Should we blacks celebrate 4th of July? Not this escaped slave!

Let me rephrase my initial OP question a bit more realistically and direct to the point, should blacks celebrate the 4th of July 1776 independence of American whites from the British Crown? If yes, for what reasons? Lets see retards weasel their was out of that.

Yes, but only if they're bigger men than the long dead slave owners that enslaved their ancestors. If not, then no.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Basically no reasons for blacks to celebrate were given, its amazing how white liberals mirror white so called conservatives on racial issues when discussing this issue.
First, Who cares. Second, in this day in this country, any hardship they experience is what the individual brings on them selves. There are to many successful Black Men and Women to say other wise. And I dont mean Rap stars or sports hero's. I point to our President as an example. I dont like his politics, but no one can deny he shattered ALL the black stereotypes out there. He made it to the top and is tho most powerful man in the world. He did not get there by wallowing in the past. He kept his eyes forward and busted his ass and made something of him self. So how about YOU point out how slavery still impacts the life of Blacks 200 years later.

First, you are the one with the hardship/slavery mantra. I asked when it stopped being a hardship. You made the statement, you justify it.

I find it funny that any time a black person makes a statement viewed as pro-black we are assumed to be non successful in our personal/professional lives. Isn't that a stereotype?

It sure is.

And where do you think it stems from?

From your prejudices.

Explain how you came to the conclusion that I'm not successful.
Let me rephrase my initial OP question a bit more realistically and direct to the point, should blacks celebrate the 4th of July 1776 independence of American whites from the British Crown? If yes, for what reasons? Lets see retards weasel their was out of that.

Yes, but only if they're bigger men than the long dead slave owners that enslaved their ancestors. If not, then no.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Basically no reasons for blacks to celebrate were given, its amazing how white liberals mirror white so called conservatives on racial issues when discussing this issue.

A bigger man would understand. That obviously doesn't include you.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Let me rephrase my initial OP question a bit more realistically and direct to the point, should blacks celebrate the 4th of July 1776 independence of American whites from the British Crown? If yes, for what reasons? Lets see retards weasel their was out of that.

Cowardly statement. You are a racist. You still haven't answered why you stay. I pity you that your life stinks so bad. You are no better then Bubba Red Neck sitting on the porch of his trailer house hating the world for keeping him down, while he collects food stamps and AFDC. Yes, white folks do that to. Bet you have an FTW flag in you window to. And you still wont say how a practice from 200 years ago has any effect on your life today. Pity.

You inability to answer the question is an answer in itself, if you have reasons why blacks should celebrate this holiday just admit there are none and quit tapdancing around with ad-hominem arguments.
When did slavery stop causing a "hardship" for blacks Americans, what year?


And after that they got to enjoy all the hardships of freedom.

And unfortunately, the next 100+ years have proven that the hardships of freedom were a bit more than many black Americans could handle. But I remain optimistic that they'll get there eventually, even if they have to leave Basswipe and Salty Vagina behind.
First, you are the one with the hardship/slavery mantra. I asked when it stopped being a hardship. You made the statement, you justify it.

I find it funny that any time a black person makes a statement viewed as pro-black we are assumed to be non successful in our personal/professional lives. Isn't that a stereotype?

It sure is.

And where do you think it stems from?

From your prejudices.

Explain how you came to the conclusion that I'm not successful.

I didn't start the stereotype. And I've concluded nothing about your relative achievements in life. But clearly you hate white people and that's more than amusing.

So please do carry on. :thup:
First, you are the one with the hardship/slavery mantra. I asked when it stopped being a hardship. You made the statement, you justify it.

I find it funny that any time a black person makes a statement viewed as pro-black we are assumed to be non successful in our personal/professional lives. Isn't that a stereotype?

It sure is.

And where do you think it stems from?

From your prejudices.

Explain how you came to the conclusion that I'm not successful.

Because you are stuck on a practice that took place over a hundred years ago. It is common for Men and Woman of any race to blame the successful for there lack of success in life. What was prejudice in my remark ? Ooh, Now is ware you call me racist right ?
When did slavery stop causing a "hardship" for blacks Americans, what year?


And after that they got to enjoy all the hardships of freedom.

And unfortunately, the next 100+ years have proven that the hardships of freedom were a bit more than many black Americans could handle. But I remain optimistic that they'll get there eventually, even if they have to leave Basswipe and Salty Vagina behind.

Many do.
Let me rephrase my initial OP question a bit more realistically and direct to the point, should blacks celebrate the 4th of July 1776 independence of American whites from the British Crown? If yes, for what reasons? Lets see retards weasel their was out of that.

Cowardly statement. You are a racist. You still haven't answered why you stay. I pity you that your life stinks so bad. You are no better then Bubba Red Neck sitting on the porch of his trailer house hating the world for keeping him down, while he collects food stamps and AFDC. Yes, white folks do that to. Bet you have an FTW flag in you window to. And you still wont say how a practice from 200 years ago has any effect on your life today. Pity.

You inability to answer the question is an answer in itself, if you have reasons why blacks should celebrate this holiday just admit there are none and quit tapdancing around with ad-hominem arguments.

Lazy coward. How is the issue of slavery keeping you down in 2011 ? You are to scared to admit that it isn't. I pity you.
Cowardly statement. You are a racist. You still haven't answered why you stay. I pity you that your life stinks so bad. You are no better then Bubba Red Neck sitting on the porch of his trailer house hating the world for keeping him down, while he collects food stamps and AFDC. Yes, white folks do that to. Bet you have an FTW flag in you window to. And you still wont say how a practice from 200 years ago has any effect on your life today. Pity.

You inability to answer the question is an answer in itself, if you have reasons why blacks should celebrate this holiday just admit there are none and quit tapdancing around with ad-hominem arguments.

Lazy coward. How is the issue of slavery keeping you down in 2011 ? You are to scared to admit that it isn't. I pity you.

Still no reasons, whats taking so long, the question was straightforward and your replys have been scattershot and evasive.
Let me rephrase my initial OP question a bit more realistically and direct to the point, should blacks celebrate the 4th of July 1776 independence of American whites from the British Crown? If yes, for what reasons? Lets see retards weasel their was out of that.

Yes, but only if they're bigger men than the long dead slave owners that enslaved their ancestors. If not, then no.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:

Basically no reasons for blacks to celebrate were given, its amazing how white liberals mirror white so called conservatives on racial issues when discussing this issue.

OR maybe your head is on backwards?
Basically, no real reasons have been give to show that blacks should celebrate the 4th of July 1776 which mark the independence of American whites from British whites.

its the day we have chosen to celebrate the day the nation was born, however it is not a person, it not just a 'birthday', we are celebrating the 200 some odd years its 'life' encompasses via the creation of such.

If the nation had never been born you would not be here to partake of what it has to offer, so picking some flyshit out of the pile is just another excuse to play the pity me game, even if there its not thing to pity.

You are so steeped in the victimization mentality you cannot even allow yourself to be happy, you'll shit on anything so as to feed your pathology ...I actually pity you. :eusa_shhh:

So blacks should celebrate the "birth of the nation" which is really the independence of American whites from the British Crown at a time when their ancestors were still slaves? without the same rights as those Americans as stated in the Declaration of Independence?

Reading Comprehension Connection: Home
You inability to answer the question is an answer in itself, if you have reasons why blacks should celebrate this holiday just admit there are none and quit tapdancing around with ad-hominem arguments.

Lazy coward. How is the issue of slavery keeping you down in 2011 ? You are to scared to admit that it isn't. I pity you.

Still no reasons, whats taking so long, the question was straightforward and your replys have been scattershot and evasive.

Yours have been predictable and evasive. How is slavery affecting your life now, and why are you still here if its so bad ? You are a pitiful coward and that's about it.
All I see is frustrated people coming up with strawmen arguments borne out of their anger at the fact that they cannot give any reasons why blacks should celebrate the Independence of American whites from the British Crown at a time when the ancestors of blacks were still slaves and at a time when even free blacks didn't enjoy the same rights as free whites . This frustration is making me laugh.
Because this is your country you ungrateful dolt.
America is the greatest experiment mankind has undertaken. It's contribution to the world both historically and current is immeasurable.

You should be proud to be a part of it. If not then denounce your citizenship and catch the next flight out.
Because this is your country you ungrateful dolt.
America is the greatest experiment mankind has undertaken. It's contribution to the world both historically and current is immeasurable.

You should be proud to be a part of it. If not then denounce your citizenship and catch the next flight out.

Still no reasons given, this frustration is growing, maybe it has something to do with the fact that admitting that blacks have no reasons to celebrate 4th of July makes whites feel guilty about their ancestors so calling blacks who don't celebrate it ungrateful and angry at the past is their way of projecting that guilt.

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