So, according to what I am reading, hillary won California by around 3.5 million. lol at the left.

That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

3.5 million people is more than the population of like 20 states .
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.
Putting all the social retards in one state is a good way to deal with the problem.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

No, that is your OPINION, fortunately the founders weren't partisan propaganda addled, morons and were able to recognize the serious flaws with Democracy and took their best shot at protecting the Republic from them.

The RIGHT way is recognizing that individual liberty should be equal and sacrosanct REGARDLESS of what the fucking "majority" has to say, which is exactly what the founders were attempting to accomplish.

The founders? this is what Jefferson said:

"A democracy [is] the only pure republic..."

Jefferson on Politics & Government: Republican Principles

Jefferson was not fond of the Electoral College. His opinion was but one, and regardless, it resides in the Constitution.

Tough titty. If you want to change it, you know the drill.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.
Putting all the social retards in one state is a good way to deal with the problem.

Doesn't have to be a state. Let's move them to Guam.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

3.5 million people is more than the population of like 20 states .
There are some 10 million illegal immigrants. So even if only a third of these illegals cast their illegal hildaskank votes, Trump wins the popular vote.
Doesn't matter.... the POTUS is elected by the States (through the EC) not the people and last time I checked California was still a member state in the U.S. Republic.

The founders were indeed wise to attempt to insulate the selection of the Chief Executive from the pitfalls of Democracy and the Tyranny of the Majority, unfortunately too many Americans have come to believe that Democracy > Individual Liberty and thus would happily give up the latter if the majority dictated it.

tyranny of the majority. Majority rule is the cornerstone of democracy.
No shit sherlock, that's why the United States is a Republic instead of a Democracy and thank God for it.

Individual Liberty > the Opinions of the Majority

Apparently you still cannot wrap your mind around that concept.

Thomas Jefferson:

"A democracy [is] the only pure republic..."
Ah yes, I see you stay true to your disingenuous self to the last ....

What Jefferson ACTUALLY said was
"Democracy is the only pure republic but impractical beyond the limits of a town"

Now spare me your Michael Moore impressions.

But he also said this:

"Where the citizens cannot meet to transact their business in person, they alone have the right to choose the agents who shall transact it; and... in this way a republican or popular government... may be exercised over any extent of country."

IOW, a democracy (which Jefferson equates to a republic) can be a representative government.
If you're going to quote Jefferson you might want to take a moment to actually think about what he's saying and how it applies to the design of the U.S. Republic.

That snippet you posted is referring to representative democracy within the construct of the federal republic, you know like what we currently have in the U.S. REPUBLIC in the form of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, or were you not aware that the members of the HOR (the agents of the people who elected them) were intended to be the expression of Democracy within the Republic offset (as in checks and balances against the pitfalls of Democracy) by the representative agents of the States (Senate and POTUS).

It doesn't support your argument against the EC.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

3.5 million people is more than the population of like 20 states .
There are some 10 million illegal immigrants. So even if only a third of these illegals cast their illegal hildaskank votes, Trump wins the popular vote.

Except that didn't happen .
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.

Then we'll see how much you support the minority having power against the 'mob rule' of 50 some GOP senators.
tyranny of the majority. Majority rule is the cornerstone of democracy.
No shit sherlock, that's why the United States is a Republic instead of a Democracy and thank God for it.

Individual Liberty > the Opinions of the Majority

Apparently you still cannot wrap your mind around that concept.

Thomas Jefferson:

"A democracy [is] the only pure republic..."
Ah yes, I see you stay true to your disingenuous self to the last ....

What Jefferson ACTUALLY said was
"Democracy is the only pure republic but impractical beyond the limits of a town"

Now spare me your Michael Moore impressions.

But he also said this:

"Where the citizens cannot meet to transact their business in person, they alone have the right to choose the agents who shall transact it; and... in this way a republican or popular government... may be exercised over any extent of country."

IOW, a democracy (which Jefferson equates to a republic) can be a representative government.
If you're going to quote Jefferson you might want to take a moment to actually think about what he's saying and how it applies to the design of the U.S. Republic.

That snippet you posted is referring to representative democracy within the construct of the federal republic, you know like what we currently have in the U.S. REPUBLIC in the form of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, or were you not aware that the members of the HOR (the agents of the people who elected them) were intended to be the expression of Democracy within the Republic offset (as in checks and balances against the pitfalls of Democracy) by the representative agents of the States (Senate and POTUS).

It doesn't support your argument against the EC.

I pointed out that Jefferson uses the terms democracy and republic interchangeably.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.
View attachment 99719
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

3.5 million people is more than the population of like 20 states .
There are some 10 million illegal immigrants. So even if only a third of these illegals cast their illegal hildaskank votes, Trump wins the popular vote.

Except that didn't happen .

lol, all of the illegals who voted voted for Trump, because of his grandiose promises of millions and millions of good paying jobs.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

3.5 million people is more than the population of like 20 states .
There are some 10 million illegal immigrants. So even if only a third of these illegals cast their illegal hildaskank votes, Trump wins the popular vote.
There are actually more like 30 million illegals.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

Doesn't matter.... the POTUS is elected by the States (through the EC) not the people and last time I checked California was still a member state in the U.S. Republic.

The founders were indeed wise to attempt to insulate the selection of the Chief Executive from the pitfalls of Democracy and the Tyranny of the Majority, unfortunately too many Americans have come to believe that Democracy > Individual Liberty and thus would happily give up the latter if the majority dictated it.

tyranny of the majority. Majority rule is the cornerstone of democracy.

Until the subject is Gay marriage or some other pretend liberal cause. Then the left is all for forcing it's view onto the majority.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.

Then we'll see how much you support the minority having power against the 'mob rule' of 50 some GOP senators.
Like I said Trump has powers that shouldn't be, with your blessing. Maybe he will sick the irs on you. I'm sure you won't complain, right?
Remember, now, though, the far rwnjs want majority to rule on things like LGBT and abortion issues.

This is not about FFs philosophies at all.

It is about left wing and right wing wanting power.

freewont and jknowbad both agree with me.
That would mean with the exception of California that Trump won the popular vote by 1.5 million.

Why? Cause according to sources hillary won the popular vote by around 2 million. She won California by 3.5 million?

What, what does that mean?

How Many Popular Votes Did Clinton & Trump Win in Each State?

Hillary Clinton Now Leads by 1.4 Million in History-Making Popular Vote Total

Make no mistake everyone. The left are not dropping this. They are fully trying to push mob rule. Take power away from the states and silence the rural voices.

You are seeing the fullness of their petulant spoiled ways.

If they truly want a war, I know I am ready. It may take a bloody conflict. I can assure you this. They will never admit how wrong they are. Never.

The rural guy gets the same vote as the urban guy. One person one vote. That is the right way. The electoral college is an abomination.

That is how it worked in my state, it wasn't in yours?

The EC makes my vote worth more, and yours. If it were not for the EC California would be electing every president, you vote wouldn't mean crap.

Bush won the popular vote in 2004, but he didn't win California, so no California would not decide every election if we used the popular vote.
Just wait till the Democratic minority in the Senate starts filibustering,

then we'll see how much you RWnuts love minorities getting their way.
Doesn't matter, Obama gave the president powers that shouldn't be. Trump can use them, with your blessing of course.

Let's just wait till the filibusters start.

Then we'll see how much you support the minority having power against the 'mob rule' of 50 some GOP senators.
Like I said Trump has powers that shouldn't be, with your blessing. Maybe he will sick the irs on you. I'm sure you won't complain, right?
I recall how they accused the groups the IRS persecuted of "whining."

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