So how many of you have jumped off the Trump Train?

Do you regret voting for President Trump?

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Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
I voted for Trump. I wasn't a Trump supporter, but I hate Hillary.

These past two years have made me a Trump supporter. These people in DC have lost their minds. They hire a bunch of corrupt investigators to try to destroy his life just because he beat a bunch of professional politicians.
No, I have not jumped off. He is the first President since Reagan to actually do what he said he would do when campaigning. He's either done it, doing it, or at least attempting to do it. His own Party hates him, and fights him.

Just look at the economy, energy prices, regulatory reductions, attempts to secure the border, and many other factors.
I voted for Trump. I wasn't a Trump supporter, but I hate Hillary.

These past two years have made me a Trump supporter. These people in DC have lost their minds. They hire a bunch of corrupt investigators to try to destroy his life just because he beat a bunch of professional politicians.
The media is trying to destroy underage kids lives because they support Trump. Liberalism needs to be destroyed.
I voted for Trump. I wasn't a Trump supporter, but I hate Hillary.

These past two years have made me a Trump supporter. These people in DC have lost their minds. They hire a bunch of corrupt investigators to try to destroy his life just because he beat a bunch of professional politicians.
The media is trying to destroy underage kids lives because they support Trump. Liberalism needs to be destroyed.

It is so easy to do too. Just expose it for what it is.

When McCain was refusing to either resign or die and was grandstanding about Obamacare. I used to tell the people I know cheering him on that if you think for 2 seconds that you would be receiving the same level of treatment for brain cancer if you are his age.

Socialism (Liberalism) is for the socialist not the people.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Your poll is a false dichotomy.

You need a third option in your poll. "I would rather stick needles in my eyes than vote for Trump or Clinton."

That's the one I chose in 2016.

Just because someone never, or does not, support Trump, it does not automatically follow they support Clinton. I'm sick of people making that stupid assumption.
No, I have not jumped off. He is the first President since Reagan to actually do what he said he would do when campaigning. He's either done it, doing it, or at least attempting to do it. His own Party hates him, and fights him.

Just look at the economy, energy prices, regulatory reductions, attempts to secure the border, and many other factors.
Wow. I shouldn't be surprised any more that there are still rubes who have not caught on they were massively hoaxed by Trump, but I still am.
Trump is doing a great job, no matter what 99% of the media says about him. As pawns of the Democrats, the media can only influence the weak minded, and the stupid, who vote solely Democrat anyway.
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I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Didn't vote at all, and was never on the train.

That said, this whole thing with Mueller is the biggest travesty in Murican history...He and his band of grand inquisitors should be behind bars.
Trumpers on THIS forum leaving Trump?

These are the Trumpiest of the the Trumpers.

THESE people literally could see a video of Trump shooting a baby in the head and scream "FAKE NEWS"!
34 indictments, doubled the deficit; turned the entire world against us (except a KGB thug who interfered in our election); saddled the unborn with trillions more debt; stopped the eight year skyrocketing stock market dead in its tracks; got even die-hard evangelicals to celebrate adultery, bearing false witness and theft.

What's not to like?
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Didn't vote at all, and was never on the train.

That said, this whole thing with Mueller is the biggest travesty in Murican history...He and his band of grand inquisitors should be behind bars.
You didn't try to send in an absentee ballot from Kiev?
What did Obama accomplish in his TWO TERMS? Obamacare? That's essentially gone. What else? Oh, yeah the multiple Trillion dollar stimuli increased our debt more than any other President COMBINED! Thanks Obama!
Trumpers on THIS forum leaving Trump?

These are the Trumpiest of the the Trumpers.

THESE people literally could see a video of Trump shooting a baby in the head and scream "FAKE NEWS"!
Meanwhile in New York......Real Babies are being Murdered daily, even right up until seconds before they are born. Only they stab them between the eyes with a scalpel, or forceps, or burn them alive with a toxic saline solution, or just yank them out by the roots and separate them from the placenta, or they use what amounts to a blender attached to a vacumn hose and just chop them up inside the mother's womb and suck the bloody baby parts out for resale.

They tend to not want chopped up babyies though, because they can get more parts to sell, and get more money for them, leaving the baby intact as much as is possible.

God will Judge New York, and he will Judge all the wicked people that approved of these practices.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.
Didn't vote at all, and was never on the train.

That said, this whole thing with Mueller is the biggest travesty in Murican history...He and his band of grand inquisitors should be behind bars.
You didn't try to send in an absentee ballot from Kiev?
Do you have mommy check under your bed at night, to make sure that there aren't any RUSSIANS! under there to get you?
Doubled the deficit; turned the entire world against us (except a KGB thug who interfered in our election); saddled the unborn with trillions more debt; stopped the eight year skyrocketing stock market dead in its tracks; got even die-hard evangelicals to celebrate adultery, bearing false witness and theft.

What's not to like?

And yet he has accomplished more in two years than the previous two buffoons that occupied the office did in 16 years.
I will neither defend nor convict President Trump in this post. The only question is: "Do you regret having voting for him in 2016"?

Obviously you would have had to have voted for him to give an honest yes or no answer, so the poll is set up to display all votes publicly.

I was never on Trump train and will not vote for him in 2020. If Democrats run some idiot I will go third party again.

Sorry but I wi not vote for this nonsense!
Trumpers on THIS forum leaving Trump?

These are the Trumpiest of the the Trumpers.

THESE people literally could see a video of Trump shooting a baby in the head and scream "FAKE NEWS"!
Like I said

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