So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

I would say socialism is a kind of society, always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net.. I don't have much patience for jargon ideological theoretical babbling etc...

Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.

There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Spare us the horseshit. Everyone knows what it means when you say a country is socialist. Even you say it.
right-wingers meme communism, because they are brainwashed functional morons. The rest of the world has moved on since 1930 or 1950.... Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. English and American Cold War dinosaurs should move on... That's why there is a communist international and also a socialist international from 1951 a very Good year LOL.
I know you want to whitewash the history of your brutal ideology, but facts are facts. You can't redefine socialism to mean whatever you want. Your hilarious attempt to define socialism to mean capitalism only shows what a boob you are.
Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.

There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Spare us the horseshit. Everyone knows what it means when you say a country is socialist. Even you say it.
right-wingers meme communism, because they are brainwashed functional morons. The rest of the world has moved on since 1930 or 1950.... Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. English and American Cold War dinosaurs should move on... That's why there is a communist international and also a socialist international from 1951 a very Good year LOL.
I know you want to whitewash the history of your brutal ideology, but facts are facts. You can't redefine socialism to mean whatever you want. Your hilarious attempt to define socialism to mean capitalism only shows what a boob you are.
Only brainwashed GOP dupes like you refuse to concede that socialism does not mean communism. you can't find a single Democratic socialist or socialist in the United States who is in favor of a dictatorship owning all industry and business LOL.
Then you have it sort of right and sort of wrong. When you socialize an economy (i.e. introduce socialism) you can have any form of society or government. Same goes for Capitalism. Socialism is where the economy is controlled and benefited by all. Capitalism is where it's controlled by one or a few and benefits one or only a few. In Capitalism, if everyone benefits, it's just an after affect, not a necessity.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.

There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Spare us the horseshit. Everyone knows what it means when you say a country is socialist. Even you say it.
right-wingers meme communism, because they are brainwashed functional morons. The rest of the world has moved on since 1930 or 1950.... Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. English and American Cold War dinosaurs should move on... That's why there is a communist international and also a socialist international from 1951 a very Good year LOL.
I know you want to whitewash the history of your brutal ideology, but facts are facts. You can't redefine socialism to mean whatever you want. Your hilarious attempt to define socialism to mean capitalism only shows what a boob you are.
FAIR CAPITALISM WITH A GOOD SAFETY NET ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. What France has had since 1936.try your b******* in France the Netherlands Scandinavia Spain Italy and they will have no idea what you're talking about LOL. The UK and the United States and Canada Australia New Zealand go along. Keeping it confusing works for them... As Charles de Gaulle would say, crazy Anglo Americans.... It is a Savage capitalism thing....
I hope the OP has now gotten an answer to his question.

No, the leftists won't admit it.
Because it is not true, dipstick. With Trump sanctions, they can no longer sell there oil anywhere... That might have something to do with it....
Socialism has been a Republican battle-cry for some years now. Everything thing was socialism including the help the states gave to charities such as the Poor-Farms that America had long before FDR, 'Then FDR and the Democrats assumed the poor needed help during the Great Depression and did even more. I wonder if conservatives just did not believe in feeding the poor, but rather "socialism" could be turned into communism and Republicans had a new weapon: "socialism is communism", and all it was, was Americans helping Americans. Sort of similar to corporations helping corporations.
Not according to the socialists view, they believe in ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC fair capitalism with a good safety net. LIKE EVERY RICH MODERN COUNTRY EXCEPT US oops.

There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Spare us the horseshit. Everyone knows what it means when you say a country is socialist. Even you say it.
right-wingers meme communism, because they are brainwashed functional morons. The rest of the world has moved on since 1930 or 1950.... Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. English and American Cold War dinosaurs should move on... That's why there is a communist international and also a socialist international from 1951 a very Good year LOL.
I know you want to whitewash the history of your brutal ideology, but facts are facts. You can't redefine socialism to mean whatever you want. Your hilarious attempt to define socialism to mean capitalism only shows what a boob you are.
Only brainwashed GOP dupes like you refuse to concede that socialism does not mean communism. you can't find a single Democratic socialist or socialist in the United States who is in favor of a dictatorship owning all industry and business LOL.
Of course they will all deny it. So did the Venezuelan socialists, but a dictatorship is what they got. That's how socialist politics works: promise one thing, and then give them another.
Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

I'm curious, Daryl...what do you think had more of an impact on job creation in the US...westward expansion...or the industrial revolution? Hint...the Franco train's leaving the might want to jump off now!

Actually, both had a profound affect. I doubt if we could have had the huge industrial revolution without the resources of the west and the western expansion would not have expanded as fast without the industrial revolution. Both would have happened, just slower without the other. What's that, a trick question? I suggest you jump on or off that train but wait until it gets to at least 100 mph first.

So the industrial revolution that was taking place in Great Britain? Would THAT not have happened if western expansion hadn't taken place? Your premise is deeply flawed. The industrial revolution was taking place in the late 1700's. At the time only 5% of the American population lived west of the Appalachian mountains! Western expansion was NOT the engine driving the American economy.

The British Industrial Revolution was taking place then. It wasn't until the last half of the 1800s that the US had it's real heavy Industrial Revolution and that was due to the introduction of the Rails to get the raw resources from the west to the east. You keep trying to present cracked history.

And in 1793, I have an ancestor that was living west of the Appalachians. My Indian ancestor have yet to even have crossed over yet being from what was then known as North Carolina. But my White Ancestor crossed. And so did hundreds of others. What was driving the American Economy was agricultural mostly. America exported raw materials to Europe where they were in the process of their own industrial revolution. It was the Railroad that brought the US it's own industrial revolution and heavy expansion. So the Expansion did come first so that did drive the industrial revolution. But one without the other would not have provided a stable situation. The East needed those raw materials and agriculture products that the west (meaning west of the ohio river) had to offer in order to start the Industrial Revolution of the last half of the 1800s. And it was Railroad and one Canal that made it possible.

Stay focused here. If you wish to discuss Europe, discuss it with a European. He knows a hell of a lot more about European History than either of us do.

You are absolutely clueless about American history. The industrial revolution wasn't driven by western expansion. I'm sorry but that didn't happen. The areas where industry was being revolutionized were places like automobile factories in Detroit...foundries in Pittsburg...textile mills in New England. NONE of those depended on raw materials coming from the west.

For you to call Ohio "the west" is proof of just how clueless you are! Parts of Florida are further west than Ohio!
How has socialism failed Israel?
Israel is a capitalist country.
Hence the world's hatred. Despite being the only ME country that does not illegalize homosexuality the left wing world hates them.

Yet, Trump who is a nazi is attacked for his close relationship with....Israel. He has a train station named after him, along with a development.

Yet, Trump is.....a nazi.

Yet, the left wing world embraces any and all countries that is Israel's enemy.

Yet, they call Trump the nazi.

All of that, makes perfect sense to these demented fucking double talking liars.
There are NO Socialist Governments. There are Dictators, Monarchs, Oliarchs, Democracies(in only very, very small areas), Communists (in only very, very small areas), Federal Republics and Fascists. And mixtures of all the above. But no Capitalist or Socialist Governments. Those Governments use both Capitalism and Socialism to finance their existence. One makes the money while the other enables them to grow and exist as governments. Both need People to exist. But neither Capitalist nor Socialists are capable of running a Country. What happens when they convince themselves that they are is when they get a God Complex and corruption sets in and the end is near for the very system they set up. Capitalism and Socialism is used to counterbalance the other. We need both. The US has always teetered between them and has changed at what degree of each ever since the US was created. But we have always been a Federal Republic.
Spare us the horseshit. Everyone knows what it means when you say a country is socialist. Even you say it.
right-wingers meme communism, because they are brainwashed functional morons. The rest of the world has moved on since 1930 or 1950.... Communism is a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, socialism is always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net. English and American Cold War dinosaurs should move on... That's why there is a communist international and also a socialist international from 1951 a very Good year LOL.
I know you want to whitewash the history of your brutal ideology, but facts are facts. You can't redefine socialism to mean whatever you want. Your hilarious attempt to define socialism to mean capitalism only shows what a boob you are.
Only brainwashed GOP dupes like you refuse to concede that socialism does not mean communism. you can't find a single Democratic socialist or socialist in the United States who is in favor of a dictatorship owning all industry and business LOL.
Of course they will all deny it. So did the Venezuelan socialists, but a dictatorship is what they got. That's how socialist politics works: promise one thing, and then give them another.
Everything the socialists have done in Venezuela was by the book and constitutional, at least until covert action and sanctions by Trump made it absolutely impossible to do so.
How has socialism failed Israel?
Israel is a capitalist country.
Hence the world's hatred. Despite being the only ME country that does not illegalize homosexuality the left wing world hates them.

Yet, Trump who is a nazi is attacked for his close relationship with....Israel. He has a train station named after him, along with a development.

Yet, Trump is.....a nazi.

Yet, the left wing world embraces any and all countries that is Israel's enemy.

Yet, they call Trump the nazi.

All of that, makes perfect sense to these demented fucking double talking liars.
Israel is a always Democratic Fair capitalist state with a good safety net so they are socialist. Every rich country in the world is socialist but us. We are a screw over the middle class and the working-class GOP mess. Only their propaganda and ignoramuses like you make it possible.

Now if only if the Israelis would elect a moderate government and stop screwing over the West Bank and Gaza and allow them to have an economy...
He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

I'm curious, Daryl...what do you think had more of an impact on job creation in the US...westward expansion...or the industrial revolution? Hint...the Franco train's leaving the might want to jump off now!

Actually, both had a profound affect. I doubt if we could have had the huge industrial revolution without the resources of the west and the western expansion would not have expanded as fast without the industrial revolution. Both would have happened, just slower without the other. What's that, a trick question? I suggest you jump on or off that train but wait until it gets to at least 100 mph first.

So the industrial revolution that was taking place in Great Britain? Would THAT not have happened if western expansion hadn't taken place? Your premise is deeply flawed. The industrial revolution was taking place in the late 1700's. At the time only 5% of the American population lived west of the Appalachian mountains! Western expansion was NOT the engine driving the American economy.

The British Industrial Revolution was taking place then. It wasn't until the last half of the 1800s that the US had it's real heavy Industrial Revolution and that was due to the introduction of the Rails to get the raw resources from the west to the east. You keep trying to present cracked history.

And in 1793, I have an ancestor that was living west of the Appalachians. My Indian ancestor have yet to even have crossed over yet being from what was then known as North Carolina. But my White Ancestor crossed. And so did hundreds of others. What was driving the American Economy was agricultural mostly. America exported raw materials to Europe where they were in the process of their own industrial revolution. It was the Railroad that brought the US it's own industrial revolution and heavy expansion. So the Expansion did come first so that did drive the industrial revolution. But one without the other would not have provided a stable situation. The East needed those raw materials and agriculture products that the west (meaning west of the ohio river) had to offer in order to start the Industrial Revolution of the last half of the 1800s. And it was Railroad and one Canal that made it possible.

Stay focused here. If you wish to discuss Europe, discuss it with a European. He knows a hell of a lot more about European History than either of us do.

You are absolutely clueless about American history. The industrial revolution wasn't driven by western expansion. I'm sorry but that didn't happen. The areas where industry was being revolutionized were places like automobile factories in Detroit...foundries in Pittsburg...textile mills in New England. NONE of those depended on raw materials coming from the west.

For you to call Ohio "the west" is proof of just how clueless you are! Parts of Florida are further west than Ohio!
Of course at one point Ohio was the West, and a great place for people to go if they had gone off the rails or had no opportunity... Now we no longer have a western frontier, so going west is no longer a substitute for a good safety net.... And cheap college and training for that matter, for opportunity.
How has socialism failed Israel?
Israel is a capitalist country.
Hence the world's hatred. Despite being the only ME country that does not illegalize homosexuality the left wing world hates them.

Yet, Trump who is a nazi is attacked for his close relationship with....Israel. He has a train station named after him, along with a development.

Yet, Trump is.....a nazi.

Yet, the left wing world embraces any and all countries that is Israel's enemy.

Yet, they call Trump the nazi.

All of that, makes perfect sense to these demented fucking double talking liars.
Actually, we should not be blindly following the nutjob right wing anywhere they want us to go. Our blind support for Israel is the number one reason Muslims hate us.
It isn't communism, brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history dumbass. Read any book or Wikipedia and it will tell you there have been three definitions of socialism since Marx.his ideology proven wrong, the USSR version which turned out to be a totalitarian scam, and ever since the 20s and 30sit has meant faire capitalism with a good safety net always Democratic. Unless you live in GOP dupe America or a communist country with their propaganda.and the new Dupe theory that Nazis were socialists is hilarious everywhere in the world but you stupid assholes to be concise.
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when Obama Care passed.

I'm not Socialist in the least...did you want to try and take something of mine?
As a republican, how could you be for fair capitalism with a good safety net? Brainwashed functional moron.

Life comes with risks, you commie fuck. Why is it that you believe that a portion of my sweat equity exchanged for federal reserve notes should be confiscated to subsidize lazy, worthless, ignorant fucks like those of your ilk? Want to steal from me? Do it face to face instead of begging "gubermint" to do it for you so you don't have to see the one you stole from, ya gutless wonder.
our welfare clause is General not Common or Limited.
It states "Promote the general welfare" not fund the general welfare. Which means creating an environment conducive to the welfare of US citizens.
there is no appeal to ignorance of the law. both, promote and provide are used for the welfare General but not the common defense.
I hope the OP has now gotten an answer to his question.

No, the leftists won't admit it.

And you rightwingnutjobs won't admit that capitalism had as much to do with it as socialism did. In the end, it was the corruption of both.
He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

I'm curious, Daryl...what do you think had more of an impact on job creation in the US...westward expansion...or the industrial revolution? Hint...the Franco train's leaving the might want to jump off now!

Actually, both had a profound affect. I doubt if we could have had the huge industrial revolution without the resources of the west and the western expansion would not have expanded as fast without the industrial revolution. Both would have happened, just slower without the other. What's that, a trick question? I suggest you jump on or off that train but wait until it gets to at least 100 mph first.

So the industrial revolution that was taking place in Great Britain? Would THAT not have happened if western expansion hadn't taken place? Your premise is deeply flawed. The industrial revolution was taking place in the late 1700's. At the time only 5% of the American population lived west of the Appalachian mountains! Western expansion was NOT the engine driving the American economy.

The British Industrial Revolution was taking place then. It wasn't until the last half of the 1800s that the US had it's real heavy Industrial Revolution and that was due to the introduction of the Rails to get the raw resources from the west to the east. You keep trying to present cracked history.

And in 1793, I have an ancestor that was living west of the Appalachians. My Indian ancestor have yet to even have crossed over yet being from what was then known as North Carolina. But my White Ancestor crossed. And so did hundreds of others. What was driving the American Economy was agricultural mostly. America exported raw materials to Europe where they were in the process of their own industrial revolution. It was the Railroad that brought the US it's own industrial revolution and heavy expansion. So the Expansion did come first so that did drive the industrial revolution. But one without the other would not have provided a stable situation. The East needed those raw materials and agriculture products that the west (meaning west of the ohio river) had to offer in order to start the Industrial Revolution of the last half of the 1800s. And it was Railroad and one Canal that made it possible.

Stay focused here. If you wish to discuss Europe, discuss it with a European. He knows a hell of a lot more about European History than either of us do.

You are absolutely clueless about American history. The industrial revolution wasn't driven by western expansion. I'm sorry but that didn't happen. The areas where industry was being revolutionized were places like automobile factories in Detroit...foundries in Pittsburg...textile mills in New England. NONE of those depended on raw materials coming from the west.

For you to call Ohio "the west" is proof of just how clueless you are! Parts of Florida are further west than Ohio!

I see you are a fountain of American History. West is a relative term depending on the time frame you use it. And the real Industrial Revolution for the United States could not have happened at the tremendous rate it happened without the railroad to California. Ever wonder why that railroad was built in the first place? It wasn't for the tourists.
I'm curious, Daryl...what do you think had more of an impact on job creation in the US...westward expansion...or the industrial revolution? Hint...the Franco train's leaving the might want to jump off now!

Actually, both had a profound affect. I doubt if we could have had the huge industrial revolution without the resources of the west and the western expansion would not have expanded as fast without the industrial revolution. Both would have happened, just slower without the other. What's that, a trick question? I suggest you jump on or off that train but wait until it gets to at least 100 mph first.

So the industrial revolution that was taking place in Great Britain? Would THAT not have happened if western expansion hadn't taken place? Your premise is deeply flawed. The industrial revolution was taking place in the late 1700's. At the time only 5% of the American population lived west of the Appalachian mountains! Western expansion was NOT the engine driving the American economy.

The British Industrial Revolution was taking place then. It wasn't until the last half of the 1800s that the US had it's real heavy Industrial Revolution and that was due to the introduction of the Rails to get the raw resources from the west to the east. You keep trying to present cracked history.

And in 1793, I have an ancestor that was living west of the Appalachians. My Indian ancestor have yet to even have crossed over yet being from what was then known as North Carolina. But my White Ancestor crossed. And so did hundreds of others. What was driving the American Economy was agricultural mostly. America exported raw materials to Europe where they were in the process of their own industrial revolution. It was the Railroad that brought the US it's own industrial revolution and heavy expansion. So the Expansion did come first so that did drive the industrial revolution. But one without the other would not have provided a stable situation. The East needed those raw materials and agriculture products that the west (meaning west of the ohio river) had to offer in order to start the Industrial Revolution of the last half of the 1800s. And it was Railroad and one Canal that made it possible.

Stay focused here. If you wish to discuss Europe, discuss it with a European. He knows a hell of a lot more about European History than either of us do.

You are absolutely clueless about American history. The industrial revolution wasn't driven by western expansion. I'm sorry but that didn't happen. The areas where industry was being revolutionized were places like automobile factories in Detroit...foundries in Pittsburg...textile mills in New England. NONE of those depended on raw materials coming from the west.

For you to call Ohio "the west" is proof of just how clueless you are! Parts of Florida are further west than Ohio!

I see you are a fountain of American History. West is a relative term depending on the time frame you use it. And the real Industrial Revolution for the United States could not have happened at the tremendous rate it happened without the railroad to California. Ever wonder why that railroad was built in the first place? It wasn't for the tourists.

So tell me, Daryl...what was being sent from the west to the east so that the industrial revolution could take place? Iron ore was plentiful in the Great Lakes region...coal in what WAS it that was put on rails and sent east so that the industrial revolution could take place?

Unlike you I actually AM a student of American History. I majored in the subject in college.
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Actually, both had a profound affect. I doubt if we could have had the huge industrial revolution without the resources of the west and the western expansion would not have expanded as fast without the industrial revolution. Both would have happened, just slower without the other. What's that, a trick question? I suggest you jump on or off that train but wait until it gets to at least 100 mph first.

So the industrial revolution that was taking place in Great Britain? Would THAT not have happened if western expansion hadn't taken place? Your premise is deeply flawed. The industrial revolution was taking place in the late 1700's. At the time only 5% of the American population lived west of the Appalachian mountains! Western expansion was NOT the engine driving the American economy.

The British Industrial Revolution was taking place then. It wasn't until the last half of the 1800s that the US had it's real heavy Industrial Revolution and that was due to the introduction of the Rails to get the raw resources from the west to the east. You keep trying to present cracked history.

And in 1793, I have an ancestor that was living west of the Appalachians. My Indian ancestor have yet to even have crossed over yet being from what was then known as North Carolina. But my White Ancestor crossed. And so did hundreds of others. What was driving the American Economy was agricultural mostly. America exported raw materials to Europe where they were in the process of their own industrial revolution. It was the Railroad that brought the US it's own industrial revolution and heavy expansion. So the Expansion did come first so that did drive the industrial revolution. But one without the other would not have provided a stable situation. The East needed those raw materials and agriculture products that the west (meaning west of the ohio river) had to offer in order to start the Industrial Revolution of the last half of the 1800s. And it was Railroad and one Canal that made it possible.

Stay focused here. If you wish to discuss Europe, discuss it with a European. He knows a hell of a lot more about European History than either of us do.

You are absolutely clueless about American history. The industrial revolution wasn't driven by western expansion. I'm sorry but that didn't happen. The areas where industry was being revolutionized were places like automobile factories in Detroit...foundries in Pittsburg...textile mills in New England. NONE of those depended on raw materials coming from the west.

For you to call Ohio "the west" is proof of just how clueless you are! Parts of Florida are further west than Ohio!

I see you are a fountain of American History. West is a relative term depending on the time frame you use it. And the real Industrial Revolution for the United States could not have happened at the tremendous rate it happened without the railroad to California. Ever wonder why that railroad was built in the first place? It wasn't for the tourists.

So tell me, Daryl...what was being sent from the west to the east so that the industrial revolution could take place?

Unlike you I actually AM a student of American History. I majored in the subject in college.

Trump U doesn't count. I hope you got a refund.

If you really were a major in American History you would know the answer to that question. Stop with the insults already.
Or are you going to declare that the Great Lakes and Pennsylvania are also part of the "west" like you've declared Ohio to be? (eye roll)

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