So, according to what I am reading, hillary won California by around 3.5 million. lol at the left.

That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

3.5 million people is more than the population of like 20 states .
There are some 10 million illegal immigrants. So even if only a third of these illegals cast their illegal hildaskank votes, Trump wins the popular vote.

Except that didn't happen .

lol, all of the illegals who voted voted for Trump, because of his grandiose promises of millions and millions of good paying jobs.
In your marxist dreams. Why would an illegal vote for jobs when they can vote for free shit and stay at home...
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.

Then we'll see how much you support the minority having power against the 'mob rule' of 50 some GOP senators.
Like I said Trump has powers that shouldn't be, with your blessing. Maybe he will sick the irs on you. I'm sure you won't complain, right?

What powers?
Remember, now, though, the far rwnjs want majority to rule on things like LGBT and abortion issues.

This is not about FFs philosophies at all.

It is about left wing and right wing wanting power.

freewont and jknowbad both agree with me.
Gay marriage was voted down in California, Obama jumped the constitution and made it law. Hope you support Trump doing the same on abortion.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.

Then we'll see how much you support the minority having power against the 'mob rule' of 50 some GOP senators.
Like I said Trump has powers that shouldn't be, with your blessing. Maybe he will sick the irs on you. I'm sure you won't complain, right?

What powers?
Remember gay marriage? How about using the irs to go after people you don't agree with. I don't won't to hear you complain, you supported it.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.

Nuclear option. The Democrats won't risk it, because they would cut their own throats.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.

Nuclear option. The Democrats won't risk it, because they would cut their own throats.

Ah, so as soon as presidents change, you flip flop. That's some real principles you're showing there.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.

Bush won the popular vote in 2004, but he didn't win California, so no California would not decide every election if we used the popular vote.

And nothing has changed since 2004 in CA. Except for the flood of illegals.

In 2000 Gore won the popular vote and CA. Taking CA out of the equation, Bush won the popular vote. It is just more obvious now with the influx of democrat voters. Legal, dead or otherwise.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.
OIC, what the fuck happened to all that "will of the majority" bullshit? NOW you're supporting the anti-democratic parliamentarian filibuster rule in the Senate?

The breadth, depth and enduring nature of your hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

Hate to burst your bubble but I got some bad news for ya on that front pal ... "Reid Rule" and ACA passage style Reconciliation, seems the Democrats pulled the cork on that genie bottle a bit too soon and now it's going to come back and bite them right in the ass.
Lots of ways to look at these results. Californians are out of touch?

Just makin' conversation, here's the way I look at it: HRC had every conceivable advantage in this election. The whole list is too long to print, but :

Large, nationwide voter registration advantage (including in ALL of the "swing" states where she lost),
Full support of a shameless mainstream media,
Full support of Academe - from Kindergarten through grad school,
Full support of all government civilian workers (about 10 million voters),
Full support of the entertainment media,
Full support of EVERYONE drawing a government check or benefit, other than SS recipients,
Full support of the GLBQ community,
Full support of the "Black" community,
Full support of the "Hispanic" community,
Full support of the legal immigrant (citizen) community,
Full support of all feminist organizations and followers,
Full support of organized labor.
And so on.

And STILL, she could only muster about 47% of the popular vote.

Neither HRC nor any of her followers have anything to bitch about. AMERICAN RESOUNDINGLY REJECTED HER AND OBAMA-ism.

The ONLY PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP were (a) people who work for a living, and (b) people who think America is someplace special and unique.

And we won. Thank God.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.
OIC, what the fuck happened to all that "will of the majority" bullshit? NOW you're supporting the anti-democratic parliamentarian filibuster rule in the Senate?

The breadth, depth and enduring nature of your hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

Hate to burst your bubble but I got some bad news for ya on that front pal ... "Reid Rule" and ACA passage style Reconciliation, seems the Democrats pulled the cork on that genie bottle a bit too soon and now it's going to come back and bite them right in the ass.

I am merely pointing what's going to happen. I am not a supporter of the filibuster,

and once the Democrats get even for the GOP filibustering of the past 8 years,

I think it should go.
Lots of ways to look at these results. Californians are out of touch?

Just makin' conversation, here's the way I look at it: HRC had every conceivable advantage in this election. The whole list is too long to print, but :

Large, nationwide voter registration advantage (including in ALL of the "swing" states where she lost),
Full support of a shameless mainstream media,
Full support of Academe - from Kindergarten through grad school,
Full support of all government civilian workers (about 10 million voters),
Full support of the entertainment media,
Full support of EVERYONE drawing a government check or benefit, other than SS recipients,
Full support of the GLBQ community,
Full support of the "Black" community,
Full support of the "Hispanic" community,
Full support of the legal immigrant (citizen) community,
Full support of all feminist organizations and followers,
Full support of organized labor.
And so on.

And STILL, she could only muster about 47% of the popular vote.

Neither HRC nor any of her followers have anything to bitch about. AMERICAN RESOUNDINGLY REJECTED HER AND OBAMA-ism.

The ONLY PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP were (a) people who work for a living, and (b) people who think America is someplace special and unique.

And we won. Thank God.

You lie.
Remember the year-long smugness on this site "HRC can't lose, she starts with 248 EC" round the clock. The leftist scum even had a name for the fixed EC edge, "the Blue Wall". CA NY Ill PENN etc.

They were For It b4 they were against it.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.
OIC, what the fuck happened to all that "will of the majority" bullshit? NOW you're supporting the anti-democratic parliamentarian filibuster rule in the Senate?

The breadth, depth and enduring nature of your hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

Hate to burst your bubble but I got some bad news for ya on that front pal ... "Reid Rule" and ACA passage style Reconciliation, seems the Democrats pulled the cork on that genie bottle a bit too soon and now it's going to come back and bite them right in the ass.

I am merely pointing what's going to happen. I am not a supporter of the filibuster,

and once the Democrats get even for the GOP filibustering of the past 8 years,

I think it should go.

I realize you are just trying to set up a defense for what the democrats will do to promote their minority opinion. But your opinion has already been rated:

Four Pinocchios for Obama’s claim that Republicans have ‘filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation’
Didn't see an answer.

Are you part of the 'mob' or not?

Those of you who believe that the person who gets the most votes shouldn't win the office, because that's mob rule,

are you in the mob or not? How many of you want YOUR vote counted as zero, because you're in the mob and thus are a threat to the country?
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.
OIC, what the fuck happened to all that "will of the majority" bullshit? NOW you're supporting the anti-democratic parliamentarian filibuster rule in the Senate?

The breadth, depth and enduring nature of your hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

Hate to burst your bubble but I got some bad news for ya on that front pal ... "Reid Rule" and ACA passage style Reconciliation, seems the Democrats pulled the cork on that genie bottle a bit too soon and now it's going to come back and bite them right in the ass.

I am merely pointing what's going to happen. I am not a supporter of the filibuster,

and once the Democrats get even for the GOP filibustering of the past 8 years,

I think it should go.

I realize you are just trying to set up a defense for what the democrats will do to promote their minority opinion. But your opinion has already been rated:

Four Pinocchios for Obama’s claim that Republicans have ‘filibustered about 500 pieces of legislation’

I didn't say anything about 500 pieces of legislation. Stop lying.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.

Bush won the popular vote in 2004, but he didn't win California, so no California would not decide every election if we used the popular vote.

And nothing has changed since 2004 in CA. Except for the flood of illegals.

In 2000 Gore won the popular vote and CA. Taking CA out of the equation, Bush won the popular vote. It is just more obvious now with the influx of democrat voters. Legal, dead or otherwise.

CA population ~38mil. 1/3 of jail, 20% school is illegal. Therefore easy to assume 10-30% illegals roam streets.

~10mil in CA alone. If 1/3 vote, ~3mil.
No shit sherlock, that's why the United States is a Republic instead of a Democracy and thank God for it.

Individual Liberty > the Opinions of the Majority

Apparently you still cannot wrap your mind around that concept.

Thomas Jefferson:

"A democracy [is] the only pure republic..."
Ah yes, I see you stay true to your disingenuous self to the last ....

What Jefferson ACTUALLY said was
"Democracy is the only pure republic but impractical beyond the limits of a town"

Now spare me your Michael Moore impressions.

But he also said this:

"Where the citizens cannot meet to transact their business in person, they alone have the right to choose the agents who shall transact it; and... in this way a republican or popular government... may be exercised over any extent of country."

IOW, a democracy (which Jefferson equates to a republic) can be a representative government.
If you're going to quote Jefferson you might want to take a moment to actually think about what he's saying and how it applies to the design of the U.S. Republic.

That snippet you posted is referring to representative democracy within the construct of the federal republic, you know like what we currently have in the U.S. REPUBLIC in the form of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, or were you not aware that the members of the HOR (the agents of the people who elected them) were intended to be the expression of Democracy within the Republic offset (as in checks and balances against the pitfalls of Democracy) by the representative agents of the States (Senate and POTUS).

It doesn't support your argument against the EC.

I pointed out that Jefferson uses the terms democracy and republic interchangeably.
Ummm... one would only think that if one relied solely on googling Jefferson quotes to cherry pick things that seem to support ones arguments and no he doesn't use them "interchangeably" in the way you want it mean, Jefferson never favored a national democracy for the U.S.

If one were spend some time actually digging into Jefferson's writings in detail one would quickly recognize that of all the founding fathers Jefferson was the one that best understood that the span of a persons ability to influence their situation was very much limited to their direct environment (i.e. their own community, town, village, etc..,) and thus government power should be devolved to the lowest level possible in order to protect the rights of the individual. The United States as a Democracy was antithetical to this view because he recognized it would quickly lead to a concentration of power at the most distant point from the Individual (Washington D.C), which is EXACTLY what Jefferson wanted to avoid. He consistently argued for the diffusion of power to the greatest extent possible.

If you're looking for a founding father that most closely matches your view you better look to Hamilton because Jefferson was diametrically opposed to what you seem to want.
Remember, now, though, the far rwnjs want majority to rule on things like LGBT and abortion issues.

This is not about FFs philosophies at all.

It is about left wing and right wing wanting power.

freewont and jknowbad both agree with me.
Gay marriage was voted down in California, Obama jumped the constitution and made it law. Hope you support Trump doing the same on abortion.
Gay marriage would pass easily today. SCOTUS made it law, not BHO. Trump is not going to nominate hard core rwnj justices to SCOTUS. Every nomination will be similar in quality and style to Merrick Garland.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

Even Donald Trump used to think that:

Donald J. Trump


The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

10:45 PM - 6 Nov 2012

Approximately 4 percent voted for Johnson or Stein, thus more people didn't want Hillary then did. The majority has spoken.

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