So did lauren Boebert know she was being videoed

Is that kinda like when Pelosi was pulled over stone-drunk slurring words weaving on the road and told the officer: "Don't you know who I am bitch? I could pop you like a pimple!"

You mean like that?
You’re lying… again
I’m asking you to clarify your position since you’re defending their behavior.
Where have I defended any behavior? Do you always consider just explaining something a "defense?"

Are you saying that you have no problem with sexual behavior from adults in public at children-friendly events?
Are you saying that my first three answers weren't comprehensible by you? Yes or no.
I'll ask you again since you keep deflecting from the obvious.

If two trannies are rubbing each other’s genitals in a dark movie theater playing a Disney movie, would you have a problem with that?
You sure do seem to have an obsession with trannies! How can I answer a question when: A). Trannies do not self-identify with labels on their foreheads announcing themselves AS trannies. B). It would be dark so I would not see what they are doing especially as I don't sit in theaters looking at what the other people are doing. And C). I would never go to see a Disney movie.

Be careful with how you answer. You may look like a hypocrite. I suspect this is why you keep dodging the questions.
Is that kinda like when Pelosi was pulled over stone-drunk slurring words weaving on the road and told the officer: "Don't you know who I am bitch? I could pop you like a pimple!"

You mean like that?
You were clearly responding to someone saying HER. Not Pelosi’s husband

What you provided was HIM. Her husband

And nowhere does it support any of your fantasy dialogue
You’re a lying freak
You were clearly responding to someone saying HER. Not Pelosi’s husband
Idiot, the "her" Braalian was referring to was LAUREN BOEBERT. I said Pelosi was arrested drunk. And I provided the proof. Paul not Nancy was arrested drunk. You should obviously know and remember that. Quit your inept fucking rooting around looking for an argument with someone who outclasses you by at least two magnitudes in intelligence.

You’re a lying freak
Shaddap, faggot. Go wave a Ukrainian flag at head-on traffic.
Where have I defended any behavior? Do you always consider just explaining something a "defense?"
Sure looks like you’re defending this kind of behavior to me. Perhaps it would be conducive to clarify your position in this conversation by answering the fucking question.

Do you have a problem with sexual behavior from adults in public at children-friendly events? Yes or no.
Are you saying that my first three answers weren't comprehensible by you? Yes or no.

I'll ask you again since you keep deflecting from the obvious.
No. I understood your responses fine. They just didn’t answer the question. “7“ isn’t a response to a yes/no question. Similarly, you deflected from what was asked.

You sure do seem to have an obsession with trannies!
It’s called an example. And you can’t seem to answer it.
How can I answer a question when: A). Trannies do not self-identify with labels on their foreheads announcing themselves AS trannies.
B). It would be dark so I would not see what they are doing especially as I don't sit in theaters looking at what the other people are doing. And C). I would never go to see a Disney movie.

Be careful with how you answer. You may look like a hypocrite. I suspect this is why you keep dodging the questions.
A) People in drag. Gay dudes. Etc. They don’t need to self-identify. It’s just evident apparent that they’re not straight.
B) Correct. It’s dark. It‘s a Disney movie in a theater. So are you fine with the people in drag fondling each other’s genitals in that theater? No issue for you, right?
C) Whether you’re physically at the theater or not is irrelevant. You weren’t there to see Beetlejuice either but you’re still willing to offer your opinion about Boebert’s behavior, thus you should be able to do the same about this hypothetical.
Idiot, the "her" Braalian was referring to was LAUREN BOEBERT. I said Pelosi was arrested drunk. And I provided the proof. Paul not Nancy was arrested drunk. You should obviously know and remember that. Quit your inept fucking rooting around looking for an argument with someone who outclasses you by at least two magnitudes in intelligence.

Shaddap, faggot. Go wave a Ukrainian flag at head-on traffic.
You didn’t document that anyone said anything like that and equating a private citizen to a sitting House Member is beyond stupid… you twat
Did I say that? Tell me what the harm is if no children see it? Tell me what the harm is if a kid sees actual, normal, healthy, boy-girl affection?

Is it a problem for you? Who have they harmed? How do you know it didn't happen right behind you the last time you were at a movie?
Like I said hetero pisses them off....
If you READ the fucking thread, asshole, you'd KNOW, DIPSHIT.

Honestly, too fucking STUPID to even know how truly DUMB you idiots really ARE.
Dude you’re lying , you got called for it, and now you’re spitting and drooling
Asshole, how can I be lying when I documented my statement from the public record?

And I even documented your fuck up.

You are dangerous stupid.

Get help.
What you “documented” didn’t say what you claimed. Not even close
Jealous leftie beta males who've never been groped or rubbed a tit.

I mean, it is inherently slutty.

I’ll admit, though, I can’t honestly say I’d get up and leave in a huff if my date gave me a squeeze down there in a theatre.

I’d be more turned off by the vaping and the berating the security guys. That just makes her a 100% trashy bitch

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