Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.
I don't know about you but neither I nor anyone I know kidnapped and/or enslaved anyone. My forebears weren't even living in America during the era of slavery. As for the idea that all Caucasian Americans benefited from the enslavement of Africans, I reject that -- and so would my parents who were destitute and nearly became homeless during the Great Depression. I know that Blacks were treated badly in America, but Blacks are treated badly in Africa, too -- by other Blacks. So let's consider the fact that Blacks live better in America than do Blacks in any other part of the world and we now have a Black President. So it's time to end the song.

Also, I was born and raised in New York where neither slavery nor Jim Crow ever existed and the bulk of my working life was spent in civil service where an equal number of my contemporaries were Blacks who earned the same wages and benefits as I and other Whites.

Slavery was an evil and ugly institution. So was Jim Crow. But they are history.
Black slaves should get reparations. Too bad they're all fucking DEAD!

I agree, it is too bad they are all dead. It seems to me that all of us need to learn something's about our own past and maybe they could have taught us a few things.

Such as?

Our past. That is what I said isn't it? History? You know that subject that so many people hated in school? I rather enjoyed history except for having to remember exact dates. I was pretty good with time periods but if the question was what day did Cornwall surrender at Yorktown and my thought was, who gives a shit what day it was?

There are a lot of things our elders can teach us. It is a shame we can't learn from them now as so much history has been befuddled by so called modern day historians.
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Thanks Sunni for the idea (sorta) re: 40 acres and a mule. :)


We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.
I don't know about you but neither I nor anyone I know kidnapped and/or enslaved anyone. My forebears weren't even living in America during the era of slavery. As for the idea that all Caucasian Americans benefited from the enslavement of Africans, I reject that -- and so would my parents who were destitute and nearly became homeless during the Great Depression. I know that Blacks were treated badly in America, but Blacks are treated badly in Africa, too -- by other Blacks. So let's consider the fact that Blacks live better in America than do Blacks in any other part of the world and we now have a Black President. So it's time to end the song.

Also, I was born and raised in New York where neither slavery nor Jim Crow ever existed and the bulk of my working life was spent in civil service where an equal number of my contemporaries were Blacks who earned the same wages and benefits as I and other Whites.

Slavery was an evil and ugly institution. So was Jim Crow. But they are history.

Its not about you personally...its about America Collectively
I agree, it is too bad they are all dead. It seems to me that all of us need to learn something's about our own past and maybe they could have taught us a few things.

Such as?

Our past. That is what I said isn't it? History? You know that subject that so many people hated in school? I rather enjoyed history except for having to remember exact dates. I was pretty good with time periods but if the question was what day did Cornwall surrender at Yorktown and my thought was, who gives a shit what day it was?

There are a lot of things our elders can teach us. It is a shame we can't learn from them now as so much history has been befuddled by so called modern day historians.

You said, "maybe they could have taught us a few things" . The question was "such as?".

Your brilliant answer was, "our past".

What exactly could they have taught us about our past that we don't already know?

Our past. That is what I said isn't it? History? You know that subject that so many people hated in school? I rather enjoyed history except for having to remember exact dates. I was pretty good with time periods but if the question was what day did Cornwall surrender at Yorktown and my thought was, who gives a shit what day it was?

There are a lot of things our elders can teach us. It is a shame we can't learn from them now as so much history has been befuddled by so called modern day historians.

You said, "maybe they could have taught us a few things" . The question was "such as?".

Your brilliant answer was, "our past".

What exactly could they have taught us about our past that we don't already know?

Know by who's standards? The liberals who are rewriting history books left and right?

We've become lazy. America is sinking into a liberal cesspool of entitlements. We could use some lessons from the men and women, yes some were slaves, who built this country with the sweat of their brow.

And each and every generation is getting worse.

We could stand to learn a few things about work ethics for one thing.
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Our past. That is what I said isn't it? History? You know that subject that so many people hated in school? I rather enjoyed history except for having to remember exact dates. I was pretty good with time periods but if the question was what day did Cornwall surrender at Yorktown and my thought was, who gives a shit what day it was?

There are a lot of things our elders can teach us. It is a shame we can't learn from them now as so much history has been befuddled by so called modern day historians.

You said, "maybe they could have taught us a few things" . The question was "such as?".

Your brilliant answer was, "our past".

What exactly could they have taught us about our past that we don't already know?

Know by who's standards? The liberals who are rewriting history books left and right?

We've become lazy. America is sinking into a liberal cesspool of entitlements. We could use some lessons from the men and women, yes some were slaves, who built this country with the sweat of their brow.

And each and every generation is getting worse.

We could stand to learn a few things about work ethics for one thing.

Don't include me in your "we".

The people that need to learn those lessons are liberals. Most conservatives that I know all have a strong work ethic.
Im for reparations. Because its not right that previous generations of black people were robbed of their right to acquire wealth so their children had something to inherit. Black america would be in a way better situation if they inherited some of the wealth passed on for generations. But that was stolen from us, and thats why they owe us. Every black man in america who can prove they had an ancestor who was a slave should get $250,000 at least. Obama said he was gonna spread the wealth around, and reparations would be the way to do it. What is he waiting for?
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Im for reparations. Because its not right that previous generations of black people were robbed of their right to acquire wealth so their children had something to inherit. Black america would be in a way better situation if they inherited some of the wealth passed on for generations. But that was stolen from us, and thats why they owe us.

Owe who?
Im for reparations. Because its not right that previous generations of black people were robbed of their right to acquire wealth so their children had something to inherit. Black america would be in a way better situation if they inherited some of the wealth passed on for generations. But that was stolen from us, and thats why they owe us.

Owe who?

I edited my above post, read it again. They owe any black american who can prove they had an ancestor who was a slave.
I agree, it is too bad they are all dead. It seems to me that all of us need to learn something's about our own past and maybe they could have taught us a few things.

Such as?

Our past. That is what I said isn't it? History? You know that subject that so many people hated in school? I rather enjoyed history except for having to remember exact dates. I was pretty good with time periods but if the question was what day did Cornwall surrender at Yorktown and my thought was, who gives a shit what day it was?

There are a lot of things our elders can teach us. It is a shame we can't learn from them now as so much history has been befuddled by so called modern day historians.
Again -- such as? Specifically what things could or should we have learned from the past which are relevant to the topic, which is reparations for the practice of slavery in America?
And reparations isnt just about slavery either, but paying for putting black people down for over 100 years after slavery was abolished. How many black people had ancestors who were denied a job last century because they were black? How much did racism cost black america? I think $250k is perfectly reasonable. Several generations of blacks were denied the ability to work and acquire wealth, and even get an education. And that directly impacts how black society is today.
Im for reparations. Because its not right that previous generations of black people were robbed of their right to acquire wealth so their children had something to inherit. Black america would be in a way better situation if they inherited some of the wealth passed on for generations. But that was stolen from us, and thats why they owe us. Every black man in america who can prove they had an ancestor who was a slave should get $250,000 at least. Obama said he was gonna spread the wealth around, and reparations would be the way to do it. What is he waiting for?

Prove that inherited wealth would have grown to $250,000 per African.

Show all your work.
Im for reparations. Because its not right that previous generations of black people were robbed of their right to acquire wealth so their children had something to inherit. Black america would be in a way better situation if they inherited some of the wealth passed on for generations. But that was stolen from us, and thats why they owe us.

Owe who?

I edited my above post, read it again. They owe any black american who can prove they had an ancestor who was a slave.

Only black Americans? And "had an ancestor" to what degree? There's been an awful lot of moving and mixing and immigrating and marrying and adopting and whatnot since then. And "prove" how, exactly?
And reparations isnt just about slavery either, but paying for putting black people down for over 100 years after slavery was abolished. How many black people had ancestors who were denied a job last century because they were black? .

How about a white person who was denied a job last week because he was white? Or an Asian student who wasn't accepted to a university because he was Asian? How far do we take this and where does the $ come from?

We need to remember and learn as a nation, but this just isn't practical at this point.
Im for reparations. Because its not right that previous generations of black people were robbed of their right to acquire wealth so their children had something to inherit. Black america would be in a way better situation if they inherited some of the wealth passed on for generations. But that was stolen from us, and thats why they owe us. Every black man in america who can prove they had an ancestor who was a slave should get $250,000 at least. Obama said he was gonna spread the wealth around, and reparations would be the way to do it. What is he waiting for?

Prove that inherited wealth would have grown to $250,000 per African.

Show all your work.

Why should anyone prove anything to you? You just have to agree or disagree.
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