Since we have plenty of blue states why can't some states opt out from taking refugees ?

There's nothing more hilarious to me than when clowns from flyover country try to lecture me about 9/11.

I was pulling people out of the rubble at ground zero while you were watching it on TV.

You can go fuck yourself now.

So you pulling people out of the towers on 9-11 not only makes you right on all matters regarding immigration, but it takes away from me any right to share my views on the topic.

Yeah, right, bro, I think you know where that shit comes from; your sense of entitlement for having to live with the consequences of your own idiocy.

In real life that would normally DISQUALIFY your opinion, not make it superior to everyone elses, duh.

"I had to pull the bodies from the car I totaled while driving drunk, so dont lecture me about the hazards of driving drunk, duh." <- roflmao
Don't have any problem with them coming to NYC. We are multicultural and proud of it.

However? Once they come here and gain citizenship, they are free to travel and settle anywhere.

So your point is pretty ridiculous.

Great then send them to New York where they will blend in to do some more 9-11 shit.

You libtards are so fucking stupid, it is unbelievable.

There are already a few hundred thousand Syrians living in New York. Along with hundreds of thousands of Saudis, Palestinians, Iranians, and so on.

Excuse us for not shitting our pants in fear like you flyover country guys.

Glad you're happy with them. Please continue to encourage them to stay put.

Damn right I'm happy with them. There's a Syrian restaurant on Coney Island Avenue that makes some of the best kabobs and falafel I've ever had.

Excellent. If any get dumped here, I'll recommend they head your way.


I'm sure you think that's supposed to be threatening, but it's just dumb.
There's nothing more hilarious to me than when clowns from flyover country try to lecture me about 9/11.

I was pulling people out of the rubble at ground zero while you were watching it on TV.

You can go fuck yourself now.

So you pulling people out of the towers on 9-11 not only makes you right on all matters regarding immigration, but it takes away from me any right to share my views on the topic.

You're welcome to "share your views" on whatever the fuck you want. On the other hand, playing the "September 11th Never Forget" card just makes you look like an asshole.

Yeah, right, bro, I think you know where that shit comes from; your sense of entitlement for having to live with the consequences of your own idiocy.

In real life that would normally DISQUALIFY your opinion, not make it superior to everyone elses, duh.

I have no idea what you're blathering about in the rest of your post.

It is worth repeating, you dont have to ahve a large number of people to destroy a nation. The attacks in Paris only required 8 people, the French authorities say.
You're welcome to "share your views" on whatever the fuck you want. On the other hand, playing the "September 11th Never Forget" card just makes you look like an asshole.

I have no idea what you're blathering about in the rest of your post.
In your opinion as a person living in the state with the most casualties from Muslim terror attacks of any other state, duh.
Why the fuck would he be saying that to me?

Are you guys under the impression that I get to decide where these refugees are placed?

Of course not, but you seem to like it, so why dont you just like it in silence? lolol, you have the right to do the stupidest things your little libtard heart might ever desire, but you dont have the right to shut us up or make us live with the consequences of your stupid ass shit.
Great then send them to New York where they will blend in to do some more 9-11 shit.

You libtards are so fucking stupid, it is unbelievable.

There are already a few hundred thousand Syrians living in New York. Along with hundreds of thousands of Saudis, Palestinians, Iranians, and so on.

Excuse us for not shitting our pants in fear like you flyover country guys.

Glad you're happy with them. Please continue to encourage them to stay put.

Damn right I'm happy with them. There's a Syrian restaurant on Coney Island Avenue that makes some of the best kabobs and falafel I've ever had.

Excellent. If any get dumped here, I'll recommend they head your way.


I'm sure you think that's supposed to be threatening, but it's just dumb.

Not at all, they would be much happier somewhere they are wanted, so sending them your way is quite logical.
There are already a few hundred thousand Syrians living in New York. Along with hundreds of thousands of Saudis, Palestinians, Iranians, and so on.

Excuse us for not shitting our pants in fear like you flyover country guys.

Glad you're happy with them. Please continue to encourage them to stay put.

Damn right I'm happy with them. There's a Syrian restaurant on Coney Island Avenue that makes some of the best kabobs and falafel I've ever had.

Excellent. If any get dumped here, I'll recommend they head your way.


I'm sure you think that's supposed to be threatening, but it's just dumb.

Not at all, they would be much happier somewhere they are wanted, so sending them your way is quite logical.


How exactly do you plan on "sending them my way"?
There are already a few hundred thousand Syrians living in New York. Along with hundreds of thousands of Saudis, Palestinians, Iranians, and so on.

Excuse us for not shitting our pants in fear like you flyover country guys.

Glad you're happy with them. Please continue to encourage them to stay put.

Damn right I'm happy with them. There's a Syrian restaurant on Coney Island Avenue that makes some of the best kabobs and falafel I've ever had.

Excellent. If any get dumped here, I'll recommend they head your way.


I'm sure you think that's supposed to be threatening, but it's just dumb.

Not at all, they would be much happier somewhere they are wanted, so sending them your way is quite logical.


Let's see, moving from a "desert" environment were it is hot and dry to a seasonal environment were it gets cold and wet, and hot and wet, doesn't seem like it would make one "happy".

In any case? Once they become citizens they can move to where ever they want.
Send them to New York, Boston, Seattle, SanFrisco, Portlandia, etc.
Don't have any problem with them coming to NYC. We are multicultural and proud of it.

However? Once they come here and gain citizenship, they are free to travel and settle anywhere.

So your point is pretty ridiculous.

I realize they can move freely once they are citizens, but if they start out where they're wanted they're more likely to stay.

They can move freely once they're in the U.S.
Glad you're happy with them. Please continue to encourage them to stay put.

Damn right I'm happy with them. There's a Syrian restaurant on Coney Island Avenue that makes some of the best kabobs and falafel I've ever had.

Excellent. If any get dumped here, I'll recommend they head your way.


I'm sure you think that's supposed to be threatening, but it's just dumb.

Not at all, they would be much happier somewhere they are wanted, so sending them your way is quite logical.


How exactly do you plan on "sending them my way"?
He's going to play this song for them!

Why the fuck would he be saying that to me?

Are you guys under the impression that I get to decide where these refugees are placed?

Of course not, but you seem to like it, so why dont you just like it in silence? lolol, you have the right to do the stupidest things your little libtard heart might ever desire, but you dont have the right to shut us up or make us live with the consequences of your stupid ass shit.


Why is it that anytime anyone disagrees with you guys, you claim we're trying to "shut you up"? Is it just part of the whole rightwing victimhood thing?
Send them to New York, Boston, Seattle, SanFrisco, Portlandia, etc.
Don't have any problem with them coming to NYC. We are multicultural and proud of it.

However? Once they come here and gain citizenship, they are free to travel and settle anywhere.

So your point is pretty ridiculous.

I realize they can move freely once they are citizens, but if they start out where they're wanted they're more likely to stay.

They can move freely once they're in the U.S.

Glad you're happy with them. Please continue to encourage them to stay put.

Damn right I'm happy with them. There's a Syrian restaurant on Coney Island Avenue that makes some of the best kabobs and falafel I've ever had.

Excellent. If any get dumped here, I'll recommend they head your way.


I'm sure you think that's supposed to be threatening, but it's just dumb.

Not at all, they would be much happier somewhere they are wanted, so sending them your way is quite logical.


How exactly do you plan on "sending them my way"?

I can only recommend. Plus informing them of your utopia might help nudge them in the right direction.

Since in the end there's little doubt that this stupid country will inevitably take these people, and since we have plenty of states ran by imbecile liberals who want them, why then not allow states that do not want this human tidal wave in their states to opt out ?
Seems only fair to me.
Can we blue states opt out of supporting your red welfare states? If not, you cannot opt out of any other national policy.
Since in the end there's little doubt that this stupid country will inevitably take these people, and since we have plenty of states ran by imbecile liberals who want them, why then not allow states that do not want this human tidal wave in their states to opt out ?
Seems only fair to me.
Can we blue states opt out of supporting your red welfare states? If not, you cannot opt out of any other national policy.

Nope. Your side are the ones that work to train people how to stay government dependent.
You crested them, you can keep paying them.
new york is a big state, didnt half the population move out? should be plenty of vacant homes there.
I have an idea. Let's use the Blue State money that keeps Red States from going under. Sound good?
Hey, lets go one better than that; all red state military personel defend red states and blue states can go aks the rev Wright or Sharpton for help if they need defense?

lol, separating the red states from the blue states is not going to get you an argument from the red states, idiot.

Are you suggesting race or civil war.

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