Shut up Romney!

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH

Your White house has already been infested with Clinton must be proud:uhoh3:

Now, now...your'e being unfair.

The Clintons had to give back most of the silverware and dinnerware they stole last time..

...shouldn't Bill's wife have the opportunity to complete her collection?????

"After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.

Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return."
Clintons Return White House Furniture
poor dear. :cuckoo:
you can act like a jerk all you want... but there hasn't been anything undignified about this race on the dem side. it's just a normal primary.

your wingers on the other hand look like an episode of real housewives. :cuckoo:
Hillary is under FBI investigation . Not very dignified actually. Bernie Sanders is a stodge, probably the dumbest man ever to run for President.

Sanders is also not an outsider.He's never really had a job outside of politics. His talking points border on insanity

But won't his policies lead us to ......


a...a....'Worker's Paradise'????

your limited understanding of what he's saying is obvious.

maybe you should go find a blog post somewhere to express yourself better.

"Senator Bernie Sanders's long-ago "honeymoon" in the Soviet Union..."
How Bernie Sanders Spent His Soviet 'Honeymoon'
Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

I have the music that goes with your post....

Jilly what would you know about dicks? You probably haven't seen one in decades.:D
i think you have Jill mixed up with Tipsy.....

thank you harry. he's kind of a loser.
i have known you for a while now Jill,im pretty sure you have a sex life.....tipsy i dont think has seen a man naked in decades....but then she is a pretty sour individual...

you're correct, of course....

you're also always awesome.
One of the forum's best!
that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House
that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

Are you trying to claim Bill is only a rapist and a racist.....
....but not a petty their?????

Kind of like 'damning with feigned praise,' huh?
that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

Here's the proof of the Clinton thefts:

"Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman)."

Right from your link!!!!!

Isn't that a laugh?
that furniture attack (lie) is debunked and shabby are 'debunked.'

ABC News was the source of that post.

you're fos as usual

How bad is bad about Hillary?

Federal rules strictly limit gifts for nearly every member of the executive branch, but the exceptions include the president and vice president. They may accept gifts, due to the needs of protocol and etiquette. There are some limits, but for the most part, if you want to show your appreciation for the occupant of the White House, you can. This courtesy extends to the entire first family -- and, importantly for this fact-check, if they want to keep those gifts when they leave, they can.

The president must report gifts over a certain value; during most of the Clinton years, the amount was $250, though today it is $350. When Bill Clinton completed his term, he submitted a final disclosure form that listed roughly $190,000 in gifts.

Clinton’s itemized list caught the eye of the Washington Post and provided plenty of fodder for the curious. People gave the president a notable quantityof golf clubs. Movie star Sylvester Stallone gave him a pair of boxing gloves. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg sent him china. And one Steve Mittman from New York gave him two sofas, an easy chair and ottoman worth $19,900.

The problem was, Mittman and a few others included on the list said they never intended their gifts to go to the Clintons. They thought they were donating to the White House itself as part a major remodeling project in 1993.

This is where the questions of provenance get muddy. Some gifts are intended for the government, and must stay in the government’s hands, while some are intended for the person living in the White House. But it’s not always as simple as "this is mine" and "that is Uncle Sam’s."

Within about two weeks of the publication of thePost article, public criticism escalated, and the Clintons announced that they would pay the government nearly $86,000 for items that were actuallygovernment property. A few days after that, they also returned about $48,000 worth of furniture (including the sofas, chair and ottoman from Mittman).

Add that up and the government got back $134,000 out of the $190,000 the Clinton’s had declared as gifts. But as an indication of how hard it is to determine ownership, the National Park Service, which oversees the White House property, later returned a chair and an ottoman to the Clintons.

The House Committee on Government Reform looked into the fracas over the Clintons’ gifts. While its report never accused the former first family of criminal wrongdoing, it noted shortcomings in how gifts were processed, saying there was no independent assessment of gifts and that some had likely been undervalued.

Viral image claims Clintons stole $200k in furniture, china and artwork from White House

I really put you in your place, huh? reference to excrement in my post.

Lots you could learn from me, eh?
There's not between cruz and rubio for sure. Cruz is saying he's more willing to be combative and rubio says he wants harder to work together, but policy? Not really that different, that's why I'm open to them both. Kasich isn't as fiscally conservative, he's willing to spend more on social programs. Less than the Democrats, more than Cruz or Rubio claim. You picked the three Republicans I said I'm open to voting for, so of course they are similar. But every Democrat is the same.

Without waiving your hands what is an actual policy difference between Hillary and Sanders?

Oh look, no specific policy differences provided...color me shocked.

I gave you some. Bernie is for legalizing marijuana, Hillary is not. Bernie is opposed to the death penalty, Hillary is not. Hillary is FAR more hawkish on foreign policy than Bernie is. Their healthcare ideas are drastically different as are their plans for affordable college.

I asked you the difference between all democrats. You couldn't give any specific answers, now you want me to do three specific Republicans who I said I generally like and may be willing to vote for, though none are sure things on that yet. It also depends who the Libertarians nominate. But others like Trump, Jeb, Christie I said I wouldn't vote for period

Ah, so now I'm THE Dyke that gets to speak for ALL Democrats? :lol:

Talk about silly. If there are differences in our two candidates (that are both winning primaries), how can you say, with apparent seriousness, that there is no differences in those voting for them?

What does the question have to do with speaking for Democrats. Do you have a magic decoder ring? Or you just are a Democrat and you know what they say their positions are?

You're the one that says all Democrats are alike. I've already proven to you they are not.

The candidates running for office on the Democratic side have clear policy differences which have been provided.

You, on the other hand, can't provide a single difference among the GOP candidates.

You did? You couldn't name a single policy or any Democrats. No wonder you got your social promotion through grade school and dropped out
Maybe you and the dyke could do a girl version of dumb and dumber and call it ditsy and ditsyer?

Wow, now I get to be THE dyke. Cool. Poor Kaz can't name any policy differences so he gets all Trumpy on us. :lol:

No, you've always been the dyke. The wifie stays at home while you go kill buffalo for dinner

So when a woman is the primary or sole breadwinner in a straight marriage, she's "THE dyke" too?

You get sillier and sillier. :lol:

Maybe, but I was just referring to you. How many water buffalo did you kill last week?

Not a one. But I had no idea there were so many "dykes" (by Kaz logic) these days...

She was a sniper in the Rangers and single handedly captured 3 Iraqi cities in the war. Now she hunts big game and brings carcasses home for her wife to skin and cook for dinner. She's also a mechanic and can fix everything from semis to go carts. She can beat 3 guys in one on three basketball. And she moves and installs washers and dryers herself on whatever floor you want them.

Sounds like a dyke to me
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?
yea the guy i worked with......

is he a presidential candidate?

And so the standard changes ... again ...
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...


you can act like a jerk all you want... but there hasn't been anything undignified about this race on the dem side. it's just a normal primary.

your wingers on the other hand look like an episode of real housewives. :cuckoo:
Hillary is under FBI investigation . Not very dignified actually. Bernie Sanders is a stodge, probably the dumbest man ever to run for President.
We can't have a stodge for can we.

Crap, you're right we can't. We're going to need all new candidates in both parties. Actually, we're going to need new parties ...
and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...


you can act like a jerk all you want... but there hasn't been anything undignified about this race on the dem side. it's just a normal primary.

your wingers on the other hand look like an episode of real housewives. :cuckoo:
Hillary is under FBI investigation . Not very dignified actually. Bernie Sanders is a stodge, probably the dumbest man ever to run for President.
We can't have a stodge for can we.

Crap, you're right we can't. We're going to need all new candidates in both parties. Actually, we're going to need new parties ...
or candidates not bragging about the size of their dicks
Hillary is under FBI investigation . Not very dignified actually. Bernie Sanders is a stodge, probably the dumbest man ever to run for President.

Sanders is also not an outsider.He's never really had a job outside of politics. His talking points border on insanity

But won't his policies lead us to ......


a...a....'Worker's Paradise'????

your limited understanding of what he's saying is obvious.

maybe you should go find a blog post somewhere to express yourself better.

"Senator Bernie Sanders's long-ago "honeymoon" in the Soviet Union..."
How Bernie Sanders Spent His Soviet 'Honeymoon'
Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

I have the music that goes with your post....

Here's a new flag proposed for a possible Trump Presidency.
Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...


you can act like a jerk all you want... but there hasn't been anything undignified about this race on the dem side. it's just a normal primary.

your wingers on the other hand look like an episode of real housewives. :cuckoo:
Hillary is under FBI investigation . Not very dignified actually. Bernie Sanders is a stodge, probably the dumbest man ever to run for President.
We can't have a stodge for can we.

Crap, you're right we can't. We're going to need all new candidates in both parties. Actually, we're going to need new parties ...
or candidates not bragging about the size of their dicks

No one did that. Why is it Democrats can't accurately say what other said when you are criticizing them? Wouldn't it be more powerful if you criticize them for that? What they actually said? Changing what they said greatly weakens your argument, it means you think it doesn't stand on it's own
Sanders is also not an outsider.He's never really had a job outside of politics. His talking points border on insanity

But won't his policies lead us to ......


a...a....'Worker's Paradise'????

your limited understanding of what he's saying is obvious.

maybe you should go find a blog post somewhere to express yourself better.

"Senator Bernie Sanders's long-ago "honeymoon" in the Soviet Union..."
How Bernie Sanders Spent His Soviet 'Honeymoon'
Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

I have the music that goes with your post....

Here's a new flag proposed for a possible Trump Presidency.

Are you claiming that Trump would be the candidate of the DNC???
Sanders is also not an outsider.He's never really had a job outside of politics. His talking points border on insanity

But won't his policies lead us to ......


a...a....'Worker's Paradise'????

your limited understanding of what he's saying is obvious.

maybe you should go find a blog post somewhere to express yourself better.

"Senator Bernie Sanders's long-ago "honeymoon" in the Soviet Union..."
How Bernie Sanders Spent His Soviet 'Honeymoon'
Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

I have the music that goes with your post....

Here's a new flag proposed for a possible Trump Presidency.

Are you claiming that Trump would be the candidate of the DNC???

No, I'm saying you and Trump are fascist meatheads.
Sanders is also not an outsider.He's never really had a job outside of politics. His talking points border on insanity

But won't his policies lead us to ......


a...a....'Worker's Paradise'????

your limited understanding of what he's saying is obvious.

maybe you should go find a blog post somewhere to express yourself better.

"Senator Bernie Sanders's long-ago "honeymoon" in the Soviet Union..."
How Bernie Sanders Spent His Soviet 'Honeymoon'
Put your foot in your mouth again, huh?

I have the music that goes with your post....

Here's a new flag proposed for a possible Trump Presidency.

To be both very clear, and totally accurate....

...the Nazis, the party of national socialism, is an offshoot of the same Marxism that spawned communism....and other Leftist doctrines, including Modern Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism, and Progressivism.

Try your local library....I'm certain an adult will help you get your very own library card.
you can act like a jerk all you want... but there hasn't been anything undignified about this race on the dem side. it's just a normal primary.

your wingers on the other hand look like an episode of real housewives. :cuckoo:
Hillary is under FBI investigation . Not very dignified actually. Bernie Sanders is a stodge, probably the dumbest man ever to run for President.
We can't have a stodge for can we.

Crap, you're right we can't. We're going to need all new candidates in both parties. Actually, we're going to need new parties ...
or candidates not bragging about the size of their dicks

No one did that. Why is it Democrats can't accurately say what other said when you are criticizing them? Wouldn't it be more powerful if you criticize them for that? What they actually said? Changing what they said greatly weakens your argument, it means you think it doesn't stand on it's own

If you don't acknowledge that's what he did you're either a bigger morin than you seem or you're a sociopathic liar.

Either is equally plausible.

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