Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

  • Yes

  • No

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Great, another foreigner. How about you just STFU and worry about whatever country you're living in.

WE don't have to worry about the country we live in. While we have problems, we have a competent, well run government, and our electorate is smart enough to get rid of the occasional idiot that gets elected. Yes, Doug Ford, we are talking about you.

In the meantime, Ford's party isn't about to let him commit political suicide, like the Republicans are doing with Trump. But smart conservatives are biding their time until he totally fucks up, which will take slightly longer than it did with his dumb ass brother, but they neither Ford brother is anything close to smart.

You have a competent, well run government that relies heavily on the U.S.

Wrong again. Our government relies on the US for NOTHING, and we're never disappointed. We buy a lot of stuff from you, but we do have other market sources, as I have noted since we stopped buying American in the wake of Trump's tariffs. We'll stop boycotting your products when Trump scraps the tariff on the steel produced in Canada, by companies owned by Americans.

You still import more products from the United States than all other countries combined by two and a half times. You import more than you export. Your imports from the US In 2018 are up over 2017 by 5%. Your boycott pretty much sucks. Also, malls near the Canadian border do very well here in the United States.

Canada sells more manufactured products to the US than it imports. Canada buys more cross border services than it exports, but the US sells more good to Canada than any other country. We are each the other's #1 trading partner.

As for the malls near the Canadian border - they're not doing well at all. With the Canadian dollar only worth about 70 cents US, all the people who used to shop in the US don't do that now. We live about an half hour's drive from the border. My daughter used to do all of her grocery shopping at Trader Joe's in Buffalo, because with a family of 7 to feed, groceries were about $200 a week cheaper in the US, plus filling her gas tank in her minivan was a lot cheaper. Now it's cheaper to shop in Canada, after allowing for the exchange rate.

I live in the northwest, Canadian plates are found all over the Factory Outlet Mall in Marysville, Wa. Southcenter Mall, Pikes Place are all spots where Canadians shop. Also, tour companies out of Canada come into the US all day long and shopping is one of the major attractions. I work in the tour industry and you have no freakin clue of what you speak.

Your trade deficit is pretty clear. I never claimed you had a trade deficit with the US, so the point is moot.

Since we are your number one trading partner, your stupid boycott is really pathetic, thanks for the admission.
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71% of the federal budget goes to pay for the following five things:

National Defense
Social Security
Veterans Benefits

Unless you plan on cutting those things, you need to increase the top federal tax rate. Its not a good idea to cut national defense. What justification would you have for cutting a veteran's benefits or preventing a citizen from collecting their social security pay check for the month?
You really naive enough to think that the Pentagon isn't as duplicative and wasteful as any other federal program?....All that would need to happen is have all the waste and graft wrung out of their budget, and they could survive budget cuts just fine.

It was the Pentagon that lied to use about WMD in Iraq.
We should make them pay back that $3 trillion they causes us to spend, with interest.

No one lied about anything. Iraq had used WMD more times than any country since World War I. Over the past 15 years, over 10,000 artillery shells have been found in Iraq filled with Sarin Gas. These Artillery shells date from the Iran/Iraq War, and the purity of the gas in many of the shells has declined, but some of them are still have high purity levels and could wipe out several city blocks. Saddam's Iraq was supposed to have eliminated all these shells over 25 years ago. They did not. Many of them were hidden or buried. All of them are violations resolutions requiring Iraq to disband of ALL WMD!

Finally, the Iraq war was not just about Iraq's possession of WMD, it was also about preventing Iraq from restarting and rebuilding WMD programs in the future. The only way to do that was by removing Saddam from power.

That is totally ridiculous.
First of all, what Saddam used in the war with Iran was mustard gas, which is not even considered deadly.
Second is that not only did Saddam get the methodology for making mustard gas from the US, but we also sent him the precursor components. There are pictures of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam when they worked out the deal.

You are just lying when you claim 10,000 filled artillery shells were found, because the truth is they were empty. And Saddam never succeeded in making sarin at all. Nor VX. Every single successful chemical warfare weapon was used up in the war with Iran, because Iraq got very close to getting over run. Anyone claiming Saddam has sarin, VX, weaponized anthrax, or any significant WMD is just lying, We have the reports from Keys, and Deufler from their investigation AFTER Saddam was defeated and dead, and they clearly concluded Saddam had NOTHING at all of significance.

You also are lying when you claim that Saddam was in violation of any UN resolution. When he was working WMD during the war with Iran, not only was there no UN resolution against what he was doing, but the US was helping him. There were only UN resolutions after Desert Storm, when the UN turn on Saddam and started lying about him. But it is absolutely clear now without a doubt, that Iran had absoltutely no WMD at all since 1988.

And it is foolish to talk about needing to take out Saddam to prevent him from restarting a WMD program that never existed since 1988, and was the fault of the US giving it to him in the first place. Nor is it illegal for anyone to make WMD, or is it legal for anyone to threaten anyone else about their WMD program.

The US has the largest WMD programs and stockpiles in the world. If you are going to condemn those who try to build and stockpile sarin, VW, anthrax, etc., you have to start with the US, the greatest offender in the whole world!

WE don't have to worry about the country we live in. While we have problems, we have a competent, well run government, and our electorate is smart enough to get rid of the occasional idiot that gets elected. Yes, Doug Ford, we are talking about you.

In the meantime, Ford's party isn't about to let him commit political suicide, like the Republicans are doing with Trump. But smart conservatives are biding their time until he totally fucks up, which will take slightly longer than it did with his dumb ass brother, but they neither Ford brother is anything close to smart.

You have a competent, well run government that relies heavily on the U.S.

Wrong again. Our government relies on the US for NOTHING, and we're never disappointed. We buy a lot of stuff from you, but we do have other market sources, as I have noted since we stopped buying American in the wake of Trump's tariffs. We'll stop boycotting your products when Trump scraps the tariff on the steel produced in Canada, by companies owned by Americans.

You still import more products from the United States than all other countries combined by two and a half times. You import more than you export. Your imports from the US In 2018 are up over 2017 by 5%. Your boycott pretty much sucks. Also, malls near the Canadian border do very well here in the United States.

Canada sells more manufactured products to the US than it imports. Canada buys more cross border services than it exports, but the US sells more good to Canada than any other country. We are each the other's #1 trading partner.

As for the malls near the Canadian border - they're not doing well at all. With the Canadian dollar only worth about 70 cents US, all the people who used to shop in the US don't do that now. We live about an half hour's drive from the border. My daughter used to do all of her grocery shopping at Trader Joe's in Buffalo, because with a family of 7 to feed, groceries were about $200 a week cheaper in the US, plus filling her gas tank in her minivan was a lot cheaper. Now it's cheaper to shop in Canada, after allowing for the exchange rate.

I live in the northwest, Canadian plates are found all over the Factory Outlet Mall in Marysville, Wa. Southcenter Mall, Pikes Place are all spots where Canadians shop. Also, tour companies out of Canada come into the US all day long and shopping is one of the major attractions. I work in the tour industry and you have no freakin clue of what you speak.

Your trade deficit is pretty clear. I never claimed you had a trade deficit with the US, so the point is moot.

Since we are your number one trading partner, your stupid boycott is really pathetic, thanks for the admission.
Try and remain calm, hater dope. LOL.our country is a disgrace compared to Canada, after 35 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP and the most disgusting hateful propaganda ever.
She's in Canada...looking out for your best interests.
I'm more successful country than we are, after 35 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP, not to mention your ridiculous propaganda, super duper. I'm 50 miles from Canada and love it. But I can't move there.
I'm more successful country than we are...WTF?

He does shots of vodka with Hillary on Fridays.
Stupid phone actually. And I'm busy LOL

Too bad Hillary is such a bad campaigner. The amount she is hated by the GOP dupes is a disgrace. A million phony scandals that went nowhere.
The military is way more then 50% of federal spending.
First all, you have to count VA and GIBill that are hidden in social services as actually part of military spending, and then you have to add the interest payments on the national debt, which is pretty much entirely the military.

And no, we do not need any troops stationed outside the US.
We are not protecting anyone, but deliberately intimidating and assassinating.
I'm more successful country than we are, after 35 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP, not to mention your ridiculous propaganda, super duper. I'm 50 miles from Canada and love it. But I can't move there.
I'm more successful country than we are...WTF?

He does shots of vodka with Hillary on Fridays.
Stupid phone actually. And I'm busy LOL

Too bad Hillary is such a bad campaigner. The amount she is hated by the GOP dupes is a disgrace. A million phony scandals that went nowhere.

And that she's such a corrupt old sot.
The military is way more then 50% of federal spending.
First all, you have to count VA and GIBill that are hidden in social services as actually part of military spending, and then you have to add the interest payments on the national debt, which is pretty much entirely the military.

And no, we do not need any troops stationed outside the US.
We are not protecting anyone, but deliberately intimidating and assassinating.

The military is way more then 50% of federal spending.

I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.

It is a foolish pole. You don't even know what it means which is zip, zero, nada!

Roughly 2,000 American earns in excess of $10 MILLION per year. How many TRILLIONS of dollars do you expect would be raised by taxing 2,000 people on their earnings above $10 MILLION per year?

Obviously, your heroine AOC has no clue what she is talking about. She advocates $40 TRILLION in spending and has no clue, whatsoever as to where the government is supposed to get that money.
I'm more successful country than we are...WTF?

He does shots of vodka with Hillary on Fridays.
Stupid phone actually. And I'm busy LOL

Too bad Hillary is such a bad campaigner. The amount she is hated by the GOP dupes is a disgrace. A million phony scandals that went nowhere.

And that she's such a corrupt old sot.
Innocent until proven guilty or at leastsome real evidence for what you go on about, super duper. Do you know what brainwashed by propaganda means? You're a disgrace as well as the GOP propaganda machine.
Well where the heck is that? Portugal? Canada?

She's in Canada...looking out for your best interests.
I'm more successful country than we are, after 35 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP, not to mention your ridiculous propaganda, super duper. I'm 50 miles from Canada and love it. But I can't move there.
I'm more successful country than we are...WTF?

He does shots of vodka with Hillary on Fridays.
Stupid phone actually. And I'm busy LOL

A poor workman blames his tools. More likely you're deep into the bottle or some drug.
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.

It is a foolish pole. You don't even know what it means which is zip, zero, nada!

Roughly 2,000 American earns in excess of $10 MILLION per year. How many TRILLIONS of dollars do you expect would be raised by taxing 2,000 people on their earnings above $10 MILLION per year?

Obviously, your heroine AOC has no clue what she is talking about. She advocates $40 TRILLION in spending and has no clue, whatsoever as to where the government is supposed to get that money.
40 trillion my butt. What the hell are you talkin about, single payer? LOL.
She's in Canada...looking out for your best interests.
I'm more successful country than we are, after 35 years of giveaway to the rich by the GOP, not to mention your ridiculous propaganda, super duper. I'm 50 miles from Canada and love it. But I can't move there.
I'm more successful country than we are...WTF?

He does shots of vodka with Hillary on Fridays.
Stupid phone actually. And I'm busy LOL

A poor workman blames his tools. More likely you're deep into the bottle or some drug.
Whatever you say, troll. Any arguments about politics, dumbass?
Addressing climate change is a national security issue, but renewable energy is also a jobs issue, a health issue and a pocketbook issue for each American family.

throw in the trash the 44 separate energy tax breaks, anchored by advantages for big oil companies that get billions of dollars in beneficial tax treatment.

What advantages do "big oil companies" get that is not available to other businesses?

We have addressed "climate change" which has been happening for billions of years. When does the rest of the world act?

I am NOT the CEO of some GIANT, cock sucking, conglomerate so, NO; I don't earn enuff ca$h to buy my way into Hell.

I vote NO.

Another victim of bad decisions. Sounds like a personal problem.
I am NOT the CEO of some GIANT, cock sucking, conglomerate so, NO; I don't earn enuff ca$h to buy my way into Hell.

I vote NO.

and right when I come to the conclusion that today's modern teenage leftist is just fine with cock sucking, along comes one to throw a monkey wrench into the entire notion.,

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