Since Trump's deplorables won't read the Mueller report, actors will read it for them

Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.

Fuck you.
The truth really grabs you by the balls doesn't it? You losers are just exposing how bad you got your asses wiped when the truth, facts, and the law, stuck it right in your faces. Do you all hate America that much, that you would surrender it all for a criminal? Really? Lol! Folks, this is what "Cultism" really looks like.
The truth really grabs you by the balls doesn't it? You losers are just exposing how bad you got your asses wiped when the truth, facts, and the law, stuck it right in your faces. Do you all hate America that much, that you would surrender it all for a criminal? Really? Lol! Folks, this is what "Cultism" really looks like.
Baghdad Bob? Is that you?
Yes it did. The rules did. He was not allowed to make the determination.
Funny how you continue to repeat the same nonsense after you have been shown how it is nonsense.

The poor thing is obsessed. He can't do anything but wish Trump were guilty of something.

Mueller's report was the biggest disappointment of his little life.

BWK they name is obsession.
Lol! Trump already is guilty. My wishes already came true. The problem I see, are these Trump Toad hold outs who surrendered self respect, honesty, the law, and their country, to prop up a cultist criminal.
The truth really grabs you by the balls doesn't it? You losers are just exposing how bad you got your asses wiped when the truth, facts, and the law, stuck it right in your faces. Do you all hate America that much, that you would surrender it all for a criminal? Really? Lol! Folks, this is what "Cultism" really looks like.
Baghdad Bob? Is that you?
Keep them coming cultists. Everything is exposed now, and what's left are these Trump cultists throw aways who don't have a prayer. The law and the Constitution are slowly eating your lunch and Dump's.
Yes it did. The rules did. He was not allowed to make the determination.
Funny how you continue to repeat the same nonsense after you have been shown how it is nonsense.
Chief, the day you show me some nonsense, is the day a cow will jump over the moon. You people show shit on a sandwich. Who are you trying to kid?
Celebrities reading the report is irrelevant but Mueller`s public testimony on July 17th will be plenty relevant and there is nothing that Trump can do to prevent it. Mueller is a private citizen, not a government employee. Dear Leader is shitting his pants already.

Ooooh because WAPO says so...has it occurred to you the GOP will have questions also?
No intelligent questions for sure. Only those for a cover up.
The truth really grabs you by the balls doesn't it? You losers are just exposing how bad you got your asses wiped when the truth, facts, and the law, stuck it right in your faces. Do you all hate America that much, that you would surrender it all for a criminal? Really? Lol! Folks, this is what "Cultism" really looks like.
Baghdad Bob? Is that you?
Keep them coming cultists. Everything is exposed now, and what's left are these Trump cultists throw aways who don't have a prayer. The law and the Constitution are slowly eating your lunch and Dump's.

Celebrities reading the report is irrelevant but Mueller`s public testimony on July 17th will be plenty relevant and there is nothing that Trump can do to prevent it. Mueller is a private citizen, not a government employee. Dear Leader is shitting his pants already.

Ooooh because WAPO says so...has it occurred to you the GOP will have questions also?
No intelligent questions for sure. Only those for a cover up.

I'd start with when did Mewler know the dossier was a fake? Then go from there....
The truth really grabs you by the balls doesn't it? You losers are just exposing how bad you got your asses wiped when the truth, facts, and the law, stuck it right in your faces. Do you all hate America that much, that you would surrender it all for a criminal? Really? Lol! Folks, this is what "Cultism" really looks like.
Baghdad Bob? Is that you?
Keep them coming cultists. Everything is exposed now, and what's left are these Trump cultists throw aways who don't have a prayer. The law and the Constitution are slowly eating your lunch and Dump's.
It IS you!!!
How did you get out of Iraq?
Celebrities reading the report is irrelevant but Mueller`s public testimony on July 17th will be plenty relevant and there is nothing that Trump can do to prevent it. Mueller is a private citizen, not a government employee. Dear Leader is shitting his pants already.
I think it's going to be more of the same. The Dems have more than plenty to impeach, and later indict. The Mueller report is totally devastating to Trump if you read it. And yet, Trump's Toads trot out here every day acting like they read it, when they have no idea how far off the mark they are, because they haven't read it. Seriously, it's embarrassing. All they use are alternative facts in their heads, because they haven't read the report, and they show up on this forum making total idiots of themselves.
The truth really grabs you by the balls doesn't it? You losers are just exposing how bad you got your asses wiped when the truth, facts, and the law, stuck it right in your faces. Do you all hate America that much, that you would surrender it all for a criminal? Really? Lol! Folks, this is what "Cultism" really looks like.
Baghdad Bob? Is that you?
Keep them coming cultists. Everything is exposed now, and what's left are these Trump cultists throw aways who don't have a prayer. The law and the Constitution are slowly eating your lunch and Dump's.
It IS you!!!
How did you get out of Iraq?
Can we move past retarded Trump voters for awhile? They are so boring.
Yes it did. The rules did. He was not allowed to make the determination.
Funny how you continue to repeat the same nonsense after you have been shown how it is nonsense.
Chief, the day you show me some nonsense, is the day a cow will jump over the moon. You people show shit on a sandwich. Who are you trying to kid?
Let me know when you can offer something more than a pre-pubescent repose to post #21.
The truth really grabs you by the balls doesn't it? You losers are just exposing how bad you got your asses wiped when the truth, facts, and the law, stuck it right in your faces. Do you all hate America that much, that you would surrender it all for a criminal? Really? Lol! Folks, this is what "Cultism" really looks like.
Baghdad Bob? Is that you?
Keep them coming cultists. Everything is exposed now, and what's left are these Trump cultists throw aways who don't have a prayer. The law and the Constitution are slowly eating your lunch and Dump's.
It IS you!!!
How did you get out of Iraq?
Can we move past retarded Trump voters for awhile? They are so boring.
No, seriously - how did you get out of Iraq?
Celebrities reading the report is irrelevant but Mueller`s public testimony on July 17th will be plenty relevant and there is nothing that Trump can do to prevent it. Mueller is a private citizen, not a government employee. Dear Leader is shitting his pants already.

Ooooh because WAPO says so...has it occurred to you the GOP will have questions also?
No intelligent questions for sure. Only those for a cover up.

I'd start with when did Mewler know the dossier was a fake? Then go from there....
X2 on post #93 please.
Celebrities reading the report is irrelevant but Mueller`s public testimony on July 17th will be plenty relevant and there is nothing that Trump can do to prevent it. Mueller is a private citizen, not a government employee. Dear Leader is shitting his pants already.

Ooooh because WAPO says so...has it occurred to you the GOP will have questions also?
No intelligent questions for sure. Only those for a cover up.

I'd start with when did Mewler know the dossier was a fake? Then go from there....
X2 on post #93 please.

I don't do your bidding, troll.

Trump isn't going to be impeached, take it to the bank and cease the theatrics, it's past tiresome
Celebrities reading the report is irrelevant but Mueller`s public testimony on July 17th will be plenty relevant and there is nothing that Trump can do to prevent it. Mueller is a private citizen, not a government employee. Dear Leader is shitting his pants already.

Ooooh because WAPO says so...has it occurred to you the GOP will have questions also?
No intelligent questions for sure. Only those for a cover up.

I'd start with when did Mewler know the dossier was a fake? Then go from there....
X2 on post #93 please.

I don't do your bidding, troll.

Trump isn't going to be impeached, take it to the bank and cease the theatrics, it's past tiresome
Got it. Sure thing! And you support criminals. Color me surprised.

Oh, and back to your incredibly ignorant question. It won't be asked, because the FBI already confirmed the parts it checked into. The Steele Papers: Dossier at Heart of Trump Scandal Still Dogs President - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

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