should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?-poll

should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

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Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

OK, i knew I forgot something in the poll -- but I guess we can't correct Polls?

I should have had an option of

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Now I'm wracking my brain trying to remember the interview where the interviewer pointed out to President Trump that he will not have time for revenge. He'll be spending all his time Making America Great Again.

That's where my thoughts are going.


Now I'm wracking my brain trying to remember the interview where the interviewer pointed out to President Trump that he will not have time for revenge. He'll be spending all his time Making America Great Again.

That's where my thoughts are going.

I want Justice.

The dims can't keep getting away with all their crimes.. That is not fair to the ordinary people who are always expected to obey every jot and tittle of the law
I voted by mail
I don't trust the US mail

I think there are libs there who toss out R ballots... can't prove it at this point... but you have to acknowledge just anything's possible these days . I hope most/all states don't put your party on the outside of the envelope.. can't say I know much about that kind of voting, though
I don't trust the US mail

I think there are libs there who toss out R ballots... can't prove it at this point... but you have to acknowledge just anything's possible these days . I hope most/all states don't put your party on the outside of the envelope.. can't say I know much about that kind of voting, though
I put it in your mailbox. Go get it and register my vote
should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

OK, i knew I forgot something in the poll -- but I guess we can't correct Polls?

I should have had an option of

Both 2 and 3

Too complicated. How far back? Who? What? Housing bust? Obiden 1.0? Killary and Russian BS? Comely? Strocker PAGE ORR etc. Man made Covid creation and launch? "DR" fauchi? The MSM? The View? oprah? all of them?

Election Fraud? Would love to see some heads roll to Gitmo for 2020 Election Fraud.
I don't trust the US mail

I think there are libs there who toss out R ballots... can't prove it at this point... but you have to acknowledge just anything's possible these days . I hope most/all states don't put your party on the outside of the envelope.. can't say I know much about that kind of voting, though
You do know that there are poll watchers from both parties “watching” mail in ballots too don’t you?
No Seriously, that's the 'thing' in WA State.

You got a problem with WA States all-mail in Voting?
Works Great.
IDGAF what you do or anything about WA state
This is mail in voting for this thread.
Start your own thread ya loser
should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

OK, i knew I forgot something in the poll -- but I guess we can't correct Polls?

I should have had an option of

Both 2 and 3
Anti American for you even to suggest lowering the presidency in such a way.

Shame on you.

Piece of Shit Trump appointed Louis DeJoy to Postmaster General.
Well no shit, he ^^^^ is why you shouldn't and don't trust the US mail.

Why don't you trust the guy appointed by trump and is a registered (R)?
what part do you not understand? THIS THREAD IS A POLL

should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?-poll​

  • No, revenge belongs to God
  • Yes, because our system will die unless he does
  • Justice is not revenge
vote and be done with it.

Why are talking about the Postmaster General?
should Trump as president in '24 "get revenge" as they say?

OK, i knew I forgot something in the poll -- but I guess we can't correct Polls?

I should have had an option of

Both 2 and 3
That's absurd..... If he's thinking that he's nuts. 4 years of busting his ass to fix 10% of what needs fixing is what he needs to think about. If he can get that done it will be a miracle.
Simplistic polls on complicated issues are for idiots. You have to explain the political meaning of "revenge". Would the firing of personnel in the "justice dept." be considered an act of revenge or politics as usual? It depends on your point of view and the level of TDS.

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