SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Rice: Good choice. A billion starving Chinese can't be wrong
Flour: Flour needs to be milled. Give them raw wheat and let them grind their own flour like they do in Africa
Rolled oats: Let them roll their own damned oats
Sugar: A luxury they haven't earned. Get a job and buy your own damned sugar
There are those on the Right who won't be happy until our Poor are properly Poor like in China or India or Africa.

Because poor people always do better when you give them less
only in right wing fantasy under Any form of Capitalism but not truer forms of socialism.

small business usually fail due to undercapitalization.
SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Rice: Good choice. A billion starving Chinese can't be wrong
Flour: Flour needs to be milled. Give them raw wheat and let them grind their own flour like they do in Africa
Rolled oats: Let them roll their own damned oats
Sugar: A luxury they haven't earned. Get a job and buy your own damned sugar
There are those on the Right who won't be happy until our Poor are properly Poor like in China or India or Africa.

Because poor people always do better when you give them less

When they get less they get off their asses and take care of themselves.
with a natural rate of unemployment, starting at the bottom?
do the rules vary from state to state on food stamps? i was on wic way back when, it was a good program. but you are limited on what you can buy....has to be wic approved...

starving in america is a total different concept than starving in the sudan
SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Rice: Good choice. A billion starving Chinese can't be wrong
Flour: Flour needs to be milled. Give them raw wheat and let them grind their own flour like they do in Africa
Rolled oats: Let them roll their own damned oats
Sugar: A luxury they haven't earned. Get a job and buy your own damned sugar
There are those on the Right who won't be happy until our Poor are properly Poor like in China or India or Africa.
Until they start rioting and breaking into their nice homes at an even higher rate. Begging at every traffic light. We feed people for a reason, and it is not just to be nice.
You can not buy cooked pizza and hot wings with an EBT card. You can repeat that myth over and over and it isn't going to make it true.

Of course you can. 7-11 does it all the time. They had a notice up saying they now took EBT's for their cooked pizza.


Read the guidelines... quit perpetuating a MYTH.

Eligible Food Items | Food and Nutrition Service

Yeah. You can. And not only at 7-11.

Luxuries You Can Buy With Your EBT Card – Bail & Lingerie Included!

No, you can't. And if businesses are breaking the law, then punish those businesses, leave the fucking SNAP program alone.
Still needs to be reformed. No reason why poor people should get luxuries working people don't have. 3-4B in fraud is quit a bit, I think.
40K a year with two kids and you aint getting food stamps. And you damn sure cant afford lobster or monster energy. But the poor family with able bodied parents that are lazy as fuck can. That doesn't sound like bullshit to you?
our drug war is a fraud, yet it still exists and costs us billions.
Sure she did... how many vacations did she go on? How many days a week did she go out to eat? What kind of clothes did she wear? Did her kids have nice toys and stuff?

Now did she sell drugs or work under the table? If so then she broke the law and should be punished for it... and if you knew she was breaking the law and didn't report her you are just as guilty as her.

Her live in boyfriend was an electrician. She went on vacation at his expense.

Oh and she didn't sell drugs. Why would she. She was living pretty damned good at taxpayer expense.

Then if he was living in the home and not reporting his income on her account and she was getting benefits... she was breaking the law. You should have turned her in. By not doing so you are just as guilty as she was. So you didn't turn her in, but you get on here and complain about her and want to scrap the program... you see how fucking stupid that makes you look?
Unfortunately you can't turn her in.

She can have a boyfriend living with her and as they are not his children his income cannot be counted towards her benefits.

You are 100% correct. Its like he's not even there and that happens all over America.
Is funny how I found out about this little gem.

I was in Court with a friend of mine and watching the docket.

Guy says to the Judge that his ex girlfriend has a new boyfriend living with her while she is getting public assistance, apparently hoping to have him thrown out.

Judge tells him it is none of his business who she has living with her and that if he paid his support she wouldn't be on public assistance.

I almost had to go into the Commons I wanted to laugh so hard.

Since then I have made it a practice to sit through child support hearings just to see some of these idiots tempting to get out of their support obligations.

I also found out that if a woman is in section 8 housing that she can't have anyone living with her, under any circumstances.

I know. I work in the courthouse down here and the deputies tell me some of the shelter court cases. My God. Our tax dollars at work.

Oh and they can have someone as long as no one finds out in Section 8. Not sure what happens if they do find out. Probably not a damned thing.
SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Rice: Good choice. A billion starving Chinese can't be wrong
Flour: Flour needs to be milled. Give them raw wheat and let them grind their own flour like they do in Africa
Rolled oats: Let them roll their own damned oats
Sugar: A luxury they haven't earned. Get a job and buy your own damned sugar
There are those on the Right who won't be happy until our Poor are properly Poor like in China or India or Africa.
why does the right care how much the poor work and make and pay in taxes? just right wing gossip. should the poor care how much the rich work, and make, and pay in taxes as well.
20 posts back you were talking about taxes.
it is the right wing that requires a socialist, work or die ethic; instead of not caring about how much people make or don't make.
Again... here is my link from the federal government. Notice... the link is from the USDA... and it says the hot prepared foods are not eligible. If you can't read, then have someone read it to you.
Eligible Food Items | Food and Nutrition Service

And the law also says illegals are not allowed to live or work here but your hero obozo gave millions of them a certificate saying they can do both!!! Rule of law has vanished under america and you can sure the snappers are using their EBT cards for all sorts of things the law says they can't.
SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Rice: Good choice. A billion starving Chinese can't be wrong
Flour: Flour needs to be milled. Give them raw wheat and let them grind their own flour like they do in Africa
Rolled oats: Let them roll their own damned oats
Sugar: A luxury they haven't earned. Get a job and buy your own damned sugar
There are those on the Right who won't be happy until our Poor are properly Poor like in China or India or Africa.
why does the right care how much the poor work and make and pay in taxes? just right wing gossip. should the poor care how much the rich work, and make, and pay in taxes as well.
20 posts back you were talking about taxes.
it is the right wing that requires a socialist, work or die ethic; instead of not caring about how much people make or don't make.
People can make whatever they want to make...
Since obviously some people are too fucking lazy to click on a link I screen shotted it. This is from the USDA...

The lack of empathy from some of you folks have is frightening. Karma is a bitch and she will find you. There may come a time where you wind up on food stamps. You never know. Life happens. Especially when you lack empathy for others , karma comes and kicks you in the ass.
LOL knee-jerk anyone?
Plain old kindness is part of that liberal hangup. Not all of it, but it's part of it.
Your Tea Party blog is full of outright lies. People on this thread a posting genuine reliable links and you are posting lying links from a group of four tea baggers.

Well next time you head out to 7-11. Hang around a while and see if anyone buys pizza with their EBT card. I've seen that myself.

You lefty wing loon.

I can't afford 7-11

I have to use the Dumpster out back
poor lifestyle choice in the richest economy in the world?

You make a good point ...we are the richest economy in the world

Yet we have people working full time who still need food stamps to feed their family
We have people choosing between paying the doctor or paying the rent
We could be richer if we just put a stop to criminals and bums buying pizza slices at the 7-11 with EBT cards.
stop a useless drug war not an "end to hunger".
Again... here is my link from the federal government. Notice... the link is from the USDA... and it says the hot prepared foods are not eligible. If you can't read, then have someone read it to you.
Eligible Food Items | Food and Nutrition Service

And the law also says illegals are not allowed to live or work here but your hero obozo gave millions of them a certificate saying they can do both!!! Rule of law has vanished under america and you can sure the snappers are using their EBT cards for all sorts of things the law says they can't.

And that has nothing to do with this argument... but that's what you do right? When you start a fucking thread and then get your ass handed to you in it, you jump to another argument that isn't related.
SNAP (food stamps) should be restricted to rice, flour, rolled oats, and sugar

Rice: Good choice. A billion starving Chinese can't be wrong
Flour: Flour needs to be milled. Give them raw wheat and let them grind their own flour like they do in Africa
Rolled oats: Let them roll their own damned oats
Sugar: A luxury they haven't earned. Get a job and buy your own damned sugar
There are those on the Right who won't be happy until our Poor are properly Poor like in China or India or Africa.
why does the right care how much the poor work and make and pay in taxes? just right wing gossip. should the poor care how much the rich work, and make, and pay in taxes as well.
20 posts back you were talking about taxes.
it is the right wing that requires a socialist, work or die ethic; instead of not caring about how much people make or don't make.
People can make whatever they want to make...
why require a socialist work ethic from the Age of Iron?
You make a good point ...we are the richest economy in the world
Yet we have people working full time who still need food stamps to feed their family
We have people choosing between paying the doctor or paying the rent

Poor people shouldn't have kids. THINK
All that's needed is enforcement of the present rules for merchants accepting EBT. I sold CC terminals with EBT programs with First Data. Merchants were told the rules and consequences for ignoring the rules....a TMF (terminated merchant file) if you're caught trading credits for cash, accepting EBT for booze or tobacco, prepared food like sandwiches or roasted chicken, you lose the program along with Visa/MC. TMF's are seldom reviewed and your store is out of business unless you want to deal only in cash and be a robbery target. In the rare event you get your CC privileges back, the interchange (discount-rate) would be 4-5% retail....too expensive to survive. All the SNAP program has to do is get out in the field and target sketchy operations. But democrat bureaucrats rarely leave their offices when they bother showing up at all. Trump can direct multiple high-profile sting operations to cower the small fries into compliance and the fraud disappears.
Since obviously some people are too fucking lazy to click on a link I screen shotted it. This is from the USDA...


Give it a break....willya?

You are attacking a rightwing myth. When you disprove one of their myths. it only encourages them to repeat it more often
I'd like to ban the top 1% from American soil. Fucking traitors all. We can make new billionaires from the successful that would spring up.,

Instead of complaining about the one percent why not go out create a business and help the community!?!

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