Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.
As you already have been informed, the African slaves in America were not kidnapped. They were purchased from other Black Africans by Dutch, Portuguese, and Arab traders who brought them to America and sold them to dealers. You could call that being party to slavery but that would be moot because no laws contemporary with that era were broken.

It was a filthy, evil business. But no one alive today is in any way responsible for it or anything which has derived from it. Least of all those of us whose forebears weren't even living in America when the practice of slavery was active.
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So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.
As you already have been informed, the African slaves in America were not kidnapped. They were purchased from other Black Africans by Dutch, Portuguese, and Arab traders who brought them to America and sold them to dealers. You could call that being party to slavery but that would be moot because no laws contemporary with that era were broken.

It was a filthy, evil business. But no one alive today is in any way responsible for it or anything which has derived from it. Least of all those of us whose forebears weren't even living in America when the practice of slavery was active.

Obviously the definition of kidnapped alludes you.
Oy. I forgot what the topic was.

Who is a moron, which one is the idiot, which is the liar, who can't read?
Racism and anti-semitism makes odd bedfellows. She's running with syphillis, delta and cc now. Winning!
The 40 acres was a military decree after the Civil War when the pop was much lower. Was later overturned by another military official.

If the 40 acres are out of the equation ... Then that is simple enough ... Mules are pretty much free in a lot of places now.
They are used here in ranch country to ward off coyotes ... But there are still plenty to go around.
Of course a lot of zoning restrictions would probably apply to keeping livestock in urban areas.

If you want to make a case for a cash benefits as part of reparations ... Then it needs to be applied to European Americans as well as African Americans in as there were white slaves as well.
I am not talking about indentured servants ... And slaves in every sense of the word.
Most people don't even know where the word "kidnapped" comes from ... It was the practice of snatching children on the streets of London and shipping them to America to be slaves.

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So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.

How many did we kidnap? And how many were brougth here to the US?

What do we do about someone like Wanda Sykes, who discovered that her ancestors here in America were never slaves? Does she have to pay reparations too? Or can she collect just because she is Black?
And what of Michele Obama? She has White ancestors, but those White ancestors also owned slaves? Does she pay in or get something out?

And what about me? I'm a second generation American. My Norwegian grandmother married an Englishmen when their families came to America to work on the railroads. My family tree (in the US anyway) starts in the Dakota's and spreads across to the west into Washington where most of us currently reside. How much, if any, do I owe?
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So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.

How many did we kidnap? And how many were brougth here to the US?

What do we do about someone like Wanda Sykes, who discovered that her ancestors here in America were never slaves? Does she have to pay reparations too? Or can she collect just because she is Black?
And what of Michele Obama? She has White ancestors, but those White ancestors also owned slaves? Does she pay in or get something out?

And what about me? I'm a second generation American. My Norwegian grandmother married an Englishmen when their families came to America to work on the railroads. My family tree (in the US anyway) starts in the Dakota's and spreads across to the west into Washington where most of us currently reside. How much, if any, do I owe?

The criteria is simple. If you claim the Black culture and actually are descended from a slave then you are in. If you are not in this group you pay your taxes and dont worry about it.
So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.

How many did we kidnap? And how many were brougth here to the US?

What do we do about someone like Wanda Sykes, who discovered that her ancestors here in America were never slaves? Does she have to pay reparations too? Or can she collect just because she is Black?
And what of Michele Obama? She has White ancestors, but those White ancestors also owned slaves? Does she pay in or get something out?

And what about me? I'm a second generation American. My Norwegian grandmother married an Englishmen when their families came to America to work on the railroads. My family tree (in the US anyway) starts in the Dakota's and spreads across to the west into Washington where most of us currently reside. How much, if any, do I owe?

The criteria is simple. If you claim the Black culture and actually are descended from a slave then you are in. If you are not in this group you pay your taxes and dont worry about it.

So Wanda Sykes who's not descended from slaves is not "in". And since she pays taxes, then no worries?

Who's paying for all the of the DNA testing, or will this be on the honor system?
How many did we kidnap? And how many were brougth here to the US?

What do we do about someone like Wanda Sykes, who discovered that her ancestors here in America were never slaves? Does she have to pay reparations too? Or can she collect just because she is Black?
And what of Michele Obama? She has White ancestors, but those White ancestors also owned slaves? Does she pay in or get something out?

And what about me? I'm a second generation American. My Norwegian grandmother married an Englishmen when their families came to America to work on the railroads. My family tree (in the US anyway) starts in the Dakota's and spreads across to the west into Washington where most of us currently reside. How much, if any, do I owe?

The criteria is simple. If you claim the Black culture and actually are descended from a slave then you are in. If you are not in this group you pay your taxes and dont worry about it.

So Wanda Sykes who's not descended from slaves is not "in". And since she pays taxes, then no worries?

Who's paying for all the of the DNA testing, or will this be on the honor system?

Wanda gets none. Yes the government would pay for the testing and tracing of historical documents.
It's starting to sound a lot like the nightmare that is the "quota" system that has so crippled the Indian nation.

It was a method to determine who is eligible for benefits and tribal enrollment, and who isn't. It relies on birth records & dna testing.

It has destroyed the people.
It's starting to sound a lot like the nightmare that is the "quota" system that has so crippled the Indian nation.

It was a method to determine who is eligible for benefits and tribal enrollment, and who isn't. It relies on birth records & dna testing.

It has destroyed the people.

Sorry white people did that. They destroyed the NA's like they did other cultures. I not saying benefits. Reparations are different. Just give up the lump sum owed plus interest and I would be on my way.
The Indians bought into it.

And now white people are continually carping that we should draw blood and determine who is descended from slaves and who are descended from slave owners so that the descendants of one can pay the descendants of the other...

It's asinine. It's a racist concept, and actually draws on NOTHING as much as it draws on the concept that slavery should be perpetuated.
The Indians bought into it.

And now white people are continually carping that we should draw blood and determine who is descended from slaves and who are descended from slave owners so that the descendants of one can pay the descendants of the other...

It's asinine. It's a racist concept, and actually draws on NOTHING as much as it draws on the concept that slavery should be perpetuated.

Thats called a scam. So what whites had no honor and infected blankets with small pox and bought New York or whatever it was for some beaver skins. You are proud of swindling people?

How is the concept racist? It draws on who's ancestors were enslaved here in the US. i already said the slave owners need not be tested. The government can just print the money like it does for wars.
Yawn. Not this again.

In this analysis of the genocide rhetoric employed over the years by Ward Churchill, an ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado, a "distressing" conclusion is reached: Churchill has habitually committed multiple counts of research misconduct—specifically, fabrication and falsification. While acknowledging the "politicization" of the topic and evidence of other outrages committed against Native American tribes in times past, this study examines the different versions of the "smallpox blankets" episode published by Churchill between 1994 and 2003. The "preponderance of evidence" standard of proof strongly indicates that Churchill fabricated events that never occurred—namely the U.S. Army's alleged distribution of smallpox infested blankets to the Mandan Indians in 1837. The analysis additionally reveals that Churchill falsified sources to support his fabricated version of events, and also concealed evidence in his cited sources that actually disconfirms, rather than substantiates, his allegations of genocide. ";view=fulltext
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Yawn. Not this again.

In this analysis of the genocide rhetoric employed over the years by Ward Churchill, an ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado, a "distressing" conclusion is reached: Churchill has habitually committed multiple counts of research misconduct—specifically, fabrication and falsification. While acknowledging the "politicization" of the topic and evidence of other outrages committed against Native American tribes in times past, this study examines the different versions of the "smallpox blankets" episode published by Churchill between 1994 and 2003. The "preponderance of evidence" standard of proof strongly indicates that Churchill fabricated events that never occurred—namely the U.S. Army's alleged distribution of smallpox infested blankets to the Mandan Indians in 1837. The analysis additionally reveals that Churchill falsified sources to support his fabricated version of events, and also concealed evidence in his cited sources that actually disconfirms, rather than substantiates, his allegations of genocide. "

Did the U.S. Army Distribute Smallpox Blankets to Indians? Fabrication and Falsification in Ward Churchill's Genocide Rhetoric

You sleepy or is that your way of avoiding my question?
Every aspect of Churchill's tale is fabricated. Between 1994 and 2003, Ward Churchill published at least six different versions of this accusation against the U.S. Army. While the Mandans and other Indians of the Upper Plains did suffer horribly from a smallpox epidemic in 1837, Churchill presents no evidence whatsoever to indicate that the infection was anything but accidental, or that the U.S. Army was in any way involved. Fort Clark was a privately owned fur trading outpost, not a military base, and there were no U.S. troops in the vicinity. The closest U.S. military unit was an eight hundred mile march away at Fort Leavenworth.
In telling his fantastic tale, Churchill has fabricated incidents that never occurred and individuals who never existed. Churchill falsified the sources that he cited in support of his tale, and repeatedly concealed evidence in his possession that disconfirms his version of events.
Ward Churchill is currently a Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado. The university granted Churchill tenure in 1991 in spite of the fact that he lacks a Ph.D. and had not served the normal probationary period as an untenured assistant professor. Churchill holds a M.A. degree in Communications from Sangamon State University. Documents from the University of Colorado archives indicate that Churchill obtained his tenured position there under a program designed to "recruit and hire a more diverse faculty" (Clark, 2005).
In early 2006, the University investigated Churchill on seven allegations of research misconduct, one of which was Churchill's smallpox blankets hoax. [3] The committee unanimously found Churchill guilty on all seven counts, and the Chancellor has recommended his dismissal from the university."

Did the U.S. Army Distribute Smallpox Blankets to Indians? Fabrication and Falsification in Ward Churchill's Genocide Rhetoric
Every aspect of Churchill's tale is fabricated. Between 1994 and 2003, Ward Churchill published at least six different versions of this accusation against the U.S. Army. While the Mandans and other Indians of the Upper Plains did suffer horribly from a smallpox epidemic in 1837, Churchill presents no evidence whatsoever to indicate that the infection was anything but accidental, or that the U.S. Army was in any way involved. Fort Clark was a privately owned fur trading outpost, not a military base, and there were no U.S. troops in the vicinity. The closest U.S. military unit was an eight hundred mile march away at Fort Leavenworth.
In telling his fantastic tale, Churchill has fabricated incidents that never occurred and individuals who never existed. Churchill falsified the sources that he cited in support of his tale, and repeatedly concealed evidence in his possession that disconfirms his version of events.
Ward Churchill is currently a Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado. The university granted Churchill tenure in 1991 in spite of the fact that he lacks a Ph.D. and had not served the normal probationary period as an untenured assistant professor. Churchill holds a M.A. degree in Communications from Sangamon State University. Documents from the University of Colorado archives indicate that Churchill obtained his tenured position there under a program designed to "recruit and hire a more diverse faculty" (Clark, 2005).
In early 2006, the University investigated Churchill on seven allegations of research misconduct, one of which was Churchill's smallpox blankets hoax. [3] The committee unanimously found Churchill guilty on all seven counts, and the Chancellor has recommended his dismissal from the university."

Did the U.S. Army Distribute Smallpox Blankets to Indians? Fabrication and Falsification in Ward Churchill's Genocide Rhetoric

Did you get sidetracked on purpose to avoid my question? How is paying reparations to Black people racist?

Sand Creek massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the Battle of Sand Creek or the Massacre of Cheyenne Indians) was an atrocity in the Indian Wars that occurred on November 29, 1864, when a 700-man force of Colorado Territory militia attacked and destroyed a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho encamped in southeastern Colorado Territory,[3] killing and mutilating an estimated 70–163 Indians, about two-thirds of whom were women and children.
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