Since the sexual past of Presidential spouses is up for grabs......

Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

I don't know you're the Homosexual addict, you tell us?

Nope, I just believe human beings should be treated like human beings whether they are black, white, yellow, brown, straight, homosexual, or whatever. As long as they are good people, and treat others with respect... I think they should be treated with respect and equal to anyone else. You are the one that has a problem with that. And trying to make me out as a bad guy for MY beliefs? That makes you even more of a scumbag.
The left is losing it.
H.Clinton trashed those women who came out saying what Clinton did to them and now H.Clinton is the "champion" of women...Bringing Slick into the picture is about his wife's actions against women who were raped by her husband and not that Slick was screwing around. They either are too dumb to see it or spinning desperately.

You have no idea what a women feels when cheated upon by her husband/SO. It's not the only ignorant comment you've posted, but it is one of the most nefarious. Anyone who has a friend, or counseled a women whose life has been turned upside down, will find some hurt and will be mad at the cheater, but real hate is for the other women.
You might want to take your complaint to Lucy and Defcon....they brought the subject to this thread.

You Leftists want that, say that you do? You want THAT sort of tape because that's how shallow you have sunk now.

You cannot win on issues, it's all about throwing dirt and the politics of personal destruction.
^says a vile australian trump supporter. lol

trump's campaign has been all about dirt and personal destruction, since its beginning.
Look who showed up! Yet another Lucy admirer...not coincidence. How are you sock?
this is a zone #2 thread. stop trolling and derailing this thread.

i say leave melania alone, and just focus on trump's victims. be they stiffed workers, defrauded TRUMP U students, 12 year old girls, or attractive women, who had to endure donald's urge-release grope-attacks.
Says the troll.
Saying hello is not derailing the thread, sock. It was a civil and polite behavior what is an alien concept for you leftists, of course.
it is not civil behaviour to call another poster a sock. it also does not add content to the zone#2 thread.

it derails the thread, because it invites defense against your baseless and dumb accusations.

here is some content:

leave melania alone, trump is a prime target.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.
Bullshit. She presented no evidence whatsoever. Her opinion. Bill and Hillary were powerful in Arkansas. Very powerful.

In May of 1975, the time of the court case, Hillary was giving law classes, and wasn't even married to Bill at that point, who was a law professor at the time also.
Not so powerful, sugartits.

Very powerful up and comers. No doubt about it. They were players.

She lied about the child. Plain and simple and laughed that she got a very violent rapist off.
Now it's "up and comers." lol

No, they weren't very powerful as you suggest.

And the crap about the coma you keep pushing is nowhere in the court documents, or can be found anyplace else.

Are you trying to minimize the rape? Are you really going to go there? Or that the 12 year old really deserved to be raped because Hillary said she talked to a shrink and he told her 12 year olds want to get screwed by an older man?

And they were a power couple. Of that there is no doubt. What exactly are you debating here? don't think that accused people should have defense lawyers.....
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

I don't know you're the Homosexual addict, you tell us?

Nope, I just believe human beings should be treated like human beings whether they are black, white, yellow, brown, straight, homosexual, or whatever. As long as they are good people, and treat others with respect... I think they should be treated with respect and equal to anyone else. You are the one that has a problem with that. And trying to make me out as a bad guy for MY beliefs? That makes you even more of a scumbag.

"And trying to make me out as a bad guy"

Where does deliberately harrassing people fit into that? Do good people harrass other people?

Who are you to say who's a good person and who's a bad person, do you have a God Complex or something, you have Annointed YOURSELF to say what's good and whats bad?

Look Bill Clinton is a womanizer, Hillary Clinton let him get away with it and then tried to cover it up by talking bad about the women he messed with. Trump is a misogynist, elitist who thinks he can get away with whatever he wants with whomever he wants because he is rich and famous... they both suck. Period.

I know that's bad. Each party knows that the person in the other party is bad. They all know what bad behavior is... they just want to draw a blind eye to their own candidate... just because of the party affiliation. I CAN and WILL call you out on being a bigot because that's the statements you make. They are morally wrong. You have even admitted on more than one occasion that you are a bigot. You've had multiple times to deny or defend your position... you haven't done it. Instead you've turned the tables and tried to attack me back, or deflect the argument on to someone else's comments as your defense. "See I'm not so bad, someone else is making bigot comments too!" That's child like, and especially coming form someone that is at the same time bragging about how intelligent they are, that's sad.

So either change your ways, or put on your big girl pants and deal with being called out for what you are. When you make comments like I'm stalking you and whatever else trying to act like a poor damsel in distress that is being picked on for no good reason, you make yourself look even more pathetic than you are.
Bullshit. She presented no evidence whatsoever. Her opinion. Bill and Hillary were powerful in Arkansas. Very powerful.

In May of 1975, the time of the court case, Hillary was giving law classes, and wasn't even married to Bill at that point, who was a law professor at the time also.
Not so powerful, sugartits.

Very powerful up and comers. No doubt about it. They were players.

She lied about the child. Plain and simple and laughed that she got a very violent rapist off.
Now it's "up and comers." lol

No, they weren't very powerful as you suggest.

And the crap about the coma you keep pushing is nowhere in the court documents, or can be found anyplace else.

Are you trying to minimize the rape? Are you really going to go there? Or that the 12 year old really deserved to be raped because Hillary said she talked to a shrink and he told her 12 year olds want to get screwed by an older man?

And they were a power couple. Of that there is no doubt. What exactly are you debating here? don't think that accused people should have defense lawyers.....

Not who are willing to lie for their client and destroy a child's life. Not that kind of defense lawyer.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.

So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.
Wow... now the FZ attitude is coming out proving that you are an FZ dweller and coming back upstairs as a sock, is that you Pills?

You keep accusing me of being a sock puppet without proof, sounds like harassment to me. Should I report you for it?
Sure, go ahead sock. You are desperately trying to refute the fact proving that oyu are one.


Should everyone report you for harrassment?

Go ahead. What proof of harassment do you have? Me mentioning your name ONCE in another thread, and me being on topic in this thread which is about past sexual experiences of the candidates and their families?

So how can you hate homosexuals... and yes bi-sexual people are homosexuals... if the wife of the candidate you support, Trump, has posed naked with other women?

Melania Trump was a model, that she was featured naked with other women doesn't mean that she's bi-sexual or something.

I have stated before I don't hate homosexuals, as in hate, I disagree with the lifestyle they have, which I'm allowed to disagree with whatever I want to.

You cheerlead for the homosexual lifestyle, which you are allowed to do, but don't expect everyone to agree with you, because they don't and that's something that you have difficulty coping with, that people disagree with things you demand they agree with.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.

So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.

Nope, I just call it like I see it. This world is full of people that want to say and project certain values, when all it really is, is a front, and not what they really are. If two women want to hook up, I could care less. But what I find funny is, when someone who says they are a Conservative, which has a foundation against gay acts and rights, tell me that I'm being an uptight asshole for not accepting that as part of their culture... that shows me they are either a fake Conservative, or they are a hypocrite. It's funny how many times I've had to use that word in this thread.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.

So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.

Nope, I just call it like I see it. This world is full of people that want to say and project certain values, when all it really is, is a front, and not what they really are. If two women want to hook up, I could care less. But what I find funny is, when someone who says they are a Conservative, which has a foundation against gay acts and rights, tell me that I'm being an uptight asshole for not accepting that as part of their culture... that shows me they are either a fake Conservative, or they are a hypocrite. It's funny how many times I've had to use that word in this thread.

You're lying. You spoke against all conservatives not specific individuals.

"Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient."

You're a rat shill.

Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Well it was Glenn Beck that promoted the lesbian pornography meme. He's lost a lot of listeners. Paid a high price for that lie.

You have to remember many conservatives like myself have actually had a life outside a convent. AKA "had a past" and try very hard not to judge people harshly.

Say for example my opinion on Bill Clinton and Monica. The man had an affair. Okey dokey. In the Oval Office. Well. Whoa geeze. But with his wife and his daughter upstairs. Ok. Now I'm pissed off.

And then everyone in the Clinton circle tries to destroy Monica and Linda Tripp. Holy toledo now I'm really really pissed off.

That's a gradual opinion morphing when all facts are known.

Or many have been trying to point out that Hillary was just doing her job to get the rapist of that 12 year old girl off. Okey dokey.

But then Hillary fabricated a lie that the 12 year old girl fantasized about having sex with older men. No evidence. Smeared the child. Now I'm at Well. Whoa geeze.

But then she laughed about how she got her rapist client off. The audio is out there.

Ok. Now I'm pissed off. And then people attempt to defend the indefensible. Hillary lied about the child.

NOW I'm at Holy toledo now I'm really really pissed off.

It's beyond wrong what she did to the child. But it's her MO. Blame the victim.
Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.

So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.

Nope, I just call it like I see it. This world is full of people that want to say and project certain values, when all it really is, is a front, and not what they really are. If two women want to hook up, I could care less. But what I find funny is, when someone who says they are a Conservative, which has a foundation against gay acts and rights, tell me that I'm being an uptight asshole for not accepting that as part of their culture... that shows me they are either a fake Conservative, or they are a hypocrite. It's funny how many times I've had to use that word in this thread.

You're lying. You spoke against all conservatives not specific individuals.

"Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient."

You're a rat shill.


You can substitute religion for Conservatism if you want. Hell you can substitute anything for it, but right now we are talking about Conservative values. Good try though.
Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.

So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.

Nope, I just call it like I see it. This world is full of people that want to say and project certain values, when all it really is, is a front, and not what they really are. If two women want to hook up, I could care less. But what I find funny is, when someone who says they are a Conservative, which has a foundation against gay acts and rights, tell me that I'm being an uptight asshole for not accepting that as part of their culture... that shows me they are either a fake Conservative, or they are a hypocrite. It's funny how many times I've had to use that word in this thread.

You're lying. You spoke against all conservatives not specific individuals.

"Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient."

You're a rat shill.


You can substitute religion for Conservatism if you want. Hell you can substitute anything for it, but right now we are talking about Conservative values. Good try though.

No try at all. You've been busted as a rat shill with your own words. Deflection won't change that.
'Today I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault," . "Don't let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed and we're with you."
Hillary Clinton.

“Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them.”
Hillary Clinton.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Lets bring some of her lesbian partners to the next debate
We can interview them about the experience

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