Since the sexual past of Presidential spouses is up for grabs......

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.

So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.

Nope, I just call it like I see it. This world is full of people that want to say and project certain values, when all it really is, is a front, and not what they really are. If two women want to hook up, I could care less. But what I find funny is, when someone who says they are a Conservative, which has a foundation against gay acts and rights, tell me that I'm being an uptight asshole for not accepting that as part of their culture... that shows me they are either a fake Conservative, or they are a hypocrite. It's funny how many times I've had to use that word in this thread.

You're lying. You spoke against all conservatives not specific individuals.

"Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient."

You're a rat shill.


You can substitute religion for Conservatism if you want. Hell you can substitute anything for it, but right now we are talking about Conservative values. Good try though.

No try at all. You've been busted as a rat shill with your own words. Deflection won't change that.

A rat shill for respecting other human beings? OMG you got me! Busted! Send me to forum jail!

Are you a Conservative? What's your feelings about homosexuals? Do you support Trump? Is it ok that Trump's wife posed naked with another woman presenting the idea of a lesbian picture?
Sure, go ahead sock. You are desperately trying to refute the fact proving that oyu are one.


Should everyone report you for harrassment?

Go ahead. What proof of harassment do you have? Me mentioning your name ONCE in another thread, and me being on topic in this thread which is about past sexual experiences of the candidates and their families?

So how can you hate homosexuals... and yes bi-sexual people are homosexuals... if the wife of the candidate you support, Trump, has posed naked with other women?

Melania Trump was a model, that she was featured naked with other women doesn't mean that she's bi-sexual or something.

I have stated before I don't hate homosexuals, as in hate, I disagree with the lifestyle they have, which I'm allowed to disagree with whatever I want to.

You cheerlead for the homosexual lifestyle, which you are allowed to do, but don't expect everyone to agree with you, because they don't and that's something that you have difficulty coping with, that people disagree with things you demand they agree with.

It's one thing to disagree with a person's lifestyle, but you don't want them to have the same rights as you. That's different. I've also brought up before another reason why you are a bigot. But I got in trouble and I can't mention it again without your permission. Can I repeat what you said in a private message?

Why are you so obsessed? And don't tell me that at the drop of a hat you wouldn't LOVE to take the rights off ANYONE who doesn't agree with your Leftist mindset.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Lets bring some of her lesbian partners to the next debate
We can interview them about the experience

Where has it been stated that Melania Trump is Lesbian or Bi-Sexual?
TeenyTinyBrains is the one who keeps lying.

“Hillary then began to attack my character, forcing me to undergo multiple polygraph tests where I was asked explicit sexual questions I didn’t even understand. Next I was sent for a psychiatric examination. It felt like I was the one on trial.”
— Shelton, first-person account on gofundme page

Before the second debate, Donald Trump held a brief news conference with three women who claim they were abused by Bill Clinton – and one woman, Kathy Shelton, who says Hillary Clinton ruined her life when she was hired as a public defender for a man who raped Shelton in 1975.

<snip> Until a Newsday reporter informed her in 2008 that Clinton was the lawyer in the case, Shelton had no idea that Hillary Clinton had been involved.

Moreover, a central part of her story — the psychiatric exam — does not appear to have taken place, according to court records.

The Facts
In 1975, Clinton — then Hillary Rodham — was a 27-year-old law instructor running a legal aid clinic at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. After a 41-year-old factory worker was accused of raping a 12-year-old girl, he asked the judge to replace his court-appointed male attorney with a female one. The judge went through the list of a half-dozen women practicing law in the county and picked Clinton. She has said she was not thrilled with the assignment but felt she had little choice but to take the court appointment — which the prosecutor in the case confirmed to CNN.

Court records describe a sad tale. Shelton, at the time 12 years old, went out for a late-night drive with Tom Taylor, then 41, a 20-year-old cousin, and a 15-year-old boy with whom she was apparently infatuated. They bought a pint of Old Grand-Dad whisky, which was mixed with Coca-Cola for Shelton. After hanging out at a bowling alley for a few hours, they allegedly drove to a ravine where the two older men left Shelton and the 15-year-old together. The two then had sex, the boy told police. After they were finished, Taylor approached the truck and apparently attacked Shelton. The boy reported that Shelton screamed and he saw Taylor hitching up his pants.

As part of her handling of the case, Clinton filed an affidavit July 28, 1975, requesting that the girl go through a psychiatric examination. “I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing,” Clinton said. “I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body. Also that she exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.”

Clinton offered no source for the claims.

When Glenn Thrush, then a reporter for Newsday, showed the affidavit to Shelton in 2007, he wrote that she was visibly stunned. “It kind of shocks me – it’s not true,” she said. “I never said anybody attacked my body before, never in my life.”

But Shelton told Thrush at the time that she bore no ill will toward Clinton. “I have to understand that she was representing Taylor,” she said. “I’m sure Hillary was just doing her job.”

The Daily Beast article said:

The victim was put through several forensic procedures, including a lie detector test. At first, she failed the lie detector test; she said that was because she didn’t understand one of the specific sex-related questions. Once that question was explained to her, she passed, she said. The victim positively identified her two attackers through one-way glass and they were arrested.

In an interview with the Daily Mail that appeared Aug. 9, Shelton agreed for the first time to be identified by name. This article strongly suggested that the psychiatric examination took place:

Although Clinton’s legal maneuver would likely be prohibited today under Arkansas rape shield act, the law was not passed until two years after the case.

Shelton said one of her worst memories of the case was being questioned repeatedly by appointed experts.

“It got so bad that I told my mom I wasn’t going back, and whatever happened, happened,” said Shelton. “It’s sad that a 12-year-old had to go through what I had to go through, because for days I cried and cried and cried over it.”

The gofundme site, which was established Aug. 13 and seeks to raise $10,000, quotes Shelton as explicitly saying that the test took place: “Hillary then began to attack my character, forcing me to undergo multiple polygraph tests where I was asked explicit sexual questions I didn’t even understand. Next I was sent for a psychiatric examination. It felt like I was the one on trial.”

But the court docket, unearthed by Pittsburgh attorney Norma Chase and for the first time made public, shows that one day after Clinton filed a request for psychiatric exam, it was denied by the judge. The court docket for July 28 says Clinton filed her motion for an exam. On July 29, it states: “Hearing on Motion for Psychiatric Examination — Motion denied. Defendant objects.” (There is also no evidence that Clinton was responsible for arranging Shelton’s polygraph test.)

Here’s the docket sheet:

Taylor Docket Entries

For a variety of reasons, a plea agreement to a reduced charge was reached. Investigators mishandled evidence of Taylor’s bloody underwear, cutting out the stain for testing and then losing it.

Newsday also quoted a retired detective on the case as saying that Shelton’s “ ‘infatuation’ with the teenage boy, which she refused to admit,” led to “serious inconsistencies in her statements about the incident.” The detective also said Shelton’s mother “was so eager to end the ordeal she coached her daughter’s statements and interrupted interviews with police.

Shelton did not respond to requests for comment left on her phone and the gofundme site. We also sought comment from Candice E. Jackson, an attorney who represents her.

The Bottom Line
Memories are malleable over time. The record shows that Shelton’s memories of the case have changed, specifically concerning being forced to take a psychiatric exam that, it turns out, was not approved by the court. Shelton did not know about Clinton’s affidavit asking for the exam in the 41-year-old case until it was shown to her by a reporter nine years ago.

There is little indication that the outcome of the case would have been much different, no matter the defense attorney, given the mishandling of the evidence and Shelton’s difficulties as a witness. Yet now the exam has become a key part of her story in order to raise funds.

Shelton is a rape victim and until recently has not been in the public eye. However, she chose to appear at Trump’s news conference, and Trump has begun to highlight her story in campaign speeches. We’re not going to assign a Pinocchio rating, but readers should be aware of the facts of her case — and how her account has changed over time."

The facts about Hillary Clinton and the Kathy Shelton rape case
So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.

Nope, I just call it like I see it. This world is full of people that want to say and project certain values, when all it really is, is a front, and not what they really are. If two women want to hook up, I could care less. But what I find funny is, when someone who says they are a Conservative, which has a foundation against gay acts and rights, tell me that I'm being an uptight asshole for not accepting that as part of their culture... that shows me they are either a fake Conservative, or they are a hypocrite. It's funny how many times I've had to use that word in this thread.

You're lying. You spoke against all conservatives not specific individuals.

"Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient."

You're a rat shill.


You can substitute religion for Conservatism if you want. Hell you can substitute anything for it, but right now we are talking about Conservative values. Good try though.

No try at all. You've been busted as a rat shill with your own words. Deflection won't change that.

A rat shill for respecting other human beings? OMG you got me! Busted! Send me to forum jail!

Are you a Conservative? What's your feelings about homosexuals? Do you support Trump? Is it ok that Trump's wife posed naked with another woman presenting the idea of a lesbian picture?

Still trying to weasel away. You'll have to dig deeper into your bag of rat troll tricks though. Your statement had NO qualifiers. Attempting ex post facto additions won't work.

"Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient."
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.
This election cycle sure proves that, doesn't it?
Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.

So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.

Nope, I just call it like I see it. This world is full of people that want to say and project certain values, when all it really is, is a front, and not what they really are. If two women want to hook up, I could care less. But what I find funny is, when someone who says they are a Conservative, which has a foundation against gay acts and rights, tell me that I'm being an uptight asshole for not accepting that as part of their culture... that shows me they are either a fake Conservative, or they are a hypocrite. It's funny how many times I've had to use that word in this thread.

You're lying. You spoke against all conservatives not specific individuals.

"Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient."

You're a rat shill.

That is a correct statement.....
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?
"There is little indication that the outcome of the case would have been much different, no matter the defense attorney, given the mishandling of the evidence and Shelton’s difficulties as a witness. Yet now the exam has become a key part of her story in order to raise funds."

The facts about Hillary Clinton and the Kathy Shelton rape case

The one difference in that Hillary *was* the defense attorney -- was that case inspired Hillary to open the first RAPE CRISIS CENTER in Arkansas.

Which helped thousands more victims.

So stick it, teeny.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Am I correct in reading your post as defending ethical/moral relativism? Wow, that will get you kicked out and tossed under the bus by the current iteration of conservatism.

Conservatism is only important to people when it is convenient. And when they get caught up trying to do something outside the realm of their own projected moral values, it's the accusers that are the bad people.

So you finally admit you're a rat shill in independent clothing.

Nope, I just call it like I see it. This world is full of people that want to say and project certain values, when all it really is, is a front, and not what they really are. If two women want to hook up, I could care less. But what I find funny is, when someone who says they are a Conservative, which has a foundation against gay acts and rights, tell me that I'm being an uptight asshole for not accepting that as part of their culture... that shows me they are either a fake Conservative, or they are a hypocrite. It's funny how many times I've had to use that word in this thread.

Whoa. Have you never heard, "hate the sin but always love the sinner"? Many very good Christian conservatives are deeply conflicted because they know or are related to someone or more in the LGBT community.

Deeply conflicted. I'm originally from the east and spent many years in the entertainment industry and had gay friends and co workers for all those years. Good, hardworking decent individuals that were the awesome of awesomeness.

I don't think you can get a more diverse city than Toronto next to NYC, LA, SF maybe Vancouver. So it's not being a fake conservative or a hypocrite.

I think it's more in the category of " I'll meet you at the pearly gates and it's up to the big guy if we make it thru" .

And yeah I know what's in the Word. But it's still not up to me if two people who desperately love each other and wow want to get married to decide whether they can or they can't in a secular world.

Doesn't make me a hypocrite or a fake Conservative. I've known too many gay couples whose relationships have lasted far longer than many heteros.

And it doesn't make me a hypocrite or a fake Conservative for respecting that type of devotion and loyalty to a partner.

Believe it or not. There is middle ground.
Should everyone report you for harrassment?

Go ahead. What proof of harassment do you have? Me mentioning your name ONCE in another thread, and me being on topic in this thread which is about past sexual experiences of the candidates and their families?

So how can you hate homosexuals... and yes bi-sexual people are homosexuals... if the wife of the candidate you support, Trump, has posed naked with other women?

Melania Trump was a model, that she was featured naked with other women doesn't mean that she's bi-sexual or something.

I have stated before I don't hate homosexuals, as in hate, I disagree with the lifestyle they have, which I'm allowed to disagree with whatever I want to.

You cheerlead for the homosexual lifestyle, which you are allowed to do, but don't expect everyone to agree with you, because they don't and that's something that you have difficulty coping with, that people disagree with things you demand they agree with.

It's one thing to disagree with a person's lifestyle, but you don't want them to have the same rights as you. That's different. I've also brought up before another reason why you are a bigot. But I got in trouble and I can't mention it again without your permission. Can I repeat what you said in a private message?

"Can I repeat what you said in a private message?"


So tell me how you are perfect, I mean you're telling people that you're perfect yes?

I knew you would say no. :bye1:

Am I perfect? Nope, never said I was. No one's perfect. Some things we can control, some things we can't. Fortunately one thing we can control is how we treat other human beings regardless if we agree with some of the things about their life, including their sexual preference, skin color, religion, or what country they are from.

Yes I say no.

I still hold to that opinion I commented, I will hold to that opinion until the day I leave this earth and I'm not unusual having this opinion there are many, many, many, many MILLIONS of people who have the same opinion as me about that. That your type don't like it, I don't give a crap, it is NONE of your business for one thing.

"Fortunately one thing we can control is how we treat other human beings regardless if we agree with some of the things about their life, including their sexual preference, skin color, religion, or what country they are from."

If this is still about Homosexuals, I don't advocate throwing them off rooftops or executing them for being Homosexual, should they be allowed to get married, no, should they be allowed to have children in their household, no, and that is because of my moral view as a Christian, but being a Christian I myself am in probably the most hated group to Leftists.

The Leftist hate the most intense hate for Christians, most Leftists being God Hating and God Less Athiests.
Melania has posed naked with other women... was it just for to show men the fantasy of two women together? Was it to propagate the idea of lesbianism? So how does a bigot feel about the idea of the candidate they back having a bi-sexual wife?

Hey asshole. That's what European models do. Jerk. Kate Moss and Cara just did a Burberry campaign naked together. British Glamour magazine. Hell's bells Carla Bruni who is now married to the ex President of France did naked shoots all the time.

They aren't uptight over there. So cut your lesbian bi sexual shit out or you'll embarrass yourself further.

Lets bring some of her lesbian partners to the next debate
We can interview them about the experience

Where has it been stated that Melania Trump is Lesbian or Bi-Sexual?

She has been "accused"

That is the only burden of proof required to attend the next debate
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?
She's actually a grown up now...and I sympathise with her...but what did she expect Clinton to do.....or not do....her job as Public Defender?
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?

What did Clinton do to her, exactly?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist

Nothing. She did her job, reluctantly. In this country, we don't conflate the rapist with his legal defense. All are entitled to a defense. Don't like that? Move to North Korea.
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?

Actually she wanted her story to be heard.

"The victim in the 1975 sexual abuse case that became Clinton’s first criminal defense case as a 27-year-old lawyer has only spoken to the media once since her attack, a contested, short interaction with a reporter in 2008, during Clinton’s last presidential campaign run.

Now 52, she wants to speak out after hearing Clinton talk about her case on newly discovered audio recordings from the 1980s, unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon and made public this week.

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said."

It was the laughing that did it. She was revictimized sp? all over again.

Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?
She's actually a grown up now...and I sympathise with her...but what did she expect Clinton to do.....or not do....her job as Public Defender?

Well we already know Hillary's reputation as a lawyer, ask the employer who fired her. So it's one thing to be a public defender, it's another thing to do it with ethical conduct.
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?

Actually she wanted her story to be heard.

"The victim in the 1975 sexual abuse case that became Clinton’s first criminal defense case as a 27-year-old lawyer has only spoken to the media once since her attack, a contested, short interaction with a reporter in 2008, during Clinton’s last presidential campaign run.

Now 52, she wants to speak out after hearing Clinton talk about her case on newly discovered audio recordings from the 1980s, unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon and made public this week.

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said."

It was the laughing that did it. She was revictimized sp? all over again.

Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says

Actually, she said "Hillary Clinton was just doing her job" and claimed to barely remember her. Once she was coached, she became the faux victim of a public defender doing her job.
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?
She's actually a grown up now...and I sympathise with her...but what did she expect Clinton to do.....or not do....her job as Public Defender?

Well we already know Hillary's reputation as a lawyer, ask the employer who fired her. So it's one thing to be a public defender, it's another thing to do it with ethical conduct.

The judge and prosecutor in the case said she handled the case with perfect ethical conduct. FACT.
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?

Actually she wanted her story to be heard.

"The victim in the 1975 sexual abuse case that became Clinton’s first criminal defense case as a 27-year-old lawyer has only spoken to the media once since her attack, a contested, short interaction with a reporter in 2008, during Clinton’s last presidential campaign run.

Now 52, she wants to speak out after hearing Clinton talk about her case on newly discovered audio recordings from the 1980s, unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon and made public this week.

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said."

It was the laughing that did it. She was revictimized sp? all over again.

Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says

I'm sorry but parading a raped child, whether a grown up now or not, in front of the nation as a trophy piece to win an election is not classy. Whether grown or not, emotional scars don't just heal like that, and what Trump did, certainly isn't something that is going to heal those scars. If anything, he is prolonging things, by building the vindictiveness out of the act.

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