Show trial tonight

How were two dozen Buffalo Bills going to stop the government, take over the government, and implement their own polices?????
You loons live in feelings land with knee jerk , bullshit, clownish insurrection make pretends on an issue that is entirely infeasible .

It matters not if they were incapable of pulling it off. They tried, that's what matters here. And for their efforts, they're looking at being locked up for as many as 20 years.
i’ve answered the question…trump couldn’t order the military into the city without permission

hence why it offered days before. why it was turned down i don’t known

That's a lie, not an answer.

Your ignorance truly knows no boundaries. Again...

As such, the Commanding General of the D.C. National Guard is subordinate solely to the President of the United States.
submissive to or controlled by authority

Your ignorance aside, Pence was able to reach out to the acting Secretary of Defense who did call them up.

Why didn't Trump do that?

Why did Trump even wait over 3 hours just to ask his cult to leave the Capitol?
haha you really think the president can order the military, all on his own, into a city?

A Gov or in DC case a mayor have to give permission.

look this was all testified to at the hearings if you bothered to actually pay attention
It matters not if they were incapable of pulling it off. They tried, that's what matters here. And for their efforts, they're looking at being locked up for as many as 20 years.
Yes you are playing thought and impossible intent police now which is inapplicable to be “tried for guilt” as this committee is doing

Of course it Absolutely Does Matter if any effort succeeded or had any possibility to succeed.
Your but….but…but “they tried” is defeated
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Great, because struth has taken every opportunity to avoid answering it.

It's a pity you had to lie though to answer it. Nancy Pelosi was not in charge of Capitol security. Case it point, you can't actually quote Nancy Pelosi rejecting National Guard presence that day because it's never proven she did.
The House and Senate Sergeant at arms, and the architect of the capitol did reject National Guard presense The house Sergeant at Arms reports to Nancy pelosi. The legislative branch made the decision to reject National Guard presense. Trump respected that decision.

If he had not, of course you would be accusing him of militarizing the process of counting electoral votes. You would have accused him of trying to make it look as though the Democrats had so angered the voters that they needed large groups of men with assault weapons to protect them from the voters.
But that aside, that still does answer the question for why Trump didn't call them up on the 6th when he saw his cult storming the Capitol.
I believe I answered that. But it's easier for me to answer it again then go back and look it up. Calling up the National Guard at that point would have only escalated the situation. Do you have Nancy on tape requesting National Guard assistance, having been turned down by her subordinates previously?
And you lie about Benedict Babbitt. She was not shit for breaking a window. Shit, she didn't even break a window and the guy who actually did wasn't shot for breaking it.
So, she was shot for nothing?

Actually, she was shot for being a trump supporter. We know this because there were thousands of riots across the country in 20 by non-trump supporters and they were not summarily shot in the head. When the pro-abortion protesters invaded the Senate to stop the Constitutional process of confirming a Supreme Court Justice, later the victim of their assassination attempt, none of them were shot in the head.
haha you really think the president can order the military, all on his own, into a city?

A Gov or in DC case a mayor have to give permission.

look this was all testified to at the hearings if you bothered to actually pay attention


And yet, Miller, the acting Secretary of Defense on Sedition Day, was able to do it. According to you, he didn't have that authority.

You are truly mind-numbingly stupid. :cuckoo:
Yes you are playing thought and impossible intent police now which is inapplicable to be “tried for guilt” as this committee is doing

Of course it Absolutely Does Matter if any effort succeeded or had any possibility to succeed.
Your but….but…but they tried is defeated

They said themselves what their intentions were. Who needs to read their minds,
Further, I've looked at this "TDS"-thingy as more applicable to his sycophantic supporters, the "Trump's Duped & Snookered".......than anything else.
Projection is one of their foundational behaviors. At some level, they know that their adoration for this flamboyant, gaudy, fast-talking, hypersensitive, hair sprayed, manicured, spray-tanned, vulgar, juvenile New York City billionaire -- who they have to know doesn't care about them in the slightest -- is neither normal nor healthy.

So they lash out with breathtakingly obvious projection.
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The House and Senate Sergeant at arms, and the architect of the capitol did reject National Guard presense The house Sergeant at Arms reports to Nancy pelosi. The legislative branch made the decision to reject National Guard presense. Trump respected that decision.

If he had not, of course you would be accusing him of militarizing the process of counting electoral votes. You would have accused him of trying to make it look as though the Democrats had so angered the voters that they needed large groups of men with assault weapons to protect them from the voters.

I believe I answered that. But it's easier for me to answer it again then go back and look it up. Calling up the National Guard at that point would have only escalated the situation. Do you have Nancy on tape requesting National Guard assistance, having been turned down by her subordinates previously?

So, she was shot for nothing?

Actually, she was shot for being a trump supporter. We know this because there were thousands of riots across the country in 20 by non-trump supporters and they were not summarily shot in the head. When the pro-abortion protesters invaded the Senate to stop the Constitutional process of confirming a Supreme Court Justice, later the victim of their assassination attempt, none of them were shot in the head.

Umm, the NG was ultimately called up that day and it didn't escalate the situation. What kind of lame reasoning are you coming up with?

And again, there's no evidence Pelosi rejected calling up the NG.

And no, shooting Benedict Babbitt was not for nothing. It was to keep that violent mob out of the House chamber until all members of Congress could be evacuated from there.
It matters not if they were incapable of pulling it off. They tried, that's what matters here. And for their efforts, they're looking at being locked up for as many as 20 years.
How can you possibly be so stupid?
Impossible to accomplish intentions don’t mean shit legally

Of course they do. They still attacked the seat of our government to prevent Biden from being the certified winner of the election. Just causing a delay in that proceeding is seditious conspiracy. Even though they failed to completely prevent it.

You're fucked in the head, FruitLoops. :cuckoo:
Then tell us how many agents were there? Let see their reports. They won't answer shit. For Bannon that meant guilty, for the FBI it does not apply? Fucking hypocrites and fairy tales. It will only make Trump more appreciated and popular.
Of course they do. They still attacked the seat of our government to prevent Biden from being the certified winner of the election. Just causing a delay in that proceeding is seditious conspiracy. Even though they failed to completely prevent it.
It’s your feelings that the protest had a element to it that was possible to accomplish. All you libs do is feel it was a viable and threatening situation and you can’t think as to what the outcome could not be
To connect dots for Faun let’s do this
My 5 year old grandson can get upset and threaten to throw me to the ground and beat me up to protest not getting what he wanted.
But,since he has no ability to do that and cannot achieve his desired outcome, I’m never in any danger
Same thing here. Maybe you have a few mental dots connected now.
To connect dots for Faun let’s do this
My 5 year old grandson can get upset and threaten to throw me to the ground and beat me up to protest not getting what he wanted.
But,since he has no ability to do that and cannot achieve his desired outcome, I’m never in any danger
Same thing here. Maybe you have a few mental dots connected now.
If there are more than two dots he will be unable to connect them. It will cause an overload.

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