Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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I do that to remind you that the only reason whites have anything at all is because of the foundation taught to you by our people. To further my point you would not know how to calculate anything if not for Black Africans. Europeans tricked a people that had no concept of such actions and lack of honor. They then came to North America and did the same to the NA's.
Yeah, because the feats of black Africans are so well documented.:lol:

I do like watermelon, but that's hardly an accomplishment.

I agree they are well documented. That information is not taught in school. If it is mentioned the fact that Black Africans did it is omitted. For instance they give the Greeks the credit for the Pythagorean theorem when everyone knows the largest triangles in the world are on each of the 4 sides of the pyramid. I like watermelon too.
LOL, you're funny.:lol:
Yeah, because the feats of black Africans are so well documented.:lol:

I do like watermelon, but that's hardly an accomplishment.

I agree they are well documented. That information is not taught in school. If it is mentioned the fact that Black Africans did it is omitted. For instance they give the Greeks the credit for the Pythagorean theorem when everyone knows the largest triangles in the world are on each of the 4 sides of the pyramid. I like watermelon too.
LOL, you're funny.:lol:

I've told you about that nervous laughter. Where is your proof disputing this? :lol:
Whitey need to give us money we be da ones who created de pie-thaagreun thurum. OOK OOK EEK EEK
I agree they are well documented. That information is not taught in school. If it is mentioned the fact that Black Africans did it is omitted. For instance they give the Greeks the credit for the Pythagorean theorem when everyone knows the largest triangles in the world are on each of the 4 sides of the pyramid. I like watermelon too.
LOL, you're funny.:lol:

I've told you about that nervous laughter. Where is your proof disputing this? :lol:
It's called legitimate history, not the uniquely black-American Afrocentric pseudohistory you constantly babble about. Nobody's buying it Asc. Carry on if you must, it is rather tedious but at the same time oddly amusing.
LOL, you're funny.:lol:

I've told you about that nervous laughter. Where is your proof disputing this? :lol:
It's called legitimate history, not the uniquely black-American Afrocentric pseudohistory you constantly babble about. Nobody's buying it Asc. Carry on if you must, it is rather tedious but at the same time oddly amusing.

That would only work if only Black people proved it. White people did. I'll take that as your concession you have nothing to dispute it. :lol:
Black slaves should get reparations. Too bad they're all fucking DEAD!

I agree, it is too bad they are all dead. It seems to me that all of us need to learn something's about our own past and maybe they could have taught us a few things.

I've told you about that nervous laughter. Where is your proof disputing this? :lol:
It's called legitimate history, not the uniquely black-American Afrocentric pseudohistory you constantly babble about. Nobody's buying it Asc. Carry on if you must, it is rather tedious but at the same time oddly amusing.

That would only work if only Black people proved it. White people did. I'll take that as your concession you have nothing to dispute it. :lol:

Nobody believes in your fake history. Just stop already.
It's called legitimate history, not the uniquely black-American Afrocentric pseudohistory you constantly babble about. Nobody's buying it Asc. Carry on if you must, it is rather tedious but at the same time oddly amusing.

That would only work if only Black people proved it. White people did. I'll take that as your concession you have nothing to dispute it. :lol:

Nobody believes in your fake history. Just stop already.

Show me the proof. No sane person believes you until you show some proof.
The money their ancestors owed for burning crosses on our lawns because the rich white business owners told them they were poor because we were taking their jobs. Dont you know your history?

So not only are you owed reparations from the descendants of people who actually made fortunes off of your ancestors because some of that wealth should've been yours, but now you actually want to punish some other white people because their ancestors were dicks, even if there's nothing those people have gained off the backs of your ancestors?

You're proposing we punish people for other peoples' crimes, not in favor of taking away things that might should belong to someone else, but just to punish them since the people who deserve punishing are gone?

You're pretty fucked. I think I've been wasting time trying to use logic with you. HAve a good 'un :)

No they just need to pay their taxes. See the question. This is not about individual accountability because those people are all dead. He asked what did they owe me. They owe it to me to pay their damn taxes.

So as long as you call the punishment taxes, then its no longer punishment, and that makes it justifiable?

Holy shit, the further I let this argument go, the more I realize that, on this subject, you are all emotion and no logic.
Why, there were a lot of great musicians, for example. Armstrong didn't play basketball or loot stores.

I wouldn't say there were a lot. If you compare whites to blacks in rock music, for instance, there are far more whites. But there have been a good many blues and jazz musicians among the blacks. I'll definitely give you that one. In the Rock dept., I play some of their great songs on the guitar (Jimi Hendrix-Purple Haze, Chuck Berry-Johnny Be Good, et al)

I also play some old country blues learned from great black guitarists like Mississippi John Hurt and Curtis Jones.

There's also some good black guitarists in Rock who I'm not as familiar with as I should be. I plan to get better acquainted with them this year. It might even be my New Year's Resolution (Ernie Isley, Prince, Bo Diddley, Vernon Reid, Robert Randolph, Jesse Johnson, etc)

Tom Morello (RATM), Vernon Reid(Living Colour), Slash (Guns-n-Roses), Rocky George (Suicidal Tendencies), and Gary Miller(Bad Brains) might be a good start for you.

Yes, I'm familiar with all of them. Excellent guitarists.
I wouldn't say there were a lot. If you compare whites to blacks in rock music, for instance, there are far more whites. But there have been a good many blues and jazz musicians among the blacks. I'll definitely give you that one. In the Rock dept., I play some of their great songs on the guitar (Jimi Hendrix-Purple Haze, Chuck Berry-Johnny Be Good, et al)

I also play some old country blues learned from great black guitarists like Mississippi John Hurt and Curtis Jones.

There's also some good black guitarists in Rock who I'm not as familiar with as I should be. I plan to get better acquainted with them this year. It might even be my New Year's Resolution (Ernie Isley, Prince, Bo Diddley, Vernon Reid, Robert Randolph, Jesse Johnson, etc)

Tom Morello (RATM), Vernon Reid(Living Colour), Slash (Guns-n-Roses), Rocky George (Suicidal Tendencies), and Gary Miller(Bad Brains) might be a good start for you.

As for blacks, they usually just don't like white music. Everybody to his taste.

I think that's at least as much a desire to live outside of white mainstream culture, as it is any like or dislike of the music. When Buddy Holly and the Crickets played at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, NY, they were relatively unknown. The crowd thought they were going to be black. When they appeared on stage, (all being white) the crowd went silent and seemed to politely disapprove. After the fellas got doing with Oh Boy, Not Fade Away, and I'm A'Gonna Love You too, the crowd was cheering, clapping, and dancing in the aisles.
Egyptians were not Neanderthals with bad tans. They were Black. That DNA really bothers you. :lol:

Blacks in ancient Egypt were slaves. This is why the Arabic word for black (abeed) also means slave. They were illiterate, and contributed nothing but muscle power to labor out in the sun. They were considered useful for that, since they didn't sunburn as easily as the whites. Result > Blacks hauled the rocks. Whites did the thinking. What else is new ? Ho hum. Yawn *****

That would only make sense if Rameses III was not Black African. As it stands your fable is more of a self delusional myth. Show me DNA proof that disputes mine or you have become irrelevant in the conversation and will be confined to the sidelines.

Yours ? I haven't seen any DNA proof from you that ancient Egyptian scientists were black. Perhaps YOU are the one engaging in self delusional myths.
:lol: Where did you get your information from?

"Proposals for Black reparations after Jefferson and the American Colonization Society were made after the war ended by Thaddeus Stevens, congressman from Pennsylvania and Charles Summer, senator from Massachusetts. Stevens took the lead. He insisted that it was not enough merely to free the slaves. Nor would it be enough, even to give the slaves the right of suffrage. In addition justice demanded that they be granted an economic foundation. But how could this economic foundation justly be obtained? Reasoning logically Stevens concluded that it should best come from the wrongdoers who had harmed the slaves through their wrongdoing and proposed accordingly that the government confiscate land from the rebels and distribute it to the slaves, each freedman getting forty acres"

Black Reparations (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

I'm sixty years old, and, have a rather personal perspective on this. The entire historical aspect of this sprouts from the lawsuits filed by Japanese Americans that had their property taken from them and the forced interment. IN THEIR LIFE TIME.I know this all to well, for various reasons. The esoteric reasons you quote here are neither apropos or relevant. Black activist in later years seem to feel they can finesse this issue as if it was similar. The Japanese, well, they got reparations. So…this black reparations thing., What does Obama need pay? What if my mother was Japanese and my father was Black? Who determines who owes whom what and how much and….let’s don’t get ridiculous.

Your age doesn't really matter, you are just over a decade older than I am (47), we are closer in culture and experience than people who are a decade younger than I am. It is incorrect that the "entire historical aspect of reparations sprouts from the lawsuits filed by the Japanese.". I proved to you that it preceded the Japanese situation by at least 50+ years. That proof was not esoteric, it was apropos and relevant, because it's a part of history and documented in a book that was published in 1895.

Here's more:
"Proposals for Black reparations after Jefferson and the American Colonization Society were made after the war ended by Thaddeus Stevens, congressman from Pennsylvania and Charles Summer, senator from Massachusetts. Stevens took the lead. He insisted that it was not enough merely to free the slaves. Nor would it be enough, even to give the slaves the right of suffrage. In addition justice demanded that they be granted an economic foundation. But how could this economic foundation justly be obtained? Reasoning logically Stevens concluded that it should best come from the wrongdoers who had harmed the slaves through their wrongdoing and proposed accordingly that the government confiscate land from the rebels and distribute it to the slaves, each freedman getting forty acres."

" King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can't Wait, he wrote,

No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries…Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law. "

As a side note:
"Advocates of reparations cite re
cent examples of payments to vari
ous ethnic groups as precedents foi
their case. In 1980, the Supreme Cour
ordered the Federal Government t<
pay $105 million to eight tribes o
Sioux Indians for land seized by Con
gress in 1877. And in 1988, Congres;
pledged restitution of $20,000 to each
of the 60,000 surviving Japanese
Americans who had been interned ir
the United States during World Wai
II. That came to a total of $1.2 billior
in reparations.

Some Black people were advocating for reparations way before 1988...............
So not being opposed to the concept of reparations, you would support my call for reparations to be paid to white US workers, over the past 50 years, who were victims of affirmative action racial discrimination ? (paid only by pushers of AA, be they black, white, or any color)
Blacks in ancient Egypt were slaves. This is why the Arabic word for black (abeed) also means slave. They were illiterate, and contributed nothing but muscle power to labor out in the sun. They were considered useful for that, since they didn't sunburn as easily as the whites. Result > Blacks hauled the rocks. Whites did the thinking. What else is new ? Ho hum. Yawn *****

That would only make sense if Rameses III was not Black African. As it stands your fable is more of a self delusional myth. Show me DNA proof that disputes mine or you have become irrelevant in the conversation and will be confined to the sidelines.

Yours ? I haven't seen any DNA proof from you that ancient Egyptian scientists were black. Perhaps YOU are the one engaging in self delusional myths.
No, Asclepias is right here. As the Egyptian upper class started to mix with the Nubians, Egypt declined. Rameses III was one of the rulers during this period of decline.

It is just proof societies that mix with inferior stock decline and collapse.
Blacks in ancient Egypt were slaves. This is why the Arabic word for black (abeed) also means slave. They were illiterate, and contributed nothing but muscle power to labor out in the sun. They were considered useful for that, since they didn't sunburn as easily as the whites. Result > Blacks hauled the rocks. Whites did the thinking. What else is new ? Ho hum. Yawn *****

That would only make sense if Rameses III was not Black African. As it stands your fable is more of a self delusional myth. Show me DNA proof that disputes mine or you have become irrelevant in the conversation and will be confined to the sidelines.

Yours ? I haven't seen any DNA proof from you that ancient Egyptian scientists were black. Perhaps YOU are the one engaging in self delusional myths.

You've seen it numerous times but always run away from it. However, since you asked again, here you go. Thanks for asking. :lol:

Ramesses III - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to a genetic study in December 2012, Egyptian Monarch Ramesses III belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup E1b1a with an East Africa Origin, a YDNA haplogroup that predominates in most Sub-Saharan Africans.

Here is another DNA company showing proof on the Thuya and Tut genes. Now lets see your evidence. :lol:

The Thuya Gene


The King Tut Gene

Tom Morello (RATM), Vernon Reid(Living Colour), Slash (Guns-n-Roses), Rocky George (Suicidal Tendencies), and Gary Miller(Bad Brains) might be a good start for you.

As for blacks, they usually just don't like white music. Everybody to his taste.

LOL, what is "white music" in this country? Public Enemy used samples from rock (Slayer), Onyxx/Biohazard, Run DMC/Aerosmith, Anthrax/too many to list, RATM/Bruce Springsteen, etc.

I've already mentioned quite of them from the Rock genre. There's also Country & Western, white Classical musicians, Jazz, and Bluegrass. Quantitatively, whites outnumber blacks in US music, perhaps 100 to 1.

How long ago was that? 7,000 years? What was going on in sub-Saharan Africa 7,000 years ago? What was going on 200 years ago? What goes on now?

Cannibalism is still going on in Africa.

Warning: graphic photo of girl with facial mutilation at link

Cannibalistic militia cults grow in Central Africa

By Stephen Morgan
May 5, 2013 in World
The horrendous conditions of poverty, war and disease faced by the populations of Central Africa has given rise to bizarre and terrifying armed groups involved in barbarous and inhuman activities.
At least two paramilitary cannibal cults are creating terror and violence in Central Africa. Last week, World Crunch reprinted an article from the African journal Syfia International in which Justin Kalenga Tamba, a local chief from Mitwaba, was interviewed about the Mai-Mai militia group, lead by Gedeon Kyungu Mutanga. The paramilitary cult has become notorious for its activities of murder, rape and robbery and some 130,000 people are reported to have fled into the bush to escape them.
Once captured, they are known to also eat the traditional leaders of enemy tribes. Tamba claims that 40 chiefs have been killed by the Mai-Ma, “who ate their flesh, which they believe can strengthen their power and make them invulnerable to bullets.”

7000 years ago Black Africans were building Egypt and other African civilizations. Egypt didnt just spring up fully grown. There was a progression. Cannibalism was brought to Africa by Europeans like you.

:eusa_whistle: :lol: This guy is lost.
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