Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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7000 years ago Black Africans were building Egypt and other African civilizations. Egypt didnt just spring up fully grown. There was a progression. Cannibalism was brought to Africa by Europeans like you.

Black people are doing such an awful job today, your only recourse is to invent glories of the past. Why are you always talking about shit that happened 7000 years ago? Tell us about their great civilizations TODAY. :lol:

I do that to remind you that the only reason whites have anything at all is because of the foundation taught to you by our people. To further my point you would not know how to calculate anything if not for Black Africans. Europeans tricked a people that had no concept of such actions and lack of honor. They then came to North America and did the same to the NA's.

Blacks in Africa were ambushing and killing each other for centuries before any of them ever laid eyes on a white face. Same thing with the American Indian tribes. You talk like a fool.
Black slaves should get reparations. Too bad they're all fucking DEAD!

But millions of white victims of affirmative action are very much alive. We should be getting reparations to compensate for the decades of immoral (and illegal) discrimination.
That would only make sense if Rameses III was not Black African. As it stands your fable is more of a self delusional myth. Show me DNA proof that disputes mine or you have become irrelevant in the conversation and will be confined to the sidelines.

Yours ? I haven't seen any DNA proof from you that ancient Egyptian scientists were black. Perhaps YOU are the one engaging in self delusional myths.

You've seen it numerous times but always run away from it. However, since you asked again, here you go. Thanks for asking. :lol:

Ramesses III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to a genetic study in December 2012, Egyptian Monarch Ramesses III belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a with an East Africa Origin, a YDNA haplogroup that predominates in most Sub-Saharan Africans.

Here is another DNA company showing proof on the Thuya and Tut genes. Now lets see your evidence. :lol:

The Thuya Gene


The King Tut Gene


You're still just talking about kings, not scientists. That was supposed to be your big issue wasn't it ?

How long ago was that? 7,000 years? What was going on in sub-Saharan Africa 7,000 years ago? What was going on 200 years ago? What goes on now?

Cannibalism is still going on in Africa.

Warning: graphic photo of girl with facial mutilation at link

Cannibalistic militia cults grow in Central Africa

By Stephen Morgan
May 5, 2013 in World
The horrendous conditions of poverty, war and disease faced by the populations of Central Africa has given rise to bizarre and terrifying armed groups involved in barbarous and inhuman activities.
At least two paramilitary cannibal cults are creating terror and violence in Central Africa. Last week, World Crunch reprinted an article from the African journal Syfia International in which Justin Kalenga Tamba, a local chief from Mitwaba, was interviewed about the Mai-Mai militia group, lead by Gedeon Kyungu Mutanga. The paramilitary cult has become notorious for its activities of murder, rape and robbery and some 130,000 people are reported to have fled into the bush to escape them.
Once captured, they are known to also eat the traditional leaders of enemy tribes. Tamba claims that 40 chiefs have been killed by the Mai-Ma, “who ate their flesh, which they believe can strengthen their power and make them invulnerable to bullets.”

7000 years ago Black Africans were building Egypt and other African civilizations. Egypt didnt just spring up fully grown. There was a progression. Cannibalism was brought to Africa by Europeans like you.

You have proof of that? And do you blame all of Africa's problems on Europeans? I suppose Gedeon Kyungu Mutanga is a 7,000 year old European.

Will you ever accept responsibility for ANYTHING?
Does anybody agree with me that white workers (1964-2014) should be paid reparations for compensation over lost opportunities (jobs, promotions, college admissions, financial aid, etc), due to affirmative action discrimination ? (asking whites only)
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Black slaves should get reparations. Too bad they're all fucking DEAD!

But millions of white victims of affirmative action are very much alive. We should be getting reparations to compensate for the decades of immoral (and illegal) discrimination.

well then you should have NO problems proving some damage in at least one real live case huh?

evidence will be required of your claim of damage
I'm white actually.

Kidnapping is a criminal offense, while at the time slavery wasn't, on the criminal count alone reparations are justified.

You do realize that many African's that ended up as slaves in the US were already slaves in Africa and sold by other Africans to White slavers don't you?

The African slave system was nothing like the European one. Go sell that somewhere else.

That does not make it untrue that Africans sold other Africans into slavery.

Tell me do you really believe that every slave was hunted down on horseback scooped up in nets and then shipped to the USA?

That's naive of you if you do.
Black slaves should get reparations. Too bad they're all fucking DEAD!

But millions of white victims of affirmative action are very much alive. We should be getting reparations to compensate for the decades of immoral (and illegal) discrimination.

well then you should have NO problems proving some damage in at least one real live case huh?

evidence will be required of your claim of damage

Of course I would not have a problem with that. All that is needed is the admission of employers (govt & private) that they hired and promoted by race (which they do every day) favoring blacks over whites. Do you see that as a "problem" ? If so, why ?
Did you have some doubt that whites were damaged ? See the Ricci vs DeStefano Supreme Court case. Ricci cited and proved damage (denial of promotions) and the Supreme Court ruled in his favor (along with dozens of white and Hispanic, Connecticut firefighters)

I could also mention my own case of being denied an assistantship at my graduate school, based on AA (I was told). Only 8 were granted. All to the only 8 blacks who applied. All non-blacks were refused.

Ricci v. DeStefano: Firefighters Suffered Reverse Discrimination by City in Violation of Title VII / Ricci v. DeStefano / Article / Employment Law Updates / Employment Legal Updates
As Africans were entirely complicit in the slave trade, and engaged in slavery and enslavement both before and after European involvement in the trade, any "reparations" agreement that did not include African nations would be entirely unjust.
I need a descendant of a slave to come and do some reparations to my fence. Oh, and I have some cotton that needs picking.
The whole idea is ludicrous.

The fact is only a small percentage of whites owned slaves as well as a small percentage of blacks. So to reap reparation from a race of people that had nothing to do with slavery but were involved in freeing them is plain stupid.

Who is the coward that voted "for"?

I bet he's black!

Texas was part of the confederacy so how were they involved in freeing slaves?
I don't think reparations would solve any of the issues in the black community. None of the blacks today have ever been a slave in the first place so why bother? "Oh your mom hit me several years ago so can I hit you?" Sounds very illogical when you really put enough thought into this.
no I don't agree with you but then I often don't agree with liars

If you think you have some evidence that I somehow lied about something, let's hear it.
IOW, put up, or shut up.

It is her fallback answer for everything she does not have an answer for. In other words every post she makes that is not a cut and paste article claiming all Conservatives are evil. Don' fret just get used to it from her. She has no mind of her own.
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We're getting the last laugh here dumbasses! It doesn't really matter if you want to pay slave reparations or not, you're paying them now and you don't even know it!
We need more food stamps, welfare, housing, transportation, medical care, free education, better jobs with higher minimum wages. Whites don't need those things because they haven't been kept down for centuries by white oppressors.
Hey white boy what are you gonna do when Islam takes over the USA,and makes you slaves.What are you gonna do besides calling for yo momma. Then "payback" will really be a bitch wont it now.
Whites have no idea how their situation is going to change in the next five to ten years. I'm glad I'm not white.
We need more food stamps, welfare, housing, transportation, medical care, free education, better jobs with higher minimum wages. Whites don't need those things because they haven't been kept down for centuries by white oppressors.

Kept down and repressed my ass Shitavious. You people are given every handout and opportunity that has been thought up nd all you people do is screw it up somehow. The biggest obstacle facing blacks is black behavior. You people with your TNB rioting and destroying everything in sight because you folks didn't get your way. Hell look at Katrina and the aftermath.Whites come to help you and feed you and you thank them with gunfire. If you don't like the way things are grab an oar and head backt o the motherland,grab some grass and cow shit and start over on your own we sure don't need you pathetic wastes of life here.

You're right. White Americans have transferred huge amounts of money to black Americans over the course of the last fifty or sixty years. But we haven't given them what they really need in order to thrive in modern, technological society: 15 more IQ points on average, future-time orientation, and impulse control. Clearly, we can't give them those things. Only evolution could do so. So the question becomes, what role can black Americans play in society that might be mutually beneficial to us all?
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