Since Trump's deplorables won't read the Mueller report, actors will read it for them

Wrong! He couldn't find, because he was not allowed to make a determination because Mueller could not prosecute.
You don't understand the necessary components of an obstruction charge.
One of them is corrupt intent.
Nothing prevented Mueller from making the determination that Trump acted with corrupt intent.
But, he didn't - in fact, he said he couldn't.
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.
We've all read the report, you retard.
We just understand what it says. And what it says is not what you think it says.
A thousand prosecutors say it says what I know it says. Where are your defense lawyers defending your side? Lol! They don't exist.

Trump doesn't need defense lawyers. If Mewler had anything he'd have said it..and didn't.

You loons pinned your hopes on a charade....and got stuffed. Time to move on
They won't move on, they're mentally ill. Brainwashed, cognitively damaged.

They read one thing, and understand something totally different, which has nothing to do with what they read.

It's their defining characteristic. It's what makes them useful idiots. Germans went through the same thing when they allowed the Nazis to take over their country. Likewise the Chinese when they allowed the commies to rise.
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.
We've all read the report, you retard.
We just understand what it says. And what it says is not what you think it says.
A thousand prosecutors say it says what I know it says. Where are your defense lawyers defending your side? Lol! They don't exist.

Trump doesn't need defense lawyers. If Mewler had anything he'd have said it..and didn't.

You loons pinned your hopes on a charade....and got stuffed. Time to move on
They won't move on, they're mentally ill. Brainwashed, cognitively damaged.

They read one thing, and understand something totally different, which has nothing to do with what they read.

It's their defining characteristic. It's what makes them useful idiots. Germans went through the same thing when they allowed the Nazis to take over their country. Likewise the Chinese when they allowed the commies to rise.

Well that and BWAAAK is as stupid as a frozen fence post
It has already been determined that even if he did not believe he could prosecute, there was NOTHING preventing Mewler from coming to a conclusion of whether or not a crime was committed. He could not conclude a crime had been committed due to no evidence of said crime. Throw in the fact that it has already been proven he altered at least one transcript and that part of the report is now pure garbage anyway.
It has already been determined that even if he did not believe he could prosecute, there was NOTHING preventing Mewler from coming to a conclusion of whether or not a crime was committed
He could not conclude a crime had been committed due to no evidence of said crime.
Not exactly. The evidence lead him to conclude the legal standards for the possible crimes in question could not be met.
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.

They throwing a temper tantrum are they? Maybe they should read the Starr report and question why Bill wasn't removed for the same thing.

Let me summarize for you no collusion Mueller punted on obstruction the AG and Deputy AG looked at Mueller’s findings and said no on obstruction. Hollywood celebrities reading it won’t change it but if it makes them and the TDS crowd feel better knock yourselves out.
Can we get celebrities to read the Steele dossier and maybe Hillary's E-mails?
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.

You guys are so freaking stupid since 98% of the Mueller report is available to the dumbocrats. Not only that Barr didn't have to release it at all since there are NO indictments in it, NO prosecution decisions are in it. It was Trump who insisted it be released to the public. He did it KNOWING he is innocent and to expose drooling morons like you who keeps pushing a dead horse, because you are too stupid to realize the investigation is over, the case is CLOSED!

The truth is already out, which is why so many people have dropped their interest in this political hatchet job, since there are NO indictments or Prosecution charges in it. There is nothing left to exploit for dumbocrats, yet they go on and on with this bullcrap.

The real shame is that idiots like YOU never learn why drumroll investigations are idiotic and damaging to innocent people. Kavanaugh was indicted by public opinion, because of turds like you who made up your empty mind without a shred of evidence. To this day ZERO evidence have ever been brought up against Kavanaugh. Thus you have NOTHING!

Great post and spot on.

Mueller will be reading off the same report they all have. From what I've read the unredacted report is available and they will have to make arrangements to read it. The only two I've read about who have actually read that report are two Republicans. Seems the Dems aren't that anxious to read it.

No collusion and no obstruction. They sure do love that dead horse.
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.

Liberals still getting their news from Hollywood and comedians. LOL
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.

Liberals still getting their news from Hollywood and comedians. LOL
And Hollywood gets their news from Robert Mueller. You lose.
LMAO Why should anyone read a report that says no collusion and no obstruction??

Only you lefty loons are interested in beating that dead horse.

Have fun.
LMAO Why should anyone read a report that says no collusion and no obstruction??

Only you lefty loons are interested in beating that dead horse.

Have fun.
Where in the report does it say "no collusion no obstruction"? I want the exact quotes. Today! Or you are a liar.
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.

You guys are so freaking stupid since 98% of the Mueller report is available to the dumbocrats. Not only that Barr didn't have to release it at all since there are NO indictments in it, NO prosecution decisions are in it. It was Trump who insisted it be released to the public. He did it KNOWING he is innocent and to expose drooling morons like you who keeps pushing a dead horse, because you are too stupid to realize the investigation is over, the case is CLOSED!

The truth is already out, which is why so many people have dropped their interest in this political hatchet job, since there are NO indictments or Prosecution charges in it. There is nothing left to exploit for dumbocrats, yet they go on and on with this bullcrap.

The real shame is that idiots like YOU never learn why drumroll investigations are idiotic and damaging to innocent people. Kavanaugh was indicted by public opinion, because of turds like you who made up your empty mind without a shred of evidence. To this day ZERO evidence have ever been brought up against Kavanaugh. Thus you have NOTHING!

Great post and spot on.

Mueller will be reading off the same report they all have. From what I've read the unredacted report is available and they will have to make arrangements to read it. The only two I've read about who have actually read that report are two Republicans. Seems the Dems aren't that anxious to read it.

No collusion and no obstruction. They sure do love that dead horse.
That's a lie. I read the report. No where does it say "no collusion no obstruction." Show me.
Let me summarize for you no collusion Mueller punted on obstruction the AG and Deputy AG looked at Mueller’s findings and said no on obstruction. Hollywood celebrities reading it won’t change it but if it makes them and the TDS crowd feel better knock yourselves out.
That's a lie. He never said no collusion. Do you know the difference between collusion to get dirt on a political opponent using a foreign government, versus a conspiracy to collude? If you don't, keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.
We've all read the report, you retard.
We just understand what it says. And what it says is not what you think it says.
A thousand prosecutors say it says what I know it says. Where are your defense lawyers defending your side? Lol! They don't exist.

Trump doesn't need defense lawyers. If Mewler had anything he'd have said it..and didn't.

You loons pinned your hopes on a charade....and got stuffed. Time to move on
They won't move on, they're mentally ill. Brainwashed, cognitively damaged.

They read one thing, and understand something totally different, which has nothing to do with what they read.

It's their defining characteristic. It's what makes them useful idiots. Germans went through the same thing when they allowed the Nazis to take over their country. Likewise the Chinese when they allowed the commies to rise.

Well that and BWAAAK is as stupid as a frozen fence post
Look at these sour losers absent any counter arguments.
Watch celebrities read the Mueller report

This is how far the public has to go in order for the truth to get out, because Trump's stooge Bill Barr doesn't want to expose the criminal in the WH, and his deplorable base have no interest in knowing. They are cowards and traitors to their own country. Beyond the murder of millions of American Indians and the horrific scars of black slavery in this country, this will go down as the next worst shameful chapter in American history, thanks to Trump and his deplorable base.

You guys are so freaking stupid since 98% of the Mueller report is available to the dumbocrats. Not only that Barr didn't have to release it at all since there are NO indictments in it, NO prosecution decisions are in it. It was Trump who insisted it be released to the public. He did it KNOWING he is innocent and to expose drooling morons like you who keeps pushing a dead horse, because you are too stupid to realize the investigation is over, the case is CLOSED!

The truth is already out, which is why so many people have dropped their interest in this political hatchet job, since there are NO indictments or Prosecution charges in it. There is nothing left to exploit for dumbocrats, yet they go on and on with this bullcrap.

The real shame is that idiots like YOU never learn why drumroll investigations are idiotic and damaging to innocent people. Kavanaugh was indicted by public opinion, because of turds like you who made up your empty mind without a shred of evidence. To this day ZERO evidence have ever been brought up against Kavanaugh. Thus you have NOTHING!

Great post and spot on.

Mueller will be reading off the same report they all have. From what I've read the unredacted report is available and they will have to make arrangements to read it. The only two I've read about who have actually read that report are two Republicans. Seems the Dems aren't that anxious to read it.

No collusion and no obstruction. They sure do love that dead horse.
That's a lie. I read the report. No where does it say "no collusion no obstruction." Show me.


You and many leftists in the forum were asked to show where Mueller posted Prosecution charges, to this day there have been ZERO answers to the question. There are no charges filed you moron, no indictments, no charges at all.

If there were you and other leftists would have gleefully drummed this hard and repeatedly....

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We've all read the report, you retard.
We just understand what it says. And what it says is not what you think it says.
A thousand prosecutors say it says what I know it says. Where are your defense lawyers defending your side? Lol! They don't exist.

Trump doesn't need defense lawyers. If Mewler had anything he'd have said it..and didn't.

You loons pinned your hopes on a charade....and got stuffed. Time to move on
They won't move on, they're mentally ill. Brainwashed, cognitively damaged.

They read one thing, and understand something totally different, which has nothing to do with what they read.

It's their defining characteristic. It's what makes them useful idiots. Germans went through the same thing when they allowed the Nazis to take over their country. Likewise the Chinese when they allowed the commies to rise.

Well that and BWAAAK is as stupid as a frozen fence post
Look at these sour losers absent any counter arguments.
You lost again, and you ain't seen nuthin yet.

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