Should the US have allowed Khadaffi to slaughter Benghazi


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
Thats the question for all the righties who are sure that Benghazi was some great disaster.

Let's imagine thousands of citizens killed at the hands of Khadffis military. This is what he promised to do and his military was mobilizing for that.

Should we have just sat by and done nothing, should we have invaded like W. 'Quicks Draw McGraw' Bush would have done, or something else?
holy smokes. did they just post that? We had NO REASON to be in Libya in the first place. you know that wail you all did about Bush and Iraq? THE ONLY difference is BUSH had permission FROM our congress. Obama just went in there on his own.

AND HOW amazing not a PEEP from you sheep: who all of a sudden turned into Warmongers because your dear leader did. he bombed MORE countries than Bush in the middle east

and not a peep from you sheep
Maybe you remember our bombing Libya causing the downfall of Khadaffi and the loss of any structured government in Libya. Or maybe you don't.

So that's one vote for a dictator. Did you support Saddam as well?
We had NO REASON to be in Libya in the first place.

Wow, someone doesn't know what a diplomatic mission is.

Which other countries would you like the U.S. to withdraw its embassies from?

And what are your thoughts about the 13 embassy attacks that killed 60+ people when Dubya was in office?

Not that I'd expect you to be able to answer any of that...
Thats the question for all the righties who are sure that Benghazi was some great disaster.

Let's imagine thousands of citizens killed at the hands of Khadffis military. This is what he promised to do and his military was mobilizing for that.

Should we have just sat by and done nothing, should we have invaded like W. 'Quicks Draw McGraw' Bush would have done, or something else?


Now you're condoning your blood soaked Nobel Champion Of Peace and his slaughtering of over 25,000 people in less than six months of a sovereign nation without Congressional approval or a Declaration Of War. Then after leaving that sovereign nation without a government he and his then Secretary Of State, through their incompetence, left one of our embassies in that nation unprotected for whichever random terrorist group to come along and slaughter the diplomats.

This in turn makes your current progressive gore splattered Nobel Hero in the White House who builds bridges of understanding with the mutilated bodies of the peoples of other sovereign nations someone to worship?

You progressives appear to support the MIC and slaughter of other peoples more than the conservatives. At least the conservatives get Congressional approval and make a Declaration Of War to go to war.


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There were far worse atrocities going on in the world than Libya at the time with people being killed 100 fold over what was going on in Libya. At the time this was pointed out to the Obama administration and it was nothing but crickets.

The FACT is our allies came to us and asked us to go into Libya as repayment for their supporting us in Afghanistan. Why? Oil. Hillary is on video admitting this.
We had NO REASON to be in Libya in the first place.

Wow, someone doesn't know what a diplomatic mission is.

Which other countries would you like the U.S. to withdraw its embassies from?

And what are your thoughts about the 13 embassy attacks that killed 60+ people when Dubya was in office?

Not that I'd expect you to be able to answer any of that...


What legitimate government existed in the land area that that embassy was in when it was attacked?

Oh!!!!! That would be NONE.


So the general consensus of the righties is


What I expected, just wanted to get it on record.
So the general consensus of the righties is


What I expected, just wanted to get it on record.

No we pointed out the epic hypocrisy of the left for going into Libya to protect Europe's oil after 8 years of the left bitching about how Bush did the same thing in Iraq. And the hypocrisy of saying it was to stop a slaughter when people were being slaughtered in the Congo 100 fold in comparison yet the Obama administration was doing nothing there. Hypocrisy on a grand scale.
So the general consensus of the righties is


What I expected, just wanted to get it on record.


So you and the blood stained Nobel Champion murdering over 25,000 people of a sovereign nation in six months without Congressional approval or a Declaration Of War makes you martyrs and makes other sovereign nations respect the United States in some manner?


So the general consensus of the righties is


What I expected, just wanted to get it on record.

You've become such a bore already. and not a very bright one either. go say three all Heil Obama and Hillary at the shine you have and come back when you grow up
look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.
look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.


So you approve of your blood covered Nobel Champion's action of murdering thousands and spending billions on an undeclared war, without Congressional approval and a Declaration Of War, is how the United States should do business.

Perhaps next time your Nobel Hero can just nuke um' without seeking Congressional approval too and you can cheer him on as he lights the...

*****EVIL CHUCKLE*****

look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.


So you approve of your blood covered Nobel Champion's action of murdering thousands and spending billions on an undeclared war, without Congressional approval and a Declaration Of War, is how the United States should do business.

Perhaps next time your Nobel Hero can just nuke um' without seeking Congressional approval too and you can cheer him on as he lights the...

*****EVIL CHUCKLE*****


So you have no answer?
Maybe you remember our bombing Libya causing the downfall of Khadaffi and the loss of any structured government in Libya. Or maybe you don't.

Ever seen the pool parties jihadists are having at the US Embassy in Tripoli. They are having one hell of a great time.
look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.

Name the freedom fighters. Here we go again.

Name the so called freedom fighters.
So no answer, just we hate Obama...

Ok, pretty much what I expected
look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.
These Freedom fighters were tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS...............

Why the hell do we topple an asshole to replace him with a bunch of assholes..............

Isn't one asshole better than two................

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