Show trial tonight

Then tell us how many agents were there? Let see their reports. They won't answer shit. For Bannon that meant guilty, for the FBI it does not apply? Fucking hypocrites and fairy tales. It will only make Trump more appreciated and popular.

I've not seen anything reliable saying there were any agents there that day.
Umm, the NG was ultimately called up that day and it didn't escalate the situation. What kind of lame reasoning are you coming up with?

And again, there's no evidence Pelosi rejected calling up the NG.
Yes, the chief of the capital police finally realized is idiotic mistake and requested them. Even then it took 4 hours for them to get there. Which is why Trump very wisely offered to have them position in advance. This was days before the actual event.

If you are whining about the National Guard not being there, it is Pelosi and the people under her you should be whining to. Not to Trump who tried to get them there to prevent any violence.
And no, shooting Benedict Babbitt was not for nothing. It was to keep that violent mob out of the House chamber until all members of Congress could be evacuated from there.
Why only her, though? Why not shoot them all? There were plenty of people in the house Chambers, so why only one person shot? She was shot because that Capital police lieutenant was an idiot. Still is, I assume. He should be in prison. Preferably death row since he committed the murder under color of law.

For what it's worth, after I posted that the 2020 Riders were not shot in the head, I remember that one of them actually was. I believe it was outside of a federal courthouse and a federal Marshal shot him with some kind of stun projectile. He was across the street if I remember correctly, so there was no need to shoot him in the head with anything. That Marshall should be in the same cell with that Capital Hill Police lieutenant or in the cell next to him on death row if that Rioter died.

Call me crazy, but we don't need police officers shooting people in the head over protests that get out of hand. I guess you totally disagree with that statement.

This overly dramatic wailing and gnashing of teeth over a protest at the Capitol the first month of 2021 are absurd considering that you supported the rioting through the last 8 months of 2020. How many times did Nancy Pelosi, AOC, ilhan omar, or any other prominent Democrat call their supporters off during that time?

Can you post the video of Nancy Pelosi asking the protesters to leave the capital when they were protesting the confirmation hearing of Justice kavanaugh? Also, post the liberal media's condemnation of those protesters.

You cannot, because that did not happen. So the whining about the sacredness of the halls of Congress is laughable.
I've not seen anything reliable saying there were any agents there that day.
Agents have outnumbered protestors at some events. There were over a thousand in Chicago in the 1968 riots. Of course they were there. Again, are you that stupid?
If there are more than two dots he will be unable to connect them. It will cause an overload.
It involves thinking all the way through something from start to finish. “They wanted to” doesn’t count.
There were plenty of people in the house Chambers, so why only one person shot?

Answer to the above query by the good poster Flops: Because.........well, because it only took one.

Borrowed from Captain Obvious's TED Talk: 'How Not to Get Shot'
Focuses on what the committee feels Trump should have done that he did not do,
Never ever never thought America would stoop to such histrionic speculation. They are also very giddy to announce that the dog and pony farce will continue All Year!!!
If America saw what went on behind the scenes with other prez's, they would be shocked.
Yes, the chief of the capital police finally realized is idiotic mistake and requested them. Even then it took 4 hours for them to get there. Which is why Trump very wisely offered to have them position in advance. This was days before the actual event.

If you are whining about the National Guard not being there, it is Pelosi and the people under her you should be whining to. Not to Trump who tried to get them there to prevent any violence.

Why would any normal person contact Nancy Pelosi over that issue? She wasn't in charge of Capitol Security. You do realize she's only in charge of the House, not the Capitol, right?


Why only her, though? Why not shoot them all? There were plenty of people in the house Chambers, so why only one person shot? She was shot because that Capital police lieutenant was an idiot. Still is, I assume. He should be in prison. Preferably death row since he committed the murder under color of law.

How many times do you want me to answer this same question? Only one person was shot because only one person was about to breach the police barricade employed to keep that violent mob out of the House chamber while members of Congress were still in there. Once Ashes Targetpractice was shot, the rest of that mob backed away. THAT is the reason no others were shot.

Ask that again and you'll get the same answer again.

This overly dramatic wailing and gnashing of teeth over a protest at the Capitol the first month of 2021 are absurd considering that you supported the rioting through the last 8 months of 2020. How many times did Nancy Pelosi, AOC, ilhan omar, or any other prominent Democrat call their supporters off during that time?

Can you post the video of Nancy Pelosi asking the protesters to leave the capital when they were protesting the confirmation hearing of Justice kavanaugh? Also, post the liberal media's condemnation of those protesters.

You cannot, because that did not happen. So the whining about the sacredness of the halls of Congress is laughable.

Deflection noted.
Agents have outnumbered protestors at some events. There were over a thousand in Chicago in the 1968 riots. Of course they were there. Again, are you that stupid?


We're talking about Sedition Day, FruitLoops. Who knows what you think other events have to do with that. Regardless of your dementia, I'm still not aware of any FBI agents there during the siege.
The FBI doesn't deny it. Given the history of that organization, that's enough evidence for me.

How dishonest of you. What they actually said was that January 6th was still under investigation and that they don't discuss matters of ongoing investigations with the public.

But thanks for confession you don't need any actual proof to convince you of what you want to believe.
How dishonest of you. What they actually said was that January 6th was still under investigation and that they don't discuss matters of ongoing investigations with the public.
So, I was very honest when I said "the FBI doesn't deny it."

Jan 6th will be "under investigation" forever, if the Dems get their way. So, it is a very convenient excuse for the FBI. It would be very easy for them to just say, "of course we did not have agent-provocateurs pushing for violence at our nation's capital! The FBI does not do things like that." But they feared to say that under oath.
But thanks for confession you don't need any actual proof to convince you of what you want to believe.
No, I don't. Not when the people who could answers are taking whatever amendment it is that says government officials never have to answer a question, as long as they claim they are investigating something.
So, I was very honest when I said "the FBI doesn't deny it."

Jan 6th will be "under investigation" forever, if the Dems get their way. So, it is a very convenient excuse for the FBI. It would be very easy for them to just say, "of course we did not have agent-provocateurs pushing for violence at our nation's capital! The FBI does not do things like that." But they feared to say that under oath.

No, I don't. Not when the people who could answers are taking whatever amendment it is that says government officials never have to answer a question, as long as they claim they are investigating something.

No, you were dishonest to cite their non-disclosures about an ongoing investigation as evidence they were covering up agents being present. Which of course, they never confirmed.

We're talking about Sedition Day, FruitLoops. Who knows what you think other events have to do with that. Regardless of your dementia, I'm still not aware of any FBI agents there during the siege.
Sedition my ass. It was a false flag by a weaponized FBI. You are still stupid. That is not going to change until you close your eyes for good.
Focuses on what the committee feels Trump should have done that he did not do,
Never ever never thought America would stoop to such histrionic speculation. They are also very giddy to announce that the dog and pony farce will continue All Year!!!
Never in history has there been such a prolonged, orchestrated attack on an individual by a political party. The Democrats have literally weaponized the government to go after private citizens. I never thought I would see an American political party operating like a Communist Regime, but here it is.
Keep your homosexual fantasies to yourself you perverted shitstain. Cry harder that your committee is a laughingstock.
Is that why your head is exploding? Because the committee is just a "laughingstock", ass bleeder?

You're as deranged as Trump is.

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