Shutting Down the lie About a Democratic Plantation

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. Republicans love telling blacks how the Democratic Party was pro-slavery and how it was the Republican Party that freed the slaves.

Thank you for confirming your voting for the party of slavery and that Repubs like Lincoln freed them. Democrats are slow people and it's just too bad it took them 200 years to figure out they needed to all come together and organize under a Dem party banner because they knew they had real good bait in using the freed slaves as their fodder. Look at just how well it works on you.
Link us up to this”white supremacist agenda”.

Bring actual bills and proposals, not bullshit your Dimwinger Plantation owners told you.
There is no plantattion and the current republican part white supremacist agenda is very clear. You know what it is. You started by getting the courts packed with right wingers to overturn AA in colleges. The workplace will be next. Voter suppression, censorship of books and topics about race that don't make whites out to be heroes, and then we have the right to discriminate based on "religious" beliefs. Plausible deniability don't work here and don't ask me ever again to show you proof of thing you know that whites like you are already doing.
I note you bring nothing.
I brought the facts of history pertaining to the Republican party. All you have to do is search each thing to find out how they are true. But you know they are true, so you put on a performance and if I don't provide facts to you again, you'll pretend you didn't get any the first time and lie about how you were shown nothing. But I showed you, and if you can't believe what you were shown, look it up yourself.
So you have done zippo to earn reparations.

Got it.

Now sit down and STFU.
“Reparations” means being being reimbursed. Dolts like little im.2 weren’t slaves. Their parents weren’t either. Hell, their grandparents weren’t either.

They are due zero reimbursement and assclowns like little im.2 know it, too.

And nobody alive today had fuck all to do with slavery anyway. So there is nobody alive to pay any actual victims back, either.

Tools like little im.2 will never admit this obvious reality. His mind is too full of racist beliefs for him to ever think clearly.
Thank you for confirming your voting for the party of slavery and that Repubs like Lincoln freed them. Democrats are slow people and it's just too bad it took them 200 years to figure out they needed to all come together and organize under a Dem party banner because they knew they had real good bait in using the freed slaves as their fodder. Look at just how well it works on you.
The inconvenient truth is that Republicans:

Tried protecting slavery by making it constitutional.
(Corwin Amendment -look it up.)

Ended Reconstruction
(The 1877 Compromise- look it up)
Were 4 of the 7 supreme court justices who voted affirmative in Plessy v. Ferguson, therefore making Jim Crow the law of the land.

(Horace Gray, David J. Brewer, Henry Billings Brown, George Shiras Jr.-look it up)

Tried to run blacks out of the party
(The Lilly White Movement- look it up)
Consistently broke promises made to blacks after emancipation.
(Herbert Hoover, blacks and the 1927 Mississippi flood-look it up)
Northern Republicans were complicit with southern segregationists in the maintenance of Jim Crow.
(North/South Congressional Compromises during the New Deal,Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Servicemen's Readjustment Act, etc.- look it up)
Nominated a presidential candidate who opposed the Civil Rights Act.
(Barry Goldwater-Look it up)
Had the President who implemented the southern strategy.
(Nixon/Atwater-look it up)

There is no plantattion and the current republican part white supremacist agenda is very clear. You know what it is. You started by getting the courts packed with right wingers to overturn AA in colleges. The workplace will be next. Voter suppression, censorship of books and topics about race that don't make whites out to be heroes, and then we have the right to discriminate based on "religious" beliefs. Plausible deniability don't work here and don't ask me ever again to show you proof of thing you know that whites like you are already doing.
So you have no substance, just what your owners tell you to think.

Got it.
I brought the facts of history pertaining to the Republican party. All you have to do is search each thing to find out how they are true. But you know they are true, so you put on a performance and if I don't provide facts to you again, you'll pretend you didn't get any the first time and lie about how you were shown nothing. But I showed you, and if you can't believe what you were shown, look it up yourself.
Unfortunately for you, you brought nothing.


You never bring anything but moronic talking points your plantation owners tell you.

Stupid Dimwinger plantation dweeb. :laughing0301:
“Reparations” means being being reimbursed. Dolts like little im.2 weren’t slaves. Their parents weren’t either. Hell, their grandparents weren’t either.

They are due zero reimbursement and assclowns like little im.2 know it, too.

And nobody alive today had fuck all to do with slavery anyway. So there is nobody alive to pay any actual victims back, either.

Tools like little im.2 will never admit this obvious reality. His mind is too full of racist beliefs for him to ever think clearly.
Dumbass has been brainwashed into believing he should get a free ride.
Unfortunately for you, you brought nothing.


You never bring anything but moronic talking points your plantation owners tell you.

Stupid Dimwinger plantation dweeb. :laughing0301:
Actually I bought the facts. But it doesn't matter. You're going to keep repeating wb bs and then pretend we don't vote republican for any other reason that the racism presented by trash like you.

And stop being white talking about everybody else wanting free rides.

8 Times the U.S. Government Gave White People Handouts to Get Ahead

The inconvenient truth is that Republicans:

Tried protecting slavery by making it constitutional.
(Corwin Amendment -look it up.)

Ended Reconstruction
(The 1877 Compromise- look it up)
Were 4 of the 7 supreme court justices who voted affirmative in Plessy v. Ferguson, therefore making Jim Crow the law of the land.

(Horace Gray, David J. Brewer, Henry Billings Brown, George Shiras Jr.-look it up)

Tried to run blacks out of the party
(The Lilly White Movement- look it up)
Consistently broke promises made to blacks after emancipation.
(Herbert Hoover, blacks and the 1927 Mississippi flood-look it up)
Northern Republicans were complicit with southern segregationists in the maintenance of Jim Crow.
(North/South Congressional Compromises during the New Deal,Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Servicemen's Readjustment Act, etc.- look it up)
Nominated a presidential candidate who opposed the Civil Rights Act.
(Barry Goldwater-Look it up)
Had the President who implemented the southern strategy.
(Nixon/Atwater-look it up)

Lee Atwater was in high school when Nixon was elected genius. LOL
The inconvenient truth is that Republicans:

Tried protecting slavery by making it constitutional.
(Corwin Amendment -look it up.)

Ended Reconstruction
(The 1877 Compromise- look it up)
Were 4 of the 7 supreme court justices who voted affirmative in Plessy v. Ferguson, therefore making Jim Crow the law of the land.

(Horace Gray, David J. Brewer, Henry Billings Brown, George Shiras Jr.-look it up)

Tried to run blacks out of the party
(The Lilly White Movement- look it up)
Consistently broke promises made to blacks after emancipation.
(Herbert Hoover, blacks and the 1927 Mississippi flood-look it up)
Northern Republicans were complicit with southern segregationists in the maintenance of Jim Crow.
(North/South Congressional Compromises during the New Deal,Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Servicemen's Readjustment Act, etc.- look it up)
Nominated a presidential candidate who opposed the Civil Rights Act.
(Barry Goldwater-Look it up)
Had the President who implemented the southern strategy.
(Nixon/Atwater-look it up)

Look up reality someday little im.2.
Lee Atwater was in high school when Nixon was elected genius. LOL

Excuse me, it was Ken Phillips, but that really isn't the point., The point is that Republicans created the Southern Strategy.
It's not a plantation for anyone.
Well, for everyone, including the higher ups.
And the thing is, find a better party.
You're basically saying the Bloods aren't as bad as the Crips, and that neither is as bad as MS-13.

It's true, but it's not exactly inspiring.
No one seem to be able to beat the big 2.
Well, MS-13 is giving them quite a run.
Most people are independent but there hasn't been an independent candidate that has been able to get the majority of the country behind them.
True - the propaganda of the MSM is totally in the bag for the big two gangs aka duopoly.
When people start telling me how both parties are the same, I really wonder what they are looking at.
I'm not saying that; I believe the Democrats are, or at least were, slightly less dangerous/criminal than the Republicans.

And then 2016-2023 happened.

IM, the Democrats burned down Communities of Color for power and money.

Then they blamed the Lockdown Riots on Floyd's murder.

Those riots were coming anyway, because of the massive arson of Democrats.
The Democratic party has had the only black and women nominees for president
Powell would have been the first - a Republican - but he didn't want to do it.

And Hillary is an absolute monster, a psychopath.

A great man once said that people should be judged by the content of their character alone.

Hillary ranks somewhere between Hitler and Nixon in this area - not good.
that doesn't show how it's a plantation for women.
Of course it does.

Hillary is a DeepSwamp psychopath and warmonger.

That she doesn't have a penis is utterly irrelevant.

She's a deranged anti-feminist Tom for the DeepSwamp.

A rape-worshipping monster.
And where do you get rape loving from Hillary Clinton?
Her own words and actions.

She finds rape which maims and kills glorious and hilarious.

I don't generally do this, but I respect you enough that I'll provide links to her Hitlerian spewings, and discuss her misogynistic derangement with you privately if you wish - just PM me.

Conservatives already know what a monster she is, and liberals refuse to believe their own eyes and ears, so pointless to discuss in public.
Look at the record and it's clear.
Indubitably; see above, and PM me when you're ready to...

None of this is fake Meister.

The inconvenient truth is that Republicans:

Tried protecting slavery by making it constitutional.
(Corwin Amendment -look it up.)
Ended Reconstruction
(The 1877 Compromise- look it up)
Were 4 of the 7 supreme court justices who voted affirmative in Plessy v. Ferguson, therefore making Jim Crow the law of the land.

(Horace Gray, David J. Brewer, Henry Billings Brown, George Shiras Jr.-look it up)​

Tried to run blacks out of the party
(The Lilly White Movement- look it up)
Consistently broke promises made to blacks after emancipation.
(Herbert Hoover, blacks and the 1927 Mississippi flood-look it up)
Northern Republicans were complicit with southern segregationists in the maintenance of Jim Crow.
(North/South Congressional Compromises during the New Deal,Social Security Act, Wagner Act, Servicemen's Readjustment Act, etc.- look it up)
Nominated a presidential candidate who opposed the Civil Rights Act.
(Barry Goldwater-Look it up)
Had the President who implemented the southern strategy.
(Nixon-look it up)

Well, for everyone, including the higher ups.

You're basically saying the Bloods aren't as bad as the Crips, and that neither is as bad as MS-13.

It's true, but it's not exactly inspiring.

Well, MS-13 is giving them quite a run.

True - the propaganda of the MSM is totally in the bag for the big two gangs aka duopoly.

I'm not saying that; I believe the Democrats are, or at least were, slightly less dangerous/criminal than the Republicans.

And then 2016-2023 happened.

IM, the Democrats burned down Communities of Color for power and money.

Then they blamed the Lockdown Riots on Floyd's murder.

Those riots were coming anyway, because of the massive arson of Democrats.

Powell would have been the first - a Republican - but he didn't want to do it.

And Hillary is an absolute monster, a psychopath.

A great man once said that people should be judged by the content of their character alone.

Hillary ranks somewhere between Hitler and Nixon in this area - not good.

Of course it does.

Hillary is a DeepSwamp psychopath and warmonger.

That she doesn't have a penis is utterly irrelevant.

She's a deranged anti-feminist Tom for the DeepSwamp.

A rape-worshipping monster.

Her own words and actions.

She finds rape which maims and kills glorious and hilarious.

I don't generally do this, but I respect you enough that I'll provide links to her Hitlerian spewings, and discuss her misogynistic derangement with you privately if you wish - just PM me.

Conservatives already know what a monster she is, and liberals refuse to believe their own eyes and ears, so pointless to discuss in public.

Indubitably; see above, and PM me when you're ready to...

Hillary Clinton was no monster, but she's not really relevant now. Democrats didn't burn down communities of color. I've seen how city governments work up close and personal. I've watched a majoriity republican city council repeatedly vote down proposals supported by a democratic mayor.

Most blacks are independent. We vote Democrat based on pollicy. Both parties aree not equally bad. There is only 1 party that is pushing a fascist agenda and it ain't Democrats. White racism has been the problem for black communities. It's always been the cause and until whites do what is necessary to make that racism irrelevant by increased enforcement of laws to stop racism (including harsher penalties to include incarceration) instead of giving slaps on hands or just ignoring the violations, it will remain the problem.
You were shown substance. And you're doing as I predicted.
No stupid, your misguided, racist opinions mean nothing and are certainly not substantive. You never bring anything to support your batshit crazy rants.

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