So, according to what I am reading, hillary won California by around 3.5 million. lol at the left.

That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.

Bush won the popular vote in 2004, but he didn't win California, so no California would not decide every election if we used the popular vote.

And nothing has changed since 2004 in CA. Except for the flood of illegals.

In 2000 Gore won the popular vote and CA. Taking CA out of the equation, Bush won the popular vote. It is just more obvious now with the influx of democrat voters. Legal, dead or otherwise.

CA population ~38mil. 1/3 of jail, 20% school is illegal. Therefore easy to assume 10-30% illegals roam streets.

~10mil in CA alone. If 1/3 vote, ~3mil.
Your numbers are wrong, of course, but if they were correct, how do you show 3mm illegals vote, and how do you show they did not vote for Trump?

This is too easy.
and once the Democrats get even for the GOP filibustering of the past 8 years,

I think it should go.

ROFLMAO! you can't avoid being a fucking hypocrite even when you're trying your hardest to do it, can you?

Allow me to paraphrase your stance

"I think the filibuster should go because it's anti-democratic but we should keep for now because the fact that my party is in the minority makes it advantageous for us, as soon as it's no longer advantageous for us, it should go.".... that about sum it up ?

BTW what are you and Mrs. Hitler doing for Thanksgiving?
Didn't see an answer.

Are you part of the 'mob' or not?

Those of you who believe that the person who gets the most votes shouldn't win the office, because that's mob rule,

are you in the mob or not? How many of you want YOUR vote counted as zero, because you're in the mob and thus are a threat to the country?

Trump won the majority of the 51 popular vote counts on Nov 8. In so doing he won the majority of EC votes. Sounds like democracy to me.
This is a good example of the injustice of the electoral system.

Trump won 67 electoral votes in 3 states, PA, OH, and FL, by winning a majority of about 640,000 votes.

Clinton won California by a majority of over 3.5 million votes, and only got 55 electoral votes.
and once the Democrats get even for the GOP filibustering of the past 8 years,

I think it should go.

ROFLMAO! you can't avoid being a fucking hypocrite even when you're trying your hardest to do it, can you?

Allow me to paraphrase your stance

"I think the filibuster should go because it's anti-democratic but we should keep for now because the fact that my party is in the minority makes it advantageous for us, as soon as it's no longer advantageous for us, it should go.".... that about sum it up ?

BTW what are you and Mrs. Hitler doing for Thanksgiving?

So you don't believe in justice. Big surprise.
and once the Democrats get even for the GOP filibustering of the past 8 years,

I think it should go.

ROFLMAO! you can't avoid being a fucking hypocrite even when you're trying your hardest to do it, can you?

Allow me to paraphrase your stance

"I think the filibuster should go because it's anti-democratic but we should keep for now because the fact that my party is in the minority makes it advantageous for us, as soon as it's no longer advantageous for us, it should go.".... that about sum it up ?

BTW what are you and Mrs. Hitler doing for Thanksgiving?

So you don't believe in justice. Big surprise.
Didn't see an answer.

Are you part of the 'mob' or not?

Those of you who believe that the person who gets the most votes shouldn't win the office, because that's mob rule,

are you in the mob or not? How many of you want YOUR vote counted as zero, because you're in the mob and thus are a threat to the country?

The majority of the popular vote was not for Hillary, the people have spoken. Remember it really wasn't a two person race.
Didn't see an answer.

Are you part of the 'mob' or not?

Those of you who believe that the person who gets the most votes shouldn't win the office, because that's mob rule,

are you in the mob or not? How many of you want YOUR vote counted as zero, because you're in the mob and thus are a threat to the country?

The majority of the popular vote was not for Hillary, the people have spoken. Remember it really wasn't a two person race.
Math is hard!
The only way a popular vote would work is if there there were run off votes. In other words, compared to Trump she won the popular vote, compared with Stein and Johnson and Trump the majority rejected her. Thus the EC worked. It keeps one or two states from inflicting their desires onto the majority. Just what liberals are always saying they want, until they don't.
Didn't see an answer.

Are you part of the 'mob' or not?

Those of you who believe that the person who gets the most votes shouldn't win the office, because that's mob rule,

are you in the mob or not? How many of you want YOUR vote counted as zero, because you're in the mob and thus are a threat to the country?

The majority of the popular vote was not for Hillary, the people have spoken. Remember it really wasn't a two person race.
Math is hard!

and once the Democrats get even for the GOP filibustering of the past 8 years,

I think it should go.

ROFLMAO! you can't avoid being a fucking hypocrite even when you're trying your hardest to do it, can you?

Allow me to paraphrase your stance

"I think the filibuster should go because it's anti-democratic but we should keep for now because the fact that my party is in the minority makes it advantageous for us, as soon as it's no longer advantageous for us, it should go.".... that about sum it up ?

BTW what are you and Mrs. Hitler doing for Thanksgiving?

So you don't believe in justice. Big surprise.
"Justice" as in "Partisan Political Revenge" , no I don't believe in it ...

Of course, that sort of thing was the mainstay of the folks like the Italian Fascists, the German National Socialists and the Soviets... AND apparently YOU, gee what a surprise.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.

Nuclear option. The Democrats won't risk it, because they would cut their own throats.

Ah, so as soon as presidents change, you flip flop. That's some real principles you're showing there.

War is war.
This is a good example of the injustice of the electoral system.

Trump won 67 electoral votes in 3 states, PA, OH, and FL, by winning a majority of about 640,000 votes.

Clinton won California by a majority of over 3.5 million votes, and only got 55 electoral votes.

And what you point out is that without CA Hillary loses in the majority of the states.

Let's face it, the election would never be fair to you until Hillary wins. The majority of the popular vote rejected Hillary, thus democracy is served.
and once the Democrats get even for the GOP filibustering of the past 8 years,

I think it should go.

ROFLMAO! you can't avoid being a fucking hypocrite even when you're trying your hardest to do it, can you?

Allow me to paraphrase your stance

"I think the filibuster should go because it's anti-democratic but we should keep for now because the fact that my party is in the minority makes it advantageous for us, as soon as it's no longer advantageous for us, it should go.".... that about sum it up ?

BTW what are you and Mrs. Hitler doing for Thanksgiving?

So you don't believe in justice. Big surprise.
"Justice" as in "Partisan Political Revenge" , no I don't believe in it ...

Of course, that sort of thing was the mainstay of the folks like the Italian Fascists, the German National Socialists and the Soviets... AND apparently YOU, gee what a surprise.

How else will the democrats impose their minority view on the majority?
This is a good example of the injustice of the electoral system.

Trump won 67 electoral votes in 3 states, PA, OH, and FL, by winning a majority of about 640,000 votes.

Clinton won California by a majority of over 3.5 million votes, and only got 55 electoral votes.
It's not unjust at all. The purpose of the EC is to empower the smaller states, just as giving each state regardless of size two seats in the Senate.

However, if you feel strongly about this, all you have to do is get 3/4 of the state legislatures to agree to amend the Constitution to do away with the EC; of course you would be asking several small states to give up their power to influence presidential elections.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

3.5 million people is more than the population of like 20 states .
There are some 10 million illegal immigrants. So even if only a third of these illegals cast their illegal hildaskank votes, Trump wins the popular vote.
Show that even ONE illegal voted

Had to be dozens of arrests....where are they?

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