Sick Kids Denied Specialty Care Due to Obamacare in Washington

They will be found treatment quickly.

Unlike private insurance that would deny, deny, deny specialty care until they died.

Ask Antares about that.
They will be found treatment quickly.

Unlike private insurance that would deny, deny, deny specialty care until they died.

Ask Antares about that.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? The article states this:

"Administrators at Seattle Children's today said they predicted this would happen, and it's even worse than they expected," says the local news anchor. "Patients being denied specialty treatment at the hospital by insurance providers on the Washington health benefits exchange. Children's filed request on behalf of 125 of their patients. Of those, they say they got only 20 responses, eight of which were denials. Dr. Sandy Melzer says all this comes after reassurances of certain unique specialty cases would still be covered."

Dr. Sandy Melzer says, "Well, some of the patients who were denied are ones who clearly would fall into that unique category. A two-year-old with new significant neck mass that was being evaluated for infection or malignancy, an older child with a chronic severe medical condition requiring multidisciplinary care here, a baby that had a skull abnormality."

The anchor explains, "Children's went ahead and treated those cases anyway, but Dr. Melzer said they can't afford to keep doing that it way."

And it's no surprise because Obamacare does NOT pay for specialists.

Cancer-stricken Sen. Tom Coburn revealed Tuesday that his health insurance under Obamacare doesn’t cover his oncologist, but said he still is receiving excellent care.
“I’m doing well from a health standpoint, got great docs,” Coburn said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Tuesday when asked about his health. “Fortunately — even though my new coverage won’t cover my specialist — I’m going to have great care, and I have a great prognosis.”

The Oklahoma Republican’s spokesman confirmed to POLITICO that since the senator enrolled in his health insurance plan under Obamacare, his coverage has been reduced and he lost coverage for his cancer specialist. Coburn will continue to pay out of pocket and see his oncologist, his office said.
Obamacare: Tom Coburn loses cancer doctor - Tal Kopan -

Welcome to your hope and change!
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They will be found treatment quickly.

Unlike private insurance that would deny, deny, deny specialty care until they died.

Ask Antares about that.

Didn't read the story, did you?

The insurance refused to pay, but the hospital treated them anyway.
The proper term is "Democare" as it was born and bred deep in Democrat bastions while their presidential shill knew next to nothing about its inner workings and still doesn't. Highly doubtful he has ever read a single word of the act and he certainly has not taken an active part in administrating its rollout as evidenced by his minimal contact with his fall-girl.

The blame should primarily fall on those up for election this November who actively wrote and passed this monstrosity.
They will be found treatment quickly.

Unlike private insurance that would deny, deny, deny specialty care until they died.

Ask Antares about that.

You're completely wrong here Jake. My cardiologist isn't covered under any O care provider. Fortunately I can afford to pay the 88% increase so I can still se my specialty doctor. Most can't. they get to die thanks to O care.

Guess what bucko, you were WRONG!
They will be found treatment quickly.

Unlike private insurance that would deny, deny, deny specialty care until they died.

Ask Antares about that.

No you are confused. That is the gubbermint mantra. Just try to get disability.
They will be found treatment quickly.

Unlike private insurance that would deny, deny, deny specialty care until they died.

Ask Antares about that.

I knew we could count on you to display your unprecedented ignorance and far left partisanship..... :thup:
Half journalism. Gotta love it. Who denied the claims?

Questions not answered by the OP:

Did the kids in question have a plan that was purchased on the exchange?

If so, were these kids insured at all before this plan was purchased?
They will be found treatment quickly.

Unlike private insurance that would deny, deny, deny specialty care until they died.

Ask Antares about that.

You're completely wrong here Jake. My cardiologist isn't covered under any O care provider. Fortunately I can afford to pay the 88% increase so I can still se my specialty doctor. Most can't. they get to die thanks to O care.

Guess what bucko, you were WRONG!

if anyone here is wrong it would be you dick head...
They will be found treatment quickly.

Unlike private insurance that would deny, deny, deny specialty care until they died.

Ask Antares about that.

You're completely wrong here Jake. My cardiologist isn't covered under any O care provider. Fortunately I can afford to pay the 88% increase so I can still se my specialty doctor. Most can't. they get to die thanks to O care.

Guess what bucko, you were WRONG!

if anyone here is wrong it would be you dick head...

Take it up with any cardiologist you care to, silly person. It's YOU who are wrong!
You're completely wrong here Jake. My cardiologist isn't covered under any O care provider. Fortunately I can afford to pay the 88% increase so I can still se my specialty doctor. Most can't. they get to die thanks to O care.

Guess what bucko, you were WRONG!

if anyone here is wrong it would be you dick head...

Take it up with any cardiologist you care to, silly person. It's YOU who are wrong!

if anyone here is wrong it would be you dick head...
your insurance when up 88% nothing like a liar ... thats what they call them, Repub-lei-cans 88% hey I have a bridge for you real cheap ...BWA HAHAHAHAHA you can't even tell a good lie
the average health care plan is around 250 dollars a month ... that's with a subsidy I know I have one and my cardiologist is covered under it ... so you're trying to tell us your plan cost 55 dollars a month and you can't get your cardiologist!!!! booo hooo !!!! for you
I know people who didn't have any health care not because they couldn't pay because the insurance company wouldn't take them ... now they have insurance... and it's working for him just fine ... cardiologist and all ... cause you see this guy has had 9 heart attack .... had 5 veins bypassed to his heart and he's doing fine now, because of Obama care ... he doesn't have to file bankruptcy any more ...cardiologist and all .... if you're going to lie at least try to make it a lie we ca believe ... you know like republicans tell the truth all the time ....
I know people who didn't have any health care not because they couldn't pay because the insurance company wouldn't take them ... now they have insurance... and it's working for him just fine ... cardiologist and all ... cause you see this guy has had 9 heart attack .... had 5 veins bypassed to his heart and he's doing fine now, because of Obama care ... he doesn't have to file bankruptcy any more ...cardiologist and all .... if you're going to lie at least try to make it a lie we ca believe ... you know like republicans tell the truth all the time ....

Your problem, dipshit, is I'm a liberal Democrat and have been my whole life. I don't need to lie and for the record I had a six way bypass so I too know what the hell I'M talking about. Yours is just a bunch of hearsay.
I know people who didn't have any health care not because they couldn't pay because the insurance company wouldn't take them ... now they have insurance... and it's working for him just fine ... cardiologist and all ... cause you see this guy has had 9 heart attack .... had 5 veins bypassed to his heart and he's doing fine now, because of Obama care ... he doesn't have to file bankruptcy any more ...cardiologist and all .... if you're going to lie at least try to make it a lie we ca believe ... you know like republicans tell the truth all the time ....

Your problem, dipshit, is I'm a liberal Democrat and have been my whole life. I don't need to lie and for the record I had a six way bypass so I too know what the hell I'M talking about. Yours is just a bunch of hearsay.
noooooooooooo dumb fuck this is my best friend I've known him since the second grade ... I'm the one who take him to his doctors... I helped him get obama care ... i know his medical problems better them he does... his next operation is for lung cancer ... I will go thorough that with him too ... you dumb fuck... its not bunch of hearsay. ... next you'll tell me is you voted for obama... that would be a lie too
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I know people who didn't have any health care not because they couldn't pay because the insurance company wouldn't take them ... now they have insurance... and it's working for him just fine ... cardiologist and all ... cause you see this guy has had 9 heart attack .... had 5 veins bypassed to his heart and he's doing fine now, because of Obama care ... he doesn't have to file bankruptcy any more ...cardiologist and all .... if you're going to lie at least try to make it a lie we ca believe ... you know like republicans tell the truth all the time ....

Your problem, dipshit, is I'm a liberal Democrat and have been my whole life. I don't need to lie and for the record I had a six way bypass so I too know what the hell I'M talking about. Yours is just a bunch of hearsay.
noooooooooooo dumb fuck this is my best friend I've known him since the second grade ... I'm the one who take him to his doctors... I helped him get obama care ... i know his medical problems better them he does... his next operation is for lung cancer ... I will go thorough that with him too ... you dumb fuck... its not bunch of hearsay. ... next you'll tell me is you voted for obama... that would be a lie too

And you would be wrong. I voted for Obama the first time, but not the second when I saw the sorts of people he was putting into his Cabinet. Before you make an even bigger ass out of yourself (which, frankly I think is a certainty) you might want to look at some of my posts.

I'm VERY liberal. I'm friends with some of the biggest liberals on this board. (go ahead look it up I dare you)

What I am not is an ignorant, collectivist, progressive asshat.

Clearly, you are.

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