Six year old exercises his Second Amendment rights

Take note, how few are offended or interested in this appalling little tidbit.

Her own 6-year-old child was also in the room ... She screamed "Run Away" ... And is "hailed as a hero".
It's terrible that she was critically injured ... But I am sure the article set the bar as to how far off anyone is allowed to go.

LOL....sure....the wholesale availability of firearms in no way allowed a 6 y/o to get this gun.

LOL sure.

Yep. Just like the wholesale availability of automobiles allows 12 year olds to drive one and crash into people injuring or killing them. Will you be the first one to give up all your cars? how can you support such senseless violence?????
and dont give me the "but I'm a responsible car owner" crap.
LOL....sure....the wholesale availability of firearms in no way allowed a 6 y/o to get this gun.
Yeah….armed 6 year olds are the real problem….not your prized human pet dark people.
Guns and unsupervised children is a bad combination. Make sure your children are properly secured and supervised or, better yet, get rid of them entirely.

How is this even possible anymore
Because, even after a couple of decades of school shootings, governments would rather campaign for total gun control than do anything substantive to tighten security in schools. We could have hardened every school in the nation with much less $ than we've pissed away in Ukraine. One entrance, guarded with a well trained armed guard as well as zero access to the school for anyone who doesn't pass through metal detectors and other sensors.
Because, even after a couple of decades of school shootings, governments would rather campaign for total gun control than do anything substantive to tighten security in schools. We could have hardened every school in the nation with much less $ than we've pissed away in Ukraine. One entrance, guarded with a well trained armed guard as well as zero access to the school for anyone who doesn't pass through metal detectors and other sensors.
They don't want to do that, precisely because they know that such measures would stop the shootings. They love school shootings, because it gives them another chance to whine about law-abiding people owning guns.
They don't want to do that, precisely because they know that such measures would stop the shootings. They love school shootings, because it gives them another chance to whine about law-abiding people owning guns.

And the more the left rants and raves about school shootings and whines about law-abiding people owning guns, the less I care. They know the solution to the problem, and it isn't about punishing gun owners who don't commit those crimes.

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