Shutting Down the lie About a Democratic Plantation

So far, all we've seen in response to the OP, is a bunch of memes trolling the facts.

Thanks for admitting that the party which wants to shoot migrants, and pardon killer insurrectionists cannot defend their positions either Constitutionally or morally.
So far, all we've seen in response to the OP, is a bunch of memes trolling the facts.

Thanks for admitting that the party which wants to shoot migrants, and pardon killer insurrectionists cannot defend their positions either Constitutionally or morally.
Read this you ignorant Canadian

Hey yo, know how demofks blame republicans for failed legislation when they don’t support demofks issues, can’t appreciate that republicans were the only reason the civil rights act passed! They do love them their hypocrites
So far, all we've seen in response to the OP, is a bunch of memes trolling the facts.

Thanks for admitting that the party which wants to shoot migrants, and pardon killer insurrectionists cannot defend their positions either Constitutionally or morally.
:spinner: :spinner:
You didn’t read it. Your answer is in there.
I did read it. It didn't really mention much about the southern strategy except some often repeated statistics about which party voted for civil rights.

It introduces nothing to debunk decades of history.

Can you be more specific about what I am supposed to see that refutes that history?
I did read it. It didn't really mention much about the southern strategy except some often repeated statistics about which party voted for civil rights.

It introduces nothing to debunk decades of history.

Can you be more specific about what I am supposed to see that refutes that history?
Yep! Passed because of republicans.

Cherry picker statements?
I did read it. It didn't really mention much about the southern strategy except some often repeated statistics about which party voted for civil rights.

It introduces nothing to debunk decades of history.

Can you be more specific about what I am supposed to see that refutes that history?
To be honest, I’m waiting for your proof republicans swapped with demofks
Yep! Passed because of republicans.

Cherry picker statements?
Speaking of cherry was passed by northern Republicans who later were driven out of.tje southern party by their southern members. That is the misrepresentation.

Your claim is based on skewed statistics and is quite common. Here is one of many sources that addresses it.

"The real distinctions to make here are along lines of region and ideology, not party. Put simply, southern conservatives in both parties resisted it.

Here's the vote broken down by region:

(See article. It would not copy paste)

All right, now we can get back to the sleight of hand that lies at the heart of the percentage game

The conservative pundits who make that argument are essentially trying to use the votes of mostly liberal and moderate Republicans, to claim that not only was the Republican Party “the party of civil rights” in 1964, but also that it still is today.

This is ludicrous. When this all unfolded, conservatives were engaged in civil war with these liberals and moderates, trying to drive them out of the Republican Party.

At the 1964 Republican National Convention — which took place just two weeks after President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law with Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders at his side — the GOP nominated Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater to represent them in that year’s presidential race. Though not personally a bigot, Goldwater believed the federal government had no role to play in civil rights and, accordingly, he had voted against the Civil Rights Act that Johnson signed.

The liberal and moderate voices in the Republican Party, who made common cause with liberal and moderate Democrats in the congressional fight, now found themselves on their own and under attack from the rising ranks of conservatives.

New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, a longtime Republican champion of civil rights, called out the party’s extremists at the convention and was roundly booed:

  • Fact
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Speaking of cherry was passed by northern Republicans who later were driven out of.tje southern party by their southern members. That is the misrepresentation.

Your claim is based on skewed statistics and is quite common. Here is one of many sources that addresses it.

"The real distinctions to make here are along lines of region and ideology, not party. Put simply, southern conservatives in both parties resisted it.

Here's the vote broken down by region:

(See article. It would not copy paste)

All right, now we can get back to the sleight of hand that lies at the heart of the percentage game

The conservative pundits who make that argument are essentially trying to use the votes of mostly liberal and moderate Republicans, to claim that not only was the Republican Party “the party of civil rights” in 1964, but also that it still is today.

This is ludicrous. When this all unfolded, conservatives were engaged in civil war with these liberals and moderates, trying to drive them out of the Republican Party.

At the 1964 Republican National Convention — which took place just two weeks after President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law with Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders at his side — the GOP nominated Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater to represent them in that year’s presidential race. Though not personally a bigot, Goldwater believed the federal government had no role to play in civil rights and, accordingly, he had voted against the Civil Rights Act that Johnson signed.

The liberal and moderate voices in the Republican Party, who made common cause with liberal and moderate Democrats in the congressional fight, now found themselves on their own and under attack from the rising ranks of conservatives.

New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, a longtime Republican champion of civil rights, called out the party’s extremists at the convention and was roundly booed:

What republicans switched?
Thomas Sowell is an idiot.
Says the idiot who denies that blacks are treated like property to which the Democrap Plantation is entitled.
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What republicans switched?
The ones who are in the south today. There were several factions in the Republican party during slavery. One faction was the Radical Republicans. It was the Radical Republicans that were for civil rights. They were not conservatives. Abraham Lincoln was a moderate, not a conservative. Radical Republicans would have been kicked out of todays Republican Party for being too liberal.
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Thomas Sowell knows what I know. Read it!!

This is one man's opinion, that I disagree with and which no data supports at all. Right wingers quote Sewelll even though his economic ideas have all been debunked, as have those of his hero - Milton Friedman.

Sewell reveres Milton Friedman. Friedman should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Says the idiot who denies that blacks are treated like property which the Democrap Plantation is entitled.

Of course he denies something that is proveably false, while you parrot the right wing billionaires' lies about the Democrats.

You do this because Republicans have NOTHING to offer the American people at all except they're not Democrats.

What are Republicans offering to low income voters? Tax cuts for billionaires, and a crashed economy is the only thing they've delivered since Clinton was President.
The ones who are in the south today. There were severalf factions in the Republican party during slavery. One faction was the Radical Republicans. It was the Radical Republicans that for for civil rights. They were not conservatives. Abraham Lincoln was a moderate, not a conservative. Radical Republicans would have been kicked out of todays Republican Party for being too liberal.
Name em
This is one man's opinion, that I disagree with and which no data supports at all. Right wingers quote Sewelll even though his economic ideas have all been debunked, as have those of his hero - Milton Friedman.

Sewell reveres Milton Friedman. Friedman should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Most dumbass stupid ignorant comment of the new year. Lizardbitch, you’re a jackass.
This is one man's opinion, that I disagree with and which no data supports at all. Right wingers quote Sewelll even though his economic ideas have all been debunked, as have those of his hero - Milton Friedman.

Sewell reveres Milton Friedman. Friedman should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Facts are facts . Tell me what you the white thinks cause you know more than the black man who experienced it all!

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