So Can Somebody Please Give Me A Brief Summary Of Trump's Speech Yesterday?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
It was my birthday so I was spending time with my fiancee and the rest of my family and missed it since they are all WAY more important to me than Trump and politics but I'm still curious.
I was robbed..I am the victim..send me 💰

What? I'm just curious what he said was all. If it was actually useful or he was just gloating about himself again. Hopefully it was the latter so I wouldn't have missed much.
Only people who don't care if the whole world knows all their business go on google.

How do you avoid it? They bought up all the search engines.
I have a hard time finding subject matter I know was true 6mo ago but not published in Commee MSM sites or TV or Radio.
Total blackout on the truth in most cases.

Many companies use GMAIL and cloud services from Google.
google Maps is hard not to use.
I was robbed..I am the victim..send me 💰


So Can Somebody Please Give Me A Brief Summary Of Trump's Speech Yesterday?​

You missed a good speech

Trump admitted that those who voted for him are suckers
That MAGA is composed of Retards
That he doesn’t know how to read and cheated to graduate
That is hands are really tiny and he wears fake hands
That Melania never would have sex with hIm and he has no idea who is Barons father
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It was my birthday so I was spending time with my fiancee and the rest of my family and missed it since they are all WAY more important to me than Trump and politics but I'm still curious.
I don't understand the question. If you are a Trump ass licker it really doesn't matter what he said. Otherwise, there really isn't a need to know what he said. He's not the type of person where you have to compare one candidate against another. You either like him or you don't.
O wait I forgot..he is going to war with the least of the breatherin...homeless..mentally ill proud of this man you seem to adore more than christ himself
anyone in the party of trump and santos and mtg and the crazy one in colorado should not throw stones....

Hey, I'm perfectly alright with agreeing to disagree with you. After all you're not like most of the libs on here as you actually do have a heart.
It was my birthday so I was spending time with my fiancee and the rest of my family and missed it since they are all WAY more important to me than Trump and politics but I'm still curious.
He played the victims and told everyone that they are stupid compared to himself.

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