So I Turn On C-Span, To The March -

clearly, you've got a problem with the first

Not at all. I one-hundred percent support their right to make asses of themselves. The intentions of their masters have been clear for decades.

It is of no consequence, however. The country will not be going that way.

That is disgusting since many of them watched their friends die with their blood ripunning all over.

Very few of them saw that. Most of these kids are brainwashed dupes put up to it by their teachers and the fake news media.
The march is actually a threat to the first amendment. Let’s all make sure to point that out as frequently as possible

Do you believe (notice I did not write think) anyone other than stupid people like you will believe your idiot-grams?
I never use the word "think" in reference to liberals. The concept is alien to them. In fact, it would require them to have that ability.

^^^^ This:


- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Cameron Kasky = piece of human waste, Defective DNA:


^^^^ Typical Leftist Commie Pro-Violence Thug, not the date of his Tweets especially his Tweet hoping that everyone at the NRA shoot themselves, so Cameron Big Nose Kasky was already on board the Gun Grabbing Agenda BEFORE the school shoot up from Nikolas Cruz.

Children learn in the home, well look at the teacher Cameron has his Big Nose father Jeff.

Jeff Kasky = piece of human waste, Defective DNA:


^^^^ This piece of human waste needs bringing down, an orchestrated effort to bring this POS down and his POS son with him.

Meanwhile from the below video at Facebook, does David Soy Boi Faggot Hogg sound like any type of role model? No he sounds like a filthy uneducated POS.

I bet that fellas dad works for the fbi.
- and the first thing I see is a big sign stating "Abolish the Second Amendment".

Case closed.

Kids (a massive number of future voters) scare you a lot, don't they?

Good thing that your stored lots of chips and sodas under your bed...(don't forget your guns)
/----/ The only thing that scares us is the ease in which you Libtards manipulate children for your own means.

Notice the complete absense of American flags.

Only White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigots carry American flags, get with the programme :uhoh3:

If you have to march to make a point, debating isn’t on the table and you will listen to them ask them. When your point is to bash the constitution, why would you bring the flag that represents it?

BTW they can always leave and then they don’t have to worry about it

Notice the complete absense of American flags.

Only White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigots carry American flags, get with the programme :uhoh3:

If you have to march to make a point, debating isn’t on the table and you will listen to them ask them. When your point is to bash the constitution, why would you bring the flag that represents it?

They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?

Also that it is a Globally Organised Coordinated March says that The Usual Suspects are funding this.

Notice the complete absense of American flags.

Only White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigots carry American flags, get with the programme :uhoh3:

If you have to march to make a point, debating isn’t on the table and you will listen to them ask them. When your point is to bash the constitution, why would you bring the flag that represents it?

They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?

/----/ Makes you wonder what other rights these foreigners want to take away from us.

Notice the complete absense of American flags.

Only White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigots carry American flags, get with the programme :uhoh3:

If you have to march to make a point, debating isn’t on the table and you will listen to them ask them. When your point is to bash the constitution, why would you bring the flag that represents it?

They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?

Also that it is a Globally Organised Coordinated March says that The Usual Suspects are funding this.

They are trashing our entire constitution they hate America and that includes those in DC

Notice the complete absense of American flags.

Only White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigots carry American flags, get with the programme :uhoh3:

If you have to march to make a point, debating isn’t on the table and you will listen to them ask them. When your point is to bash the constitution, why would you bring the flag that represents it?

They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?

/----/ Makes you wonder what other rights these foreigners want to take away from us.

They want the entire constitution
Notice the complete absense of American flags.

Only White Supremacist/Racist/Nazi/Fascist/Bigots carry American flags, get with the programme :uhoh3:
If you have to march to make a point, debating isn’t on the table and you will listen to them ask them. When your point is to bash the constitution, why would you bring the flag that represents it?

They have a Globally Organised Coordinated March which is happening in Washington DC, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, Madrid etc so NOTHING to do at ALL with some school shooting in Florida that's just the EXCUSE they are using but more to do with an Agenda, if not to do with an Agenda then why the fuck are peoples in London, Paris, Tokyo, Madrid, Sydney etc ALL marching to DEMAND the trashing of America's Second Amendment and marching to DEMAND gun control in America?
/----/ Makes you wonder what other rights these foreigners want to take away from us.
They want the entire constitution
They want your guns, house, car and finally your life
Well, this thread has been co-opted by the dumbest of the dumb, who mock a celebration of democracy in action, and the First Amendment.

Q. Is it any wonder that they support Trump and the Oligarchy, and why they mock We the People, and hate democracy in action!

An Orchestra.

An idiot-gram ^^^. The genre of the Trumpeters. Nothing is ever substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, and that is their strength.
Well, this thread has been co-opted by the dumbest of the dumb, who mock a celebration of democracy in action, and the First Amendment.

Q. Is it any wonder that they support Trump and the Oligarchy, and why they mock We the People, and hate democracy in action!
1.) If you value the First Amendment sooooooooooooooooooooo much, why do you Libtards want to silence the NRA?
2.) We live in a Republic not a Democracy. Democracy is simply mob rule.

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