So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

So the industrial revolution that was taking place in Great Britain? Would THAT not have happened if western expansion hadn't taken place? Your premise is deeply flawed. The industrial revolution was taking place in the late 1700's. At the time only 5% of the American population lived west of the Appalachian mountains! Western expansion was NOT the engine driving the American economy.

The British Industrial Revolution was taking place then. It wasn't until the last half of the 1800s that the US had it's real heavy Industrial Revolution and that was due to the introduction of the Rails to get the raw resources from the west to the east. You keep trying to present cracked history.

And in 1793, I have an ancestor that was living west of the Appalachians. My Indian ancestor have yet to even have crossed over yet being from what was then known as North Carolina. But my White Ancestor crossed. And so did hundreds of others. What was driving the American Economy was agricultural mostly. America exported raw materials to Europe where they were in the process of their own industrial revolution. It was the Railroad that brought the US it's own industrial revolution and heavy expansion. So the Expansion did come first so that did drive the industrial revolution. But one without the other would not have provided a stable situation. The East needed those raw materials and agriculture products that the west (meaning west of the ohio river) had to offer in order to start the Industrial Revolution of the last half of the 1800s. And it was Railroad and one Canal that made it possible.

Stay focused here. If you wish to discuss Europe, discuss it with a European. He knows a hell of a lot more about European History than either of us do.

You are absolutely clueless about American history. The industrial revolution wasn't driven by western expansion. I'm sorry but that didn't happen. The areas where industry was being revolutionized were places like automobile factories in Detroit...foundries in Pittsburg...textile mills in New England. NONE of those depended on raw materials coming from the west.

For you to call Ohio "the west" is proof of just how clueless you are! Parts of Florida are further west than Ohio!

I see you are a fountain of American History. West is a relative term depending on the time frame you use it. And the real Industrial Revolution for the United States could not have happened at the tremendous rate it happened without the railroad to California. Ever wonder why that railroad was built in the first place? It wasn't for the tourists.

So tell me, Daryl...what was being sent from the west to the east so that the industrial revolution could take place?

Unlike you I actually AM a student of American History. I majored in the subject in college.

Trump U doesn't count. I hope you got a refund.

If you really were a major in American History you would know the answer to that question. Stop with the insults already.
University of Massachusetts actually.
The primary reason to build the transcontinental railroad was to get goods and people OUT to California.
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

This from the guy that was whining about "insults"? Funny, can't seem to take them (though I'm still not sure what I posted that you found to BE an insult!) but you're more than willing to dish them out!

Way to not back up your contentions by the way!
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.

Time to isolate your gene pool. You made it. Hope you are proud of yourself. Have a nice day.
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.

Time to isolate your gene pool. You made it. Hope you are proud of yourself. Have a nice day.

What does that even mean, Daryl? Other than you've found yourself in the "deep end" of the pool in a discussion about American history...and you don't know how to swim? So after all the blustering about what you claim to have known about that turns out you don't know shit and you're reduced to juvenile insults? You might want to cut your losses and've embarrassed yourself enough here!
So amnesty, right, dumb ass? And that would ALSO end the subsidizing of them? Fucking moron, Franki....that's you.
Except for the criminals yes. They are all working, all the propaganda about illegals getting welfare and voting is pure baloney.

Dude, you are a fucking IDIOT! OF course they get stipends, subsidies and food stamps. Are you REALLY that fucking stupid???? They don't vote? Who is stopping them if they have legal residency by showing a utility bill? Like they can check every single person and whose to say that those with the power to prevent them from casting a ballot would use that authority. You are beyond naive. Why do you think that leftards don't want any part of a voter ID law???? Kinda hard to "vote early and often" with that rule in place.

Off topic, but I thought you would enjoy this.

Sandy Hook Victim's Father Wins Defamation Suit; Alex Jones Sanctioned

Speaking of conspiracy theorists, Phillip Stallings was arrested. He's another nutjob, just like you.

Durham man charged with 56 counts of sexual exploitation of minor

He founded the Christian flat earth society.

You conspiracy nutjobs are birds of a feather.

Hey ya, Billy Sue! Conspiracies like how leftards believe that the ROOSKIES and Trump cheated Hildebeast and the leftards out of the 2016 election????
Obviously you haven't sought help for your mental illness. Do it soon.
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!

Frankie is a commie sack of shit that spews commie bullshit and bails like the gutless coward that he is like the poster known as "Daryl Hunt the klunt that couldn't debate nor defend his talking points on the best day they ever had..
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!
Until Reagan we had many free or very cheap public universities. When he was governor of California he raised the cost there. It was half of what Berkeley was protesting in the sixties. What do you think happens when the GOP Cuts taxes on the rich and giant corporations and stops investing in America. Like infrastructure has 1/2 the investment it always had before Reagan. Now we have a flat tax system. And that sunny is how Ohio State cost $27,000 a year etcetera etc etc you name it. Just Google. And the Democrats have been blocked since LBJ except for a few weeks when they passed Obamacare when they had 60 votes. still can't believe Massachusetts was so stupid to elect Scott Brown when the Democrats had 60 votes and could have done some good. So stupid.
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!

Frankie is a commie sack of shit that spews commie bullshit and bails like the gutless coward that he is like the poster known as "Daryl Hunt the klunt that couldn't debate nor defend his talking points on the best day they ever had..
Just watched a good movie. It does get tiresome trying to educate you brainwashed functional ignoramuses. Don't you ever suspect anything when the entire world of respected media and law enforcement thinks you are insane?
You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!

Frankie is a commie sack of shit that spews commie bullshit and bails like the gutless coward that he is like the poster known as "Daryl Hunt the klunt that couldn't debate nor defend his talking points on the best day they ever had..
Just watched a good movie. It does get tiresome trying to educate you brainwashed functional ignoramuses. Don't you ever suspect anything when the entire world of respected media and law enforcement thinks you are insane?

You can't "educate" anyone by spewing commie propaganda and touting the virtues of "collectivism", dumb ass. You are doing the heavy lifting of the very elite class you useful idiots claim to be against and you are tooooooo fucking STUPID to see it.
Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!

Frankie is a commie sack of shit that spews commie bullshit and bails like the gutless coward that he is like the poster known as "Daryl Hunt the klunt that couldn't debate nor defend his talking points on the best day they ever had..
Just watched a good movie. It does get tiresome trying to educate you brainwashed functional ignoramuses. Don't you ever suspect anything when the entire world of respected media and law enforcement thinks you are insane?

You can't "educate" anyone by spewing commie propaganda and touting the virtues of "collectivism", dumb ass. You are doing the heavy lifting of the very elite class you useful idiots claim to be against and you are tooooooo fucking STUPID to see it.
So a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration are all communist? You are nuts and I am not collectivism I don't even know what that is. I am for joining the rest of the modern world I'm for stop screwing over our middle-class and working-class like the last 35 years. Idiots...a flat tax system like we have if you count all taxes is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Wake up and smell the coffee mr. Fiat currency Nut Job..
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!

Frankie is a commie sack of shit that spews commie bullshit and bails like the gutless coward that he is like the poster known as "Daryl Hunt the klunt that couldn't debate nor defend his talking points on the best day they ever had..
Just watched a good movie. It does get tiresome trying to educate you brainwashed functional ignoramuses. Don't you ever suspect anything when the entire world of respected media and law enforcement thinks you are insane?

You can't "educate" anyone by spewing commie propaganda and touting the virtues of "collectivism", dumb ass. You are doing the heavy lifting of the very elite class you useful idiots claim to be against and you are tooooooo fucking STUPID to see it.
So a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration are all communist? You are nuts and I am not collectivism I don't even know what that is. I am for joining the rest of the modern world I'm for stop screwing over our middle-class and working-class like the last 35 years. Idiots...a flat tax system like we have if you count all taxes is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Wake up and smell the coffee mr. Fiat currency Nut Job..
AGAIN, if ypu believe that you can put that type of system in place while continuing with a dishonest fiat currency system and that those that work their asses off for paper scrip notes are gonna be fine with having half of their wages confiscated so commies can give out freebies to lazy fucks without finally saying "Why and the fuck am I killing my self when those that dont do shit... have the same quality of life that I do?" You dont have the slightest fucking clue. Communism has two classes....the serfs and the elites.
The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!

Frankie is a commie sack of shit that spews commie bullshit and bails like the gutless coward that he is like the poster known as "Daryl Hunt the klunt that couldn't debate nor defend his talking points on the best day they ever had..
Just watched a good movie. It does get tiresome trying to educate you brainwashed functional ignoramuses. Don't you ever suspect anything when the entire world of respected media and law enforcement thinks you are insane?

You can't "educate" anyone by spewing commie propaganda and touting the virtues of "collectivism", dumb ass. You are doing the heavy lifting of the very elite class you useful idiots claim to be against and you are tooooooo fucking STUPID to see it.
So a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration are all communist? You are nuts and I am not collectivism I don't even know what that is. I am for joining the rest of the modern world I'm for stop screwing over our middle-class and working-class like the last 35 years. Idiots...a flat tax system like we have if you count all taxes is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Wake up and smell the coffee mr. Fiat currency Nut Job..
AGAIN, if ypu believe that you can put that type of system in place while continuing with a dishonest fiat currency system and that those that work their asses off for paper scrip notes are gonna be fine with having half of their wages confiscated so commies can give out freebies to lazy fucks without finally saying "Why and the fuck am I killing my self when those that dont do shit... have the same quality of life that I do?" You dont have the slightest fucking clue. Communism has two classes....the serfs and the elites.

They told Franco he can be one of the elites...don't spoil it for him yet.
The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!

Frankie is a commie sack of shit that spews commie bullshit and bails like the gutless coward that he is like the poster known as "Daryl Hunt the klunt that couldn't debate nor defend his talking points on the best day they ever had..
Just watched a good movie. It does get tiresome trying to educate you brainwashed functional ignoramuses. Don't you ever suspect anything when the entire world of respected media and law enforcement thinks you are insane?

You can't "educate" anyone by spewing commie propaganda and touting the virtues of "collectivism", dumb ass. You are doing the heavy lifting of the very elite class you useful idiots claim to be against and you are tooooooo fucking STUPID to see it.
So a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration are all communist? You are nuts and I am not collectivism I don't even know what that is. I am for joining the rest of the modern world I'm for stop screwing over our middle-class and working-class like the last 35 years. Idiots...a flat tax system like we have if you count all taxes is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Wake up and smell the coffee mr. Fiat currency Nut Job..
AGAIN, if ypu believe that you can put that type of system in place while continuing with a dishonest fiat currency system and that those that work their asses off for paper scrip notes are gonna be fine with having half of their wages confiscated so commies can give out freebies to lazy fucks without finally saying "Why and the fuck am I killing my self when those that dont do shit... have the same quality of life that I do?" You dont have the slightest fucking clue. Communism has two classes....the serfs and the elites.
Nobody is a communist in the United States idiot and I'm sorry I mentioned Fiat currency and there you go again. Nobody cares about that far out conspiracy theory either.....
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

You just reached the gene pool thinning level. Have a nice day, cupcake

Your knowledge about our real history is utterly fucking pathetic and I have to fight back feelings of pity for you....and I hate that..... being that you act so fucking arrogant and so "above it all" for no reason.
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!
Until Reagan we had many free or very cheap public universities. When he was governor of California he raised the cost there. It was half of what Berkeley was protesting in the sixties. What do you think happens when the GOP Cuts taxes on the rich and giant corporations and stops investing in America. Like infrastructure has 1/2 the investment it always had before Reagan. Now we have a flat tax system. And that sunny is how Ohio State cost $27,000 a year etcetera etc etc you name it. Just Google. And the Democrats have been blocked since LBJ except for a few weeks when they passed Obamacare when they had 60 votes. still can't believe Massachusetts was so stupid to elect Scott Brown when the Democrats had 60 votes and could have done some good. So stupid.
Interesting...did you want to take a crack at explaining why the cost of private universities has gone up 270% since 1980, Franco. They don't get any money from government at your claim that it was tax cuts that increased tuition costs falls flat on it's face! The truth of the matter is that colleges raised tuitions because so many people wanted to get into college that it became a matter of supply and demand. The more demand...the higher the price you can ask! So how do middle class families afford those higher tuitions? Simple...they borrow money in student loans...LOTS of money!
Ohio used to be the West in the early 1800s. Duh. And the West used to be a substitute for what we have unemployment and welfare today. There is no frontier with basically free land anymore.... But upward Mobility has never been worse thanks to the GOP ending cheap public universities and training the last 55 years, since Reagan screwed up the California system... No sacrifice is too great to save the rich from paying their fair share.

The GOP is responsible for "ending cheap universities"? How do you figure, Franco? The University system is overwhelmingly controlled by liberals...not conservatives. What our universities have become over the last 50 years is due to THEIR influence...not the GOP!

Frankie is a commie sack of shit that spews commie bullshit and bails like the gutless coward that he is like the poster known as "Daryl Hunt the klunt that couldn't debate nor defend his talking points on the best day they ever had..
Just watched a good movie. It does get tiresome trying to educate you brainwashed functional ignoramuses. Don't you ever suspect anything when the entire world of respected media and law enforcement thinks you are insane?

You can't "educate" anyone by spewing commie propaganda and touting the virtues of "collectivism", dumb ass. You are doing the heavy lifting of the very elite class you useful idiots claim to be against and you are tooooooo fucking STUPID to see it.
So a living wage Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training ID card to end it illegal immigration are all communist? You are nuts and I am not collectivism I don't even know what that is. I am for joining the rest of the modern world I'm for stop screwing over our middle-class and working-class like the last 35 years. Idiots...a flat tax system like we have if you count all taxes is a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Wake up and smell the coffee mr. Fiat currency Nut Job..

A screw job for everyone else? Oh, you mean people like you who don't pay any Federal income tax at all?

You don't know what "collectivism" is? But you do know you're not one...right? God, you make me laugh!

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