So Donald mocked anyone pleading the 5th....but now his lawyers from January 6th are pleading the 5th

Not really! Our posts are all about a cult.
Not really! Our posts are all about a cult.

Well, of course they don't want to tell the truth. They participated in an insurrection attempt...all based on the lies of the Former Guy. Yes, it does not rather sound Mob-like...doesn't it?
Yeah, looks like they'll be running for the Fifth like scared little bunnies, and Trump will thank them.

And the rubes will be fine with it. No shame, none.

In fairness, it's not as if anyone in the orange orbit has any credibility to lose or self respect to save to begin with.
Yeah, looks like they'll be running for the Fifth like scared little bunnies, and Trump will thank them.

And the rubes will be fine with it. No shame, none.

In fairness, it's not as if anyone in the orange orbit has any credibility to lose or self respect to save to begin with.
We need a "Joseph Welch" who will step up and tell the repub party what they need to hear.

We need a "Joseph Welch" who will step up and tell the repub party what they need to hear.

This cancer has metastasized so deeply into the party now that I doubt it would even leave a scratch.

Well, of course they don't want to tell the truth. They participated in an insurrection attempt...all based on the lies of the Former Guy. Yes, it does not rather sound Mob-like...doesn't it?
It's take the Fifth or cooperate with investigators and hope for a reduced sentence on the charge of treason.

With the trumpublicans poised to retake the congressional majority in next years Mid-terms , which will end all mention of the January insurrection, the guilty are in little danger of facing charges.

Only the fools that attacked the Capitol Building will do any jail time, and, will likely be ignored after November 8, 2022. Their trumpublican heroes will let them serve their entire sentences.

It's take the Fifth or cooperate with investigators and hope for a reduced sentence on the charge of treason.

With the trumpublicans poised to retake the congressional majority in next years Mid-terms , which will end all mention of the January insurrection, the guilty are in little danger of facing charges.

Only the fools that attacked the Capitol Building will do any jail time, and, will likely be ignored after November 8, 2022. Their trumpublican heroes will let them serve their entire sentences.

Gee...think about it. Has the Liar in Chief used anyone before and them left them swinging in the wind? Yeah....I guess he has....
Butthurt Jim thread #453,926. More wishful thinking. Cheney and Pisslosi will be told to fuck off and like it.
When you keep giving tantrumming children attention, they are motivated to continue tantrumming. This is problem with the left's approach to Trump and his base. Everybody knows Trump is a liar and a hypocrite; pointing it out benefits Trump and his base. Attention is the goal of these behaviors, and the left keeps showering it on. Trolls love being fed.
You're right.
Look at all these trump suckers coming in here and defending his Hypocrisy..AMAZING that they can walk around without falling on their face with all the orange crap on the end of their nose.
More examples of the left's desperate search for issues regarding the former president while the Country falls apart under a president that can barely put a sentence together. Ho hum.
When the "psycho" IS re-elected, what do you think the response from the Left should be? I mean, we keep hearing about what a threat he is to the Republic... what measures should be on the table?
Revolt and overthrowing the Country with States like California leaving the Union…
lantern2814, how long does it take to get the orange off your nose, after your service the Liar in Chief? Just curious....
Well not nearly as bad as you wake screaming “ Trrruuummmppp “ and then hugging your signed picture of AOC while counting the days Communism and one political party rule will happen here in America:..

Before you whine just remember you stated the other poster blows Trump dick, so you deserved this comment…
When the "psycho" IS re-elected, what do you think the response from the Left should be? I mean, we keep hearing about what a threat he is to the Republic... what measures should be on the table?
When he does win, you can point a finger at Garland and the DOJ. They have allowed an Insurrection Attempt to go unpunished. They have allowed a Serial Liar to fly around the country and spread his BIG LIE for over a year.

And don't forget the cowardly repub party. The former GOP is now groveling at the feet of the leader of the insurrection attempt. Look what happened to the Chief Coward, McCarthy. He wrote a book and told how trump tested positive and spread COVID. The minute the Liar in Chief called it "fake news"....the Chief Coward, McCarthy called his own words a lie.

Just how far will the repub party go to jack trump off? They have been doing it now for over five years. Their knees must be very sore.

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