Shut up Romney!

Clinton never received 50% of the vote genius..Perot gave Clinton the elections he won
You shouldn't be sarcastically calling anyone "genius" when you don't have the first clue what you're talking about.

From the conservative 'The American Spectator':

The Bushioisie Is Wrong: Ross Perot Didn’t ‘Cost’ G.H.W. Bush the White House in 1992

Republicans should stop deluding themselves — Perot took votes primarily from Clinton.

and if you want the numbers...

Clinton never got 50% of the vote ...Deal with it clown:slap:

But when he left office his approval rating was huge and newt was unceremoniously no longer speaker

I also have to check the numbers for when he was re-elected. I know he had a plurality the first time for sure.

Stuff happens
and bush lost the popular vote in 2000,,,,,,,,,,,
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...


you can act like a jerk all you want... but there hasn't been anything undignified about this race on the dem side. it's just a normal primary.

your wingers on the other hand look like an episode of real housewives. :cuckoo:
Hillary is under FBI investigation . Not very dignified actually. Bernie Sanders is a stodge, probably the dumbest man ever to run for President.

Sanders is also not an outsider.He's never really had a job outside of politics. His talking points border on insanity
almost all of them that matter....

reproductive choice
social justice
voting rights
gun control
foreign policy
campaign finance reform
the judiciary

that's just a few.

Kaz was speaking of the two Democratic candidates I'm assuming. There are differences in their stances on free trade, marijuana legalization and the death penalty to name a few.

Now maybe he'll tell us the differences in the GOP candidates when it comes to policy.

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH
One criminal instead of the other........big improvement.
So I've asked you this repeatedly before, Goebles. Name them. Name the issues that Democrats actually disagree on

almost all of them that matter....

reproductive choice
social justice
voting rights
gun control
foreign policy
campaign finance reform
the judiciary

that's just a few.

Kaz was speaking of the two Democratic candidates I'm assuming. There are differences in their stances on free trade, marijuana legalization and the death penalty to name a few.

Now maybe he'll tell us the differences in the GOP candidates when it comes to policy.

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?

Hey moron, I'm a Cruz supporter:slap: I'll take Trump over Hillary though and you third party people are idiots
almost all of them that matter....

reproductive choice
social justice
voting rights
gun control
foreign policy
campaign finance reform
the judiciary

that's just a few.

Kaz was speaking of the two Democratic candidates I'm assuming. There are differences in their stances on free trade, marijuana legalization and the death penalty to name a few.

Now maybe he'll tell us the differences in the GOP candidates when it comes to policy.

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH

Your White house has already been infested with Clinton must be proud:uhoh3:
almost all of them that matter....

reproductive choice
social justice
voting rights
gun control
foreign policy
campaign finance reform
the judiciary

that's just a few.

Kaz was speaking of the two Democratic candidates I'm assuming. There are differences in their stances on free trade, marijuana legalization and the death penalty to name a few.

Now maybe he'll tell us the differences in the GOP candidates when it comes to policy.

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?

Hey moron, I'm a Cruz supporter:slap: I'll take Trump over Hillary though and you third party people are idiots
Cruz is a right wing religious lunatic. The majority of independents won't vote for that nut job.
Kaz was speaking of the two Democratic candidates I'm assuming. There are differences in their stances on free trade, marijuana legalization and the death penalty to name a few.

Now maybe he'll tell us the differences in the GOP candidates when it comes to policy.

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH

Your White house has already been infested with Clinton must be proud:uhoh3:

Kaz was speaking of the two Democratic candidates I'm assuming. There are differences in their stances on free trade, marijuana legalization and the death penalty to name a few.

Now maybe he'll tell us the differences in the GOP candidates when it comes to policy.

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH

Your White house has already been infested with Clinton must be proud:uhoh3:
Kaz was speaking of the two Democratic candidates I'm assuming. There are differences in their stances on free trade, marijuana legalization and the death penalty to name a few.

Now maybe he'll tell us the differences in the GOP candidates when it comes to policy.

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH

Your White house has already been infested with Clinton must be proud:uhoh3:
only thing clinton did wrong was leave over too much money to the ah gwb
oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH

Your White house has already been infested with Clinton must be proud:uhoh3:

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH

Your White house has already been infested with Clinton must be proud:uhoh3:
oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?
Anyone who takes Donald Trump seriously is just plain stupid. Begs the question: Why do you dim witted Trump followers, and I do mean "followers", want Hilary to be President?
Simple......To keep trump out of our WH

Your White house has already been infested with Clinton must be proud:uhoh3:
only thing clinton did wrong was leave over too much money to the ah gwb
I partly blame Greenspan. The dems idea was actually to refund a little bit of the soc sec taxes making up the "surplus," if that money was put in some investment account that had some regulatory oversight to prevent Madoff madoffing it. Greenspan objected because he felt the govt would be affecting markets, which is a legit concern, but of course we also know now he wasn't exactly making sure markets were transparent either. Still, at least in theory, the govt could have set up one really big index fund, one that combined domestic and foreign equities, commodities and real estate so that any effect of the investing would be so broadly spaced out that no real winners or losers were picked, and incidentally it would have been diversified against risk.

I'm sure some would still be complaining that "it isn't really my money, and I can do better," but to quote Donald Trump, there's sucker born every minute.
The Real Reason Donald Drumpf Embarrasses The GOP
People who have no shame cannot be embarrassed.

If it didn't embarrass the GOP to refuse to fund health care for 9/11 responders, nothing will embarrass them.

they were also real big on paying for hurricane damages until the damages were in NY/NJ.
...while being total hypocrites:

After Calling Sandy Aid Wasteful, Ted Cruz Asks For All Available Resources for Texas
You got 60 BILLION........what's the problem.............Your side wanted more..........more earmark attachments...................some wanted accountability with the money........some wanted slush funds........

$60 Billion Sandy Bill Larded with Pork - Breitbart
#1 - fuck dead Andy. He was a lying piece of shit, and God noticed.

#2 - this ain't Texas/Oklahoma wasteland, this is a densely populated, heavily infrastructured part of the country. $60 billion doesn't sound off the mark at all.

But if Republicans could ever get their heads out of their asses about climate change they could help to build up the existing infrastructure to better hold off superstorms like Sandy.
How about the states build up infrastructures in their own's different in a storm and it's FEMA.............Katrina kicked out 120 Billion but it hit a hell of a lot more cities than wastelands or did you notice places like New Orleans in the toilet bowl.................

You are doing your part for your party. Whining about everything even after you got funding.............Big problem with the money is that your elected leaders didn't want accountability on how the money is spent...............back pockets maybe...................

Spare me your outrage.
there is almost no daylight in pov between cruz, Rubio, and Kasich.

There's not between cruz and rubio for sure. Cruz is saying he's more willing to be combative and rubio says he wants harder to work together, but policy? Not really that different, that's why I'm open to them both. Kasich isn't as fiscally conservative, he's willing to spend more on social programs. Less than the Democrats, more than Cruz or Rubio claim. You picked the three Republicans I said I'm open to voting for, so of course they are similar. But every Democrat is the same.

Without waiving your hands what is an actual policy difference between Hillary and Sanders?

Oh look, no specific policy differences provided...color me shocked.

I gave you some. Bernie is for legalizing marijuana, Hillary is not. Bernie is opposed to the death penalty, Hillary is not. Hillary is FAR more hawkish on foreign policy than Bernie is. Their healthcare ideas are drastically different as are their plans for affordable college.

I asked you the difference between all democrats. You couldn't give any specific answers, now you want me to do three specific Republicans who I said I generally like and may be willing to vote for, though none are sure things on that yet. It also depends who the Libertarians nominate. But others like Trump, Jeb, Christie I said I wouldn't vote for period

Ah, so now I'm THE Dyke that gets to speak for ALL Democrats? :lol:

Talk about silly. If there are differences in our two candidates (that are both winning primaries), how can you say, with apparent seriousness, that there is no differences in those voting for them?

What does the question have to do with speaking for Democrats. Do you have a magic decoder ring? Or you just are a Democrat and you know what they say their positions are?

You're the one that says all Democrats are alike. I've already proven to you they are not.

The candidates running for office on the Democratic side have clear policy differences which have been provided.

You, on the other hand, can't provide a single difference among the GOP candidates.
who'd have thought it....a rightwingnut who can't carry on a discussion.

Maybe you and the dyke could do a girl version of dumb and dumber and call it ditsy and ditsyer?

Wow, now I get to be THE dyke. Cool. Poor Kaz can't name any policy differences so he gets all Trumpy on us. :lol:

No, you've always been the dyke. The wifie stays at home while you go kill buffalo for dinner

So when a woman is the primary or sole breadwinner in a straight marriage, she's "THE dyke" too?

You get sillier and sillier. :lol:

Maybe, but I was just referring to you. How many water buffalo did you kill last week?

Not a one. But I had no idea there were so many "dykes" (by Kaz logic) these days...
Clinton never received 50% of the vote genius..Perot gave Clinton the elections he won
You shouldn't be sarcastically calling anyone "genius" when you don't have the first clue what you're talking about.

From the conservative 'The American Spectator':

The Bushioisie Is Wrong: Ross Perot Didn’t ‘Cost’ G.H.W. Bush the White House in 1992

Republicans should stop deluding themselves — Perot took votes primarily from Clinton.

and if you want the numbers...

Clinton never got 50% of the vote ...Deal with it clown:slap:
I never said he did. But I sure proved you wrong again.

You must tire of always being slapped down by your knowledgeable betters.
If that doesn't work, McCain will be stepping up to the plate.
Which brings us back to the beginning of this political season. Where does a chickenshit draft dodging dilettante cock sucking faggot like Trump get the nerve to say anything about the service of obviously better men.
I thought I had you on permanent ignore.
You are now.
awww...did he say something danny could not handle?.....come on danny dont be like dottie.....
:lol: Sure Kaz, go with that.

Trump, Trump, Trump!!!

So I've asked you this repeatedly before, Goebles. Name them. Name the issues that Democrats actually disagree on

almost all of them that matter....

reproductive choice
social justice
voting rights
gun control
foreign policy
campaign finance reform
the judiciary

that's just a few.

Kaz was speaking of the two Democratic candidates I'm assuming. There are differences in their stances on free trade, marijuana legalization and the death penalty to name a few.

Now maybe he'll tell us the differences in the GOP candidates when it comes to policy.

oh... sorry.

there are differences between them.

mostly in that he has one issue. he's never been a democrat. and she's not a socialist.

I know the right can't tell the difference. but she's more moderate than he is on issues of war and peace and fiscally. she is more measured in her response to wall street,... Bernie's people see that as a problem. I see it as necessary because we can't make things crash and burn.

Bernie thinks he's going to break everything apart and get a single payer health care system... she wants to improve on what we have.

there are a lot of differences. I thought kaz's point was one of those uninformed wingers points about dems and the GOP being the same.
anyone who takes Bernie Sanders seriously is delusional...Really?

and my post says that where?
And yet, much like Trump, you can't quite seem to articulate the precise nature of the hypocrisy. It must be very frustrating for you to be this close to realizing something, only to have it slip away again.

Of course I did, this thread is all about criticizing Republicans for what you do all the time. That was butt obvious, Holmes
No, you just spew more generic nonsense.....just like Trump.

That's funny, that was an insult to you? Do you and your little friends argue about which one of you is Trump too? No you are, you are, you are, no you are ...
Are you kidding? There's a whole forum of Trump like mentality here. You gotta hand it to Donnie, he knows his audience, he's tapped into the mediocre IQ constituency.

True, but that's a draw. Most Republicans and most Democrats are mindless sheep who don't even know what they are actually voting for
thats because most of them see only 2 things.....their party and the other party.....if you do not agree with their party you must be with the other party.....what else can you be?....
Of course I did, this thread is all about criticizing Republicans for what you do all the time. That was butt obvious, Holmes
No, you just spew more generic nonsense.....just like Trump.

That's funny, that was an insult to you? Do you and your little friends argue about which one of you is Trump too? No you are, you are, you are, no you are ...
Are you kidding? There's a whole forum of Trump like mentality here. You gotta hand it to Donnie, he knows his audience, he's tapped into the mediocre IQ constituency.

True, but that's a draw. Most Republicans and most Democrats are mindless sheep who don't even know what they are actually voting for
No argument there. In fact I'm with you on the third party option. The only honest candidate in this whole election year fiasco is Sanders, but he's a socialist and not a party insider so he obviously has no chance. If the choice is Trump or Clinton I will vote third party, any third party.
here is who i will be writing in no matter which one of these clowns get the nod....

I'm talking about the poster you were respond to, dear
Jroc isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you haven't already noticed.
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?
yea the guy i worked with......
Jroc isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you haven't already noticed.
Wait one minute Synth,,,,,Did you see trumps hands ?? Publicans will vote for the guy with the biggest mouth and longest ****

and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?
yea the guy i worked with......

is he a presidential candidate?
and the least class

Yes, Republicans need to be more dignified ... you know ... like Democrats are ...

you ever hear a dem speaking about the size of their dick?

They just send pics of them over the Internet.

probably in lesser numbers than the rightwingers if their apparently desperation is accurately reflected on this board.

that said, I'm pretty sure sexting cuts across party lines.
Jilly what would you know about dicks? You probably haven't seen one in decades.:D
i think you have Jill mixed up with Tipsy.....

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