So a good stock market is owed to Trump but a bad one is non-political?

Moronic leftards think the stock market is the primary indicator of economic health.
Quick lesson for you.
Interest rates go up - people pull out of stocks and move it into buckets they can get higher interest.
It was you guys 2 years ago you wouldn’t let us use the good stock market as proof Obama’s was good, then you said trump was good because of the stock market.

We don’t care about the investor class. What about blue collar? Are they better off? Maybe they are with trump slowing immigration.
They also bashed the unemployment numbers going down under Obama False false false the orange rectum bellowed
Moronic leftards think the stock market is the primary indicator of economic health.
Quick lesson for you.
Interest rates go up - people pull out of stocks and move it into buckets they can get higher interest.
It was you guys 2 years ago you wouldn’t let us use the good stock market as proof Obama’s was good, then you said trump was good because of the stock market.

We don’t care about the investor class. What about blue collar? Are they better off? Maybe they are with trump slowing immigration.
They also bashed the unemployment numbers going down under Obama False false false the orange rectum bellowed
Now I know what they mean though about fake numbers. When trump bragged black unemployment is at an all time low I want to ask black people if they know unemployed brothers who got a new job in the last year, or have they just given up looking?

Isn’t that what republicans were saying in 2016?
The libs are at it again, desperately trying to put a negative spin on the tax cuts. They hate that tax cuts are popular, tune in next week when they blame the flu on tax cuts or some other stupid shit.
Lol this thread isn’t about the tax cuts. This is about the bad stock market.
Ever notice when the market is up the Dems claim it doesn’t matter because poor people aren’t in the market but when it goes down it’s the end of the world?
no I don't notice that Think you're making it up
You should have noticed it by now. It’s been in your dnc inbox for a year now.
Actually numbnuts you guys have been insisting the stock market was due to Obama so if that is true it must be his fault it dropped right?
Not a chance. Obama’s handed him 75 months of slow steady growth. You guys removed the training wheels
So obies economy was nothing but propped up with training wheels. We’ve been telling you for years that was causing the economy to be able to get beyond training wheels of government support. Yeah, let’s kick those snowflake safe space training wheels off and take real ride.
The libs are at it again, desperately trying to put a negative spin on the tax cuts. They hate that tax cuts are popular, tune in next week when they blame the flu on tax cuts or some other stupid shit.
Lol this thread isn’t about the tax cuts. This is about the bad stock market.
Ever notice when the market is up the Dems claim it doesn’t matter because poor people aren’t in the market but when it goes down it’s the end of the world?
no I don't notice that Think you're making it up
You should have noticed it by now. It’s been in your dnc inbox for a year now.
the drumpf jerk sure mentioned it enough on the way up Where is he now on the way down ? Hanging out with another porno queen?
A big part of the problem is that our liberals here seem ignorant about the stock market and the economy as a whole. They don't understand that the recent selling wave has been almost entirely programmed selling. Liberals see a sub-5% drop and think the world is ending. They also don't understand that you can't go by the number of points dropped, that you have to go by the percentage, since the number of points is relative to the total points and the total has been historically high for the last year. But, of course, liberals seem desperate for any negative economy news because Trump is in the White House and they don't want the economy to do well.

You remember how during the Obama years so many liberals here complained that some conservatives seemed to hoping for bad economic news?
Actually numbnuts you guys have been insisting the stock market was due to Obama so if that is true it must be his fault it dropped right?
Not a chance. Obama’s handed him 75 months of slow steady growth. You guys removed the training wheels
So obies economy was nothing but propped up with training wheels. We’ve been telling you for years that was causing the economy to be able to get beyond training wheels of government support. Yeah, let’s kick those snowflake safe space training wheels off and take real ride.
Like 2000-2007?
A big part of the problem is that our liberals here seem ignorant about the stock market and the economy as a whole. They don't understand that the recent selling wave has been almost entirely programmed selling. Liberals see a sub-5% drop and think the world is ending. They also don't understand that you can't go by the number of points dropped, that you have to go by the percentage, since the number of points is relative to the total points and the total has been historically high for the last year. But, of course, liberals seem desperate for any negative economy news because Trump is in the White House and they don't want the economy to do well.

You remember how during the Obama years so many liberals here complained that some conservatives seemed to hoping for bad economic news?

Haha. Just as predicted.
The libs are at it again, desperately trying to put a negative spin on the tax cuts. They hate that tax cuts are popular, tune in next week when they blame the flu on tax cuts or some other stupid shit.

The stock market is now lower than it was when the tax cuts passed.
From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

WTF?? Weren’t rightards bragging about the increase in payrolls to Trum’s tax cuts?

Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week

How can you read that and not see it’s about Trump?
I am a Trump supporter and if one takes credit for stock market gains, one has to explain drops.

This is a sell off, and there are fears of inflation and rises in interest rates.

Fed never raised rates under Obama.....8 years, not even a 1/4 point.

It's an overdue correction. The junk credit is coming to an end; America will have to WORK it's way through. I'm expecting a rebound but maybe not a strong one. Re Trump; yes, the market grew and largely because of his policies but the reality is that as the economy gets stronger the cost of money will increase. Time for the REAL Economy to emerge.

Many factors cause the markets to fluctuate. Too many to list but a good example is the 2011 drop under Obama. Was it his fault? Nope it was Brexit
the president gets too much credit or blame for the stock market when in truth they can do little to affect it, outside of declaring war or dropping a nuke or something.

people just tend to use it as ammo or defense to keep stupid arguments alive.

that said, i giggle when i now hear it's trumps market. :) it did shoot up damn fast, too fast to sustain. it's corrected. we'll see if it needs to do more today. is this a new direction or a blip on the radar and people selling out and taking their money and running?

bitcoin has a lot to do with it these days also.
The libs are at it again, desperately trying to put a negative spin on the tax cuts. They hate that tax cuts are popular, tune in next week when they blame the flu on tax cuts or some other stupid shit.

A 2000 point drop in the Dow in a week is not spin.
Many factors cause the markets to fluctuate. Too many to list but a good example is the 2011 drop under Obama. Was it his fault? Nope it was Brexit
the president gets too much credit or blame for the stock market when in truth they can do little to affect it, outside of declaring war or dropping a nuke or something.

people just tend to use it as ammo or defense to keep stupid arguments alive.

that said, i giggle when i now hear it's trumps market. :) it did shoot up damn fast, too fast to sustain. it's corrected. we'll see if it needs to do more today. is this a new direction or a blip on the radar and people selling out and taking their money and running?

bitcoin has a lot to do with it these days also.

Another denialist claiming that Trump and his cult never tried to take credit for the market.
Because it is not a bad market. The market is up 32% since Trump took over. That is a good market. That it is necessary to correct, due to too much exuberance, is also not a bad thing. Companies must back their stock with a little more than Happy Days are Here Again to be a solvent investment. It's ok. :cryhug_1_:

WTF are you smoking?

The Dow went from 19800 to 24345 under Trump. An impressive 23%, but certainly not 32%

Nasdaq-100 went from 5060 to 6500, up 28%.

S&P500 went from 2270 to 2650, up 17%.
Okay, here's my next prediction. In the near future we will of course see a snap back rally in the market.

when that happens, all the RWnuts who are now claiming Trump has nothing to do with the market will again be claiming he owns it!!
Markets like consistent certainty, don't like consistent uncertainty.

We are at a point of great uncertainty with trusted government institutions being rocked to their core by illumination of their cancer within.

the institutions (former DOJ, FBI, DNC & potentially others) are at fault for fostering & propagating their own illegalities / cancer.

President is 'at fault' for not letting illegalities slide and attempting to root them out.

At this point, that is what the tangible evidence indicates... like it or not... accept reality, favorable or unfavorable, lest you knowingly delude yourself.

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