So Dem governors think they know more than a doctor

I hope that the pill is a tremendous success in fighting the virus and the Gretchen gets her ass sued off for being responsible for the deaths because she outlawed the cure. other than Trump saying it looked promising was there any other reason for her to ban the drug?
Not surprised
Just ask any dem on usmb and they'll tell you what dumb son's a bitches everyone else is.
Doesn't matter if the pill is good or bad. The dem governor thinks she knows better than the doc.

Maybe because she is listening to real doctors.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, and a beacon of evidence-based policy in the administration’s botched pandemic response, had been asked by a reporter whether hydroxychloroquine could be used against Covid-19 after reports surfaced this week of doctors using it in other countries to treat patients. Fauci was clear: The evidence was thin and anecdotal.
This is just more evidence that Identity Politics Dimocrat partisans want more Americans to die so Trump wont get re-elected.

We have hit peak TDS. A governor rather sees his population die than be cured by Trump.

Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is the latest Democrat to ban doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state.
Hydroxychloroquine is safe and in at least three international tests was found 100% effective in treating the coronavirus.

My dogs know more about medicine than this governor, enough to diagnose these murderous idiots with TDS. The reason that the drug is being banned is exactly because it is effective, and because Bad Orange Man is behind it. Governors banning drugs and pretending to be doctors for political reasons is sickening.
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We have hit peak TDS. A governor rather sees his population die than be cured by Trump.

Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is the latest Democrat to ban doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state.
Hydroxychloroquine is safe and in at least three international tests was found 100% effective in treating the coronavirus.

My dog know more about medicine than this governor, enough to diagnose these murderous idiots with TDS. The reason that the drug is being banned is exactly because it is effective, and because Bad Orange Man is behind it. Governors banning drugs and pretending to be doctors for political reasons, is sickening.
Yep, TDS really CAN be a dangerous affliction. At least whenever I DO come in contact with someone who DOES have severe TDS, it endangers MY sanity. I do my best to ignore these poor, DUMB individuals......
like nevada's that doesnt even have a liscense to practice medicine
Trumpsters always thought that they know more than doctors. They have marketed themselves as armchair OB/GYNs for years. Now they are armchair coronavirus doctors. No thank you. I'll take my advice from leading medical organizations like the AMA, not crap politicians.
like the one from nevada that doesn't even have a license to practice medicine
like nevada's that doesnt even have a liscense to practice medicine
Trumpsters always thought that they know more than doctors. They have marketed themselves as armchair OB/GYNs for years. Now they are armchair coronavirus doctors. No thank you. I'll take my advice from leading medical organizations like the AMA, not crap politicians.
like the one from nevada that doesn't even have a license to practice medicine
These people have tried for decades to infiltrate modern medicine with their voodoo and pretend that it is legit. This phenomenon has not only occurred with women's reproductive health issues, it has occurred with "reparative therapy" to "cure" the gays. There are a lot of cultheads out there trying to pass themselves off as doctors and scientists.
Not surprised
Just ask any dem on usmb and they'll tell you what dumb son's a bitches everyone else is.
Doesn't matter if the pill is good or bad. The dem governor thinks she knows better than the doc.

Apparently you and Trump think you are doctors. It is not a lifesaving drug and there is no evidence of it at this time.
Generally I avoid speaking negatively towards any elected officials that is outside my voting boundary because I don't see it as my place. In this instance though the people of that state up north (I was raised in Ohio) truly elected an idiot.

During a time of crisis, in which physicians continue to see patients despite not having enough protective gear, this threatening, authoritarian stance from our governor is counterproductive at best.

What makes this directive more of a head-scratcher is that the same day the state issued its threatening nastygram to Michigan’s health care providers, Whitmer’s counterpart in New York started clinical trials of the very same drugs.

With his state now the nation’s pandemic epicenter, and with the blessing and help of the president and FDA, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo brought in 70,000 doses of hydroxychloroquine, 10,000 doses of Zithromax and 750,000 doses of chloroquine.

The implications of Whitmer and her administration’s knee-jerk scare tactics should terrify all Michigan residents. Not only is our state’s top leader threatening the selfless health care workers who are on the frontline trying to save lives, but she’s denying possible life-saving medications to actual COVID-19 victims.

Source: Detroit Free Press

This is a opinion piece and nothing more. She is no more a doctor than you are. No drug has been approved for treatment of coronavirus. What NY did was out of desperation and maybe we should see how that works out. She was quite right in what she did.
The writer of this garbage is playing politics.
Not surprised
Just ask any dem on usmb and they'll tell you what dumb son's a bitches everyone else is.
Doesn't matter if the pill is good or bad. The dem governor thinks she knows better than the doc.

Why do you post fake news?

Why does the GWP have to lie in every thing he post?

Hydroxychloroquine is has not tested 100% positive in treating the coronavirus. It has helped some and it has not helped some.

Now, if you really want to talk about something bad she did...lets talk about her banning golf!
So now you know more than the FDA.

The FDA did not say it was 100% positive...but you are too fucking stupid to question what you masters tell you.
It’s FDA approved medicine for that use.

Why do you Leftards hate science?

Why do you love lies? Did the FDA say it was 100% positive or not? Simple yes or no will do?
FDA only approves or denies, it makes no claims.

Yet the link in the OP made that claim...which is why I called it fake news...but you have not stopped defending it...because you are the king of fake news.
FDA requires drugs be safe AND EFFECTIVE in order to get approved. Is it 100%? I don’t know. But the FDA approval tells me it is effective.

And the government denying citizens safe and effective drugs to save their lives does not trouble you?

The FDA has not approved any drugs for the coronavirus. There is no evidence it is safe or effective.
This is just more evidence that Identity Politics Dimocrat partisans want more Americans to die so Trump wont get re-elected.

This is more evidence that Trump supporters are stupid. More conspiracy theories. What she did was responsible.
We have hit peak TDS. A governor rather sees his population die than be cured by Trump.

Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer is the latest Democrat to ban doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state.
Hydroxychloroquine is safe and in at least three international tests was found 100% effective in treating the coronavirus.

My dogs know more about medicine than this governor, enough to diagnose these murderous idiots with TDS. The reason that the drug is being banned is exactly because it is effective, and because Bad Orange Man is behind it. Governors banning drugs and pretending to be doctors for political reasons is sickening.

That is totally untrue.
"While the drugs' use in other diseases means physicians are familiar with its side effects, they are not completely safe and can cause heart rhythm and vision problems.

Doctors who prescribe the drug for lupus and arthritis have said they're encountering shortages, according to reports, now that the national spotlight is on the therapy's potential against COVID-19."

"One ongoing study, conducted by doctors in France, has been widely cited as suggesting a benefit to hydroxycholoroquine, particularly when combined with the antibiotic azithromycin. The trial is small, enrolling only 80 patients, and lacks a control arm to more accurately measure whether the drug combination is actually helped patients recover from their coronavirus infection.

Another small study of 30 patients in China recently found hydroxycholoroquine no better than a placebo, although the tiny sample size means it's similarly difficult to draw conclusions from the data."

With increasing numbers of people being prescribed hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks by an increasing number of doctors, we'll soon know if it is indeed worthwhile.

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