Smollett Released

This should be "interesting."

He's expected to hold a press conference at the Cook County Jail at 8:30 p.m. after he posts the require $150,000 personal recognizance bond.
Link to the news conference. I have not watched yet but I see that you can back up and listen to his attorneys talk...

White "privilege" my ass. This is FREAK OF NATURE privilege. Smolette is a complete and total piece of shit, just like every other libturd parasite.

This malignant parasite attempted to increase racial strife and division and got caught. Naturally leftist sociopaths who passed a bar exam worked hard to get him out of the consequences that were far too light as they were.

If I'm ever on a jury against someone who beats the shit out of a leftist tumor, the assailant will walk after I hang the jury. I don't care how egregious the crime is. Fuck Leftist cancer cells to death.

Hell a cop doesn't get a day in jail for raping a 14yr old and you right wingers are silent. How many days did Amy Cooper do in jail? Special treatment my ass.
There are hundreds of white men and woman sitting in jail and definitely for trespassing lol. Go away troll
His holohoax grandma and her connections to zog judges by virtue of her identity must have turned some keys.
Are you one of those who believes he wasn't involved in his made up story?
Who was then? offer up something.
If that wasn't him, why did he call police and get in front of a camera saying white dudes put a string around his neck?
That wasn't him? Really? interesting. I have all kinds of videos of him claiming he was attacked by white guys. Trump people at that. You saying that he didn't say that?
That's bullshit, so go suck an egg ass clown. When did Jesse go to jail for trespassing?

He's talking about the 1/6 prisoners at the Capital building who were trespassing who are mostly if not totally all white, unarmed, and did nothing more than enter a federal building. Some of them never had their day in court nor bond set. A portion were kept in solitary confinement.

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