Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

  • Yes

  • No

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Progressives are complete fucking economic illiterates.

Read the OP if you wonder how they run an entire country like Venezuela into the dirt in a generation

Seems that we were pretty close to being Venezuela in 2008 because of right wing economic policy..

Government guaranteed mortgages are "right wing policies"?
Because the liberals who created the Housing debacle in 2007 blame the republicans for what their side did. Liberals never take responsibility for their actions, it would completely destroy the Democrat Party.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
They create the crisis then the say they will fix the crisis. They just make it worse.

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. Rahm Emanuel
Read more at: Rahm Emanuel Quotes
The last recession was not any one persons fault it is what happens when a real estate bubble burst and it is not the first or last time it will happen. Which has nothing to do with The freshman representative.
Progressives are complete fucking economic illiterates.

Read the OP if you wonder how they run an entire country like Venezuela into the dirt in a generation

Seems that we were pretty close to being Venezuela in 2008 because of right wing economic policy..

Government guaranteed mortgages are "right wing policies"?

Government guaranteed mortgages are not why it happened. if that would have been the case, America would have gone bust in the 1950's.
Progressives are complete fucking economic illiterates.

Read the OP if you wonder how they run an entire country like Venezuela into the dirt in a generation

Seems that we were pretty close to being Venezuela in 2008 because of right wing economic policy..

Government guaranteed mortgages are "right wing policies"?
Because the liberals who created the Housing debacle in 2007 blame the republicans for what their side did. Liberals never take responsibility for their actions, it would completely destroy the Democrat Party.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
They create the crisis then the say they will fix the crisis. They just make it worse.

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. Rahm Emanuel
Read more at: Rahm Emanuel Quotes

Democrats did not do that.
Progressives are complete fucking economic illiterates.

Read the OP if you wonder how they run an entire country like Venezuela into the dirt in a generation

Seems that we were pretty close to being Venezuela in 2008 because of right wing economic policy..

You can't be talking about supply side economics now can you? They work in crushing the economy every time.
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.
Thuggery and theft aren’t excused because others are multi millionaires and we are not.

I think taxing the income of people who make over 10 million to 70% is a brilliant plan. If you want call that thuggery and theft thats fine by me and I 100% support it. People who are that rich deserve to get their money taken away and given to the poor by any means necessary. I believe in Robin Hood economics.
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.
Thuggery and theft aren’t excused because others are multi millionaires and we are not.

I think taxing the income of people who make over 10 million to 70% is a brilliant plan. If you want call that thuggery and theft thats fine by me and I 100% support it. People who are that rich deserve to get their money taken away and given to the poor by any means necessary. I believe in Robin Hood economics.
I do too, Robin Hood robbed government officials and returned the funds to the taxpayers
Why does anyone care about a rise in the Income tax for those who earn more in a year than the vast number of our citizens will earn in a lifetime?

A true progressive income tax would not have so few tax brackets, reduced by Ryan and signed by Trump which didn't benefit the many, only the very few.

The argument - lol - that the wealthy create most of the jobs is BULLSHIT. One more lie by the elite establishment to keep more than their fair share, and supported by the Republican Party.

The Importance of Young Firms for Economic Growth

Food for thought from the LINK:

"Welcome Immigrants
"Immigrants were nearly twice as likely as native-born Americans to start businesses in 2014. The creation of a visa for immigrant entrepreneurs would allow these job creators to start companies in the United States."

'Remove Regulatory Barriers to Growth
"As regulations build up over time, they represent an increasing and disproportionate cost to entrepreneurial firms. Ideas to counter regulatory accumulation include the establishment of a commission to review and recommend regulatory changes to Congress and implementing sunset dates on major regulations." [NOT EO's by the Executive]

your ideas have been tried in Venezuela, once one of the richest nations on earth, now the people are eating their pets and zoo animals.

Study the history of the Federal Income Tax Brackets and the highest tax percentage along with the GDP of the same period. You will see that tax cuts and tax raises have little to do with the economy.

Ryan's fraud likely bought him a nice seven figure job with some conservative think tank, fucking over our nation's deficit and the middle class down to the poor.

your first sentence is true only in regard to individual income taxes, reducing corporate taxes and regulations has always resulted in an improved economy.

your second sentence is correct. Ryan is a traitor to his party and the USA. I don't think any conservative think tank would be interested in hiring a rino like him. Maybe a job with MSNBC is in his future.
This is scary foolish. Yeah, the top rate used to be 70%, but that was before we had Medicaid and Medicare and a fraction of the regulations that we have now, and we had hundreds of billions of dollars parked overseas precisely because of that absurd top marginal rate.

In case you haven't noticed, the economy has begun to boom under Trump and his historic tax cuts. We haven't seen this kind of growth in manufacturing jobs in decades. Just last month the economy added over 300,000 new jobs.
Thats a pipe dream.
Americans are failing financially.

Over the past few decades, tax burden has been shifted from the upper class to the lower and middle. Whether you know it or not, class warfare began some time ago and the 99% are losing.

That is all true, but the solution is not to tax and spend more, but to tax and spend less.
We need to balance the budget and start paying down the national debt.
Clearly the problem is not the tax rate but excess military spending.

We just wasted over $3 trillion invading Iraq and Afghanistan on fraudulent lies.
We should make the liars pay it all back.

We have wasted trillions of dollars and thousands of lives in unnecessary wars, but to claim that only republicans started them is totally off base, Kennedy and Johnson's Viet Nam cost us 58,000 American lives for absolutely nothing. At least Nixon declared defeat and ended it.

Afghanistan was retaliation for 9/11 and as such, was probably necessary. But we should have gone hard and gotten out fast. Iraq was Bush getting even with Saddam for trying to assassinate Bush 41, a stupid waste when we could have taken him out covertly much easier.

We don't seem to be able to learn from our mistakes. But having said that, military spending does create American blue collar jobs building ships, planes, tanks, guns, ammo, et. al. I prefer that kind of spending over shipping our money to foreign countries, don't you?
The $40 trillion question Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn't answer..

Funny how $Trillions for the MIC, tax cuts for the rich or bailing out too big to jail fail banks never seem to be a problem but when it's about programs for 'ordinary' people it's suddenly unaffordable..

Because people keeping their own money doesn't cost anyone anything.
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.
Why do you care?

Does looting suddenly become a moral act because you limit your plunder to the really, really, really rich part of town?

By Christian ethics the answer is yes.

Well that's interesting, at what point does stealing become an immoral act? I'm pretty sure that by Christian ethics, stealing is immoral no matter who the victim is.

Taxes are constitutionally legal.
So you have a piece of paper that makes plunder legal under the laws of mere men....Big whoop.

Is there also a constitutional provision/amendment that repeals the 8th and 10th Commandments?
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.
Thuggery and theft aren’t excused because others are multi millionaires and we are not.

I think taxing the income of people who make over 10 million to 70% is a brilliant plan. If you want call that thuggery and theft thats fine by me and I 100% support it. People who are that rich deserve to get their money taken away and given to the poor by any means necessary. I believe in Robin Hood economics.
So when the 10 million dollar people leave and take their money with them, who picks up the tab then? You fuckers are such stupid people, to think that when you punish people, they will continue to stay. The poor end up being the only ones left because everyone else has been taxed out of the area. Detroit, motor city, once the richest city, bankrupt by stupid liberal policies and taxes..

10,000 millionaires leave France in one year due to 'religious tensions'
Back in 2012, France's President Hollande made good on a campaign promise and imposed a 75% tax on millionaires. There were some high-profile rich Frenchmen who exited the country, including Bernard Arnault, the chief executive of luxury group LVMH, who applied for Belgian nationality, and the actor Gérard Depardieu, who also moved across the border to Belgium before obtaining Russian citizenship.
I love how you lazy ass fuckers sit on your ass all day bitching and moaning how sorry your liberal life is, instead of getting out there like those who work hard and become successful. You will always be a victim of liberalism as long as you continue to think that someone is fucking you. And they are, the very liberals who you vote for.. Dumbass.
Why does anyone care about a rise in the Income tax for those who earn more in a year than the vast number of our citizens will earn in a lifetime?

A true progressive income tax would not have so few tax brackets, reduced by Ryan and signed by Trump which didn't benefit the many, only the very few.

The argument - lol - that the wealthy create most of the jobs is BULLSHIT. One more lie by the elite establishment to keep more than their fair share, and supported by the Republican Party.

The Importance of Young Firms for Economic Growth

Food for thought from the LINK:

"Welcome Immigrants
"Immigrants were nearly twice as likely as native-born Americans to start businesses in 2014. The creation of a visa for immigrant entrepreneurs would allow these job creators to start companies in the United States."

'Remove Regulatory Barriers to Growth
"As regulations build up over time, they represent an increasing and disproportionate cost to entrepreneurial firms. Ideas to counter regulatory accumulation include the establishment of a commission to review and recommend regulatory changes to Congress and implementing sunset dates on major regulations." [NOT EO's by the Executive]

your ideas have been tried in Venezuela, once one of the richest nations on earth, now the people are eating their pets and zoo animals.

Study the history of the Federal Income Tax Brackets and the highest tax percentage along with the GDP of the same period. You will see that tax cuts and tax raises have little to do with the economy.

Ryan's fraud likely bought him a nice seven figure job with some conservative think tank, fucking over our nation's deficit and the middle class down to the poor.

your first sentence is true only in regard to individual income taxes, reducing corporate taxes and regulations has always resulted in an improved economy.

your second sentence is correct. Ryan is a traitor to his party and the USA. I don't think any conservative think tank would be interested in hiring a rino like him. Maybe a job with MSNBC is in his future.

What proof do you have that corporations paying no or little taxes in terms to the ratio to their profit, aid the economy?

The Tax Code is too complicated and nothing was done by Ryan and Trump to make it understandable by anyone. Why is that do you think?
With every bullet so far!
Libs can't shoot any better than a skinny.....

Wish ewe would try me sweetums.
Sorry I'm straight.....I knew you would fall for me.....

Why do ewe blow tRump so much then?
Because in ended the Clinton crime family and exposed the Hildabeast....and because he has reversed Obama's presidency in less than two years.....and because he has the rotten skunks in the entrenched GOP elected class running Ryan...and Corker....and Flake.....
All wins Beavis......all wins for my side and a big zero for zero's like you....
Think about this.... You win the lottery for 10 million dollars
The government then takes 7 million of that. You still feel they are justified to take it?
Or do you feel like you were just robbed
Last edited:
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.
Thuggery and theft aren’t excused because others are multi millionaires and we are not.

I think taxing the income of people who make over 10 million to 70% is a brilliant plan. If you want call that thuggery and theft thats fine by me and I 100% support it. People who are that rich deserve to get their money taken away and given to the poor by any means necessary. I believe in Robin Hood economics.
So when the 10 million dollar people leave and take their money with them, who picks up the tab then? You fuckers are such stupid people, to think that when you punish people, they will continue to stay. The poor end up being the only ones left because everyone else has been taxed out of the area. Detroit, motor city, once the richest city, bankrupt by stupid liberal policies and taxes..

10,000 millionaires leave France in one year due to 'religious tensions'
Back in 2012, France's President Hollande made good on a campaign promise and imposed a 75% tax on millionaires. There were some high-profile rich Frenchmen who exited the country, including Bernard Arnault, the chief executive of luxury group LVMH, who applied for Belgian nationality, and the actor Gérard Depardieu, who also moved across the border to Belgium before obtaining Russian citizenship.
I love how you lazy ass fuckers sit on your ass all day bitching and moaning how sorry your liberal life is, instead of getting out there like those who work hard and become successful. You will always be a victim of liberalism as long as you continue to think that someone is fucking you. And they are, the very liberals who you vote for.. Dumbass.
Where they going to go?
With every bullet so far!
Libs can't shoot any better than a skinny.....

Wish ewe would try me sweetums.
Sorry I'm straight.....I knew you would fall for me.....

Why do ewe blow tRump so much then?
Because in ended the Clinton crime family and exposed the Hildabeast....and because he has reversed Obama's presidency in less than two years.....and because he has the rotten skunks in the entrenched GOP elected class running Ryan...and Corker....and Flake.....
All wins Beavis......all wins for my side and a big zero for zero's like you....
Yes he turned around those decreasing deficits!
Think about this.... You win the lottery for 10 million dollars
The government then takes 7 million of that. You still feel they are justified to take it?
Or do you feel like you were just robbed
That's not how taxes work. They would take 70% of what you earn over 10 million.

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