Since the sexual past of Presidential spouses is up for grabs......

Bullshit. She presented no evidence whatsoever. Her opinion. Bill and Hillary were powerful in Arkansas. Very powerful.

In May of 1975, the time of the court case, Hillary was giving law classes, and wasn't even married to Bill at that point, who was a law professor at the time also.
Not so powerful, sugartits.

Very powerful up and comers. No doubt about it. They were players.

She lied about the child. Plain and simple and laughed that she got a very violent rapist off.
Let's invite Melanias past sexual partners to the next debate

Theres a diff between "partners" & "victims"

Billary assaulted/took advantage of his position to pressure females. Thats sexual assault to say the least

Prostitution is illegal

Lets bring her ex-clients to the next debate so they can discuss Melanias past bringing up Drumpf ' s daughter....Creepy actually.
Retarded douchbag libtarded idiots. What is creepy is you talking, stfu.
You might want to take your complaint to Lucy and Defcon....they brought the subject to this thread.

You Leftists want that, say that you do? You want THAT sort of tape because that's how shallow you have sunk now.

You cannot win on issues, it's all about throwing dirt and the politics of personal destruction.
^says a vile australian trump supporter. lol

trump's campaign has been all about dirt and personal destruction, since its beginning.
Look who showed up! Yet another Lucy admirer...not coincidence. How are you sock?
this is a zone #2 thread. stop trolling and derailing this thread.

i say leave melania alone, and just focus on trump's victims. be they stiffed workers, defrauded TRUMP U students, 12 year old girls, or attractive women, who had to endure donald's urge-release grope-attacks.

So why do you pro womens rights posters adore a woman who actually laughed about how she got a rapist off?

AND at the same time pretend to be bent all out of shape over the lies of Miss Piggy?
Bullshit. She presented no evidence whatsoever. Her opinion. Bill and Hillary were powerful in Arkansas. Very powerful.

In May of 1975, the time of the court case, Hillary was giving law classes, and wasn't even married to Bill at that point, who was a law professor at the time also.
Not so powerful, sugartits.

Very powerful up and comers. No doubt about it. They were players.

She lied about the child. Plain and simple and laughed that she got a very violent rapist off.
Now it's "up and comers." lol

No, they weren't very powerful as you suggest.

And the crap about the coma you keep pushing is nowhere in the court documents, or can be found anyplace else.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?
I wrote this many months ago.

Reposted it a few times when the subject came up.

I've yet to see anyone produce any evidence:

Quote=Me: I followed this story back in 2008, when Newsday wrote a lengthy piece about it, detailing just what happened that night (a boy of 15, who she had an interest in, was the one who broke her virginity - and the 41 yr old scum jumped her after...she agreed to go for a ride at midnight with the two, and then was betrayed...)

The Newsday piece has since been removed, or archived, but it can be seen here:

Hillary's Career in Criminal Defense

if anyone wants to learn more about it.

The subsequent stories that came up after (the Daily Beast piece, for ex) added some thing new. The woman claimed she spent five days in a coma.

I wrote this some months ago, when it came up again:

"This guy was a **** stain for even touching a 12 year old girl - it's weird though, there doesn't seem to be any mention of five days in a coma, (that I can find) in the court documents, and it is not mentioned in the original story that was done in 2008, where the victim did not blame Hillary and said "I'm sure Hillary was just doing her job."

So my question since has been - does this information about the coma and beating come from anyone else other than the woman?

I still haven't learned that answer.
The Clintons are running another "twofer" campaign. hiLIARy plans to give Bubba actual policy making power. Rather a different category of political spouse. But if you find evidence that Trump's wife sexually exploited a subordinate employee in a Trump office, and used company personnel and resources to attack the victim, then by all means, please provide it.

In an election year when Bill Clinton’s policies and personal indiscretions have faced intense scrutiny, Hillary Clinton is beginning to shape the role her husband would play in her administration, zeroing in on economic growth and job creation as crucial missions for the former president.

Mrs. Clinton told voters in Kentucky on Sunday that Mr. Clinton would be “in charge of revitalizing the economy, because, you know, he knows how to do it,” especially “in places like coal country and inner cities.” On a campaign swing this month before the West Virginia primary, she said her husband has “got to come out of retirement and be in charge” of creating jobs....
Look at Hillary's past of people around her committing suicide, dying from lack of effort on Hillary's part to get protection and outright intimidation of victims. That is a pretty high cost of doing business with the Clintons. America can not afford it.
Look at Hillary's past of people around her committing suicide, dying from lack of effort on Hillary's part to get protection and outright intimidation of victims. That is a pretty high cost of doing business with the Clintons. America can not afford it.

Haha you saying that the United States couldn't do with a few less politicians? :badgrin:
Look at Hillary's past of people around her committing suicide, dying from lack of effort on Hillary's part to get protection and outright intimidation of victims. That is a pretty high cost of doing business with the Clintons. America can not afford it.

Haha you saying that the United States couldn't do with a few less politicians? :badgrin:

I thought that was the reason to vote for Trump.
Bullshit. She presented no evidence whatsoever. Her opinion. Bill and Hillary were powerful in Arkansas. Very powerful.

In May of 1975, the time of the court case, Hillary was giving law classes, and wasn't even married to Bill at that point, who was a law professor at the time also.
Not so powerful, sugartits.

Very powerful up and comers. No doubt about it. They were players.

She lied about the child. Plain and simple and laughed that she got a very violent rapist off.
Now it's "up and comers." lol

No, they weren't very powerful as you suggest.

And the crap about the coma you keep pushing is nowhere in the court documents, or can be found anyplace else.

Are you trying to minimize the rape? Are you really going to go there? Or that the 12 year old really deserved to be raped because Hillary said she talked to a shrink and he told her 12 year olds want to get screwed by an older man?

And they were a power couple. Of that there is no doubt. What exactly are you debating here?
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

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