Snopes now verifies Ashley Biden's "showers with dad" story as being "True"

Less than 3 months after the corrupt SOB left office. But the deal took years to consummate, it started years before xiden left office.

Too little, too late.

You don’t have any idea what the “deal” was even about.
Pervs in full defense mode
At least now we finally and firmly know who the dirty half dozen are.
Too little, too late.

You don’t have any idea what the “deal” was even about.

Review details Hunter Biden's multimillion-dollar deal with a Chinese energy company​

By The Washington PostMarch 30, 2022
The deal was years in the making, the culmination of forging contacts, hosting dinners, of flights to and from China. But on Aug. 2, 2017, signatures were quickly affixed, one from Hunter Biden, the other from a Chinese executive named Gongwen Dong.
Within days, a new Cathay Bank account was created. Within a week, millions of dollars started to change hands.
Within a year, it would all begin to collapse.


Review details Hunter Biden's multimillion-dollar deal with a Chinese energy company​

By The Washington PostMarch 30, 2022
The deal was years in the making, the culmination of forging contacts, hosting dinners, of flights to and from China. But on Aug. 2, 2017, signatures were quickly affixed, one from Hunter Biden, the other from a Chinese executive named Gongwen Dong.
Within days, a new Cathay Bank account was created. Within a week, millions of dollars started to change hands.
Within a year, it would all begin to collapse.

And how does this involve the office that Joe Biden held before the deal was even signed?
And how does this involve the office that Joe Biden held before the deal was even signed?

How it involves his office is that Joe Biden left the office of the Vice Presidency with boxes of classified documents, some of which were stored in his garage. Other classified documents were found in his former office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C.

Comer: Anonymous Chinese Donations to UPenn Potentially Influenced Biden Administration Policies - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

"Between Biden’s time as vice president and president, Chinese individuals and entities donated $61 million to the University of Pennsylvania from 2017 to 2020, the Washington Free Beacon reported. About $22 million of the $61 million is from anonymous donors...

After Biden became president, the University of Pennsylvania took $14 million from anonymous donors unnamed contributors in China and Hong Kong and another $2.4 million from unnamed contributors in Saudi Arabia...

The National Legal and Policy Center, a watchdog group, filed a complaint in 2020 with the Justice Department against the Penn Biden Center for not disclosing the anonymous China donations and against Hunter Biden and the Penn Biden Center for what the group said was failing to properly register as foreign lobbyist."

China and the Penn Biden Center: China Money

That probably explains how CCP spy balloons floated by sensitive military complexes and across the entire country before they were shot down, among other things. He could have been selling sensitive information to the CCP, either in exchange for money, or for donations to the Penn Center.
Just asking whey you think she was 13.

Did you make that up?
Well actually the issue is reality!
The chronology....
If he took showers with from baby to say 4 years old that could be a training issue which is practical.
But if it was anytime after that, that is definitely pedophilia.
FACTS: A study of 70,000 age 5 to 18
Children and young people’s diary writing in 2022
Aged 5 to 8: n = 3,710;
Aged 8 to 11: n = 3,550;
Aged 11 to 14: n = 11,166;
Aged 14 to 16: n = 1,968;
Aged 16 to 18: n = 530
SO reality of 70,000 interview show age 5 youngest... largest number 11 to 14 11,166 or 16%
So if Ashley was having showers with Biden at age 5... totally pedophiliac action!
How truly disgusting!
That probably explains how CCP spy balloons floated by sensitive military complexes and across the entire country before they were shot down, among other things. He could have been selling sensitive information to the CCP, either in exchange for money, or for donations to the Penn Center.
I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word “probably” because this is just wild speculation
Absolutely idiotic statement.
Ok.. so then maybe Biden DIDN"T shower with the baby Ashley up to age 4.
But then why would he be showering with her after age 4 other than being a pedophiliac?
What is idiotic about that?
How many fathers do you know taking showers with their daughters after age 4 for example?
Are you one of those Pedophiliacs?
the American Academy of Pediatrics states that five years is the youngest age for unsupervised bathing, although ages 6 and 7 are usually when children are able to properly clean their bodies and wash their hair themselves in the shower.Feb 10, 2024

By age 7-9 the concept of privacy is usually well established, though determining what needs to be private is largely due to family and community teachings.

Now these idiots approving of Biden showering with his daughter... you supposedly are intelligent, well educated and yet you aren't aware of the above facts?

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