

Jan 28, 2011
U.S. life expectancy reaches record high: Report

CBS/AP) Americans are living longer than ever, with life expectancy for a baby born in 2009 now reaching 78 years and two month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a report on Wednesday.

In 2009, about 2.4 million people died in the U.S. - roughly 36,000 fewer deaths than the year before. Deaths fell for a range of causes, from heart disease to homicide, so experts don't believe there's one simple explanation for the rise in life expectancy. Better medical treatment, vaccination campaigns and public health measures against smoking are thought to be having an impact.

The 2009 report by the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics is based on nearly all the death certificates for that year. A final report is due later this year.

More good news from the report: The infant mortality rate hit a record low of 6.42 deaths per 1,000 live births, a drop of nearly 3 percent from 2008.

But not everyone benefitted. While life expectancy for whites rose, it held steady for blacks. The infant mortality rate for black babies did not improve either.

As a result, the racial gap got wider. Whites already live about four years longer than blacks, and the margin grew by about two months.

The gap between the sexes also persisted. Overall male life expectancy is roughly 75 1/2 for females it's about 80 1/2.

Other highlights at link

U.S. life expectancy reaches record high: Report - Health Blog - CBS News

enough said. . . .
Makes sence to me, dumb and violent people won't live as long as smart and peaceful people.
there is also a longevity disparity between the smart and dull inside separate racial groups.

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