Slut Or Not??

# 2 statement is completely wrong.
The hearing was about the 1st amendment and the 2nd part of the hearing had women testify.
She was denied to speak at the hearing because the Lib Democratic woman tried to get her to testify 24hrs before the hearing.
The rules of the committee are, you needed to submit 3 days ahead of time, and they didn't.
The hearing was not about contraception.
The title of the hearing was Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State.

She is a far left political activist, and a lier to boot.
She really needs to explain how she came to the figure of 3,000.00.

What if she changed it to "A Shit-load of money"?
Both of them, but mostly the woman (and all the other women - and girls - who will be beaten, addicted, trafficked, raped, and killed in the process of dehumanization that your little transaction represents).

How is she a "victim" when she voluntarily engages in the activity? That makes no sense. No one was hurt, everyone got what they wanted. The transaction had less affect on the health of either participant than buying a McDonald's greaseburger.

The ONLY argument you have is that you morally object to their behavior - which begs the question of who put you in charge?

The only problem is, not every woman voluntarily engages in that activity which is why human trafficking is becoming such a large problem. As well as trafficking in underage sex slaves. The Netherlands halved their red light district when an investigation revealed that many of the women were't there voluntarily, nor were they paid.

Which is another reason why you won't see a downtick in the more gruesome forms of violence for many many years to come.

The best that legalized prositution can end up with is legal prostitution and not a single change in illegal prostitution.
What happens if prostitution is legal and she doesn't have a business license?

That's a good question.

In my area, we are being invaded by illegal aliens. Lots of them push these stupid little carts around and blow clown horns to sell stale popcorn and cotton candy. Now to my way of thinking, who the hell would buy food off of a cart from an unlicensed illegal? But I see people doing it (none who speak English, though.)

So at first blush I would think, who would frequent a prostitute that didn't have the health certificates and a comfortable place to do business - but who knows with people? Me, I don't really grasp the concept of pornography, it's like watching videos of someone eating a steak or a pie, I can't see the attraction of watching something that you need to be fully engaged in. Yet porn is a billion dollar business, so my tastes don't dictate the guidelines.

Still, legalization would cut out the vast majority of illegal activity and provide some health safeguards for both the hooker and the john.

So what if she didn't have a business license or health certificate? Well the cart pushers have neither and are ignored by law and business enforcement virtually everywhere in California, so I suspect it would be the same, and just ignored.
Both of them, but mostly the woman (and all the other women - and girls - who will be beaten, addicted, trafficked, raped, and killed in the process of dehumanization that your little transaction represents).

How is she a "victim" when she voluntarily engages in the activity? That makes no sense. No one was hurt, everyone got what they wanted. The transaction had less affect on the health of either participant than buying a McDonald's greaseburger.

The ONLY argument you have is that you morally object to their behavior - which begs the question of who put you in charge?

Time for your IQ/Honesty Test:

You may disagree (and I think we've established that you will) but are you saying that you really CANNOT understand my comment or answer your own question above?

Ok, time starts now...
What happens if prostitution is legal and she doesn't have a business license?

That's a good question.

In my area, we are being invaded by illegal aliens. Lots of them push these stupid little carts around and blow clown horns to sell stale popcorn and cotton candy. Now to my way of thinking, who the hell would buy food off of a cart from an unlicensed illegal? But I see people doing it (none who speak English, though.)

So at first blush I would think, who would frequent a prostitute that didn't have the health certificates and a comfortable place to do business - but who knows with people? Me, I don't really grasp the concept of pornography, it's like watching videos of someone eating a steak or a pie, I can't see the attraction of watching something that you need to be fully engaged in. Yet porn is a billion dollar business, so my tastes don't dictate the guidelines.

Still, legalization would cut out the vast majority of illegal activity and provide some health safeguards for both the hooker and the john.

So what if she didn't have a business license or health certificate? Well the cart pushers have neither and are ignored by law and business enforcement virtually everywhere in California, so I suspect it would be the same, and just ignored.

You seem to be losing an argument with yourself.
The only problem is, not every woman voluntarily engages in that activity which is why human trafficking is becoming such a large problem.

That only strengthens my argument. Having the sex trade underground protects human traffickers by keeping things in the shadows. An open and regulated business community cuts the profit out of the criminal elements and exposes the entire industry to public scrutiny.

As well as trafficking in underage sex slaves. The Netherlands halved their red light district when an investigation revealed that many of the women were't there voluntarily, nor were they paid.

Do you have a link for this?

Which is another reason why you won't see a downtick in the more gruesome forms of violence for many many years to come.

The best that legalized prositution can end up with is legal prostitution and not a single change in illegal prostitution.

How would illegal prostitution compete with the legal counterpart?

The underground porn rackets are virtually gone, porn has gone Hollywood.
The only problem is, not every woman voluntarily engages in that activity which is why human trafficking is becoming such a large problem.

That only strengthens my argument. Having the sex trade underground protects human traffickers by keeping things in the shadows. An open and regulated business community cuts the profit out of the criminal elements and exposes the entire industry to public scrutiny.

Only it doesn't work like that in reality.
I'm just giving you a hard time over that bullshit post about the $200 dinner blow job.

It's an example to illustrate that there is no victim in the transaction. And the dinner scenario happens all over the nation every weekend night. We don't call it prostitution, but a rose by any other name....

We don't call that prostitution because it's not. Don't mistake your own interpersonal 'issues' for an argument.
Time for your IQ/Honesty Test:

You may disagree (and I think we've established that you will) but are you saying that you really CANNOT understand my comment or answer your own question above?

I'm saying that your comment is the epitome of ignorance and prejudice.

You cannot demonstrate that anyone was victimized and only object due to your sense of moral indignity and belief of entitlement to dictate the sexual lives of others.

Ok, time starts now...

Did you follow along?
The nation as a whole is moving toward degeneracy by normalizing depravity on many different levels.

Yup, the Left promotes it by being selective in who they accuse, defame, diminish, and condemn for their words, conduct, etc. while defending or ignoring others who do far worse. I suspect that too is carefully designed and orchestrated as part of the class warfare and divide and conquer plan with many unknowingly consenting to be useful idiots to accomplish it.

Even some of the hard core Right are accessories to this by scorning or refusing to include the establishment of shared values, morality, religious faith, etc. as also within our unalienable rights and also having a positive effect on our local communities.

everything you mention is subjective. The only objective is ETHICS, and your side is totally opposed.
You left out the "SITUATIONAL" in front of "ETHICS".
Time for your IQ/Honesty Test:

You may disagree (and I think we've established that you will) but are you saying that you really CANNOT understand my comment or answer your own question above?

I'm saying that your comment is the epitome of ignorance and prejudice.

You cannot demonstrate that anyone was victimized and only object due to your sense of moral indignity and belief of entitlement to dictate the sexual lives of others.

Ok, time starts now...

Did you follow along?

And.....times up.

Ok, based on your test results you are either:

A) a dim-wit


B) a dishonest person

Which are you more comfortable with?
You cannot demonstrate that anyone was victimized and only object due to your sense of moral indignity and belief of entitlement to dictate the sexual lives of others.

I don't remember mentioning all that, but I do remember this: "Both of them, but mostly the woman (and all the other women - and girls - who will be beaten, addicted, trafficked, raped, and killed in the process of dehumanization that your little transaction represents)."

Do you remember that? Maybe you overlooked it the first time.

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