Shutting Down the lie About a Democratic Plantation

Actually I bought the facts. But it doesn't matter. You're going to keep repeating wb bs and then pretend we don't vote republican for any other reason that the racism presented by trash like you.

And stop being white talking about everybody else wanting free rides.

8 Times the U.S. Government Gave White People Handouts to Get Ahead


Feel free to quote a racist post by me, stupid.

Failure to do so is an admission from you that you are a lying sack of shit.

Hillary Clinton was no monster
Was and is.
but she's not really relevant now.
Mostly true.
Democrats didn't burn down communities of color.
Wake up.
I've seen how city governments work up close and personal. I've watched a majoriity republican city council repeatedly vote down proposals supported by a democratic mayor.
Two criminal gangs.
Most blacks are independent.
Most Blacks are registered Democrats.
We vote Democrat based on pollicy.
Wake up then; the Democrats are burning down COC even as we interact.
Both parties aree not equally bad.
That's what I said, yes.

The Crips are not the Bloods.
There is only 1 party
The duopoly, yes - it has two criminal iterations:

The Democrips and the Republibloods.
that is pushing a fascist agenda and it ain't Democrats.
See above.
White racism has been the problem for black communities.
Wake up.

It's 2023 and the duopoly is the problem.
It's always been the cause
See above.
and until whites do what is necessary to make that racism irrelevant by increased enforcement of laws to stop racism (including harsher penalties to include incarceration) instead of giving slaps on hands or just ignoring the violations, it will remain the problem.
YOU are the problem.

YOU support a system which is disastrous for POC/COC.

Democrat policies and inaction are DESTROYING both.

No stupid, your misguided, racist opinions mean nothing and are certainly not substantive. You never bring anything to support your batshit crazy rants.
I see that you're too scared to look up what I posted in #245.
Feel free to quote a racist post by me, stupid.

Failure to do so is an admission from you that you are a lying sack of shit.

Read your posts. If you believe blacks are on a democratic plantation and are controlled by white liberals, you're a racist.
Was and is.

Mostly true.

Wake up.

Two criminal gangs.

Most Blacks are registered Democrats.

Wake up then; the Democrats are burning down COC even as we interact.

That's what I said, yes.

The Crips are not the Bloods.

The duopoly, yes - it has two criminal iterations:

The Democrips and the Republibloods.

See above.

Wake up.

It's 2023 and the duopoly is the problem.

See above.

YOU are the problem.

YOU support a system which is disastrous for POC/COC.

Democrat policies and inaction are DESTROYING both.

Wrong. The system is racist. The entire system.

Democrat policies are not the real problem.

I know what the problem is and the solution for it. But as we see here, the racism in America is so deep, that the solution is opposed and its done based on race baited rhetoric and a lack of historical knowledge. Democrats have generally been supportive of the solution and have offered legislation to start creating the process of solving the problem. So no, I'm not part of the problem and repeating that white bullshit abouut how Democrats are destroying black communnities is wrong.
The system is racist.
The entire system.
Democrat policies are not the real problem.
They're the #1 problem, but not the only one.

Stop supporting the people who create the policies that enable ongoing systemic racism.
I know what the problem is and the solution for it.
Stop supporting Democrats? Good! :)
But as we see here, the racism in America is so deep, that the solution is opposed and its done based on race baited rhetoric and a lack of historical knowledge.
You've been distracted from the REAL problem by a bunch of dying segregationists.

They're irrelevant and they know it - that's why they're screaming so loud.
Democrats have generally been supportive of the solution and have offered legislation to start creating the process of solving the problem.
They're good at pretending to do this, yes.

But what they ACTUALLY do is burn down COC and destroy POC.
So no, I'm not part of the problem and repeating that white bullshit abouut how Democrats are destroying black communnities is wrong.
Read your posts. If you believe blacks are on a democratic plantation and are controlled by white liberals, you're a racist.
I see you can’t bring a single racist post by me.

Thanks for proving yet again you are a lying sack of shit.
The inconvenient truth is that Republicans:

Tried protecting slavery by making it constitutional.
(Corwin Amendment -look it up.)

Ended Reconstruction
(The 1877 Compromise- look it up)
Were 4 of the 7 supreme court justices who voted affirmative in Plessy v. Ferguson, therefore making Jim Crow the law of the land.

(Horace Gray, David J. Brewer, Henry Billings Brown, George Shiras Jr.-look it up)

Tried to run blacks out of the party
(The Lilly White Movement- look it up)
Consistently broke promises made to blacks after emancipation.
(Herbert Hoover, blacks and the 1927 Mississippi flood-look it up)
Northern Republicans were complicit with southern segregationists in the maintenance of Jim Crow.
(North/South Congressional Compromises during the New Deal,Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Servicemen's Readjustment Act, etc.- look it up)
Nominated a presidential candidate who opposed the Civil Rights Act.
(Barry Goldwater-Look it up)
Had the President who implemented the southern strategy.
(Nixon/Atwater-look it up)

And currently, Democrats have blacks on their plantation (look it up)
The inconvenient truth is that Republicans:

Tried protecting slavery by making it constitutional.
(Corwin Amendment -look it up.)

Ended Reconstruction
(The 1877 Compromise- look it up)
Were 4 of the 7 supreme court justices who voted affirmative in Plessy v. Ferguson, therefore making Jim Crow the law of the land.

(Horace Gray, David J. Brewer, Henry Billings Brown, George Shiras Jr.-look it up)

Tried to run blacks out of the party
(The Lilly White Movement- look it up)
Consistently broke promises made to blacks after emancipation.
(Herbert Hoover, blacks and the 1927 Mississippi flood-look it up)
Northern Republicans were complicit with southern segregationists in the maintenance of Jim Crow.
(North/South Congressional Compromises during the New Deal,Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Servicemen's Readjustment Act, etc.- look it up)
Nominated a presidential candidate who opposed the Civil Rights Act.
(Barry Goldwater-Look it up)
Had the President who implemented the southern strategy.
(Nixon/Atwater-look it up)

Yes indeed, learn your history!




Unlike your whining, this didn't happen six or seven generations ago.

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They're the #1 problem, but not the only one.

Stop supporting the people who create the policies that enable ongoing systemic racism.

Stop supporting Democrats? Good! :)

You've been distracted from the REAL problem by a bunch of dying segregationists.

They're irrelevant and they know it - that's why they're screaming so loud.

They're good at pretending to do this, yes.

But what they ACTUALLY do is burn down COC and destroy POC.

Everything you say here is wrong.

Blacks were republican for 100 years and republicans could end Jim Crow. So spare me.
I see you can’t bring a single racist post by me.

Thanks for proving yet again you are a lying sack of shit.
Your posts show your racism. You see, white racism is done differently now and you oknow it. So you telling me to go find a slur ain't going to be done. But watch.
They think they do.
No, they actually don't.

Look white man, I'm black, I've worked with white democrats and white republicans. I know the diffference and don't need some dumb right wing hack to tell me how it is.

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