Since when is self defense a crime?

The riots you are not talking about. Many of the people involved in these riots are criminals. Criminals with not repentant ways. From now on I have no concern for areas of rioting. Destroy all you want. Many of these people do not have the abilities to survive in a civilized society. They are used for the agendas of socialism to communism.

If you're not trained law enforcement you have no business to be a self appointed riot cop
and I wouldn't have cared if Dough Boy got himself dead either

Like I said he was shit lucky let's hope he's a little smarter now
your ridiculous comparison has been noted and proven time after time.

I haven't seen you say one negative word about the criminals he shot. You only call the actual victim of a crime names and defend the others.

we are done. Im truly glad the jury wasn't made up of dick heads like you.
your ridiculous comparison has been noted and proven time after time.

I haven't seen you say one negative word about the criminals he shot. You only call the actual victim of a crime names and defend the others.

we are done. Im truly glad the jury wasn't made up of dick heads like you.
I don't care about the criminals which is why I don't mention them.

What's really troubling is you idiots holding up a teenager who made nothing but bad judgements as a hero.

This dumb kid is no hero and no one with a lick of sense thinks he is
Rittenhouse is the one who is the hater. He had no business being there as he did not live here., He was not attacked until shots were fired. They have the right to defend themselves.

You are really confused about this.

The dickheads that "had no business being there" were the destructive mob of rioters that had done significant destruction to the city.

Kyle had just as much a right to be there as anybody else. He was there to do good with medical help. The rioters were there to destroy.

You are really confused about the sequence of events. Kyle was attacked by the mob and then he defended himself. In fact the first shots fired that night were from one of the rioters.

The jury heard all the evidence of the sequence of events and determined it was self defense. If you heard that Kyle was attacked only after he fired shots then you are really mistaken. You need to stop getting your news from sources like CNN or MSNBC.
This trial was supposed to be the precedent that removes the right of self defense. That's the reason for the fury.
He should have been convicted. You are the racist dumb asses and that includes the fact that Kenosha is racist. Tell me what law allows a 17 year old to carry a rifle. Also the fact is that he had no business being there. He was not even a resident.
^^^ this one was dropped on his head as a baby. Lets deal with your insane post.

1. The judge and jury disagrees with you.
2. All 4 people involved in the case are white :itsok:
3. The 2nd amendment and State law idiot which explains why the judge dropped that charge.
4. Wrong stupid, he works in Kenosha and his father lives in Kenosha. You are possibly the most ignorant left winger to post on this trial.
After he fires at them. They have a right to defend themselves from Rittenhouse. If someone had a gun, they should have shot him dead and that would be self-defense.
The kid is running away, they are in pursuit. You really should stop posting you look like a dumb ass.

Put ad block on your browser and you can still post here.

I have Ad block and Ad block plus both running right now
Ok, however you have the ability to pause it for one article, and respond honestly...Saying you won't pause your ad blocker for anyone as you promote the lie, that Kyle, or his friends weren't asked to defend Car Source that night, is promoting a lie....So, you sir are a liar...
^^^ this one was dropped on his head as a baby. Lets deal with your insane post.

1. The judge and jury disagrees with you.
2. All 4 people involved in the case are white :itsok:
3. The 2nd amendment and State law idiot which explains why the judge dropped that charge.
4. Wrong stupid, he works in Kenosha and his father lives in Kenosha. You are possibly the most ignorant left winger to post on this trial.
How the F*CK is it racism would someone please explain this to me? It was a white guy shooting three white guys?!?!?!
The moron assumed the white kid shot black men and decided the kid was guilty. Facts don't matter to the left.
And why does BLM care? BLM doesn’t give a damn if blacks kill blacks but suddenly cares if whites kill whites? Isn’t their entire mantra that they want to stop whites from killing blacks? It’s a giant shit show for the terror group.
You love it when people that disagree with your ideology are killed don't you?
If she didn't listen to at ape in a suit Trump, she'd still be alive today. She's another notch in his belt along with the 600,000 people he got killed during the pandemic.

Trump should be hauled off to The Hauge & put on trial for crimes against humanity.
How the F*CK is it racism would someone please explain this to me? It was a white guy shooting three white guys?!?!?!

If I had to guess, and this would only be a guess, but, I think that they believe it is because the protest was about Jacob Blake, a black man, shot by police...As wrong as it is, and as disingenious as it is to believe that.

But, one thing we know about the progressive left. There is no lie wrong enough for them if it supports their narrative...

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