Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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I would gladly accept the challenge. That would be a great project to work on. I dont care about bitching and moaning and thats not a reason to not pay reparations to those that can prove it. Sounds more like another excuse not to. I dont get what tasking someone to carry around a government ID has to do with it..

They have these things called stipulations, fine print, contingencies etc that put a halt to any further actions. You get your money and you never bring up the issue again.

Oh I think you get the point about requiring Govt ID being too much of a burden to obtain.
But yet -- you're asking multi-MILLIONS of these same folks who are too feeble, infirmed, addicted or stupid to show an ID ---- to perform a 200 yr old certification of their ancestry.

No I dont get your point. Goverment ID is not required to vote if thats what you are talking about. A birth certificate is pretty easy to get. I also dont know what you are talking about in regards to multi-millions of feeble, addicted, or slow people. If they cant prove it they dont get reparations. I dont get what is so hard about the concept?

Now I know that you didn't get all successful in life and also become an expert on race relations by ignoring the MASS indignation of folks being asked to identify themselves in a simple process of registering to vote. I happen to agree that ID should NOT be required on voting day, but it IS required that you REGISTER with proper ID well ahead of time. And there are MILLIONS of apologists saying even THAT is too difficult and racist.

And the pile of excuses for showing up -- not on the voter rolls and without ID are that they are (take your pick) -- too infirmed, too disadvantaged, too lazy, or too stupid to comply with the process that everyone else does.

So I really hope that you will NOT take the job of approving reparation requests -- because if you're the one DENYING them justice and reparations for being unable or unwilling to prove 200 years of lineage direct to American slavery, MSNBC and the pimp squad of excuse makers are gonna make YOU public bigot #1....

And I'd be sad that you were so naive and hated.
Oh I think you get the point about requiring Govt ID being too much of a burden to obtain.
But yet -- you're asking multi-MILLIONS of these same folks who are too feeble, infirmed, addicted or stupid to show an ID ---- to perform a 200 yr old certification of their ancestry.

No I dont get your point. Goverment ID is not required to vote if thats what you are talking about. A birth certificate is pretty easy to get. I also dont know what you are talking about in regards to multi-millions of feeble, addicted, or slow people. If they cant prove it they dont get reparations. I dont get what is so hard about the concept?

Now I know that you didn't get all successful in life and also become an expert on race relations by ignoring the MASS indignation of folks being asked to identify themselves in a simple process of registering to vote. I happen to agree that ID should NOT be required on voting day, but it IS required that you REGISTER with proper ID well ahead of time. And there are MILLIONS of apologists saying even THAT is too difficult and racist.

And the pile of excuses for showing up -- not on the voter rolls and without ID are that they are (take your pick) -- too infirmed, too disadvantaged, too lazy, or too stupid to comply with the process that everyone else does.

So I really hope that you will NOT take the job of approving reparation requests -- because if you're the one DENYING them justice and reparations for being unable or unwilling to prove 200 years of lineage direct to American slavery, MSNBC and the pimp squad of excuse makers are gonna make YOU public bigot #1....

And I'd be sad that you were so naive and hated.

Sounds like a great idea but the point is that you are not required to have an ID when voting. I'm not really concerned with the excuses because in the end they don't matter. You have a right to vote with or without an ID. I dont subscribe to all the political labels and ideologies most people do. I dont even watch MSNBC and I'm pretty good at recognizing excuses. I also pretty comfortable with making difficult decisions and not worrying about what people think of them. Nothing would ever get accomplished in life if you sat around waiting for everyone to agree with you.
No I dont get your point. Goverment ID is not required to vote if thats what you are talking about. A birth certificate is pretty easy to get. I also dont know what you are talking about in regards to multi-millions of feeble, addicted, or slow people. If they cant prove it they dont get reparations. I dont get what is so hard about the concept?

Now I know that you didn't get all successful in life and also become an expert on race relations by ignoring the MASS indignation of folks being asked to identify themselves in a simple process of registering to vote. I happen to agree that ID should NOT be required on voting day, but it IS required that you REGISTER with proper ID well ahead of time. And there are MILLIONS of apologists saying even THAT is too difficult and racist.

And the pile of excuses for showing up -- not on the voter rolls and without ID are that they are (take your pick) -- too infirmed, too disadvantaged, too lazy, or too stupid to comply with the process that everyone else does.

So I really hope that you will NOT take the job of approving reparation requests -- because if you're the one DENYING them justice and reparations for being unable or unwilling to prove 200 years of lineage direct to American slavery, MSNBC and the pimp squad of excuse makers are gonna make YOU public bigot #1....

And I'd be sad that you were so naive and hated.

Sounds like a great idea but the point is that you are not required to have an ID when voting. I'm not really concerned with the excuses because in the end they don't matter. You have a right to vote with or without an ID. I dont subscribe to all the political labels and ideologies most people do. I dont even watch MSNBC and I'm pretty good at recognizing excuses. I also pretty comfortable with making difficult decisions and not worrying about what people think of them. Nothing would ever get accomplished in life if you sat around waiting for everyone to agree with you.

You have my vote for the Director of the Office of Reparation Payments. (Maybe need something that doesn't shorten to DORP) But I think you are volunteering for martyrdom. Nice knowing ya...

I'm not opposed to showing faith and good intent in SOME fashion. In fact, we should probably test this out with the Indian Tribes as well. But seriously, the process and the "downpayments" part need to be MUCH SIMPLER so that MORE bad will isn't CREATED by the process than it solves..

Just ponder this. ANY minor snag or protest or even a HINT of unfairness -- will blow away the primary intent of the project. It has to be a bulletproof plan -- and I've yet to hear one of those.
Dont call it whining it is a debt owed. Would you call it whining if you were not paid for the work you did?

It is a debt that was once owed and never paid by some long dead people to other long dead people.

Neither the debtors nor the creditors have any living representatives around. Nor do they have children around. Nor do they have (for the most part) even any
GRANDchildren around.

There is no debt owed anymore by anyone to anybody based on slavery.

Not only did that ship sail, it got grounded, rotted and turned into dust long ago.

You keep getting mixed up and confused. The US and not the slave owners are the party responsible for allowing slavery. The slave owners just took advantage of the US allowing it to occur. Please pay attention.

Wrong, AssClapius. It is you who has been and who remains stubbornly confused.

The United States doesn't owe anybody diddly dog for slavery. :lol:

For, you see, you mental pygmy, the United States is the Republic consisting of the union of the various States and representing the sovereign, which in this case is "the People."

Since nobody in (i.e., none of the People of) the United States owes anybody anything for slavery, it cannot be true (and it isn't even remotely true) that the United States owes anybody anything over slavery.

I do think you should START paying attention. Ignore your own sophistry. That's a good place to start. All intelligent people ignore your silly premises.
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Thats not really true. Have you noticed all the mixed children? You need these genes. Yours are inferior according to studies.

The average Negro IQ in Africa is 70. The average Negro IQ in the United States is 85. The 15 point difference in favor of American Negroes is partly due to the benefits of living in a white dominated civilization. It is partly due to genetic contributions made by white slave owners and employers.

Wait...what? You expect me to lend credibility to a test inspired by a known eugenicist who admittedly, according to studies, has inferior genes? Dont make me laugh. Nobody believes that monkey boy. :lol:

Who are you talking about? IQ tests have proven their validity.
There is no doubt that slavery was a horrific act committed by sick individuals, but, I dont think that this necessarily means we should have to financially repararend something that happened 100 years ago! Anyone who is still alive in our currently, had no direct hand in slavery, therefore, why should we have to be the ones paying? Also, only a small portion of people owned slaves, its not like the whole Eastern Seaboard had hundreds upon hundreds of slaves, I think that this topic is commonly over exaggerated, especially in regard to the amount of slaves there were.

It wasnt just committed by some sick individuals. It was condoned and supported by the US. Even after admitting slavery was wrong they never reimbursed the victims. For that the US owes. I doesnt matter if your ancestors never owned slaves. You are living in a country that derives its wealth directly from the labor of those slaves hence your participation by paying your taxes. Of course the topic is over exaggerated to some. That just points to your lack of perspective to be honest.

Black slaves were captured by other blacks and sold to white slave traders.

I am living in a country that owes its high crime rate to its high black population. The United States would be a far better country if the slave trade had never existed, and if blacks had not been allowed to immigrate here.

Everywhere blacks go they carry with them the barbarism of the African jungle. Most are too stupid to contribute to civilization, and too dangerous to be let out of the sight of the police.
So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.

Who's "we?" I didn't kidnap anyone nor did my brothers, dad, uncles, grandfathers, great grandfathers, or any of my other ancestors. The "kidnapping" took place in Africa when one African tribe captured and sold members of another African tribe. No "we" about it.:cuckoo:
So we did them a favor kidnapping them? Don't ever say that in public. You wouldn't survive.

Who's "we?" I didn't kidnap anyone nor did my brothers, dad, uncles, grandfathers, great grandfathers, or any of my other ancestors. The "kidnapping" took place in Africa when one African tribe captured and sold members of another African tribe. No "we" about it.:cuckoo:

"We" did not kidnap them. They were captured by other blacks and sold to white slave traders during a time when Negro slaves in Africa were often the victim of cannibalism and human sacrifice.

Until modern medicine was developed in the second half of the nineteenth century African diseases kept Europeans from penetrating the interior of Africa.
There is no doubt that slavery was a horrific act committed by sick individuals, but, I dont think that this necessarily means we should have to financially repararend something that happened 100 years ago! Anyone who is still alive in our currently, had no direct hand in slavery, therefore, why should we have to be the ones paying? Also, only a small portion of people owned slaves, its not like the whole Eastern Seaboard had hundreds upon hundreds of slaves, I think that this topic is commonly over exaggerated, especially in regard to the amount of slaves there were.

It wasnt just committed by some sick individuals. It was condoned and supported by the US. Even after admitting slavery was wrong they never reimbursed the victims. For that the US owes. I doesnt matter if your ancestors never owned slaves. You are living in a country that derives its wealth directly from the labor of those slaves hence your participation by paying your taxes. Of course the topic is over exaggerated to some. That just points to your lack of perspective to be honest.

Black slaves were captured by other blacks and sold to white slave traders.

I am living in a country that owes its high crime rate to its high black population. The United States would be a far better country if the slave trade had never existed, and if blacks had not been allowed to immigrate here.

Everywhere blacks go they carry with them the barbarism of the African jungle. Most are too stupid to contribute to civilization, and too dangerous to be let out of the sight of the police.

I disagree, quite fervently. Have you ever even been to Africa? It sounds like you are talking without any real understanding of the continent.
AssClap cannot even admit that he has had his lunch taken from him, eaten before his eyes, had his empty brown paper lunch bag returned to him and then gotten himself bitch slapped.



This is too fucking funny.
AssClap cannot even admit that he has had his lunch taken from him, eaten before his eyes, had his empty brown paper lunch bag returned to him and then gotten himself bitch slapped.



This is too fucking funny.

Even if we DID pay reparations we would still get our daily dose of "poor me" victimism for the rest of our miserable lives. It's time to stop dwelling in the past and begging for free handouts and time to start focusing on bettering ourselves and looking toward future solutions. Crying over spilt milk isn't going to un-spill the milk.

The root word of "reparations" is "repair." Tossing cash into that bottomless, black pit of today's entitlement mentality isn't going repair one, damn thing.
It wasnt just committed by some sick individuals. It was condoned and supported by the US. Even after admitting slavery was wrong they never reimbursed the victims. For that the US owes. I doesnt matter if your ancestors never owned slaves. You are living in a country that derives its wealth directly from the labor of those slaves hence your participation by paying your taxes. Of course the topic is over exaggerated to some. That just points to your lack of perspective to be honest.

Black slaves were captured by other blacks and sold to white slave traders.

I am living in a country that owes its high crime rate to its high black population. The United States would be a far better country if the slave trade had never existed, and if blacks had not been allowed to immigrate here.

Everywhere blacks go they carry with them the barbarism of the African jungle. Most are too stupid to contribute to civilization, and too dangerous to be let out of the sight of the police.

I disagree, quite fervently. Have you ever even been to Africa? It sounds like you are talking without any real understanding of the continent.

What did I say that is not true? Are you pretending that African Negroes have high IQ's and low crime rates?
AssClap cannot even admit that he has had his lunch taken from him, eaten before his eyes, had his empty brown paper lunch bag returned to him and then gotten himself bitch slapped.



This is too fucking funny.

Even if we DID pay reparations we would still get our daily dose of "poor me" victimism for the rest of our miserable lives. It's time to stop dwelling in the past and begging for free handouts and time to start focusing on bettering ourselves and looking toward future solutions. Crying over spilt milk isn't going to un-spill the milk.

The root word of "reparations" is "repair." Tossing cash into that bottomless, black pit of today's entitlement mentality isn't going repair one, damn thing.

They would spend the money on alcohol, illegal drugs, and "hoes." In a year or two they would be as poor as they are now.
Professor Beckles: Ten-Point Plan makes a case for reparatory justice
The Barbados Advocate - Professor Beckles: Ten-Point Plan makes a case for reparatory justice


By Regina Selman Moore

"Victims of crimes against humanity and their descendants have a legal right to call for reparatory justice. As such, the CARICOM Reparatory Justice Committee has come up with a ten-point plan of action, which outlines the path to reconciliation and justice for such persons.

(1) A Full Formal Apology from these governments as opposed to “statements of regrets” issued by some; (2) Repatriation, since over 10 million Africans were stolen from their homes and forcefully transported to the Caribbean as the enslaved chattel and property of Europeans and as such, the descendants of these stolen people have a legal right to return to their homeland; (3) An Indigenous Peoples Development Programme to rehabilitate survivors; (4) Cultural Institutions through which the stories of victims and their descendants can be told; (5) Attention to be paid to the “Public Health Crisis” in the Caribbean, which sees the region having the highest incidence of chronic diseases, which stems from the nutritional experience, emotional brutality and overall stress profiles associated with slavery, genocide and apartheid.

The other points include calls for (6) Illiteracy eradication as the British in particular left the Black and Indigenous communities in a general state of illiteracy; (7) An African Knowledge Programme to teach people of African descent about their roots; (8) Psychological Rehabilitation for healing and repair of African descendant populations; (9) Technology Transfer for greater access to the world’s science and technology culture; and (10) Debt Cancellation to address the “fiscal entrapment” that faces Caribbean governments that emerged from slavery and colonialism."

If it works there, look for similar here in the US.
Victims of crimes against humanity and their descendants have a legal right to call for reparatory justice.


ANYBODY and EVERYbody has a right to "call for" anything they want.

That does not mean that they have a right to the thing they seek.

And who says that the 3rd and later generation descendants of the victims of "crimes against humanity" have a right to reparations?

Where does that alleged "right" come from? God? The Constitution? Some silly notion expressed by a deluded twit? The CARICOM Reparatory Justice Committee is not exactly the entity that determines such things.

DeltaFish has offered a mere opinion buttressed by a mere opinion of some other entity.

That is not exactly the hallmark of a persuasive "argument."
Professor Beckles: Ten-Point Plan makes a case for reparatory justice
The Barbados Advocate - Professor Beckles: Ten-Point Plan makes a case for reparatory justice


By Regina Selman Moore

"Victims of crimes against humanity and their descendants have a legal right to call for reparatory justice. As such, the CARICOM Reparatory Justice Committee has come up with a ten-point plan of action, which outlines the path to reconciliation and justice for such persons.

(1) A Full Formal Apology from these governments as opposed to “statements of regrets” issued by some; (2) Repatriation, since over 10 million Africans were stolen from their homes and forcefully transported to the Caribbean as the enslaved chattel and property of Europeans and as such, the descendants of these stolen people have a legal right to return to their homeland; (3) An Indigenous Peoples Development Programme to rehabilitate survivors; (4) Cultural Institutions through which the stories of victims and their descendants can be told; (5) Attention to be paid to the “Public Health Crisis” in the Caribbean, which sees the region having the highest incidence of chronic diseases, which stems from the nutritional experience, emotional brutality and overall stress profiles associated with slavery, genocide and apartheid.

The other points include calls for (6) Illiteracy eradication as the British in particular left the Black and Indigenous communities in a general state of illiteracy; (7) An African Knowledge Programme to teach people of African descent about their roots; (8) Psychological Rehabilitation for healing and repair of African descendant populations; (9) Technology Transfer for greater access to the world’s science and technology culture; and (10) Debt Cancellation to address the “fiscal entrapment” that faces Caribbean governments that emerged from slavery and colonialism."

If it works there, look for similar here in the US.

A Full Formal Apology from these governments as opposed to “statements of regrets” issued by some

Maybe they can borrow Mr Peabody's Wayback Machine and get an apology from those responsible?

Repatriation, since over 10 million Africans were stolen from their homes

Sounds good.

An Indigenous Peoples Development Programme to rehabilitate survivors

Survivors? LOL!

Cultural Institutions through which the stories of victims and their descendants can be told;

There's already too much PC crap taught in schools, pushing out actual learning.

Illiteracy eradication as the British in particular left the Black and Indigenous communities in a general state of illiteracy

Liberal actions over the last 50 years have multiplied black illiteracy.
I'd like to see proof that literacy is lower in those areas where the British were involved.

An African Knowledge Programme to teach people of African descent about their roots;

Once they moved back, they can learn on their own.

Psychological Rehabilitation for healing and repair of African descendant populations

They can't heal until they move.
We kidnapped them, enslaved them, should pay backwages. Fair's fair.
Every person that participated in the enslavement of another should pay reparations to the formerly enslaved.

The pity is that neither the slavers nor the slaves are alive to make it so, as the issue was settled over a century ago. The time to have this conversation was 1865, not 2014.

My advice to you:
1. Grab a deck of cards
2. Deal with it.
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