So a good stock market is owed to Trump but a bad one is non-political?

From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

WTF?? Weren’t rightards bragging about the increase in payrolls to Trum’s tax cuts?

Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week

How can you read that and not see it’s about Trump?
Because the op defined the thread to be about his supporters.

Can you leftists read?!?
From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

WTF?? Weren’t rightards bragging about the increase in payrolls to Trum’s tax cuts?

Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week

How can you read that and not see it’s about Trump?
Because the op defined the thread to be about his supporters.

Can you leftists read?!?

You're denying that one of Trump biggest supporters, and biggest boasters about Trump's effect on the stock market
has been Trump himself.
From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

WTF?? Weren’t rightards bragging about the increase in payrolls to Trum’s tax cuts?

Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week

How can you read that and not see it’s about Trump?
Because the op defined the thread to be about his supporters.

Can you leftists read?!?

You're denying that one of Trump biggest supporters, and biggest boasters about Trump's effect on the stock market
has been Trump himself.
Desperate much?

Post ON TOPIC if you want to be taken seriously.
From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

WTF?? Weren’t rightards bragging about the increase in payrolls to Trum’s tax cuts?

Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week

How can you read that and not see it’s about Trump?
Because the op defined the thread to be about his supporters.

Can you leftists read?!?

But his supporters, like yourself, just parrot what Trump tells them to say. It is all tied together
From your own link:

Friday’s fall seemed to be triggered by the especially strong U.S. non-farm payrolls report that showed average hourly earnings posting the strongest annual gain since June 2009. Traders worried the strong wage growth could spur the Federal Reserve to hike U.S. interest rates more than expected this year, slowing earnings growth and throwing a wet blanket on the fire of economic expansion.

That doesn't mention politics or Trump but you somehow extrapolated that...

WTF?? Weren’t rightards bragging about the increase in payrolls to Trum’s tax cuts?

Paul Ryan celebrated the tax cut with a tweet about a secretary saving $1.50 a week

How can you read that and not see it’s about Trump?
Because the op defined the thread to be about his supporters.

Can you leftists read?!?
I don’t think you can understand what you write. You were claiming the OP’s article doesn’t mention Trump or politics yet you highlighted the text where it cites a strong payroll report, which is up because of Trump’s tax cut.

I still don’t see how you can read that and not comprehend it’s about Trump’s tax cut; unless you’re illiterate. And blaming your comprehension deficiencies on the OP talking about his supporters doesn’t help you. It only makes you look like you’re searching for excuses for not understanding what you read.
Moronic leftards think the stock market is the primary indicator of economic health.
Quick lesson for you.
Interest rates go up - people pull out of stocks and move it into buckets they can get higher interest.
It was you guys 2 years ago you wouldn’t let us use the good stock market as proof Obama’s was good, then you said trump was good because of the stock market.

We don’t care about the investor class. What about blue collar? Are they better off? Maybe they are with trump slowing immigration.
They also bashed the unemployment numbers going down under Obama False false false the orange rectum bellowed
Now I know what they mean though about fake numbers. When trump bragged black unemployment is at an all time low I want to ask black people if they know unemployed brothers who got a new job in the last year, or have they just given up looking?

Isn’t that what republicans were saying in 2016?
Holding interest rates at rock bottom creates a higher stock market.
Which has no bearing on the strength of the economy.
Moronic leftards think the stock market is the primary indicator of economic health.
Quick lesson for you.
Interest rates go up - people pull out of stocks and move it into buckets they can get higher interest.
It was you guys 2 years ago you wouldn’t let us use the good stock market as proof Obama’s was good, then you said trump was good because of the stock market.

We don’t care about the investor class. What about blue collar? Are they better off? Maybe they are with trump slowing immigration.
They also bashed the unemployment numbers going down under Obama False false false the orange rectum bellowed
Now I know what they mean though about fake numbers. When trump bragged black unemployment is at an all time low I want to ask black people if they know unemployed brothers who got a new job in the last year, or have they just given up looking?

Isn’t that what republicans were saying in 2016?
Holding interest rates at rock bottom creates a higher stock market.
Which has no bearing on the strength of the economy.
SOON everything will cost more and there goes your crumbs ,,,,but EXXON got 10 billion
Moronic leftards think the stock market is the primary indicator of economic health.
Quick lesson for you.
Interest rates go up - people pull out of stocks and move it into buckets they can get higher interest.
It was you guys 2 years ago you wouldn’t let us use the good stock market as proof Obama’s was good, then you said trump was good because of the stock market.

We don’t care about the investor class. What about blue collar? Are they better off? Maybe they are with trump slowing immigration.
They also bashed the unemployment numbers going down under Obama False false false the orange rectum bellowed
Now I know what they mean though about fake numbers. When trump bragged black unemployment is at an all time low I want to ask black people if they know unemployed brothers who got a new job in the last year, or have they just given up looking?

Isn’t that what republicans were saying in 2016?
Holding interest rates at rock bottom creates a higher stock market.
Which has no bearing on the strength of the economy.
SOON everything will cost more and there goes your crumbs ,,,,but EXXON got 10 billion

We told them this would happen. Trump would have been smarter to pass that tax bill right before the midterms. In the next 8 months people are going to figure out we got hosed with this tax bill.

Remember last year Republicans blamed Obama for the gap between the rich and poor getting bigger? Well now we can directly point to this Trump tax bill and say it is absolutely responsible for the gap growing.

U.S. income inequality is bad, but wealth inequality is a bigger problem

1 Economic inequality can give wealthier people an unacceptable degree of control over the lives of others.

If wealth is very unevenly distributed in a society, wealthy people often end up in control of many aspects of the lives of poorer citizens: over where and how they can work, what they can buy, and in general what their lives will be like. As an example, ownership of a public media outlet, such as a newspaper or a television channel, can give control over how others in the society view themselves and their lives, and how they understand their society.

2. Economic inequality can undermine the fairness of political institutions.

If those who hold political offices must depend on large contributions for their campaigns, they will be more responsive to the interests and demands of wealthy contributors, and those who are not rich will not be fairly represented.

3. Economic inequality undermines the fairness of the economic system itself.

Economic inequality makes it difficult, if not impossible, to create equality of opportunity. Income inequality means that some children will enter the workforce much better prepared than others. And people with few assets find it harder to access the first small steps to larger opportunities, such as a loan to start a business or pay for an advanced degree.

None of these objections is an expression of mere envy. They are objections to inequality based on the effects of some being much better off than others. In principle, these effects could avoided, without reducing economic inequality, through such means as the public financing of political campaigns and making high-quality public education available to all children (however difficult this would be in practice).

A fourth kind of objection to inequality is more direct. In Paul Krugman’s review of Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty, he mentions these stats from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Real wages for most U.S. workers have increased little if at all since the early 1970s, but wages for the top 1 percent of earners have risen 165 percent, and wages for the top 0.1 percent have risen 362 percent.” (Krugman calls those “supersalaries.”) Again, the idea that this is objectionable is not mere envy. It rests, I believe, on this idea, my fourth point:

4. Workers, as participants in a scheme of cooperation that produces national income, have a claim to a fair share of what they have helped to produce.
Moronic leftards think the stock market is the primary indicator of economic health.
Quick lesson for you.
Interest rates go up - people pull out of stocks and move it into buckets they can get higher interest.
It was you guys 2 years ago you wouldn’t let us use the good stock market as proof Obama’s was good, then you said trump was good because of the stock market.

We don’t care about the investor class. What about blue collar? Are they better off? Maybe they are with trump slowing immigration.
They also bashed the unemployment numbers going down under Obama False false false the orange rectum bellowed
Now I know what they mean though about fake numbers. When trump bragged black unemployment is at an all time low I want to ask black people if they know unemployed brothers who got a new job in the last year, or have they just given up looking?

Isn’t that what republicans were saying in 2016?
Holding interest rates at rock bottom creates a higher stock market.
Which has no bearing on the strength of the economy.
SOON everything will cost more and there goes your crumbs ,,,,but EXXON got 10 billion
EXXON made ten times that during the Obama Error, and I never heard a peep from you leftards about it for 8 years.

So Eds, I knew this correction was coming. I have lost 0.23% of my "crumbs" this last week. How have you done? <snicker>

yeah, they're delusional that way.

looks to me like they just broke President Obama's good economy.
The moron called Democrats treasonous How can we ever see eye to eye with that AH ? How can we ever trust that schmuck?

we can't...

and we can't....

he's a moron. but if it were just he who was the moron, that would be one thing. but the GOP imbeciles sit there with their thumbs up their butts and let him say insane things like that.

the man should be taken away In a straight jacket.
It was you guys 2 years ago you wouldn’t let us use the good stock market as proof Obama’s was good, then you said trump was good because of the stock market.

We don’t care about the investor class. What about blue collar? Are they better off? Maybe they are with trump slowing immigration.
They also bashed the unemployment numbers going down under Obama False false false the orange rectum bellowed
Now I know what they mean though about fake numbers. When trump bragged black unemployment is at an all time low I want to ask black people if they know unemployed brothers who got a new job in the last year, or have they just given up looking?

Isn’t that what republicans were saying in 2016?
Holding interest rates at rock bottom creates a higher stock market.
Which has no bearing on the strength of the economy.
SOON everything will cost more and there goes your crumbs ,,,,but EXXON got 10 billion
EXXON made ten times that during the Obama Error, and I never heard a peep from you leftards about it for 8 years.

So Eds, I knew this correction was coming. I have lost 0.23% of my "crumbs" this last week. How have you done? <snicker>

the only "error" is that hate filled trump losers think they're something.
The stock market was due a correction. I though it was unwise for Trump to try to take credit for a rising stock market because a sizable correction was sure to come. Well here it is.

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