Since the sexual past of Presidential spouses is up for grabs......

The left is losing it.
H.Clinton trashed those women who came out saying what Clinton did to them and now H.Clinton is the "champion" of women...Bringing Slick into the picture is about his wife's actions against women who were raped by her husband and not that Slick was screwing around. They either are too dumb to see it or spinning desperately.

You've got it all backwards.
Here is the list of Republicans who are not supporting Trump
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?

Actually she wanted her story to be heard.

"The victim in the 1975 sexual abuse case that became Clinton’s first criminal defense case as a 27-year-old lawyer has only spoken to the media once since her attack, a contested, short interaction with a reporter in 2008, during Clinton’s last presidential campaign run.

Now 52, she wants to speak out after hearing Clinton talk about her case on newly discovered audio recordings from the 1980s, unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon and made public this week.

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said."

It was the laughing that did it. She was revictimized sp? all over again.

Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says

I'm sorry but parading a raped child, whether a grown up now or not, in front of the nation as a trophy piece to win an election is not classy. Whether grown or not, emotional scars don't just heal like that, and what Trump did, certainly isn't something that is going to heal those scars. If anything, he is prolonging things, by building the vindictiveness out of the act.

But parading an impeached president is OK with you. Especially one guilty of lying to the American people and conducting himself with such dignity.

You seem to think you know everything about argument fallacies so I'll let you figure out which one you just committed. Bill Clinton did a lot of stuff wrong that I don't agree with... I've always hated him and Hillary, but he is her husband. Did you expect him to sit at home while she campaigns? Seriously?
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?

Actually she wanted her story to be heard.

"The victim in the 1975 sexual abuse case that became Clinton’s first criminal defense case as a 27-year-old lawyer has only spoken to the media once since her attack, a contested, short interaction with a reporter in 2008, during Clinton’s last presidential campaign run.

Now 52, she wants to speak out after hearing Clinton talk about her case on newly discovered audio recordings from the 1980s, unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon and made public this week.

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said."

It was the laughing that did it. She was revictimized sp? all over again.

Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says

I'm sorry but parading a raped child, whether a grown up now or not, in front of the nation as a trophy piece to win an election is not classy. Whether grown or not, emotional scars don't just heal like that, and what Trump did, certainly isn't something that is going to heal those scars. If anything, he is prolonging things, by building the vindictiveness out of the act.

But parading an impeached president is OK with you. Especially one guilty of lying to the American people and conducting himself with such dignity.
He is married to the current Democrat Candidate....what would you say if he wasn't around? Besides, he's still considered a very good President in his own right.
I just hope that no pictures show up of Bill Clinton naked in suggestive poses with men.
Let's invite Melanias past sexual partners to the next debate


Is this up there with the Leftists masturbating material of hoping for a tape of The Donald fucking his own daughter?

You are a crowd of sick and twisted, what does bripat refer to Leftists as, oh yes douchebags.

Douchebag ™ bripat9643
Oh my.....and so you immediately refer to the possible incestuous relationship between Donald and Ivanka as a response? Now that IS sick and twisted.

I already mentioned why I commented this, it wasn't from my mind, it was what was mentioned by some Leftist the other night on a different thread.

Hmmmm..... I see. ....
SEE IT: Trump comments on 1-year-old daughter’s breasts
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?

Actually she wanted her story to be heard.

"The victim in the 1975 sexual abuse case that became Clinton’s first criminal defense case as a 27-year-old lawyer has only spoken to the media once since her attack, a contested, short interaction with a reporter in 2008, during Clinton’s last presidential campaign run.

Now 52, she wants to speak out after hearing Clinton talk about her case on newly discovered audio recordings from the 1980s, unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon and made public this week.

In a long, emotional interview with The Daily Beast, she accused Clinton of intentionally lying about her in court documents, going to extraordinary lengths to discredit evidence of the rape, and later callously acknowledging and laughing about her attackers’ guilt on the recordings.

“Hillary Clinton took me through Hell,” the victim said."

It was the laughing that did it. She was revictimized sp? all over again.

Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says

I'm sorry but parading a raped child, whether a grown up now or not, in front of the nation as a trophy piece to win an election is not classy. Whether grown or not, emotional scars don't just heal like that, and what Trump did, certainly isn't something that is going to heal those scars. If anything, he is prolonging things, by building the vindictiveness out of the act.

No. It's a matter of allowing the victims of these people to get a chance to tell their stories.

... and just like anything else in life, there is a right time and place for it. On the national stage at a Presidential Debate isn't the right time and place for it.

As compared to the set up with Miss Universe? Who was never a victim but she's a damn good actress.

Both were wrong in my opinion, because the debate should really be about the issues, and not mud slinging, but there is a HUGE difference between an adult that Trump called names, and a girl that claimed she was raped as a 12 year old.
"There is little indication that the outcome of the case would have been much different, no matter the defense attorney, given the mishandling of the evidence and Shelton’s difficulties as a witness. Yet now the exam has become a key part of her story in order to raise funds."

The facts about Hillary Clinton and the Kathy Shelton rape case

The one difference in that Hillary *was* the defense attorney -- was that case inspired Hillary to open the first RAPE CRISIS CENTER in Arkansas.

Which helped thousands more victims.

So stick it, teeny.

The mother wanted it over and done with and allowed Hillary's rapist errrrrrrrr client to plea down. Don't hand me bullshit.
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?
She's actually a grown up now...and I sympathise with her...but what did she expect Clinton to do.....or not do....her job as Public Defender?

Well we already know Hillary's reputation as a lawyer, ask the employer who fired her. So it's one thing to be a public defender, it's another thing to do it with ethical conduct.

The judge and prosecutor in the case said she handled the case with perfect ethical conduct. FACT.


Are you fucking serious? How many do you need in one thread, asshole?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist

See that headline? Of course the headline is a lie. Clinton wasn't the court so of course "Freed" is false.
Allow my to use a popular phrase the left gave us during Bill Clintons White House years in regards to his mullpitle sex scandals move on.
The Left is displaying fake outrage over behavior they endorse in their own candidates.
So many people are talking about the poor 12 year old girl, which I do think Hillary was awful for what she did to her, but what about how classless it was for Trump to use that girl's misery for political gain? Bringing her to a debate and then talking about her in front of a national audience? Do you REALLY think Trump cares about that girl? Or does he care more about how much that it hurt Hillary?
She's actually a grown up now...and I sympathise with her...but what did she expect Clinton to do.....or not do....her job as Public Defender?

Were I a lawyer, I would refuse to defend anyone who even touched a child, let alone rape a child.

As a parent, to me, there is no more heinous crime than sexual abuse of children, those who commit such atrocities are complete wastes of human skin.

Well if you know anything about the United States, everyone has a right to a legal defense. And you're innocent until proven guilty. We set it up that way so despots and monarchs can't willy-nilly imprison someone without the accused first having a trial before a jury of their peers. The law does not discriminate according to the crime that one is accused of.
The Left is displaying fake outrage over behavior they endorse in their own candidates.
He is married to the current Democrat Candidate....what would you say if he wasn't around? Besides, he's still considered a very good President in his own right.
And also a President who was impeached for lying in court, paid off hundreds of thousands of dollars to those he sexually assualted and is a well known sexual predator. Of course, like Trump, I doubt there's enough Viagra on the planet for him to get it up again due to extreme age.
Ok too funny. That Snopes fact checker was actually proven to be a liar on a blog by..................................


He is married to the current Democrat Candidate....what would you say if he wasn't around? Besides, he's still considered a very good President in his own right.
And also a President who was impeached for lying in court, paid off hundreds of thousands of dollars to those he sexually assualted and is a well known sexual predator. Of course, like Trump, I doubt there's enough Viagra on the planet for him to get it up again due to extreme age.

Exactly, why would any Republican be mad about Bill Clinton sitting front and center for Hillary? He's like a walking "Kick me" sign.
Here's fact checking the fact checker. You just can't make this shit up.


Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

She wrote a “fact check” article about Jimmy Carter’s unilateral ban of Iranian nationals from entering the country that looks more like an opinion column arguing against Donald Trump’s proposed Muslim ban.

Similarly, Lacapria — in another “fact check” article — argued Hillary Clinton hadn’t included Benghazi at all in her infamous “we didn’t lose a single person in Libya” gaffe. Lacapria claimed Clinton only meant to refer to the 2011 invasion of Libya (but not the 2012 Benghazi attack) but offered little fact-based evidence to support her claim.

After the Orlando terror attack, Lacapria claimed that just because Omar Mateen was a registered Democrat with an active voter registration status didn’t mean he was actually a Democrat. Her “fact check” argued that he might “have chosen a random political affiliation when he initially registered.”

Lacapria even tried to contradict the former Facebook workers who admitted that Facebook regularly censors conservative news, dismissing the news as “rumors.”

Read more:

ht/ c. steven tucker

Fact Checking Snopes’ Kim LaCapria
The Left is displaying fake outrage over behavior they endorse in their own candidates.
What Democrat Candidate behaved like Drumpf does?
William Jefferson Clinton Special Report: Jones vs. Clinton
1. My name is Paula Jones. I am the plaintiff in the lawsuit styled Paula Jones v. William Jefferson Clinton and Danny Ferguson.

2. I married Mr. Stephen Jones on December 28, 1991, and have been married to him ever since then. Stephen and I have two sons. We live in Long Beach, California.

3. I was born and raised in Arkansas.

4. On or about March 11, 1991, I began work as an employee of the State of Arkansas, working for the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission (the "AIDC").

5. On May 8, 1991, the AIDC sponsored the Third Annual Governor's Quality Conference (the "Conference") at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas.

6. On that day, I worked at the registration desk at the Conference. Pamela Blackard ("Ms. Blackard"), another employee of the AIDC, worked with me at the registration desk.

7. A man approached the registration desk and told Ms. Blackard and me that he was Trooper Danny Ferguson ("Trooper Ferguson"), Governor Clinton's bodyguard. He made small talk with Ms. Blackard and me, during which he showed me that he was carrying a pistol. He then returned to Governor Clinton.

8. Later that day, Trooper Ferguson came back to the registration desk and handed to me a piece of paper with a number written on it. Trooper Ferguson told me that the number was a suite number in the Hotel and he said to me that the Governor would like to meet with me. I had never met or talked to Governor Clinton. The first time I had ever seen him in person was at the Conference.

9. Ms. Blackard, Trooper Ferguson and I then talked about what the Governor could want. I thought it was an honor to be asked to meet the Governor. Among other things, Trooper Ferguson stated: "We do this all the time."

10. I decided to go meet Mr. Clinton. Ms. Blackard told me that she would take over my duties at the registration desk.

11. Trooper Ferguson then escorted me to the suite whose number had been written on the slip of paper he had handed to me earlier. When I arrived at the suite, the door was slightly ajar. I knocked on the door frame, and Mr. Clinton answered. I went into the suite, while Trooper Ferguson remained outside.

12. Mr. Clinton shook my hand, invited me in, and closed the door.

13. We talked for a few minutes. Mr. Clinton asked me about my job. He told me that Dave Harrington (who at that time was in charge of the AIDC) was his "good friend."

14. Mr. Clinton then unexpectedly reached over to me, took my hand, and pulled me toward him, so that our bodies were close to each other. I removed my hand from his and retreated several feet.

15. Mr. Clinton approached me again, saying "I love the way your hair flows down your back" and "I love your curves." While saying these things, Mr. Clinton put his hand on my leg and started sliding his hand toward my pelvic area. I did not consent to him doing this. He also bent down to kiss me on the neck, but I would not let him do so.

16. I exclaimed, "What are you doing?" and escaped from Mr. Clinton's reach by walking away from him. I was extremely upset and confused and I did not know what to do. I tried to distract Mr. Clinton by asking him about his wife and her activities, and I sat down at the end of the sofa nearest the door. Mr. Clinton then walked over to the sofa, lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told me to "kiss it."

17. I was horrified by this. I jumped up from the couch and told Mr. Clinton that I had to go, saying something to the effect that I had to get back to the registration desk. Mr. Clinton, while fondling his penis, said: "Well, I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do." Mr. Clinton then stood up, pulled up his pants and said: "If you get in trouble for leaving work, have Dave call me immediately and I'll take care of it." As I left the room, Mr. Clinton detained me momentarily, looked sternly at me and said: "You are smart. Let's keep this between ourselves."

Let's not forget Juanita Broaddrick or Kathleen Willey.

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