So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

Perez was no Hugo, that's ridiculous.
Google the socialist international which has been all democratic since the fifties at least. Little known facts in English speaking countries. Because we've got the great Savage Capitalist imperialist the conservative English and Americans telling us what to think of socialists.... Certainly the socialist parties in Scandinavia France Germany Italy Spain know what socialism is. So do Polly scientists and well-informed people.

One problem. None of those countries are socialist countries because Socialism is not a style of Governing, it's a style of economics. What you call Socialist Governments are actually Dictators, Oliarchies, Federal Republics, Social Democracies, Monarchies and Fascists. All use Capitalism and Socialism to make things operate on a day to day basis in a large scale. The only time you can only have Capitalism is in a very small scale like a single Corporation. When you have a Country, you are going to have to introduce Social Programs. And yes, Capitalism is going to have to pay for those social programs. The more complex (larger) the country is, the more complex the mix of Capitalism/Social programs are going to be. But each and every style of governing can be eaten up by Corruption. Take a good hard look at the US. We aren't far from it ourselves.
Well they think they are socialist and most of the people in the world do. You're splitting hairs here. I'm talking about countries being socialist not governments.and basically I'm just talkin about how they treat their workers middle class poor etc etc. And socialist also means democratic.

Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Actually, you can't. Socialism can't function in a democracy. It always devolves into dictatorship. Socialism is where turds like you constantly lie and spew horseshit and lure people into slavery and starvation.
He wasn't but he did have some Generals that were. Meduro kept them on after Chavez died. They helped to keep Meduro in power even today.

Chavez wasn't corrupt? Gee, how was it that he amassed the huge personal fortune that he died with? You think that some Generals that were under Chavez were corrupt but that he wasn't? Does that even make sense to you? Seriously?

Like ALL Politicians, Chavez did skim some off the top. Hell, you wonder how a lowly US Congress Critter that doesn't have two nickels to rub together when he first gets into congress goes from that to a multi millionaire in just 4 years time? Remember that the next time you pull that lever.

And I can easily bet that Chavez did a whole hell of a lot more good for the Venzuelan People than your piece of crap Congress Critter does for the majority of the people in your state. Care to compare the two?
Chavez fucked the Venezuelan people.

They were already super fucked before he came along. He tried to make the extremely large purple shaft a bit smaller.
He cut homelessness and illiteracy hugely, and brought Healthcare to the masses. With Healthcare a lot of it was bringing very cheap Cuban doctors to the country, which of course drove conservatives absolutely crazy. Hands off Venezuela and all these other countries that have democracies already. and stop supporting dictatorships like Saudi Arabia and all the rest of those places. Republicans seem to think they're smarter than everyone else in other countries and it's always a catastrophe....
How are they enjoying their healthcare as they starve? They all have homes, but they don't have enough to eat?
Perez was no Hugo, that's ridiculous.
Google the socialist international which has been all democratic since the fifties at least. Little known facts in English speaking countries. Because we've got the great Savage Capitalist imperialist the conservative English and Americans telling us what to think of socialists.... Certainly the socialist parties in Scandinavia France Germany Italy Spain know what socialism is. So do Polly scientists and well-informed people.

One problem. None of those countries are socialist countries because Socialism is not a style of Governing, it's a style of economics. What you call Socialist Governments are actually Dictators, Oliarchies, Federal Republics, Social Democracies, Monarchies and Fascists. All use Capitalism and Socialism to make things operate on a day to day basis in a large scale. The only time you can only have Capitalism is in a very small scale like a single Corporation. When you have a Country, you are going to have to introduce Social Programs. And yes, Capitalism is going to have to pay for those social programs. The more complex (larger) the country is, the more complex the mix of Capitalism/Social programs are going to be. But each and every style of governing can be eaten up by Corruption. Take a good hard look at the US. We aren't far from it ourselves.
Well they think they are socialist and most of the people in the world do. You're splitting hairs here. I'm talking about countries being socialist not governments.and basically I'm just talkin about how they treat their workers middle class poor etc etc. And socialist also means democratic.

Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
One problem. None of those countries are socialist countries because Socialism is not a style of Governing, it's a style of economics. What you call Socialist Governments are actually Dictators, Oliarchies, Federal Republics, Social Democracies, Monarchies and Fascists. All use Capitalism and Socialism to make things operate on a day to day basis in a large scale. The only time you can only have Capitalism is in a very small scale like a single Corporation. When you have a Country, you are going to have to introduce Social Programs. And yes, Capitalism is going to have to pay for those social programs. The more complex (larger) the country is, the more complex the mix of Capitalism/Social programs are going to be. But each and every style of governing can be eaten up by Corruption. Take a good hard look at the US. We aren't far from it ourselves.
Well they think they are socialist and most of the people in the world do. You're splitting hairs here. I'm talking about countries being socialist not governments.and basically I'm just talkin about how they treat their workers middle class poor etc etc. And socialist also means democratic.

Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.

There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Well they think they are socialist and most of the people in the world do. You're splitting hairs here. I'm talking about countries being socialist not governments.and basically I'm just talkin about how they treat their workers middle class poor etc etc. And socialist also means democratic.

Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.

There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Spare us the horseshit. Everyone knows what it means when you say a country is socialist. Even you say it.
He wasn't but he did have some Generals that were. Meduro kept them on after Chavez died. They helped to keep Meduro in power even today.

Chavez wasn't corrupt? Gee, how was it that he amassed the huge personal fortune that he died with? You think that some Generals that were under Chavez were corrupt but that he wasn't? Does that even make sense to you? Seriously?

Like ALL Politicians, Chavez did skim some off the top. Hell, you wonder how a lowly US Congress Critter that doesn't have two nickels to rub together when he first gets into congress goes from that to a multi millionaire in just 4 years time? Remember that the next time you pull that lever.

And I can easily bet that Chavez did a whole hell of a lot more good for the Venzuelan People than your piece of crap Congress Critter does for the majority of the people in your state. Care to compare the two?
Chavez fucked the Venezuelan people.

They were already super fucked before he came along. He tried to make the extremely large purple shaft a bit smaller.
Venezuela was relatively prosperous until the socialist thugs came along. It had the highest standard of living in South America. It has the largest oil reserves of any country in the world. Now they are starving. There's simply no excuse for that.

You're obviously full of shit. Outright lying isn't a way to win an argument.

When the so called Democratic State went south in the late 60s and it became corrupt through corrupt Capitalism it started the slide to disaster. This allowed Papa Perez to gain control and he kicked the corrupt capitalist out of the country. The problem was, Perez was no less corrupt than the "Democratic" leaders he replaced. And he surrounded himself with Generals that enjoyed a very lavish lifestyle. When He died, his Wife took over and She really showed everyone what Lavish meant. Chavez took over from that. Yes, he liked the good life but not on the scale of Lady Perez. And it was customary and necessary to pay off your Generals to prevent Military Coups. The Country did very well under Chavez until his death. Meduro took over and he's a thug who enjoys lavish things like Lady Perez did. And now, Venzueala is a pig stain of his making. I imagine, unless he dies one way or another, at some point, he's going to make a deal to leave with his booty and find refuge in another country leaving the country in ruins to it's own devices. But you can't blame Socialism for all this, corruptions doesn't know the difference. What set it off was Corporate Corruption that lead to Social Corruption. What we can do is to help them combat the level of corruption that it was, not tell them how to govern. But first, Meduro needs to be gone.

Time to to take some of the blame nationally on the chin on this one. We ain't squeaky clean.
All the socialists and Democratic socialists, which is the same thing in the modern world, are talking is about fair capitalism with a good safety net. Remain calm and try the real world, super duper.
You really do not know what socialism is do you ?
It isn't communism, brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history dumbass. Read any book or Wikipedia and it will tell you there have been three definitions of socialism since Marx.his ideology proven wrong, the USSR version which turned out to be a totalitarian scam, and ever since the 20s and 30sit has meant faire capitalism with a good safety net always Democratic. Unless you live in GOP dupe America or a communist country with their propaganda.and the new Dupe theory that Nazis were socialists is hilarious everywhere in the world but you stupid assholes to be concise.
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when Obama Care passed.

I'm not Socialist in the least...did you want to try and take something of mine?
As a republican, how could you be for fair capitalism with a good safety net? Brainwashed functional moron.

Life comes with risks, you commie fuck. Why is it that you believe that a portion of my sweat equity exchanged for federal reserve notes should be confiscated to subsidize lazy, worthless, ignorant fucks like those of your ilk? Want to steal from me? Do it face to face instead of begging "gubermint" to do it for you so you don't have to see the one you stole from, ya gutless wonder.
our welfare clause is General not Common or Limited.
Well they think they are socialist and most of the people in the world do. You're splitting hairs here. I'm talking about countries being socialist not governments.and basically I'm just talkin about how they treat their workers middle class poor etc etc. And socialist also means democratic.

Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.
Kim Jong-Il believes in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net? The Castro brothers believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net?

As long as THEY are in charge. And that is not Democracy. You can call anything anything. For instance, Hitler called Nazi Germany Democratic but it was really Fascist created right out of Mussolini's play book. Both of those characters failed due to a lot of reasons. Yet Franco also ruled under Fascism and succeeded well into the 70s. Why? He wasn't corrupt and didn't have a God Complex. Socialism was part of Franco's country as well as capitalism. He found a nice balance between the two. Okay, he wasn't the nicest person you ever met but his system worked. On the other side of things, Sweden is bloody Rich and they are a Social Democratic Government. They also have a happy mix of Capitalism and Socialism. Again, Socialism is NOT a form of Government. And like Capitalism, when you allow either to take over your government then you will always have corruption and a failed state.
Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.

There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Spare us the horseshit. Everyone knows what it means when you say a country is socialist. Even you say it.

I don't say it because I know that it's untrue. You say it and it's a lie.
He wasn't but he did have some Generals that were. Meduro kept them on after Chavez died. They helped to keep Meduro in power even today.

Chavez wasn't corrupt? Gee, how was it that he amassed the huge personal fortune that he died with? You think that some Generals that were under Chavez were corrupt but that he wasn't? Does that even make sense to you? Seriously?

Like ALL Politicians, Chavez did skim some off the top. Hell, you wonder how a lowly US Congress Critter that doesn't have two nickels to rub together when he first gets into congress goes from that to a multi millionaire in just 4 years time? Remember that the next time you pull that lever.

And I can easily bet that Chavez did a whole hell of a lot more good for the Venzuelan People than your piece of crap Congress Critter does for the majority of the people in your state. Care to compare the two?
Chavez fucked the Venezuelan people.

They were already super fucked before he came along. He tried to make the extremely large purple shaft a bit smaller.
Venezuela was relatively prosperous until the socialist thugs came along. It had the highest standard of living in South America. It has the largest oil reserves of any country in the world. Now they are starving. There's simply no excuse for that.

You're obviously full of shit. Outright lying isn't a way to win an argument.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with GOP and Trump sanctions and covert action that make it impossible for Venezuela to sell their oil LOL, super duper...
One problem. None of those countries are socialist countries because Socialism is not a style of Governing, it's a style of economics. What you call Socialist Governments are actually Dictators, Oliarchies, Federal Republics, Social Democracies, Monarchies and Fascists. All use Capitalism and Socialism to make things operate on a day to day basis in a large scale. The only time you can only have Capitalism is in a very small scale like a single Corporation. When you have a Country, you are going to have to introduce Social Programs. And yes, Capitalism is going to have to pay for those social programs. The more complex (larger) the country is, the more complex the mix of Capitalism/Social programs are going to be. But each and every style of governing can be eaten up by Corruption. Take a good hard look at the US. We aren't far from it ourselves.
Well they think they are socialist and most of the people in the world do. You're splitting hairs here. I'm talking about countries being socialist not governments.and basically I'm just talkin about how they treat their workers middle class poor etc etc. And socialist also means democratic.

Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Actually, you can't. Socialism can't function in a democracy. It always devolves into dictatorship. Socialism is where turds like you constantly lie and spew horseshit and lure people into slavery and starvation.

Show me one country that an actual Democratic country. Just one. I've never heard of one. It works for small groups. It's like saying that Communism works for large groups. It only works for small groups. I only know of one fully functioning communist community and that's a small Koisk (farming community) in Israel that predates Karl Marx. Same goes for Democracy. There are a lot of Democratic clubs, small communities. But no Governing bodies. Even a City Council is not Democratic in nature. There are a lot of Republics though.
Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.
Kim Jong-Il believes in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net? The Castro brothers believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net?

As long as THEY are in charge. And that is not Democracy. You can call anything anything. For instance, Hitler called Nazi Germany Democratic but it was really Fascist created right out of Mussolini's play book. Both of those characters failed due to a lot of reasons. Yet Franco also ruled under Fascism and succeeded well into the 70s. Why? He wasn't corrupt and didn't have a God Complex. Socialism was part of Franco's country as well as capitalism. He found a nice balance between the two. Okay, he wasn't the nicest person you ever met but his system worked. On the other side of things, Sweden is bloody Rich and they are a Social Democratic Government. They also have a happy mix of Capitalism and Socialism. Again, Socialism is NOT a form of Government. And like Capitalism, when you allow either to take over your government then you will always have corruption and a failed state.
You can lie, lie, lie and make a million excuses for the failure of your god socialism, but only the gullible are fooled.
Well they think they are socialist and most of the people in the world do. You're splitting hairs here. I'm talking about countries being socialist not governments.and basically I'm just talkin about how they treat their workers middle class poor etc etc. And socialist also means democratic.

Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Actually, you can't. Socialism can't function in a democracy. It always devolves into dictatorship. Socialism is where turds like you constantly lie and spew horseshit and lure people into slavery and starvation.

Show me one country that an actual Democratic country. Just one. I've never heard of one. It works for small groups. It's like saying that Communism works for large groups. It only works for small groups. I only know of one fully functioning communist community and that's a small Koisk (farming community) in Israel that predates Karl Marx. Same goes for Democracy. There are a lot of Democratic clubs, small communities. But no Governing bodies. Even a City Council is not Democratic in nature. There are a lot of Republics though.
I'm not going to waste my time debating an idiot who has his own definitions for every word. The fact that communism doesn't work doesn't prove that no one tried really hard to implement it. That's the problem. Unless people understand that it's impossible, they will keep trying it. The same goes for "socialism."
Well they think they are socialist and most of the people in the world do. You're splitting hairs here. I'm talking about countries being socialist not governments.and basically I'm just talkin about how they treat their workers middle class poor etc etc. And socialist also means democratic.

Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Actually, you can't. Socialism can't function in a democracy. It always devolves into dictatorship. Socialism is where turds like you constantly lie and spew horseshit and lure people into slavery and starvation.

Show me one country that an actual Democratic country. Just one. I've never heard of one. It works for small groups. It's like saying that Communism works for large groups. It only works for small groups. I only know of one fully functioning communist community and that's a small Koisk (farming community) in Israel that predates Karl Marx. Same goes for Democracy. There are a lot of Democratic clubs, small communities. But no Governing bodies. Even a City Council is not Democratic in nature. There are a lot of Republics though.
you have your own definition of capitalism and communism. I am going by the definition most people have.... A republic is simply representational democracy because you can't have everyone in the country vote on everything like they did in ancient Greece. We elect representatives. I'm not sure what your definition of communism is. The usual definition is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.
Kim Jong-Il believes in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net? The Castro brothers believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net?

As long as THEY are in charge. And that is not Democracy. You can call anything anything. For instance, Hitler called Nazi Germany Democratic but it was really Fascist created right out of Mussolini's play book. Both of those characters failed due to a lot of reasons. Yet Franco also ruled under Fascism and succeeded well into the 70s. Why? He wasn't corrupt and didn't have a God Complex. Socialism was part of Franco's country as well as capitalism. He found a nice balance between the two. Okay, he wasn't the nicest person you ever met but his system worked. On the other side of things, Sweden is bloody Rich and they are a Social Democratic Government. They also have a happy mix of Capitalism and Socialism. Again, Socialism is NOT a form of Government. And like Capitalism, when you allow either to take over your government then you will always have corruption and a failed state.
You can lie, lie, lie and make a million excuses for the failure of your god socialism, but only the gullible are fooled.

Your gene pool is getting might thin.
You really do not know what socialism is do you ?
It isn't communism, brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history dumbass. Read any book or Wikipedia and it will tell you there have been three definitions of socialism since Marx.his ideology proven wrong, the USSR version which turned out to be a totalitarian scam, and ever since the 20s and 30sit has meant faire capitalism with a good safety net always Democratic. Unless you live in GOP dupe America or a communist country with their propaganda.and the new Dupe theory that Nazis were socialists is hilarious everywhere in the world but you stupid assholes to be concise.
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when Obama Care passed.

I'm not Socialist in the least...did you want to try and take something of mine?
As a republican, how could you be for fair capitalism with a good safety net? Brainwashed functional moron.

Life comes with risks, you commie fuck. Why is it that you believe that a portion of my sweat equity exchanged for federal reserve notes should be confiscated to subsidize lazy, worthless, ignorant fucks like those of your ilk? Want to steal from me? Do it face to face instead of begging "gubermint" to do it for you so you don't have to see the one you stole from, ya gutless wonder.
our welfare clause is General not Common or Limited.
It states "Promote the general welfare" not fund the general welfare. Which means creating an environment conducive to the welfare of US citizens.
Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Actually, you can't. Socialism can't function in a democracy. It always devolves into dictatorship. Socialism is where turds like you constantly lie and spew horseshit and lure people into slavery and starvation.

Show me one country that an actual Democratic country. Just one. I've never heard of one. It works for small groups. It's like saying that Communism works for large groups. It only works for small groups. I only know of one fully functioning communist community and that's a small Koisk (farming community) in Israel that predates Karl Marx. Same goes for Democracy. There are a lot of Democratic clubs, small communities. But no Governing bodies. Even a City Council is not Democratic in nature. There are a lot of Republics though.
you have your own definition of capitalism and communism. I am going by the definition most people have.... A republic is simply representational democracy because you can't have everyone in the country vote on everything like they did in ancient Greece. We elect representatives. I'm not sure what your definition of communism is. The usual definition is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry.

You just described what the US was founded as and still is. It's a Federal Republic. It's a Republic from the very bottom clean to the top. From the City Councils to the Federal Government. We elect representatives who vote with what is supposed to be our best interests in mind. Democracy is where each person gets one vote and each vote gets one representation. Democracy only works in very, very small groups.
Democratic is a form of Government, not a economic model. Apples and Oranges. You are trying to do exactly what they are trying to do just to either win a stupid argument or rewrite the meanings of the words.
I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.

There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Spare us the horseshit. Everyone knows what it means when you say a country is socialist. Even you say it.
right-wingers meme communism, because they are brainwashed functional morons. The rest of the world has moved on since 1930 or 1950.... Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. English and American Cold War dinosaurs should move on... That's why there is a communist international and also a socialist international from 1951 a very Good year LOL.
I hope the OP has now gotten an answer to his question.

No, the leftists won't admit it.

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