slap your wallets ..

Now the left cares about the debt? Priceless. Well, since Obama's debt was all Bush's fault, Trump's debt will be Obama's.

Uh huh. Now all the hand wringing. Not a peep though when O was doubling the debt from 10 to 20 T.
Only peeping now to rub it in your dumb, inbred faces. Still don't care about it.

Rub it in your own self righteous face. W and O screwed the country. Evidently, you could care less and only worried about scoring points. Thats what the ignorant do.
I disagree about O, and I want to stop you from cheering on Trump for following in Dubya's footsteps. But you inbreds can only learn a lesson the hard way, so I'll try to score points instead of engaging you until you realize what you've done.
Does this have anything to do with Mexicans or Muslims?


Then Trump's Chumps don't care about the debt. Trump can run the debt up to $40 trillion, and they will find a way to ignore or excuse him.

Just so long as Trump slams Mexicans, Muslims and the occasional homo, they're cool with him.
When the time comes the currency will simply be repudiated. All savings will be wiped out (true equality!) and we can start over with simple metallic coins. You'll like it. Or be imprisoned unless first killed.
Now the left cares about the debt? Priceless. Well, since Obama's debt was all Bush's fault, Trump's debt will be Obama's.

Uh huh. Now all the hand wringing. Not a peep though when O was doubling the debt from 10 to 20 T.
Only peeping now to rub it in your dumb, inbred faces. Still don't care about it.

Rub it in your own self righteous face. W and O screwed the country. Evidently, you could care less and only worried about scoring points. Thats what the ignorant do.
I disagree about O, and I want to stop you from cheering on Trump for following in Dubya's footsteps. But you inbreds can only learn a lesson the hard way, so I'll try to score points instead of engaging you until you realize what you've done.

Theres nothing to disagree about. O doubled up W's debt. O followed in W's footsteps. Thats history.
Now the left cares about the debt? Priceless. Well, since Obama's debt was all Bush's fault, Trump's debt will be Obama's.

Uh huh. Now all the hand wringing. Not a peep though when O was doubling the debt from 10 to 20 T.
Only peeping now to rub it in your dumb, inbred faces. Still don't care about it.

Rub it in your own self righteous face. W and O screwed the country. Evidently, you could care less and only worried about scoring points. Thats what the ignorant do.
I disagree about O, and I want to stop you from cheering on Trump for following in Dubya's footsteps. But you inbreds can only learn a lesson the hard way, so I'll try to score points instead of engaging you until you realize what you've done.

Theres nothing to disagree about. O doubled up W's debt. O followed in W's footsteps. Thats history.
And Reagan tripled the debt, and is the God of the GOP. Trump could do the same, and you wouldn't care.

I wasn't talking about the debt in that response, btw.
When the time comes the currency will simply be repudiated. All savings will be wiped out (true equality!) and we can start over with simple metallic coins. You'll like it. Or be imprisoned unless first killed.

Trump promised to save the world from that.

so save the world Trump ... the world is waiting Trump ...

Now the left cares about the debt? Priceless. Well, since Obama's debt was all Bush's fault, Trump's debt will be Obama's.

Trump owns the debt left by every president before him ... nobody held a fucking gun to his head and made him lie his ass off about lowering the debt, and he was the only one who could do it.


LOWER THE DEBT you sorry piece of monkey shit.

What is your malfunction? You are probably the most miserable, nasty people here. You never anything of any substance to add.. just endless name calling and vile insults. You need therapy.
its just siete doing his daily i hate trump thread.....he is tigers doppelganger....both of them see trump everywhere....
Uh huh. Now all the hand wringing. Not a peep though when O was doubling the debt from 10 to 20 T.
Only peeping now to rub it in your dumb, inbred faces. Still don't care about it.

Rub it in your own self righteous face. W and O screwed the country. Evidently, you could care less and only worried about scoring points. Thats what the ignorant do.
I disagree about O, and I want to stop you from cheering on Trump for following in Dubya's footsteps. But you inbreds can only learn a lesson the hard way, so I'll try to score points instead of engaging you until you realize what you've done.

Theres nothing to disagree about. O doubled up W's debt. O followed in W's footsteps. Thats history.
And Reagan tripled the debt, and is the God of the GOP. Trump could do the same, and you wouldn't care.

I wasn't talking about the debt in that response, btw.

He hasn't yet but the house of cards that W and O built is about to crumble.
house Republicans proposed, and passed the 1.2 trillion ...

all spending starts in the house .. apparently REPUBLICANS arent the least bit worried :dunno:

The Republican-led House on Thursday passed a sweeping $1.2 trillion spending bill that provides billions more dollars for the military while sparing medical research and popular community development programs from deep cuts sought by President Donald Trump.

The vote was 211-198 for the massive measure that wrapped the 12 annual spending bills into one in advance of the end of the budget year on Sept. 30. Even though the Senate still must act, the government will keep operating through Dec. 8, thanks to legislation Congress passed last week and sent to Trump.

Republicans ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Republican House. Republican Senate. Republican White House.

They own the debt now.

Gee, something about a Republican House, Senate, and White House increasing the debt is giving me deja vu...
Republican House. Republican Senate. Republican White House.

They own the debt now.

Gee, something about a Republican House, Senate, and White House increasing the debt is giving me deja vu...

deja vu-DO to be exact
Obama doubled the debt, adding more debt than all previous Presidents combined, therefore Trump.


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