Since we have plenty of blue states why can't some states opt out from taking refugees ?

Damn right I'm happy with them. There's a Syrian restaurant on Coney Island Avenue that makes some of the best kabobs and falafel I've ever had.

Excellent. If any get dumped here, I'll recommend they head your way.


I'm sure you think that's supposed to be threatening, but it's just dumb.

Not at all, they would be much happier somewhere they are wanted, so sending them your way is quite logical.


How exactly do you plan on "sending them my way"?

I can only recommend. Plus informing them of your utopia might help nudge them in the right direction.

what about one of the hawaiian islands? there has to be at least one vacant one out there.
Send them to New York, Boston, Seattle, SanFrisco, Portlandia, etc.
Don't have any problem with them coming to NYC. We are multicultural and proud of it.

However? Once they come here and gain citizenship, they are free to travel and settle anywhere.

So your point is pretty ridiculous.

I realize they can move freely once they are citizens, but if they start out where they're wanted they're more likely to stay.

They can move freely once they're in the U.S.


Duh, indeed. You said they had to be citizens.
By the way, your sig pic.

Doesn't matter to me if any of your precious refugees have not committed any acts (so far) of terrorism.
This country should not be taking in hoards of Muslims who will not assimilate into western culture, and only increasingly divide this nation.
Obama called out cowards who are afraid of 3 year olds and widows. Those cowards are playing politics with the lives of innocents.
Trump lied, once again, when he said Obama is bringing in hundreds of thousands of refugees. In truth it's ten thousand.
31 states now and all but five had previously agreed to take refugees.

They don't want the consequences if any terrorism of violence from public backlash might take place.

In their mind, better sea than sorry. They might want to do their own vetting and find some way to contain the refugees rather than give them free run of the whole country.
There's a doctor in my neighborhood who came here on a boat from Vietnam when he was 14. My dentist and eye doctor are the children of refugees from Iran.
Good for you. I wonder how many American citizens could have done that same exact job but are stocking shelves at Wallmart instead?

Posters like Cecilie keep insisting people only work at Walmart because they're incapable of doing anything else, so you'll have to elaborate.
By the way, your sig pic.

Doesn't matter to me if any of your precious refugees have not committed any acts (so far) of terrorism.
This country should not be taking in hoards of Muslims who will not assimilate into western culture, and only increasingly divide this nation.

Still doesn't distract from your notion that people have to be citizens in order to travel from one state to another. Sure would put a crimp in tourism...
I have an idea. Let's use the Blue State money that keeps Red States from going under. Sound good?
Hey, lets go one better than that; all red state military personel defend red states and blue states can go aks the rev Wright or Sharpton for help if they need defense?

lol, separating the red states from the blue states is not going to get you an argument from the red states, idiot.
Except it's Blue States funding the military. How long before soldiers desert if broke Red States stop paying them? Look how Republicans treat our veterans now. It wouldn't take long.
What law is it that you think these governors are breaking, idiot.

The Refugee Act of 1980, of course.

That law was passed by Congress, and it is indisputably the law of the land. It gives the President sole authority in such immigration matters.

If states try to prevent refugees from entering in any way, they are breaking the law. States may refuse to offer aid themselves, but they may not bar refugees from entering.
The Refugee Act of 1980, of course.

That law was passed by Congress, and it is indisputably the law of the land. It gives the President sole authority in such immigration matters.

If states try to prevent refugees from entering in any way, they are breaking the law. States may refuse to offer aid themselves, but they may not bar refugees from entering.
Great law, but it doesnt say what you think it says.

"SEC. 207. (a)(1) Except as provided in subsection (b), the number of
refugees who may be admitted under this section in fiscal year 1980,
1981, or 1982, may not exceed fifty thousand unless the President
determines, before the beginning of the fiscal year and after appropriate
(as defined in subsection (e)), that admission of a
specific number of refugees in excess of such number is justified by
humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest. ...

"(b) If the President determines, after appropriate consultation,
that (1) an unforeseen emergency refugee situation exists, (2) the
admission of certain refugees in response to the emergency refugee
situation is justified by grave humanitarian concerns or is otherwise
in the national interest
, and (3) the admission to the United States of
these refugees cannot be accomplished under subsection (a), ...

"(e) For purposes of this section, the term 'appropriate consultation*
means, with respect to the admission of refugees and allocation
of refugee admissions, discussions in person by designated
Cabinet-level representatives of the President with members of the
Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and of the House of
to review the refugee situation or emergency refugee
situation, ....

Obama has done no consulting with the appropriate Senate and House leadership and he has failed to show where admitting any of these refugees is in the national interest in a time of high unemployment and the known presence of ISIS terrorists in this mass of combat aged Muslim immigrants who do not have the typical demographics of a refugee group.


"(2) The Director, together with the Coordinator, shall consult
regularly with State and local governments
and private nonprofit
voluntary agencies concerning the sponsorship process and the
intended distribution of refugees among the States and localities. ....

The states in question have consulted and said 'No, we will not cooperate.' as they have every Constitutional right to do under the 10th Amendment.

Send them to Saudi Arabia, Iran or Pakistan, just dont bring the bastards here.

No fight on the inside


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