and her protective mother instincts should kick in, otherwise in order to see her baby fully develope as it should, and for it to become perfectly healthy by her nurturing when doing so. Killing an unborn baby is a very bad thing for a woman to do.
Flopper: Kaz, your point that the social security trust fund has no money in it is completely contradicted by they wrote the law so it has no money in it.

You're seriously so stupid you actually believe that if they wrote the law that the social security trust fund has no money in it, that contradicts that it has no money in it. How stupid are you? Seriously, how stupid?
The Social Security Trust Funds have money; that is credit balances when the Treasury pays interest on treasury bills, when payroll taxes are deposited, and when Treasury bills are redeemed. The money goes out of the fund when monthly checks to beneficiaries are written and when any treasury bills are purchased. So yes the fund does have a cash balances at times but it's transitory. Most assets of the fund are treasury bills.
That was the intent when they created the program. SS was there IF you could live that long and could no longer work. As the vote buying process often goes with the left, it slowly became a retirement program and yet another government dependency.
SS should also have an included rule or benefit stating that if a person were to die before drawing anything out, then their wives can draw up to 10 year's of her husband's SS without it affecting or off setting her own SS in the least. Otherwise the spouse or widow should be a beneficiary of at least 10 years of the spouses or widow's paid in percentage that was owed without penalty. For the state to be able to keep the money after a worker paid into the system for so many years is criminal if you ask me.

A guarantee based upon a percentage of one's SS in a minimal of 10 years after paid in for 35 years should be allowed to be handed down to a family member in a will. Just saying.
Lesh, Flopper, WinterBorn

They argue that a welfare program is "insurance," they don't understand that insurance is defined as a type of risk sharing, they don't grasp that if you borrow $10 million and you owe $10 million that your net worth is zero, they think your net worth is $10 million.

Lush and flopper and Winterborn say they are stupid, why would I argue with them instead of just believing them? They say they are morons, I believe them
Regardless of who pays the premiums, the individual, state, or federal goverment it is insurance.
SS should also have an included rule or benefit stating that if a person were to die before drawing anything out, then their wives can draw up to 10 year's of her husband's SS without it affecting or off setting her own SS in the least. Otherwise the spouse or widow should be a beneficiary of at least 10 years of the spouses or widow's paid in percentage that was owed without penalty. For the state to be able to keep the money after a worker paid into the system for so many years is criminal if you ask me.

A guarantee based upon a percentage of one's SS in a minimal of 10 years after paid in for 35 years should be allowed to be handed down to a family member in a will. Just saying.
It sounds reasonable however with the S.S. trust projected to go bust in 12 years, I doubt congress would speed that along by increasing benefits.

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