Slut Or Not??

Just for the record, Viagra is not a contraceptive. It is a Medical Association sanctioned treatment for a medical condition. I doubt very seriously that medications that could also be used as a contraceptive but that are necessary to treat a medical condition would be denied by any private health care insurance company.

Medicare, however, allows or disallows all sorts of medications sometimes with absolutely no rhyme or reason. I sat beside my aunt who, because it was affecting her liver, was not a candidate to continue taking the medication necessary to control her severe osteoporosis. So in a consultation with a doctor, he recommended a very expensive medication that was still somewhat experimental but should be effective and Medicare would pay for it. There was another, far less expensive, and necessary to be injected less often, that was actually more effective, but Medicare would not pay for it. UNLESS she had had her gall bladder out. I asked what the gall bladder has to do with Osteoporosis. He said nothing at all. But there is absolutely no explanation for some of the Medicare rules and it is getting worse all the time.

I do not care what private insurance companies choose to cover or not cover so long as that is clearly explained to the patient. It is obvious that most are doing a far superior job of coverage than is Medicare for most things. But I do not want the federal government telling any insurance company what it must provide, what it cannot cover, or that anybody has to provide whatever insurance for their employees.
Like it or not Websters defines "slut" as a promiscuous woman. What do you call an unmarried woman who testifies before congress about wanting taxpayers to pay for her escalating cost of birth control?

Birth control is used for things other than to prevent conception. Where do you get that her needs for birth control were escalating, or that she had any birth control needs at all?
She referenced in her testimony a person who needed the pills for something other than contraception. Likely the operation to remove the woman's ovary cost more than many years of the pill.

Fluke eventually testified before a House Democratic panel, telling a sad story about a female friend who lost an ovary because Georgetown's student insurance would not cover the birth control she needed to treat a medical condition

Read more: Meet The Georgetown Law Student Rush Limbaugh Called A 'Slut' - Business Insider

Meet The Georgetown Law Student Rush Limbaugh Called A 'Slut' - Business Insider

There are many women on the pill who are not sexually active at all, and there is no indication that she is, at least not from what I read. I've been to law school, and I know the demands on time. So, if she is, more power to her, she would be quite a woman to have much of any life at all outside law school.

I think Limbaugh has crossed a line here, which is deeper than any line he has crossed previously. If republicans have any sense, they will distance themselves from him. Who is he to talk anyway. He got caught coming back from the Dominican Republic with Viagra that had someone else's name on it.

He is nothing but an entertainer no different than a hell fire and brimstone televangelist.

Oh BTW: the VA pays for Levitra for vets.

Did Rush Limbaugh make someone else pay for his viagra? Shoud possession of viagra be a crime? Liberal democrats may want conservatives to distance themselves from him, or condemn him. That's democrats, clearly if democrats don't realize by now that he's fully supported by conservative republicans there is something wrong with the democrat cognitive abiityl

You really should sue your high school and its English Department.
1. “Sandra Fluke Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments” "He [Obama] encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women," Sandra Fluke Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments

2. “Fluke, who had been turned away from the official, men-only hearing on the issue of female contraception earlier in the month, spoke mostly about the high cost of contraceptives and their importance to women's health. Limbaugh understood her remarks to mean that not only did she think she could have as much sex as she wanted, with whomever she wanted, without compromising her health or producing a baby, but that she expected honest-to-goodness, God-fearing Americans like him to pick up the tab for it.” Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke slander | Sadhbh Walshe | Comment is free |

3. slut (sl t). n. 1. a. A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous

4. The title of the OP is, by definition, proven. But the question is, why is this front page news”?

a. The Obama administration will do anything to get his string of failures out of the news.

b. The hallmark of liberalism is the need to erase any criticism of personal behavior.

5. This is a grave error for society. Silence falls under the view of “TACIT APPROVAL AND LATENT COMPLICITY.”
If one is silent about bad behavior, one is agreeing to same.

6. In his new book, “Coming Apart,” Charles Murray decries the change in societal attitude that he calles “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental! As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class.

a. Ms. Fluke’s championing of the need for promiscuity is a case in point. The dogs of war have been released...attack the critic of poor behavior!

b. It is hardly shocking to see another Democrat-liberal President champion this decline in values.

c. The cultural upper-class looks at this situation, and, for the most part, simply shakes its head. Silently. Murray writes “The elites must preach what they practice.” The time is long past when the adults should consider if this Fluke-Obama agenda is the right one for America.
d. …..and make it’s opinion known:

Preach what they practice.
The water-cooler is the venue for this battle in the culture war!

How about you worry about your own dusty rot-crotch and keep your nose out of this woman's business?

Of course, you are the perfect example of the level to which society has fallen...the vulgar is the ideal in the circles in which you perform.

The importance of the subject of the thread is that I don't see Ms. Fluke or you as being the direction in which government should take society....
...I'm certain you don't understand that, do you, Shreddy.
Just for the record, Viagra is not a contraceptive. It is a Medical Association sanctioned treatment for a medical condition. I doubt very seriously that medications that could also be used as a contraceptive but that are necessary to treat a medical condition would be denied by any private health care insurance company.

Medicare, however, allows or disallows all sorts of medications sometimes with absolutely no rhyme or reason. I sat beside my aunt who, because it was affecting her liver, was not a candidate to continue taking the medication necessary to control her severe osteoporosis. So in a consultation with a doctor, he recommended a very expensive medication that was still somewhat experimental but should be effective and Medicare would pay for it. There was another, far less expensive, and necessary to be injected less often, that was actually more effective, but Medicare would not pay for it. UNLESS she had had her gall bladder out. I asked what the gall bladder has to do with Osteoporosis. He said nothing at all. But there is absolutely no explanation for some of the Medicare rules and it is getting worse all the time.

I do not care what private insurance companies choose to cover or not cover so long as that is clearly explained to the patient. It is obvious that most are doing a far superior job of coverage than is Medicare for most things. But I do not want the federal government telling any insurance company what it must provide, what it cannot cover, or that anybody has to provide whatever insurance for their employees.

Why would you trust your life or that of a loved one to a for profit insurance company? One which you and other conservatives it would seem believe should not be regulated by our government. That makes no sense.
1. “Sandra Fluke Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments” "He [Obama] encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women," Sandra Fluke Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments

2. “Fluke, who had been turned away from the official, men-only hearing on the issue of female contraception earlier in the month, spoke mostly about the high cost of contraceptives and their importance to women's health. Limbaugh understood her remarks to mean that not only did she think she could have as much sex as she wanted, with whomever she wanted, without compromising her health or producing a baby, but that she expected honest-to-goodness, God-fearing Americans like him to pick up the tab for it.” Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke slander | Sadhbh Walshe | Comment is free |

3. slut (sl t). n. 1. a. A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous

4. The title of the OP is, by definition, proven. But the question is, why is this front page news”?

a. The Obama administration will do anything to get his string of failures out of the news.

b. The hallmark of liberalism is the need to erase any criticism of personal behavior.

5. This is a grave error for society. Silence falls under the view of “TACIT APPROVAL AND LATENT COMPLICITY.”
If one is silent about bad behavior, one is agreeing to same.

6. In his new book, “Coming Apart,” Charles Murray decries the change in societal attitude that he calles “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental! As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class.

a. Ms. Fluke’s championing of the need for promiscuity is a case in point. The dogs of war have been released...attack the critic of poor behavior!

b. It is hardly shocking to see another Democrat-liberal President champion this decline in values.

c. The cultural upper-class looks at this situation, and, for the most part, simply shakes its head. Silently. Murray writes “The elites must preach what they practice.” The time is long past when the adults should consider if this Fluke-Obama agenda is the right one for America.
d. …..and make it’s opinion known:

Preach what they practice.
The water-cooler is the venue for this battle in the culture war!

How about you worry about your own dusty rot-crotch and keep your nose out of this woman's business?

Of course, you are the perfect example of the level to which society has fallen...the vulgar is the ideal in the circles in which you perform.

The importance of the subject of the thread is that I don't see Ms. Fluke or you as being the direction in which government should take society....
...I'm certain you don't understand that, do you, Shreddy.

You are SUCH a BORE.
Just for the record, Viagra is not a contraceptive. It is a Medical Association sanctioned treatment for a medical condition. I doubt very seriously that medications that could also be used as a contraceptive but that are necessary to treat a medical condition would be denied by any private health care insurance company.

Medicare, however, allows or disallows all sorts of medications sometimes with absolutely no rhyme or reason. I sat beside my aunt who, because it was affecting her liver, was not a candidate to continue taking the medication necessary to control her severe osteoporosis. So in a consultation with a doctor, he recommended a very expensive medication that was still somewhat experimental but should be effective and Medicare would pay for it. There was another, far less expensive, and necessary to be injected less often, that was actually more effective, but Medicare would not pay for it. UNLESS she had had her gall bladder out. I asked what the gall bladder has to do with Osteoporosis. He said nothing at all. But there is absolutely no explanation for some of the Medicare rules and it is getting worse all the time.

I do not care what private insurance companies choose to cover or not cover so long as that is clearly explained to the patient. It is obvious that most are doing a far superior job of coverage than is Medicare for most things. But I do not want the federal government telling any insurance company what it must provide, what it cannot cover, or that anybody has to provide whatever insurance for their employees.

Why would you trust your life or that of a loved one to a for profit insurance company? One which you and other conservatives it would seem believe should not be regulated by our government. That makes no sense.

Why would you trust your life or that of a loved one to government bureaucrats and politicians whose No. 1 interest is increasing their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes? I have worked in the medical industry for enough years to know that private insurance that ISN'T managed by the federal government is far superior to Medicare that continues to be more irrational and incompetent with each passing year.

I trusted private insurance to meet the needs of me and my family my whole life. And it was fine. And very affordable until the federal government got involved in it.

Government regulation should be focused on requiring truth in advertising and preventing unethical business practices that tread on the rights of others and nothing else.
Just for the record, Viagra is not a contraceptive.

I don't think anyone said it was; however, it's a drug that facilitates sex, and therefore likely runs into the same objection from certain parties as contraceptives do.
How about you worry about your own dusty rot-crotch and keep your nose out of this woman's business?

Of course, you are the perfect example of the level to which society has fallen...the vulgar is the ideal in the circles in which you perform.

The importance of the subject of the thread is that I don't see Ms. Fluke or you as being the direction in which government should take society....
...I'm certain you don't understand that, do you, Shreddy.

You are SUCH a BORE.

Big words do that to you, huh?

But this thread is keeping you up, right?
I’ll bet you haven’t been this excited since your first Amway meeting.
Just for the record, Viagra is not a contraceptive. It is a Medical Association sanctioned treatment for a medical condition. I doubt very seriously that medications that could also be used as a contraceptive but that are necessary to treat a medical condition would be denied by any private health care insurance company.

Medicare, however, allows or disallows all sorts of medications sometimes with absolutely no rhyme or reason. I sat beside my aunt who, because it was affecting her liver, was not a candidate to continue taking the medication necessary to control her severe osteoporosis. So in a consultation with a doctor, he recommended a very expensive medication that was still somewhat experimental but should be effective and Medicare would pay for it. There was another, far less expensive, and necessary to be injected less often, that was actually more effective, but Medicare would not pay for it. UNLESS she had had her gall bladder out. I asked what the gall bladder has to do with Osteoporosis. He said nothing at all. But there is absolutely no explanation for some of the Medicare rules and it is getting worse all the time.

I do not care what private insurance companies choose to cover or not cover so long as that is clearly explained to the patient. It is obvious that most are doing a far superior job of coverage than is Medicare for most things. But I do not want the federal government telling any insurance company what it must provide, what it cannot cover, or that anybody has to provide whatever insurance for their employees.

I know what Viagra is. For your information and hopefully for your edification polycystic ovary disease is also a medical condition. (You are another who didn't watch the testimony.) So is pulmonary hypertension which is what I have. One of my medications is Adcirca, a horrendously expensive new Viagra type drug. Viagra was originally being researched for the disease I have. But when the company discovered it would give men boners they did an about face. The Adcirca is SO expensive that when I order it, the specialty pharmacy wants to know how many pills I have left in the bottle. And yes, my insurance pays for it. All I have to pay is an $80 copay for three months worth through the specialty pharmacy.

I find it somewhat paradoxical that people think it's OK to help men impregnate women so that the government can support the children rather than expect insurance to provide adequate contraception.
As it is now why should I have to be in an insurance pool where many employees of other companies have smokers, heavy drinking fat folks?
That is the current system. And look at Medicare. Most of those folks are beyond fat and we all have to pay.
Something has to change sports fans. Those of us that have a few million invested in our private companies see the problems with the current system first hand and it is beyond broke.
We oppose the Obama plan 100%
We advocate a wellness plan mandatory. If you are unhealthy as a result of your smoking, being fat and lazy and are not willing to get fit and in shape then you are automatically labeled as such and the entire pool of employees in your organization are rated accordingly. Corporations can fire at will if those folks are unwilling to receive the help offered both by the insurance industry, as wellness programs will be the norm within 10 years.
The private insurance companies want this change. They are also tired of the massive costs of underwriting an unhealthy nation. 1000+ different companies with 1000+ different plans, commissions, rules and massive underwriting costs add almost 50% to health care premiums.
The good news is my main business just went to this wellness model and my costs were cut $2K a year per employee with a dental plan thrown in for free.
Only when we change the system from a disease care model to a wellness health care model will we see costs go down. Continue on this private blank check "health" care night mare we are now using and Medicare costs alone will bankrupt us in 20 years.

But it isn't necessary to mandate insurance for a wellness model either. When I was working for a hospital in Kansas we became aware of a lot of health issues with our 300+ employees. (I was working in human resources and doing commications at the time so was on the inside track.) So the employer offered a bonus up front for non smokers with the incentive of a bonus offered to any employees who would quit smoking for three months. (Testing was required of course to ensure no nicotine in the system.) It was a huge incentive and produced some great results. And because of the regular testing, I'm pretty sure we addressed some other substance abuse as well.

We set up a program for overweight employees with a modest kitty everybody contributed to to sign up and maintain, some nurses volunteered their time to do and record the weigh ins, and a couple of doctors volunteered their time to do initial check ups and help develop diet plans etc. Each week, the employees who gained weight put a dollar in the kitty for each pound or partial pound gained. The one who lost the most got the kitty for the week. Another huge success producing some outstanding results.

Taking personal responsibility and self-directed social contract is so superior to any government program or paying for insurance for what people can do for themselves.

That is my point.
And they ARE AND WILL unless politicians roll over like they do with seniors and the AARP.
As of now with the everyone gets coverage mentality with private group health insurance and the insurance carrier does not distinguish between those that live a healthy live style and those who don't the underwriting of those group plans IS SKY HIGH.
And we all pay for it in the price of everything we buy.
That is THE #1 REASON why companies go over seas.
I've read Ms. Fluke's testimony transcript numerous times and nowhere in it did she claim to be taking birth control or to be sexually active. How is one a slut or prostitute when there is no evidence of sexual activity?

I think some people need to get a dictionary website....starting with Limbaugh.
Rush Limbaugh was on today with a full apology and stating he was wrong for calling her a slut.

So much for the "she is a slut" mentality we heard here.

Now watch all the right wing kooks fall in lock step with Lush and change their tune.
Rush Limbaugh was on today with a full apology and stating he was wrong for calling her a slut.

So much for the "she is a slut" mentality we heard here.

Now watch all the right wing kooks fall in lock step with Lush and change their tune.

I know a doctor who called one of my nursing profs a slut in front of the clinical group. She sued the bastard and won. This woman is not yet a public figure so Limbaugh does not get to parody her any way he wishes. She could take his ass to the cleaners.
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1. “Sandra Fluke Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments” "He [Obama] encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women," Sandra Fluke Receives Call From Obama After Rush Limbaugh 'Slut' Comments

2. “Fluke, who had been turned away from the official, men-only hearing on the issue of female contraception earlier in the month, spoke mostly about the high cost of contraceptives and their importance to women's health. Limbaugh understood her remarks to mean that not only did she think she could have as much sex as she wanted, with whomever she wanted, without compromising her health or producing a baby, but that she expected honest-to-goodness, God-fearing Americans like him to pick up the tab for it.” Rush Limbaugh's Sandra Fluke slander | Sadhbh Walshe | Comment is free |

3. slut (sl t). n. 1. a. A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous

4. The title of the OP is, by definition, proven. But the question is, why is this front page news”?

a. The Obama administration will do anything to get his string of failures out of the news.

b. The hallmark of liberalism is the need to erase any criticism of personal behavior.

5. This is a grave error for society. Silence falls under the view of “TACIT APPROVAL AND LATENT COMPLICITY.”
If one is silent about bad behavior, one is agreeing to same.

6. In his new book, “Coming Apart,” Charles Murray decries the change in societal attitude that he calles “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental! As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class.

a. Ms. Fluke’s championing of the need for promiscuity is a case in point. The dogs of war have been released...attack the critic of poor behavior!

b. It is hardly shocking to see another Democrat-liberal President champion this decline in values.

c. The cultural upper-class looks at this situation, and, for the most part, simply shakes its head. Silently. Murray writes “The elites must preach what they practice.” The time is long past when the adults should consider if this Fluke-Obama agenda is the right one for America.
d. …..and make it’s opinion known:

Preach what they practice.
The water-cooler is the venue for this battle in the culture war!

How about you worry about your own dusty rot-crotch and keep your nose out of this woman's business?

Of course, you are the perfect example of the level to which society has fallen...the vulgar is the ideal in the circles in which you perform.

The importance of the subject of the thread is that I don't see Ms. Fluke or you as being the direction in which government should take society....
...I'm certain you don't understand that, do you, Shreddy.

I understand your position, I wonder if you do. If you get what you want, and the liberals and queers are placed in camps and only conservatives are allowed to govern, who will you scapegoat? Who will you call idiot and who will you hate?

Oh, of course. Those conservatives who rebel. The iconoclasts; maybe women who don't know their place in a world of misogynists. Wouldn't that be ironic.
The biggest problem we have is most Democrats and many Republicans as evidenced here have NOT A DAMN CLUE about how private business is run.
The current health care model we operate under in America today is totally broken.
Let the insurance carriers have their say on this wellness plan idea and the rates will not spiral out of control as they are now.
At some time this blank check private group health insurance where everyone that works for a certain entity can be fat, lazy, smoke and drink a pant load without any consequences HAS TO END.
As soon as ALL government employees are subject to this the pattern will emerge. We had a wellness check on all of the county government employees in this county required by the county commission and50% of the work force is obese. If they do not work on getting slimmer then there ass needs to be fired immediately.
No cry babies.

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